Driving Annoyances - which is MOST annoying?

What Annoys you MOST while Driving?

  • Not paying attention to traffic light

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Weaving in and out of lanes

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • People on cell phones

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Merging at the last minute when a lane ends

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Not using turn signal

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Throwing cigarettes (or trash) out the window

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Leaving large gaps at a light so you can't get into the turn lane

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 26.3%

  • Total voters
If a person is texting the average distraction period is approximately 5 seconds, at 55 MPH that's the amount of time a vehicle will cover the length of a football field............. It can take less than a second for disaster to strike........
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If you do any highway driving put your vehicle on cruise control (if it's working properly and you're not in steep hills or mountains) and watch all the distracted drivers around you. When you're passing someone they often will unconsciously speed up till they wake up and slow back down, some drivers passing you will slow and sit on your rear quarter panel till they wake up and remember they're passing you. Most of the time they look like they're in another world (mental cruise control), talking/texting on a phone or talking with passenger(s), the latter two are the worst.
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If you do any highway driving put your vehicle on cruise control (if it's working properly and you're not in steep hills or mountains) and watch all the distracted drivers around you. When you're passing someone they often will unconsciously speed up till they wake up and slow back down, some drivers passing you will slow and sit on your rear quarter panel till they wake up and remember they're passing you. Most of the time they look like they're in another world (mental cruise control), talking/texting on a phone or talking with passenger(s), the latter two are the worst.

Most of my driving is the coast highway and it is like a roller coaster and very winding involving many posted changes in the speed limit which I am the only one who pays attention to. The rest are asleep at the wheel ( probably on cruise? ) I put my and their lives at risk by following too closely though not too tailgating ( left foot hovering over the brake pedal ) and passing with risks. I will be a race car driver in a future life, maybe sooner than later?? :rofl:

I am a skilled driver but lack patience on the road, when following behind those driving too cautiously for road conditions. I love being behind drivers who whip in and out and go the speed limit or faster. Most of these competent drivers are men. Just a fact, ;)
- People who drive slowly in the Fast Lane.
- Car pool lanes
- Prius drivers
If you do any highway driving put your vehicle on cruise control (if it's working properly and you're not in steep hills or mountains) and watch all the distracted drivers around you. When you're passing someone they often will unconsciously speed up till they wake up and slow back down, some drivers passing you will slow and sit on your rear quarter panel till they wake up and remember they're passing you. Most of the time they look like they're in another world (mental cruise control), talking/texting on a phone or talking with passenger(s), the latter two are the worst.

Most of my driving is the coast highway and it is like a roller coaster and very winding involving many posted changes in the speed limit which I am the only one who pays attention to. The rest are asleep at the wheel ( probably on cruise? ) I put my and their lives at risk by following too closely ( left foot hovering over the brake pedal ) and passing with risks. I will be a race car driver in a future life, maybe sooner than later?? :rofl:

I am a skilled driver but lack patience on the road, when following behind those driving too cautiously for road conditions. I love being behind drivers who whip in and out and go the speed limit or faster. Most of these competent drivers are men. Just a fact, ;)
In my early twenties I would drive my wheelchair bound neighbor to college (we both went to the same school), he had kids my age. He was 100% military disabled but he was also a police driving instructor (classroom) and had raced cars as a youngster. He taught me how to drive safely at any speed and in every weather/road condition. Does that mean I'm a super dooper driver? Not always, yeah even I get distracted from time to time, we all do but thanks to his training and an accident I saw as a kid I've managed to avoid 7 serious accidents that happened right in front of me. There was only one serious accident in front of me that nothing I could do kept me out of it, DC Beltway, rush hour traffic in the rain. I was in the far left lane behind a station wagon, where I66 merged 5 lanes to the right a white van was cut off, the driver hit the brakes and went into a spin across all 5 lanes, I started slowing and pulled into the median, the station wagon broadsided the van and bounced over into the median at a dead stop right in front of me, I nailed the back end of it at around 45-50 MPH. This all happened within a couple of seconds. How the white van managed to make it though those five lanes without being hit before impacting the vehicle in from of me is a mystery to me even today as traffic was that heavy.
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Reactions: Ava
what puts you into a state of road rage?
People who purposely do something stupid and then give you that lame wave as if that makes it ok.
Most people are constantly distracted while driving (means they're not constantly focused on driving) therefore are not doing stupid things on purpose. The wave is an acknowledgement that they were being stupid and that they're saying sorry. Don't take it personally.
what puts you into a state of road rage?
People who purposely do something stupid and then give you that lame wave as if that makes it ok.
Most people are constantly distracted while driving (means they're not constantly focused on driving) therefore are not doing stupid things on purpose. The wave is an acknowledgement that they were being stupid and that they're saying sorry. Don't take it personally.

