Driving Annoyances - which is MOST annoying?

What Annoys you MOST while Driving?

  • Not paying attention to traffic light

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Weaving in and out of lanes

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • People on cell phones

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Merging at the last minute when a lane ends

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Not using turn signal

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Throwing cigarettes (or trash) out the window

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Leaving large gaps at a light so you can't get into the turn lane

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 26.3%

  • Total voters
what puts you into a state of road rage?
People who purposely do something stupid and then give you that lame wave as if that makes it ok.
Most people are constantly distracted while driving (means they're not constantly focused on driving) therefore are not doing stupid things on purpose. The wave is an acknowledgement that they were being stupid and that they're saying sorry. Don't take it personally.

No its being stupid on purpose........they are more important than you so you must yield to their unsafe maneuver .......... the wave is just to rub it in
You should see someone about that persecution complex..........
Were there.........did you see what I saw......didnt think so.....
Been there numerous times myself, people constantly drive on mental auto-pilot and are simply not paying attention. I had people pull out in front of me and watched the shocked and surprised look on their faces when they suddenly realize I'm there. People can look and not see and yes there are an extreme few who don't care and will do it on purpose, you made an overarching general statement essentially placing everyone who does that in the same category, that's simply not true.
what puts you into a state of road rage?
People who purposely do something stupid and then give you that lame wave as if that makes it ok.
Most people are constantly distracted while driving (means they're not constantly focused on driving) therefore are not doing stupid things on purpose. The wave is an acknowledgement that they were being stupid and that they're saying sorry. Don't take it personally.

When I am behind a driver whom I feel to be distracted, ( wavering ) OR who ( and this drives me nuts ) drives with variable speeds for no reason even on a stretch of highway with little traffic, I do stay further behind. I practice deep breathing and remind myself not to let them be the death of me, and when a passing lane becomes available, I leave them in my dust.
I don't get angry or nuts anymore, haven't in decades, I just back off now and go with the flow, I find it's easier and safer. If a safe opportunity presents itself I pass and move on down the road.

One of the things my wife nags me about most is my is my anger issues.

all verbal.
Yup...... :lol:
I've gotten a WHOLE lot better with age and experience....... :thup:
People who purposely do something stupid and then give you that lame wave as if that makes it ok.
Most people are constantly distracted while driving (means they're not constantly focused on driving) therefore are not doing stupid things on purpose. The wave is an acknowledgement that they were being stupid and that they're saying sorry. Don't take it personally.

No its being stupid on purpose........they are more important than you so you must yield to their unsafe maneuver .......... the wave is just to rub it in
You should see someone about that persecution complex..........
Were there.........did you see what I saw......didnt think so.....
Been there numerous times myself, people constantly drive on mental auto-pilot and are simply not paying attention. I had people pull out in front of me and watched the shocked and surprised look on their faces when they suddenly realize I'm there. People can look and not see and yes there are an extreme few who don't care and will do it on purpose, you made an overarching general statement essentially placing everyone who does that in the same category, that's simply not true.

which has nothing to do with my situation....dumbass
People that direct traffic at 4 way stops. I don't need wild gesticulations to inform me that it is my turn.
Better safe than sorry... I try to make eye contact with them... It is not enough if you know whose turn it is if they don't...
Most people are constantly distracted while driving (means they're not constantly focused on driving) therefore are not doing stupid things on purpose. The wave is an acknowledgement that they were being stupid and that they're saying sorry. Don't take it personally.

No its being stupid on purpose........they are more important than you so you must yield to their unsafe maneuver .......... the wave is just to rub it in
You should see someone about that persecution complex..........
Were there.........did you see what I saw......didnt think so.....
Been there numerous times myself, people constantly drive on mental auto-pilot and are simply not paying attention. I had people pull out in front of me and watched the shocked and surprised look on their faces when they suddenly realize I'm there. People can look and not see and yes there are an extreme few who don't care and will do it on purpose, you made an overarching general statement essentially placing everyone who does that in the same category, that's simply not true.

which has nothing to do with my situation....dumbass
Oh well, I should know better than to point out fact to an angry driver....... Later.......
No its being stupid on purpose........they are more important than you so you must yield to their unsafe maneuver .......... the wave is just to rub it in
You should see someone about that persecution complex..........
Were there.........did you see what I saw......didnt think so.....
Been there numerous times myself, people constantly drive on mental auto-pilot and are simply not paying attention. I had people pull out in front of me and watched the shocked and surprised look on their faces when they suddenly realize I'm there. People can look and not see and yes there are an extreme few who don't care and will do it on purpose, you made an overarching general statement essentially placing everyone who does that in the same category, that's simply not true.

