Drive by shooting in Britain...they confiscated their guns too...right?

So I guess the point of the thread is that unless laws can be 100% effective in stopping crime, we should not have laws

see....there is that really stupid left wing talking think it is clever don't you.....

I guess the point of the thread is that unless laws can be 100% effective in stopping crime, we should not have laws

That is the approach of morons on the left..........snipe at those who actually know how to control violence because the stupid things you propose do nothing to stop criminals or mass shooters, but you just use them to target law abiding gun owners.

Laws define allowed behavior in a society and define punishment when you break the law. We already have laws that govern the use of guns...if you use guns to commit a crime you go to jail.

If you are a felon, and are simply caught in possession of a gun, you go to jail.

It is no different from traffic laws. The law itself cannot magically keep people from breaking it. It works like this....if you go 36 miles an hour in a 35 mile an hour zone, you get a ticket.....and that is exactly how gun laws actually work....if you use a gun to commit a crime, you go to jail.

It is twits like you who think that laws can actually stop criminal behavior of people who don't care about obeying the seem to think that by saying you can't go 38 in a 35 mile an hour zone somehow, magically, the LAW, will slow that individual down.....I don't know how you think it happens...the inner workings of a left wing brain are unfathomable to a normal person....

But in the real world with real people, people who respect the law drive at 35 miles an hour, those who don't, don't...and when they are caught the get the ticket...

Same as for guns. Those who respect the law.....356,991,876 million gun owners, give or take, don't use their guns to commit gun murder. Those violent criminals who don't respect the law are not stopped by the mere existence of the law.....they break the law, use a gun to commit a murder, are caught and are put in prison........and the democrat prosecutor and judge let them out so they can go and murder again......

So your post is just stupid........try harder next time.
We lock up mostly non violent and drug offenders we let murderers back out on the street

Life in prison with no parole for any crime committed while in the possession of a gun will indeed reduce gun crimes

Guy, we lock people for stealing slices of pizza, and that doesn't deter anyone from committing crimes.

Most murders are acts of insanity or acts of rage. People just aren't thinking these things through to the point of "I'd better not or I'm going to get in trouble!"

Again, the Europeans figured this out. Mot people don't need guns and shouldn't have them. which is why htey have very few gun murders.

Are you claiming that letting them steal without consequences or something so minor it makes no difference will be a deterrent?

Who the hell are you to determine what someone else needs? I don't think you need food, therefore, it will be taken from you. See how that works?
Are you claiming all 2 million we've locked up were incarcerated for a gun crimes? If not, your statement is misleading.

i'm saying that if locking people up and shitloads of guns were real deterrents to crime, we'd have the LOWEST crime rates in the Industrialized World, not the highest.

The rest of the world has figured this out. You don't let average citizens have guns, and you don't let their children go to bed hungry at night. That solves MOST of the crime problem. You will have the absolute sociopath who needs to be locked up, of course. But you don't let him get a gun as easily as a gallon of milk.

I don't let MY children go to bed hungry. I also have the 2nd amendment to back up my RIGHT to own a gun. Don't like it. Tough shit.
Oh....and for an island nation there certainly are a lot of ways to smuggle guns......lorrys....that would be game consoles.....and thousands of light aircraft......but don't worry.....Britain banned that means bad guys can't get them...right?

Illegal immigrants, guns and drugs 'smuggled into Britain on light aircraft'

There are almost 20,000 light aircraft registered in the UK, and 47,000 Civil Aviation Authority-licensed pilots.
The agency said that organised criminals and terrorists use the aviation sector for crimes ranging from illegal immigration, importing hard drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines, and trafficking firearms.
"Drive by shooting in Britain...they confiscated their guns too...right?"


Your guns aren't going to be 'confiscated.'
The message is that there would be many more, like in America, without the law.

