Drive by shooting in Britain...they confiscated their guns too...right?

Are you claiming all 2 million we've locked up were incarcerated for a gun crimes? If not, your statement is misleading.

i'm saying that if locking people up and shitloads of guns were real deterrents to crime, we'd have the LOWEST crime rates in the Industrialized World, not the highest.

The rest of the world has figured this out. You don't let average citizens have guns, and you don't let their children go to bed hungry at night. That solves MOST of the crime problem. You will have the absolute sociopath who needs to be locked up, of course. But you don't let him get a gun as easily as a gallon of milk.
The thing is that realistic people know these laws don't stop people from doing shit they just are used to punish those who get caught

Which is why I am an advocate for draconian punishment for gun crimes (any crime committed while in the possession of a firearm)

We lock up 2 million people, and that hasn't discouraged anyone from a gun crime.

The ready availability of guns is the problem, not the lack of punishment.

Case in point, the United Kingdom only had 48 gun homicides (and about 600 total homicides) last year.

They only lock up 69,000 people.

We have 11,000 gun homicides despite locking up 2 million people in a prison-industrial complex that eats up 90 BILLION a year.

We lock up mostly non violent and drug offenders we let murderers back out on the street

Life in prison with no parole for any crime committed while in the possession of a gun will indeed reduce gun crimes
The thing is that realistic people know these laws don't stop people from doing shit they just are used to punish those who get caught

Which is why I am an advocate for draconian punishment for gun crimes (any crime committed while in the possession of a firearm)

We lock up 2 million people, and that hasn't discouraged anyone from a gun crime.

The ready availability of guns is the problem, not the lack of punishment.

Case in point, the United Kingdom only had 48 gun homicides (and about 600 total homicides) last year.

They only lock up 69,000 people.

We have 11,000 gun homicides despite locking up 2 million people in a prison-industrial complex that eats up 90 BILLION a year.

Are you claiming all 2 million we've locked up were incarcerated for a gun crimes? If not, your statement is misleading.
He also claims that suicide is gun violence
Are you claiming all 2 million we've locked up were incarcerated for a gun crimes? If not, your statement is misleading.

i'm saying that if locking people up and shitloads of guns were real deterrents to crime, we'd have the LOWEST crime rates in the Industrialized World, not the highest.

The rest of the world has figured this out. You don't let average citizens have guns, and you don't let their children go to bed hungry at night. That solves MOST of the crime problem. You will have the absolute sociopath who needs to be locked up, of course. But you don't let him get a gun as easily as a gallon of milk.

The problem is we let the violent people out
Are you claiming all 2 million we've locked up were incarcerated for a gun crimes? If not, your statement is misleading.

i'm saying that if locking people up and shitloads of guns were real deterrents to crime, we'd have the LOWEST crime rates in the Industrialized World, not the highest.

The rest of the world has figured this out. You don't let average citizens have guns, and you don't let their children go to bed hungry at night. That solves MOST of the crime problem. You will have the absolute sociopath who needs to be locked up, of course. But you don't let him get a gun as easily as a gallon of milk.

Like said if you like it so much better in another country feel free to leave no one will miss you
Can we get a definition of asshole logic please.
Can I help? One definition of asshole logic is assuming that a single incident that happens in another country like like the kind of incident that happens several times each day in the USA is an indication that we are on the right path (as opposed to THEM with their gun control) on the unlimited availability of weaponry. There are probably other definitions too.
We lock up mostly non violent and drug offenders we let murderers back out on the street

Life in prison with no parole for any crime committed while in the possession of a gun will indeed reduce gun crimes

Guy, we lock people for stealing slices of pizza, and that doesn't deter anyone from committing crimes.

Most murders are acts of insanity or acts of rage. People just aren't thinking these things through to the point of "I'd better not or I'm going to get in trouble!"

Again, the Europeans figured this out. Mot people don't need guns and shouldn't have them. which is why htey have very few gun murders. will see....

This story tracks gun smuggling in Europe.....lots of it....

But although the police quickly traced the weapons source in the Paris attacks, stopping criminals and other jihadist cells in Europe from acquiring assault weapons for further attacks might not be so easy, according to police officials.

