Driverless Car to Deliver Pizza in My Hometown

I can't imagine that's going to work in the winter so I'll probably never see it :/
That's what I've been thinking. What happens when this driverless car hits black ice or tries to drive though eight inches of unplowed snow?

There are a few 'paper streets' in my town. Easements where a street is supposed to be, but, as it turns out, was never developed for one reason or another. Some streets go straight up hill, about a thirty degreee vertical angle. They are never used and never maintained. One runs up toward the high school. Out of town school bus drivers have been guided by GPS to drive up these streets and it always results in a call to AAA to tow their sorry asses out.

But, beyond that, Domino's pizza just sucks. They changed the recipe several years ago and it just ain't the same pie I ate at college in the mid 1970s.

But the kids at that school up north, as the sainted Woody Hayes called it probably won't mind.


I hated dominoes until they changed their recipe...
They should put a piece of wax paper or foil between the pie and the box so we can tell where one ends and the other begins.
In 1992 I created the program that replaced me at my job of updating Pharmacists computers with third party insurance info in between phone calls. I wrote code in VB while answering phones for a living. Space between calls went from none - 15 or 20 minutes. And my code was bug free. That actually got me a promotion.

I didn't know it but I was bi-polar. I didn't have medical and simply thought I had a temper control problem. I had a real bad habit of blowing my money on stripers, and didn't socialize at all with anyone, much less women, outside of work and the strip joint. I found out later these were symptoms of my Bi-Polar disorder. I had an expense account, made 10 bucks and hour and a company car with company gas. and I threw it all away because my boss wanted me to wear a pager. Not only that but I refused to write any code again after that because I saw my boss as a blood sucker sucking my skill out of me and throwing me away once I was burnt out.

I became an assembly worker. Lost that job for daring to ask a girl out on a date.

Years later I finally did something about my emotional rollercoaster ride and begged the VA to help me. They started me off on Xanax and I almost committed suicide. I was a total wreck but was able to keep my job as a Bank courier because nobody was in my car could hear my temper tantrums that I had while doing my job of driving proof work from Brevard to Jacksonville.

They finally hit me with Risperidone and that was like they stole my fire. I was no longer an A type person. But I no longer dreamed of killing my sister or driving my car into a wall. I stopped yelling at the weather and the other traffic and became a balanced B personality.

Then the bank discovered the internet and ended my job.

I'm no longer qualified to write code. And I drove for a living for 25 years in a now obsolete job.

I'm one of the riff raff, and my family, who will starve if they keep automating jobs without giving us welfare.
I'm one of the riff raff, and my family, who will starve if they keep automating jobs without giving us welfare.

Half of all current American jobs will be replaced by tech in the next 10 years (unless saved by bureaucracy). 90% in the next 20 years.

But, there will be new kinds of jobs and huge growth of some existing jobs (e.g. nursing). Welfare and Social Security recipients will expand (be easier to get). Goods will get cheaper, so you won't need as much money.

As long as you're under 30, you should be fine. There's always a job for a pretty face. Don't say I never gave you awesome advice.
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What happens when this driverless car hits black ice or tries to drive though eight inches of unplowed snow?

I'll put my money on the self-driving car over most people, most people being stupid.

Every problem you can conceive of will be programmed into the self-driving cars. The car will have sensors that tell it how the deep the snow is, and it won't go unless it knows it knows it can make it through. And, it'll be able to get through snow when most humans wouldn't be able to (e.g. it won't apply too much torque to the wheels and loose traction, it'll see under the snow the best path, etc.).
I'm one of the riff raff, and my family, who will starve if they keep automating jobs without giving us welfare.

Half of all current American jobs will be replaced by tech in the next 10 years (unless saved by bureaucracy). 90% in the next 20 years.

But, there will be new kinds of jobs and huge growth of some existing jobs (e.g. nursing). Welfare and Social Security recipients will expand (be easier to get). Goods will get cheaper, so you won't need as much money.