You can tell a defective asshole by statements such as, "That did not stop ALL such incidents", implying that failure. That is asshole logic.

well...twit...what this shows is that criminals in Britain...a country that confiscated guns......can get fully automatic rifles whenever they want or need them. The only difference between British criminals and American criminals is that American criminals commit murder more often......but that is changing....gangs in Europe and Australia are using guns more often...and younger.........they are just behind us in their gun crime but they are going to catch up...even with the confiscation of their guns...

Gun laws don't stop criminals......they stop normal people.....

Washington DC - strictest gun laws in the country - Democrat Chicago - strict gun laws - Democrat Detroit - strict gun laws - Democrat On and on. See any similarities here? Democrat controlled - high murder rate - strict gun laws.
and the flow of weapons into those areas from places with lax gun laws - that doesn't factor into it for you, does it?
The message is that there would be many more, like in America, without the law.

You can tell a defective asshole by statements such as, "That did not stop ALL such incidents", implying that failure. That is asshole logic.

well...twit...what this shows is that criminals in Britain...a country that confiscated guns......can get fully automatic rifles whenever they want or need them. The only difference between British criminals and American criminals is that American criminals commit murder more often......but that is changing....gangs in Europe and Australia are using guns more often...and younger.........they are just behind us in their gun crime but they are going to catch up...even with the confiscation of their guns...

Gun laws don't stop criminals......they stop normal people.....

Washington DC - strictest gun laws in the country - Democrat Chicago - strict gun laws - Democrat Detroit - strict gun laws - Democrat On and on. See any similarities here? Democrat controlled - high murder rate - strict gun laws.
and the flow of weapons into those areas from places with lax gun laws - that doesn't factor into it for you, does it?

And of course that is stupid. A stupid talking point by people who don't study the issue but sqwauk whatever anti gun talking point the anti gun nuts put out there.....

Why does New York, and L.A. have lower gun crime rates combined than Chicago, do their criminals not know how to drive out of state? ...and why does Houston.....with gun stores all over the state, with people carrying guns and easy access to guns, not have a higher gun murder rate than chicago...

And why does Vermont....where they essentially have no gun laws...why isn't Vermont a hell hole....

Europe has lax gun laws.....really? You can't buy any of those know...the fully automatic ones the criminals where exactly are they getting them from on the Island nation of Britain?
The message is that there would be many more, like in America, without the law.

You can tell a defective asshole by statements such as, "That did not stop ALL such incidents", implying that failure. That is asshole logic.

well...twit...what this shows is that criminals in Britain...a country that confiscated guns......can get fully automatic rifles whenever they want or need them. The only difference between British criminals and American criminals is that American criminals commit murder more often......but that is changing....gangs in Europe and Australia are using guns more often...and younger.........they are just behind us in their gun crime but they are going to catch up...even with the confiscation of their guns...

Gun laws don't stop criminals......they stop normal people.....

Washington DC - strictest gun laws in the country - Democrat Chicago - strict gun laws - Democrat Detroit - strict gun laws - Democrat On and on. See any similarities here? Democrat controlled - high murder rate - strict gun laws.
and the flow of weapons into those areas from places with lax gun laws - that doesn't factor into it for you, does it?

And of course that is stupid. A stupid talking point by people who don't study the issue but sqwauk whatever anti gun talking point the anti gun nuts put out there.....

Why does New York, and L.A. have lower gun crime rates combined than Chicago, do their criminals not know how to drive out of state? ...and why does Houston.....with gun stores all over the state, with people carrying guns and easy access to guns, not have a higher gun murder rate than chicago...

And why does Vermont....where they essentially have no gun laws...why isn't Vermont a hell hole....

Europe has lax gun laws.....really? You can't buy any of those know...the fully automatic ones the criminals where exactly are they getting them from on the Island nation of Britain?
lots of factors in crime other than the availability of weapons.
but don't point to gun laws and say that they aren't effective when it's as easy as taking a one hour car ride to skirt them.
The message is that there would be many more, like in America, without the law.