French police believe rifles are on sale in French cities for between €1,000 and €1,500. Earlier this month, Philippe Capon, head of the French police union UNSA, told Bloomberg News, “The French black market for weapons has been inundated with eastern European war artillery and arms.” A French police source told TIME that the weapons from the Charlie Hebdoattack came from the Balkans.
That is not the only source of weaponry. Donald says he fears that the continent might be facing a fresh influx of weapons from North Africa in the wake of the Arab Spring revolts. In August, 2011, Libyan rebels looted large quantities of mortars, tank shells and other munitions when Moammar Gaddafi’s regime collapsed. Although most of those weapons are believed to have filtered across North and West Africa, some could also have made their way to Europe.
The arms traffickers have flourished in the absence of well-financed antiweapons units in Europe, where law enforcement has for years tended to plow money into stopping drug-dealing and other crimes. “We don’t fully understand the scale of the problem because we have not had specialized units,” says Donald, referring to law-enforcement agencies in different E.U. countries. “It is a question of priorities. Any police officer will tell you it [resources] is a constant struggle.”
The trade in illegal weapons can earn enormous profits for organized criminal gangs — enough to make the risk of capture worthwhile. Donald says recent investigations have found arms traffickers investing about €30,000 in a shipment of Balkan-era weapons, refurbishing them in their garages, then selling them for them for about 10 times the price. “That’s a huge mark-up,” he says.
As Europe struggles to crack down on illegal weapons, some police recruits face a new training exercise: Go buy a Kalashnikov rifle. Donald says that in “a city in Europe,” which he would not name, “very young officers with no training or experience” were recently told to go find an assault weapon on the streets from an illegal arms dealer. “One came back two hours later with an AK-47,” Donald says. “He bought it for €1,000.”

Of guys are right...not a problem....go to sleep everyone......ignore what is happening...the left is in charge...

Seven charged after UK's 'largest ever seizure of firearms'

Seven people have been charged with firearms offences after a cache of weapons including automatic rifles and machine pistols was recovered in the largest seizure of its kind in the UK.
A total of six men and a woman are to appear before magistrates after the chilling stash of deadly weapons was discovered in holdalls and a suitcase.
Following an investigation by the National Crime Agency (NCA) into the suspected importation of firearms, officers seized 22 automatic assault rifles, 9 Skorpion machine pistols, 58 magazines, 2 silencers and around 1,000 live rounds of ammunition following an operation on Tuesday afternoon.
Yeah....not a problem in Britain...they confiscated one can get an illegal gun there.....not at all....

UK terror attack feared amid warnings gangs are smuggling in submachine guns

Fears of a Tunisian style attack on the streets of Britain have been raised after it emerged that criminal gangs have been smuggling powerful submachine guns into the country.
Security chiefs are concerned that the weapons, capable of firing 1,000 rounds a minute, could fall into the hands of would be jihadists.
A report from the National Crime Agency (NCA) published last week into serious and organised crime in the UK, found evidence of an “increased threat” of Czech made Skorpion submachine guns being imported into the UK by street gangs in London and the south east.
So I guess the point of the thread is that unless laws can be 100% effective in stopping crime, we should not have laws
So I guess the point of the thread is that unless laws can be 100% effective in stopping crime, we should not have laws

No...that gun control laws only keep guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens. That when criminals want guns they get guns. That criminals in Europe can get guns as easily as they get them here and their preferred weapons are fully automatic.

And the reason there is more gun murder in the United States is the culture of our criminals, they simply choose to murder people more often than they do in Britain, the rest of Europe, Japan or Australia......

And that that is changing....the criminals in Europe and Australia are catching up.....they were behind us in gun murder and that is can see it happening in the news stories from these countries...but it doesn't support American gun control efforts so it is being ignored......
They need to ban X-boxes in Britain.....

AK-47 rifles can be bought online and smuggled into the UK in game consoles

Criminals can order military firearms on the “dark web” and have them shipped here in bits. They even get instructions on how to assemble the weapons – the type used in the Tunisian beach massacre.
Our undercover reporters were shown several black market websites selling firearms. Chillingly, the explosive Semtex was also on sale.
We launched our probe after a man admitted importing a handgun he bought on an encrypted website.
Darren Hillyer, 38, posed as a woman who wanted revenge on a paedophile ex-lover. He ordered a 9mm Luger pistol and 50 rounds of ammunition, unaware he was dealing with an undercover officer from the National Crime Agency. Hillyer and another man will be sentenced at Bristol Crown Court next month.
In a separate bust, police in Australia seized a disassembled “Uzi-style pistol” in an Xbox case bound for the UK.

