Drive by shooting in England just days after mass public shooting in England. 5 shooters on the scene of barbecue.

You still didn't answer the question...

A woman is grabbed by a violent serial rapist at a bus stop, a train platform or in her apartment...he plans on beating, raping and murdering her. She has a gun, and can stop the rape with the gun......

Do you want her to use that gun to stop the rape?

You are given the ability to travel in time......knowing this woman is about to be brutally beaten, raped and you go back in time and take that gun away from her before the rape?
Saying they have to use a straw buyer doesn't make it so. No straw buyer needed if there is no check to worry about you dumb ass.
No need to jump through all those hoops. A crook can just buy the gun with no obligation for anybody to do any kind of check. Why is it so important to you that any crook that wants a gun can get a gun?

And you are an asshole who couldn't tell the truth if your life depended on it.....criminals can't just buy guns. They are banned from buying guns, and if caught trying to buy a gun, or in possession of a gun they are arrested...

The Straw buyer who bought the gun did so with the intent of making an illegal sale....

They passed your glorious background check and wouldn't have done a background check for the criminals since he intentionally sold the gun to a idiot...

Again...the questions you refuse to answer..

A woman is grabbed by a violent serial rapist at a bus stop, a train platform or in her apartment...he plans on beating, raping and murdering her. She has a gun, and can stop the rape with the gun......

Do you want her to use that gun to stop the rape?

You are given the ability to travel in time......knowing this woman is about to be brutally beaten, raped and you go back in time and take that gun away from her before the rape?
Saying they have to use a straw buyer doesn't make it so. No straw buyer needed if there is no check to worry about you dumb ass. many times do you have to be told......a criminal cannot walk into a gun store and buy a gun without a background check.....they do not use individual sellers that they randomly meet because they are afraid of those sellers are police....

They use baby mommas......sisters.....mothers....grandmothers, and straw buyers they know, who know they are felons.........and who make an arrangement to buy illegal idiot...

You only want universal background checks because you want gun registration...

Meanwhile.....answer these questions...

A woman is grabbed by a violent serial rapist at a bus stop, a train platform or in her apartment...he plans on beating, raping and murdering her. She has a gun, and can stop the rape with the gun......

Do you want her to use that gun to stop the rape?

You are given the ability to travel in time......knowing this woman is about to be brutally beaten, raped and you go back in time and take that gun away from her before the rape?
And you are an asshole who couldn't tell the truth if your life depended on it.....criminals can't just buy guns. They are banned from buying guns, and if caught trying to buy a gun, or in possession of a gun they are arrested...

The Straw buyer who bought the gun did so with the intent of making an illegal sale....

They passed your glorious background check and wouldn't have done a background check for the criminals since he intentionally sold the gun to a idiot...

Again...the questions you refuse to answer..

A woman is grabbed by a violent serial rapist at a bus stop, a train platform or in her apartment...he plans on beating, raping and murdering her. She has a gun, and can stop the rape with the gun......

Do you want her to use that gun to stop the rape?

You are given the ability to travel in time......knowing this woman is about to be brutally beaten, raped and you go back in time and take that gun away from her before the rape?
So when a straw buyer buys a gun for a criminal, why does he do it? He's placing himself in potential jeopardy for what? Most likely, he makes a few dollars off the deal. The bad guy can buy one from an individual seller who doesn't know them, and doesn't care if the sale is legal. The seller has no liability either way. I know you have spewed your crap about straw buyers for a long time, but it just isn't accurate. Why would a crook pay more for a gun from a straw buyer when he doesn't have to? You still haven't said why you are so adamant to defend the right of crooks to easily buy as many guns as they want. many times do you have to be told......a criminal cannot walk into a gun store and buy a gun without a background check.....they do not use individual sellers that they randomly meet because they are afraid of those sellers are police....

They use baby mommas......sisters.....mothers....grandmothers, and straw buyers they know, who know they are felons.........and who make an arrangement to buy illegal idiot...

You only want universal background checks because you want gun registration...

Meanwhile.....answer these questions...

A woman is grabbed by a violent serial rapist at a bus stop, a train platform or in her apartment...he plans on beating, raping and murdering her. She has a gun, and can stop the rape with the gun......

Do you want her to use that gun to stop the rape?

You are given the ability to travel in time......knowing this woman is about to be brutally beaten, raped and you go back in time and take that gun away from her before the rape?
You're such a silly goose. Are you really too stupid to understand I'm not talking about buying a gun from a licensed dealer? Licensed dealears do background checks. Individual sellers don't. Your silly question has nothing to do with where crooks get their guns.
So when a straw buyer buys a gun for a criminal, why does he do it? He's placing himself in potential jeopardy for what? Most likely, he makes a few dollars off the deal. The bad guy can buy one from an individual seller who doesn't know them, and doesn't care if the sale is legal. The seller has no liability either way. I know you have spewed your crap about straw buyers for a long time, but it just isn't accurate. Why would a crook pay more for a gun from a straw buyer when he doesn't have to? You still haven't said why you are so adamant to defend the right of crooks to easily buy as many guns as they want.