You can tell a defective asshole by statements such as, "That did not stop ALL such incidents", implying that failure. That is asshole logic.

well...twit...what this shows is that criminals in Britain...a country that confiscated guns......can get fully automatic rifles whenever they want or need them. The only difference between British criminals and American criminals is that American criminals commit murder more often......but that is changing....gangs in Europe and Australia are using guns more often...and younger.........they are just behind us in their gun crime but they are going to catch up...even with the confiscation of their guns...

Gun laws don't stop criminals......they stop normal people.....

Washington DC - strictest gun laws in the country - Democrat Chicago - strict gun laws - Democrat Detroit - strict gun laws - Democrat On and on. See any similarities here? Democrat controlled - high murder rate - strict gun laws.
and the flow of weapons into those areas from places with lax gun laws - that doesn't factor into it for you, does it?

And of course that is stupid. A stupid talking point by people who don't study the issue but sqwauk whatever anti gun talking point the anti gun nuts put out there.....

Why does New York, and L.A. have lower gun crime rates combined than Chicago, do their criminals not know how to drive out of state? ...and why does Houston.....with gun stores all over the state, with people carrying guns and easy access to guns, not have a higher gun murder rate than chicago...

And why does Vermont....where they essentially have no gun laws...why isn't Vermont a hell hole....

Europe has lax gun laws.....really? You can't buy any of those know...the fully automatic ones the criminals where exactly are they getting them from on the Island nation of Britain?
lots of factors in crime other than the availability of weapons.
but don't point to gun laws and say that they aren't effective when it's as easy as taking a one hour car ride to skirt them.

Yeah...but that isn't what you posted is it......your post implied the only reason was driving across a driving to Puerto Rico.....oh...that's right....Puerto Rico is an can't just drive across a border...and they have stricter gun laws than the rest of the United States...and they are the gun murder capital of the world...according to VICE t.v.

There are states with gun stores, gun shows and people carrying guns all over the place and they don't have the crime rates of these democrat controlled cities......the problem is Democrat policies, not guns. In Chicago...the gangs control their ward aldermen......and in other places, like Baltimore, the democrats and their minions have made it easier for cops to sit on their hands than to enforce the laws.....and that is also happening in Chicago...

Guns are not the problem...there are 357 million guns in the country. There were 8,124 gun murders in 2014, the majority of which were committed by career, violent, repeat offenders while the rest of the 356,991,876 million guns in private hands wer not used in any crimes...

We do not have a gun problem...we have a violent criminal problem...but while you guys obsess with law abiding gun owners and pass laws targeting non criminals.....the actual violent career criminals are murdering people......focus on criminals, not gun owners and you will lower the gun crime rate.
"Drive by shooting in Britain...they confiscated their guns too...right?"


Your guns aren't going to be 'confiscated.'

You should pass that along to many of your ideology. Many say guns should. When statement like "only certain people should have guns", "you don't need guns", and the like, it's not hard to tell that's what they believe.
"Drive by shooting in Britain...they confiscated their guns too...right?"


Your guns aren't going to be 'confiscated.'

You should pass that along to many of your ideology. Many say guns should. When statement like "only certain people should have guns", "you don't need guns", and the like, it's not hard to tell that's what they believe.

Obama plainly stated his beliefs to John Lott when they were at the University of Chicago...when obama was pretending to teach law........he told John Lott people should not be able to own guns...........

and as we see across the country...something has gotten the anti gun loons feeling froggy....they are coming out from the shadows with their true Washington state, Georgia, California, New York...anywhere where the democrats are working to crush other freedoms, they are coming out against guns....
"Drive by shooting in Britain...they confiscated their guns too...right?"


Your guns aren't going to be 'confiscated.'

You should pass that along to many of your ideology. Many say guns should. When statement like "only certain people should have guns", "you don't need guns", and the like, it's not hard to tell that's what they believe.