The only reason these countries have not had more mass public that their nuts haven't decided to do it.........these countries have all had less gun crime than the U.S. long before they confiscated their guns...and in fact, Britain's gun crime is at the same level it was before the confiscation...they disarmed their population and achieved nothing for it..........

There are still plenty of sites operated by “trusted” gun runners, according to our sources. One Russian-based dealer – who we are not naming – offers sub-machine guns, assault rifles, sniper rifles, pistols and ammunition.
Buyers must pay 30% of the cost up front for “half the weapon”. They pay the balance on delivery. On his site the gun runner, who claims links to Russian special forces, boasts: “I have an opportunity to provide you the best samples of Russian weapons at the best price.”
He offers six modifi ed AK-47s from £1,400 to £2,000. Also on sale are two PK machine guns for £1,700 and a range of pistols.
The seller adds: “We guarantee a successful delivery of the goods.”
Our investigator contacted a UK buyer who paid £580 for a semi-automatic pistol.

So...a deranged European gets one machine pistol and 50 rounds of don't think that is enough for a mass public shooting? You guys can deny reality, the truth and facts all you want......gun violence is going up in those countries with gun confiscation....and there will only be so much time left for you to hide it.......

He said: “It took a few weeks to arrive and I only got a few parts first.
“Then I paid the rest and the next bits came. To be fair it was exactly as promised.
“I wouldn’t say it was the best piece (gun) I’ve had. The trigger was awful and you really have to push the magazine hard to get it to fit…but it works OK.”

And when it happens.....think back to this were the French learned in Charlie Hebdo, and the Paris attack, and the shooting gallery that is Marseilles......and Denmark, and Sweden, and Belgium........deny, deny, deny.....
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and even in gun control paradise...Australia.... immigrant with an illegal pistol in a country, an Island.....that confiscated semi auto pistols....

Fists give way to firearms

The 25-year-old turns his anger on the intervening neighbour and the confrontation quickly escalates to the point where Khaled pulls out a small, loaded Glock pistol.

Without hesitation he cocks his gun, points it in the direction of his neighbour's unit and fires a single shot. The bullet hits just underneath the terrified neighbour's window.

Khaled then gets in his girlfriend's car and they speed off but only get as far as the M5 motorway before they are stopped by police and arrested.

There are extra patrols out in Sydney's west this January night after a spate of nine shootings in just eight days.
The couple are among the first arrested and charged by Operation Spartan, a taskforce launched by police in January 2012 to curb the gun violence erupting across the city.

Over the next 12 months, police make another 114 arrests and laid 1114 charges. But the shootings have not stopped.

There has been more than one public shooting every three days in Sydney in that year and the target is increasingly becoming human life. Among the 135 recorded incidents in the past 12 months, eight men have been shot dead and dozens more injured.

Khaled was recently convicted and sentenced to four years in prison for his hot-headed outburst yet he is part of a growing trend that is alarming police and community leaders in Sydney's west, who have seen bouts of gun violence come and go.

They say young men are now arming themselves with illegal guns to fight the most petty of disputes, driving a spike in public shootings proving difficult to keep under control.

And more on Australia.....the Island that confiscated guns....

''It appears to have become more acceptable to use a gun to settle a difference rather than, say, physical force or a punch. There is definitely an idiot factor in many of these shootings, but just as with shootings involving organised crime, a person is targeted for whatever reason.''


There were further spikes in 2002 and November 2008.

''Every time it looks like the problem has been knocked on the head, or going down, it comes back up again,'' Weatherburn says. ''That's the pattern. Now we are smack bang in the middle of another rise.''

But this time it is different. Previous shooting spates were attributed to disputes and turf wars between crime families or bikie gangs bent on settling long-running scores.

Now, young men with no affiliations to either are arming themselves with illegal guns to settle feuds as insignificant as a misguided compliment or a fight at a party.

The shootings have become more indiscriminate, making the task more difficult for police trying to crack down on the violence.

Again...when it gets to the point where it can't be ignored or covered up....think of this post as the warning you nuts laughed at.....

And who are doing the shootings in get 2 guesses and the first one doesn't count....

Albert Darwiche, whose family was involved in an eight-year conflict with the Razzak family that ended with five people dead and numerous houses shot at, says many of those involved in this wave of shootings are second-generation Middle Eastern men.
Their parents' generation lived with strict family hierarchies yet many of these men have been ''Australianised,'' Darwiche says, ''and have lost the custom of listening to and respecting their parents. When conflicts arise, they prefer to sort it out themselves.


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