As long as you're under 30, you should be fine. There's always a job for a pretty face. Don't say I never gave you awesome advice.
Ya know, every single time we get stuff like this, a job is lost. The ATM's, the self serving lines in grocery stores, the internet shopping, all are job loss'es for us. Until a driverless car can pay taxes, bad idea. I would also like to add, and until the cost of not having people do this, of their products decrease, what the hell is the point? Just more money for the big guys, that's all
You're damn right! More money for the big guys. Keep crying about a 15 dollar/hr minimum wage, and you'll see more automation than you can handle. You'll be doing self checkout at every lane in WalMart, ordering your fast food by pushing a button, while a robot fills your order. Did you really think businesses were going to cave to the petulant demands, of underskilled, and frankly disposable employees? Shiiii... A whole lot of these clowns have let their mouths start writing checks that their ass can't cash. But you know who really wins in all this? The consumer! That's us!
While I think $15 an hour is too much, I myself make $10 an hour, what are we going to do with all these people whose jobs were replaced with machines. Let them starve?
Do like I do, go inside the bank and do your business with a person, bypass the self serving registers and go to a lane with people in it, shop on line, but shop at stores also....the people benefiting from all this easy access....IS WALL STREET, NOT US!!
Ya know, every single time we get stuff like this, a job is lost. The ATM's, the self serving lines in grocery stores, the internet shopping, all are job loss'es for us. Until a driverless car can pay taxes, bad idea. I would also like to add, and until the cost of not having people do this, of their products decrease, what the hell is the point? Just more money for the big guys, that's all

No job lost yet. There will be an employee in this self-driving car. And, we may be years away from human-free pizza delivery.

Every job lost to technology makes the world better for everyone. Consider the logical conclusion: Everyone gets everything they want and no one needs to work. The logical conclusion to your thinking is that the best thing to do is dig holes and fill them in, and endlessly repeat. We'd all have nothing, except jobs (which wouldn't last long because we'd starve).
The day people are no longer apart of the equation of life, is the day, none of us should want to be here.
Horse shit
Let them learn to live within their means, or keep their mouths shut lest they should bite the hand that feeds them. People who insist on getting more money for the same menial work; rather than finding a better paying job... Have little value to society to begin with. As such, they probably shouldn't go about making things harder on themselves.
If they can't live within their means, without welfare, because their job doesn't pay them enough to live on how the fuck do you think they are going to improve themselves and get better jobs?
It is more realistic that they turn to crime or they starve.
Horseshit. Virtually no one starves in the US. But it sure does sound like your greasing the skids for their future criminal behavior...
Short sighted. Look into the future. Where will we end up once we automate all low level jobs.
We'll end up at a place where we no longer need low level people.
And what will we do with those low level people?
Sweetie, contrary to popular the little people, us low level people that keeps the wheels turning in this country and around the world...never forget that, ever!!
Ya know, every single time we get stuff like this, a job is lost. The ATM's, the self serving lines in grocery stores, the internet shopping, all are job loss'es for us. Until a driverless car can pay taxes, bad idea. I would also like to add, and until the cost of not having people do this, of their products decrease, what the hell is the point? Just more money for the big guys, that's all

Don't worry, you're safe until they can automate cleaning the toilets at McDonalds.
Ya know, every single time we get stuff like this, a job is lost. The ATM's, the self serving lines in grocery stores, the internet shopping, all are job loss'es for us. Until a driverless car can pay taxes, bad idea. I would also like to add, and until the cost of not having people do this, of their products decrease, what the hell is the point? Just more money for the big guys, that's all

Don't worry, you're safe until they can automate cleaning the toilets at McDonalds.
If that happens, were on earth will you blow your customers? Just askin!!
Ya know, every single time we get stuff like this, a job is lost. The ATM's, the self serving lines in grocery stores, the internet shopping, all are job loss'es for us. Until a driverless car can pay taxes, bad idea. I would also like to add, and until the cost of not having people do this, of their products decrease, what the hell is the point? Just more money for the big guys, that's all

Don't worry, you're safe until they can automate cleaning the toilets at McDonalds.
If that happens, were on earth will you blow your customers? Just askin!!

I don't go that way. But if I did it would be the same place your mother blows me.
Tire spike strip, one bat, and a hoodie. Means free pizza down the street.

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