Obama plainly stated his beliefs to John Lott when they were at the University of Chicago...when obama was pretending to teach law........he told John Lott people should not be able to own guns...........

and as we see across the country...something has gotten the anti gun loons feeling froggy....they are coming out from the shadows with their true Washington state, Georgia, California, New York...anywhere where the democrats are working to crush other freedoms, they are coming out against guns....
show the quote
"Drive by shooting in Britain...they confiscated their guns too...right?"


Your guns aren't going to be 'confiscated.'

You should pass that along to many of your ideology. Many say guns should. When statement like "only certain people should have guns", "you don't need guns", and the like, it's not hard to tell that's what they believe.

Obama plainly stated his beliefs to John Lott when they were at the University of Chicago...when obama was pretending to teach law........he told John Lott people should not be able to own guns...........

and as we see across the country...something has gotten the anti gun loons feeling froggy....they are coming out from the shadows with their true Washington state, Georgia, California, New York...anywhere where the democrats are working to crush other freedoms, they are coming out against guns....
show the quote

FLASHBACK--Author Quotes Then-Professor Obama Saying: 'I Don't Believe People Should Be Able To Own Guns'
"Drive by shooting in Britain...they confiscated their guns too...right?"


Your guns aren't going to be 'confiscated.'

You should pass that along to many of your ideology. Many say guns should. When statement like "only certain people should have guns", "you don't need guns", and the like, it's not hard to tell that's what they believe.

Obama plainly stated his beliefs to John Lott when they were at the University of Chicago...when obama was pretending to teach law........he told John Lott people should not be able to own guns...........

and as we see across the country...something has gotten the anti gun loons feeling froggy....they are coming out from the shadows with their true Washington state, Georgia, California, New York...anywhere where the democrats are working to crush other freedoms, they are coming out against guns....
show the quote

FLASHBACK--Author Quotes Then-Professor Obama Saying: 'I Don't Believe People Should Be Able To Own Guns'
Most people shouldn't, and have no need. That time has come, and gone.
"Drive by shooting in Britain...they confiscated their guns too...right?"


Your guns aren't going to be 'confiscated.'

You should pass that along to many of your ideology. Many say guns should. When statement like "only certain people should have guns", "you don't need guns", and the like, it's not hard to tell that's what they believe.

Obama plainly stated his beliefs to John Lott when they were at the University of Chicago...when obama was pretending to teach law........he told John Lott people should not be able to own guns...........

and as we see across the country...something has gotten the anti gun loons feeling froggy....they are coming out from the shadows with their true Washington state, Georgia, California, New York...anywhere where the democrats are working to crush other freedoms, they are coming out against guns....
show the quote

FLASHBACK--Author Quotes Then-Professor Obama Saying: 'I Don't Believe People Should Be Able To Own Guns'
Most people shouldn't, and have no need. That time has come, and gone.

Tell that to the Chinese, Russians, Armenians, Germans, especially the Jews of Europe....the Rwandans, the Mexican citizens on the border....I am sure they will disagree with you....
"Drive by shooting in Britain...they confiscated their guns too...right?"


Your guns aren't going to be 'confiscated.'

You should pass that along to many of your ideology. Many say guns should. When statement like "only certain people should have guns", "you don't need guns", and the like, it's not hard to tell that's what they believe.

Obama plainly stated his beliefs to John Lott when they were at the University of Chicago...when obama was pretending to teach law........he told John Lott people should not be able to own guns...........

and as we see across the country...something has gotten the anti gun loons feeling froggy....they are coming out from the shadows with their true Washington state, Georgia, California, New York...anywhere where the democrats are working to crush other freedoms, they are coming out against guns....
show the quote

FLASHBACK--Author Quotes Then-Professor Obama Saying: 'I Don't Believe People Should Be Able To Own Guns'
Most people shouldn't, and have no need. That time has come, and gone.

Interesting that YOU think you're the one to make that determination. I bet you think you're on the list of those who should.
You should pass that along to many of your ideology. Many say guns should. When statement like "only certain people should have guns", "you don't need guns", and the like, it's not hard to tell that's what they believe.