which has nothing to do with my situation....dumbass
Oh well, I should know better than to point out fact to an angry driver....... Later.......
No you should know better than to think you know more about what I saw than I do........ .....
Most of you have probably never seen truly insane drivers, I swear that in Asia and Mexico they have three questions with a fourth optional question on their drivers test.
Where is the steering wheel?
Where is the accelerator?
Where is the horn?
(Optional question)
What and where is the Brake Pedal....?
You should see someone about that persecution complex..........
Were there.........did you see what I saw......didnt think so.....
Been there numerous times myself, people constantly drive on mental auto-pilot and are simply not paying attention. I had people pull out in front of me and watched the shocked and surprised look on their faces when they suddenly realize I'm there. People can look and not see and yes there are an extreme few who don't care and will do it on purpose, you made an overarching general statement essentially placing everyone who does that in the same category, that's simply not true.

which has nothing to do with my situation....dumbass
Oh well, I should know better than to point out fact to an angry driver....... Later.......
No you should know better than to think you know more about what I saw than I do........ .....
Missin' the point, ain'tcha....... :dunno:
Were there.........did you see what I saw......didnt think so.....
Been there numerous times myself, people constantly drive on mental auto-pilot and are simply not paying attention. I had people pull out in front of me and watched the shocked and surprised look on their faces when they suddenly realize I'm there. People can look and not see and yes there are an extreme few who don't care and will do it on purpose, you made an overarching general statement essentially placing everyone who does that in the same category, that's simply not true.

which has nothing to do with my situation....dumbass
Oh well, I should know better than to point out fact to an angry driver....... Later.......
No you should know better than to think you know more about what I saw than I do........ .....
Missin' the point, ain'tcha....... :dunno:

Not at alll......I dont try to be an expert on something I didnt see....but you do
Been there numerous times myself, people constantly drive on mental auto-pilot and are simply not paying attention. I had people pull out in front of me and watched the shocked and surprised look on their faces when they suddenly realize I'm there. People can look and not see and yes there are an extreme few who don't care and will do it on purpose, you made an overarching general statement essentially placing everyone who does that in the same category, that's simply not true.

which has nothing to do with my situation....dumbass
Oh well, I should know better than to point out fact to an angry driver....... Later.......
No you should know better than to think you know more about what I saw than I do........ .....
Missin' the point, ain'tcha....... :dunno:

Not at alll......I dont try to be an expert on something I didnt see....but you do
You appear to be saying that ALL drivers who do that are nothing more than narcissistic pricks, The fact is very few are, that was my point and my only point. If I misread what you intended than you have my apologies, if not..........
Most of you have probably never seen truly insane drivers, I swear that in Asia and Mexico they have three questions with a fourth optional question on their drivers test.
Where is the steering wheel?
Where is the accelerator?
Where is the horn?
(Optional question)
What and where is the Brake Pedal....?

OMG! Took me about a day in Zhuhai to become terrified of taxis. Nothing quite like careening through a round about surrounded by construction at 50 mph to get the blood flowing. Not just riding in them either. They will mow your ass down in a crosswalk. Apparently in some Asian cultures the horn is thought to generate a force field that if used often enough will prevent collisions.
Most of you have probably never seen truly insane drivers, I swear that in Asia and Mexico they have three questions with a fourth optional question on their drivers test.
Where is the steering wheel?
Where is the accelerator?
Where is the horn?
(Optional question)
What and where is the Brake Pedal....?

OMG! Took me about a day in Zhuhai to become terrified of taxis. Nothing quite like careening through a round about surrounded by construction at 50 mph to get the blood flowing. Not just riding in them either. They will mow your ass down in a crosswalk. Apparently in some Asian cultures the horn is thought to generate a force field that if used often enough will prevent collisions.
What's worse is if you are an American and in an accident over there and someone dies, even if you're not at fault you have to compensate the family of the dead driver.
Most of you have probably never seen truly insane drivers, I swear that in Asia and Mexico they have three questions with a fourth optional question on their drivers test.
Where is the steering wheel?
Where is the accelerator?
Where is the horn?
(Optional question)
What and where is the Brake Pedal....?

That was a pretty stupid comment.
which has nothing to do with my situation....dumbass
Oh well, I should know better than to point out fact to an angry driver....... Later.......
No you should know better than to think you know more about what I saw than I do........ .....
Missin' the point, ain'tcha....... :dunno:

Not at alll......I dont try to be an expert on something I didnt see....but you do
You appear to be saying that ALL drivers who do that are nothing more than narcissistic pricks, The fact is very few are, that was my point and my only point. If I misread what you intended than you have my apologies, if not..........
Not what I said at all...........but feel free to make more of an ass out of yourself

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