No its being stupid on purpose........they are more important than you so you must yield to their unsafe maneuver .......... the wave is just to rub it in
If you do any highway driving put your vehicle on cruise control (if it's working properly and you're not in steep hills or mountains) and watch all the distracted drivers around you. When you're passing someone they often will unconsciously speed up till they wake up and slow back down, some drivers passing you will slow and sit on your rear quarter panel till they wake up and remember they're passing you. Most of the time they look like they're in another world (mental cruise control), talking/texting on a phone or talking with passenger(s), the latter two are the worst.

Most of my driving is the coast highway and it is like a roller coaster and very winding involving many posted changes in the speed limit which I am the only one who pays attention to. The rest are asleep at the wheel ( probably on cruise? ) I put my and their lives at risk by following too closely ( left foot hovering over the brake pedal ) and passing with risks. I will be a race car driver in a future life, maybe sooner than later?? :rofl:

I am a skilled driver but lack patience on the road, when following behind those driving too cautiously for road conditions. I love being behind drivers who whip in and out and go the speed limit or faster. Most of these competent drivers are men. Just a fact, ;)
In my early twenties I would drive my wheelchair bound neighbor to college (we both went to the same school), he had kids my age. He was 100% military disabled but he was also a police driving instructor (classroom) and had raced cars as a youngster. He taught me how to drive safely at any speed and in every weather/road condition. Does that mean I'm a super dooper driver? Not always, yeah even I get distracted from time to time, we all do but thanks to his training and an accident I saw as a kid I've managed to avoid 7 serious accidents that happened right in front of me. There was only one serious accident in front of me that nothing I could do kept me out of it, DC Beltway, rush hour traffic in the rain. I was in the far left lane behind a station wagon, where I66 merged 5 lanes to the right a white van was cut off, the driver hit the brakes and went into a spin across all 5 lanes, I started slowing and pulled into the median, the station wagon broadsided the van and bounced over into the median at a dead stop right in front of me, I nailed the back end of it at around 45-50 MPH. This all happened within a couple of seconds. How the white van managed to make it though those five lanes without being hit before impacting the vehicle in from of me is a mystery to me even today as traffic was that heavy.


I, too, practice defensive driving. The reasons I feel I am a skilled driver are: 1) I have never been involved in an accident.

2) Many men, and one woman, including Dad, have told me this since I was 14 years young. Dad seldom gave approval to his family, so I was very proud. He said when I was 14, daughter, you are going to be able to drive anything. lol. Loved him for that. It gave me confidence. :thup: I already had courage.

I, too, practice defensive driving. The reasons I feel I am a skilled driver are: 1) I have never been involved in an accident.

2) Many men, and one woman, including Dad, have told me this since I was 14 years young. Dad seldom gave approval to his family, so I was very proud. He said when I was 14, daughter, you are going to be able to drive anything. lol. Loved him for that. It gave me confidence. :thup: I already had courage.
How old are you now, 15? :cool:
what puts you into a state of road rage?
People who purposely do something stupid and then give you that lame wave as if that makes it ok.
Most people are constantly distracted while driving (means they're not constantly focused on driving) therefore are not doing stupid things on purpose. The wave is an acknowledgement that they were being stupid and that they're saying sorry. Don't take it personally.