Obama plainly stated his beliefs to John Lott when they were at the University of Chicago...when obama was pretending to teach law........he told John Lott people should not be able to own guns...........

and as we see across the country...something has gotten the anti gun loons feeling froggy....they are coming out from the shadows with their true Washington state, Georgia, California, New York...anywhere where the democrats are working to crush other freedoms, they are coming out against guns....
show the quote

FLASHBACK--Author Quotes Then-Professor Obama Saying: 'I Don't Believe People Should Be Able To Own Guns'
Most people shouldn't, and have no need. That time has come, and gone.

Tell that to the Chinese, Russians, Armenians, Germans, especially the Jews of Europe....the Rwandans, the Mexican citizens on the border....I am sure they will disagree with you....

What you'll find interesting is that he thinks he should be on the short list of those who should own them.
"Drive by shooting in Britain...they confiscated their guns too...right?"


Your guns aren't going to be 'confiscated.'

You should pass that along to many of your ideology. Many say guns should. When statement like "only certain people should have guns", "you don't need guns", and the like, it's not hard to tell that's what they believe.

Obama plainly stated his beliefs to John Lott when they were at the University of Chicago...when obama was pretending to teach law........he told John Lott people should not be able to own guns...........

and as we see across the country...something has gotten the anti gun loons feeling froggy....they are coming out from the shadows with their true Washington state, Georgia, California, New York...anywhere where the democrats are working to crush other freedoms, they are coming out against guns....
show the quote

FLASHBACK--Author Quotes Then-Professor Obama Saying: 'I Don't Believe People Should Be Able To Own Guns'

From that link....

In Chapter Three, Mr. Lott discusses gun-control and takes the reader back to his time at the University of Chicago, where he and then-professor Barack Obama spoke on numerous occasions about guns in America.
"I don't believe people should be able to own guns," Obama told Lott one day at the University of Chicago Law School.
Lott explains that he first met Obama shortly after completing his research on concealed handgun laws and crime.
"He did not come across as a moderate who wanted to bring people together," Lott writes.
After he introduced himself to Obama, Lott suggested that they have lunch one day to discuss their views on guns. According to Lott, Obama "grimaced and turned away." That was the way many conversations with Obama ended, Lott says.
Although the Law School was famous for the openness of its faculty and friendly engagement, Lott says, "Obama...preferred silent, scowling disdain to collegiality."
President Barack Obama describes his views on guns much differently now that he is on the national stage, Lott believes, pointing to an interview on Fox News in which Obama states, "I have said consistently that I believe that the Second Amendment is an individual right."
But, Lott isn't convinced:
"Despite his assurance to Fox News that he understands the Second Amendment, it's a good bet that the positions Obama took on guns during his time at Chicago reveal his true convictions."

The chapter documents the actions that Obama has taken on guns, citing the following:

  • In 1996, Obama supported a ban on handguns
  • In 1998, he supported a ban on the sale of all semi-automatic guns
  • In 2004, he advocated banning gun sales within five miles of a school or park, which would have shut down nearly all gun stores
You should pass that along to many of your ideology. Many say guns should. When statement like "only certain people should have guns", "you don't need guns", and the like, it's not hard to tell that's what they believe.

Obama plainly stated his beliefs to John Lott when they were at the University of Chicago...when obama was pretending to teach law........he told John Lott people should not be able to own guns...........

and as we see across the country...something has gotten the anti gun loons feeling froggy....they are coming out from the shadows with their true Washington state, Georgia, California, New York...anywhere where the democrats are working to crush other freedoms, they are coming out against guns....
show the quote

FLASHBACK--Author Quotes Then-Professor Obama Saying: 'I Don't Believe People Should Be Able To Own Guns'
Most people shouldn't, and have no need. That time has come, and gone.

Tell that to the Chinese, Russians, Armenians, Germans, especially the Jews of Europe....the Rwandans, the Mexican citizens on the border....I am sure they will disagree with you....
I don't give a fuck if all but 11 people on the damn planet agree with me, I'm still correct.

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