Are you dumb? Straw buyers are dumb but they sell the guns for money, you idiot. Or, in the case of baby mommas, girlfriends,mothers and grand
Mothers they often buy the guns under threat of physical violence.
You're such a silly goose. Are you really too stupid to understand I'm not talking about buying a gun from a licensed dealer? Licensed dealears do background checks. Individual sellers don't. Your silly question has nothing to do with where crooks get their guns.
Moron there arent enough “ indivdual” sellers selling their private guns to supply criminals which is another reason the criminals dont buy from individual sellers and why iniversal background checks are simply a fig leaf for gun registration
So when a straw buyer buys a gun for a criminal, why does he do it? He's placing himself in potential jeopardy for what? Most likely, he makes a few dollars off the deal. The bad guy can buy one from an individual seller who doesn't know them, and doesn't care if the sale is legal. The seller has no liability either way. I know you have spewed your crap about straw buyers for a long time, but it just isn't accurate. Why would a crook pay more for a gun from a straw buyer when he doesn't have to? You still haven't said why you are so adamant to defend the right of crooks to easily buy as many guns as they want.

Moron….straw buyers are known to the criminal. It is a criminal deal not a private sale.
So when a straw buyer buys a gun for a criminal, why does he do it? He's placing himself in potential jeopardy for what? Most likely, he makes a few dollars off the deal. The bad guy can buy one from an individual seller who doesn't know them, and doesn't care if the sale is legal. The seller has no liability either way. I know you have spewed your crap about straw buyers for a long time, but it just isn't accurate. Why would a crook pay more for a gun from a straw buyer when he doesn't have to? You still haven't said why you are so adamant to defend the right of crooks to easily buy as many guns as they want.

shithead…..i am the one who wants to keep the criminals caught with illegal guns locked up 30 years while you let them go over and over again.

You catch criminals buying illegal guns the same way you do drug dealers. You use informants you dumb ass and you set up stings with the police. Which is how they caught the guy who sold the guns to the cop killers in chicago. You idiot.
Are you dumb? Straw buyers are dumb but they sell the guns for money, you idiot. Or, in the case of baby mommas, girlfriends,mothers and grand
Mothers they often buy the guns under threat of physical violence.
And not one of them go the easier, cheaper rout and just buy a gun from individual sellers? You're more stupid than I thought.
Moron there arent enough “ indivdual” sellers selling their private guns to supply criminals which is another reason the criminals dont buy from individual sellers and why iniversal background checks are simply a fig leaf for gun registration
Really? You have numbers on how many individual sellers there are? Where did you get that?
shithead…..i am the one who wants to keep the criminals caught with illegal guns locked up 30 years while you let them go over and over again.

You catch criminals buying illegal guns the same way you do drug dealers. You use informants you dumb ass and you set up stings with the police. Which is how they caught the guy who sold the guns to the cop killers in chicago. You idiot.
Yet you are here daily advocating for them to be able to get all the guns they want with no background check. You are a disgusting gun nut. Embrace it, you disgusting fool.
Yet you are here daily advocating for them to be able to get all the guns they want with no background check. You are a disgusting gun nut. Embrace it, you disgusting fool.
Well done! You know he's lost the plot when he starts calling you names and copy/pasting articles he's copy/pasted time, after time, after time. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
woman is grabbed by a violent serial rapist at a bus stop, a train platform or in her apartment...he plans on beating, raping and murdering her. She has a gun, and can stop the rape with the gun......

Do you want her to use that gun to stop the rape?

You are given the ability to travel in time......knowing this woman is about to be brutally beaten, raped and you go back in time and take that gun away from her before the rape?
Of course the woman should have a right to defend herself. But then again, what a right on self defence should be and what scopes it should have.

If a man is approaching her with an intention to rape, he is not armed, there are no eyewitness, he didnt cause physical harm to her previously and she gets a gun and kills him. What the odds are that she will be cleared in a court?

What will be in a similar case if a shooter is a man who tries to prevent himself from getting been robbed?
Of course the woman should have a right to defend herself. But then again, what a right on self defence should be and what scopes it should have.

If a man is approaching her with an intention to rape, he is not armed, there are no eyewitness, he didnt cause physical harm to her previously and she gets a gun and kills him. What the odds are that she will be cleared in a court?

What will be in a similar case if a shooter is a man who tries to prevent himself from getting been robbed?
Furthermore, at what point is the use of deadly force sanctioned? The UK has a legal standard of "reasonable force". This is usually determined by a jury. We had a famous case of Tony Martin, a farmer who shot a 16 year old burglar in the back as he fled and killed him; he was found guilty of murder, although he claimed he was defending his home and property.
And not one of them go the easier, cheaper rout and just buy a gun from individual sellers? You're more stupid than I thought.

Moron........what part of the research do you not understand.........they do not trust people they do not is no different from buying illegal drugs..........they use straw buyers who they have some references for, or family or friend connection...'

You simply denying the truth just shows you are stupid......and do not care about truth, facts or reality.

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