When I am behind a driver whom I feel to be distracted, ( wavering ) OR who ( and this drives me nuts ) drives with variable speeds for no reason even on a stretch of highway with little traffic, I do stay further behind. I practice deep breathing and remind myself not to let them be the death of me, and when a passing lane becomes available, I leave them in my dust.
what puts you into a state of road rage?
People who purposely do something stupid and then give you that lame wave as if that makes it ok.
Most people are constantly distracted while driving (means they're not constantly focused on driving) therefore are not doing stupid things on purpose. The wave is an acknowledgement that they were being stupid and that they're saying sorry. Don't take it personally.

No its being stupid on purpose........they are more important than you so you must yield to their unsafe maneuver .......... the wave is just to rub it in
You should see someone about that persecution complex..........
One selection not available that drives me fuckin nuts though, are those lance armstrong wanna be douchebags who insist on riding in traffic during busy parts of the day. If you're riding a bike to get to work that's one thing, but slowing 2 lanes of traffic down to a near crawl at 0700 for recreation means you are a colossal asshole.
Amen. I actually enjoy it when I hear about one getting killed. We're all supposed to crawl behind you and snarl traffic up? If there's no bike path the road was made for autos.

The hyper-milers are annoying too. Usually a Prius with some political bumper sticker trying to get 75 miles per gallon. It's probably a bicycle rider on the way to the co-op for more wheat grass and tofu.
what puts you into a state of road rage?
People who purposely do something stupid and then give you that lame wave as if that makes it ok.
Most people are constantly distracted while driving (means they're not constantly focused on driving) therefore are not doing stupid things on purpose. The wave is an acknowledgement that they were being stupid and that they're saying sorry. Don't take it personally.

When I am behind a driver whom I feel to be distracted, ( wavering ) OR who ( and this drives me nuts ) drives with variable speeds for no reason even on a stretch of highway with little traffic, I do stay further behind. I practice deep breathing and remind myself not to let them be the death of me, and when a passing lane becomes available, I leave them in my dust.
I don't get angry or nuts anymore, haven't in decades, I just back off now and go with the flow, I find it's easier and safer. If a safe opportunity presents itself I pass and move on down the road.
what puts you into a state of road rage?
People who purposely do something stupid and then give you that lame wave as if that makes it ok.
Most people are constantly distracted while driving (means they're not constantly focused on driving) therefore are not doing stupid things on purpose. The wave is an acknowledgement that they were being stupid and that they're saying sorry. Don't take it personally.

No its being stupid on purpose........they are more important than you so you must yield to their unsafe maneuver .......... the wave is just to rub it in
You should see someone about that persecution complex..........
Were there.........did you see what I saw......didnt think so.....
When I am behind a driver whom I feel to be distracted, ( wavering ) OR who ( and this drives me nuts ) drives with variable speeds for no reason even on a stretch of highway with little traffic, I do stay further behind. I practice deep breathing and remind myself not to let them be the death of me, and when a passing lane becomes available, I leave them in my dust.
I'm sorry but I was faxing a proposal to a prospective client. Stupid machines are hard to use on the road.
Amen. I actually enjoy it when I hear about one getting killed. We're all supposed to crawl behind you and snarl traffic up? If there's no bike path the road was made for autos.
Totally agree... I even brought up the argument before bicycle worshiping became a fad that gas taxes are paying for roads bicycles don't need gas paying gas tax... keep them off the roads... they can show their bulging genitals in their spandex in parks and bicycle paths...
what puts you into a state of road rage?
People who purposely do something stupid and then give you that lame wave as if that makes it ok.
Most people are constantly distracted while driving (means they're not constantly focused on driving) therefore are not doing stupid things on purpose. The wave is an acknowledgement that they were being stupid and that they're saying sorry. Don't take it personally.

When I am behind a driver whom I feel to be distracted, ( wavering ) OR who ( and this drives me nuts ) drives with variable speeds for no reason even on a stretch of highway with little traffic, I do stay further behind. I practice deep breathing and remind myself not to let them be the death of me, and when a passing lane becomes available, I leave them in my dust.
I don't get angry or nuts anymore, haven't in decades, I just back off now and go with the flow, I find it's easier and safer. If a safe opportunity presents itself I pass and move on down the road.

One of the things my wife nags me about most is my is my anger issues.

all verbal.

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