Drones - its a method - who cares?

Not sure why anyone supports assassination, its personal and aimed at one individual, its not war and your killing that person with out due process.
War and blowing shit up is not aimed a individual but at a group/country, the enemy. The Drones search/target and try to kill one person on the hit list. It's like the mob, not war.
Once again, when an enemy noncombatant supports the war waging effort of the bad guys against America, yes, it is war, and, no, no due process is involved.

Guys, you don't get to create your own law.
Drone kills for libs : YAY! Obama is killing innocent civilians at 50 to 1. No problemo.

Water boarding for libs: Bush is a monster for water boarding known terrorists

Hypocrisy: thy name is Democrat.

Once again, when an enemy noncombatant supports the war waging effort of the bad guys against America, yes, it is war, and, no, no due process is involved.

Guys, you don't get to create your own law.

I proved the executive order and it never got overturned just suspended when a new POTUS felt like it
and we all know the geneva convention. Assassanation is dirty and you know it. It was like the Soviets killing all the top polish brass in WWII....And again really didnt like Bush jr. but at least he had honor and bringing Sadam to trial, Obama just killed bin laden, no honor in that it goes against what America is....We are about due process. If we dont have that we are just killers.
Once again, when an enemy noncombatant supports the war waging effort of the bad guys against America, yes, it is war, and, no, no due process is involved.

Guys, you don't get to create your own law.

Can you justify this You tube hellfire assassantaion video? I doubt you will even watch it.
Hellfire missile strike on 2 Taliban - YouTube
I wonder if any of the "good guys" can justify the terror attack on
"Abdulrahman al-Awlaki..."

"Anwar Al-Awlaki and Egyptian-born Gihan Mohsen Baker had an American son, born on September 13, 1995, in Denver, named Abdulrahman Anwar Al-Awlaki.[247]

"Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was killed at the age of 16 in an American drone strike on Friday, October 14, 2011, in Yemen, along with alleged al-Qaeda members.[248]

"Nine other people were killed in the same CIA-led attack.

"Among the dead was a 17-year-old cousin of Abdulrahman.[249] Family members have said that he was on his way to a barbecue.[250] According to U.S. officials the killing of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was a mistake; the actual target was an Egyptian, Ibrahim al-Banna.

"Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was reported to have gone out in the desert to search for his missing father but was sitting in a cafe when he was killed.[251] Human rights groups have raised questions as to why he was killed by the U.S. in a country with which the United States is not at war.

"Abdulrahman al-Awlaki had no connection to terrorism.[251] Former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs stated that the drone killing of Anwar al-Awlaki's son was justified, and that the boy 'should [have] had a more responsible father.'"

We should have a more responsible government than that obtained by "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican in the voting booth.

FLUSH the DC Toilet in 2014!
With all due respect... to hell with al-Awlaki. I'm dealing with the concept on the macro level and you're piddling-around with the details of a specific case. This gets us nowhere.

With absolutely no respect at all, al Awliki is the macro level..."

Re: respect - noted for future reference - I will not make that mistake again.

Re: al-Awliki being the 'macro-level'... you clearly do not understand the distinction.

He is merely symptomatic of a broader issue.

The broader issue is the macro level.

The symptom is the micro level.

But, in your haste to counterpoint anything-and-everything being said by your opposites in the exchange, you either lost track of that or betrayed an ignorance of the distinction.

"...He is the end result..."

No, he is a single case... a single incident... he is merely one symptom or one symptomatic outbreak... detail... micro-level stuff.

"...of the policy that says the government can target people based on the criteria that they are enemy combatants and/or leaders of the people we are at war with..."

I have a newsflash for you, Sparky...

Governments CAN "target people based on the criteria that they are enemy combatants and/or leaders of the people we are at war with"

This has happened each and every time that Man has fought Man, since we climbed down out of the trees, and during virtually each and every conflict in recorded history.

And this holds JUST as true for legitimate wartime operations in asymmetrical or unconventional warfare as it does conventional warfare.

"...Unless you can demonstrate that al Awliki actually meets that criteria, you cannot argue that the criteria is the one we are using..."

I need demonstrate no such thing. I merely need to demonstrate that the Government is authorized to kill Enemy Combatants and Leaders as part of legitimate wartime operations.

"...Until you can do that you are defending a policy that allows the government to target people who are critical of the government."

Nope. Sheer sophistry, based upon the fallacy of the previous sentence in your narrative.

I do not defend a policy of targeting people who are critical of the government.

I acknowledge the existence of a policy of targeting people who are designated Enemy Combatants or Leaders.

That is exactly what I am doing, although I am happy to join you in watch-dogging them to ensure that they do their job properly.

No you aren't. If you were you would be demanding that they explain what evidence they had against al Awliki instead of trying to argue that you are looking at the big picture...

al-Awlaki is a flea... a sideshow issue... a mere symptom of the broader issue.

Your automatic gainsay ( "No you aren't" [willing to join you in watch-dogging the government in doing their job] ) means nothing.

We merely disagree on what the job of the Government is, in this narrow context.

If I believe that the US Government has abused its pre-existing power to kill Enemy Combatants and Leaders during wartime, then I will raise my own squawk.

I have yet to encounter anything leading me to believe that this has happened.

"...You are missing the point. I do not have to prove that he was wrongfully targeted, our entire legal system is based on the premise that everyone is innocent until proven guilty at trial. Unless the government is trying these people, and obtaining a legitimate conviction, they are wrong..."

Our entire legal system is based upon the premise that the safety of the American People is paramount - safety overpowers due process each and every time throughout history.

During many of our wars we have had American citizens turn-traitor and fight for the Enemy.

We have killed them right alongside their foreign counterparts without due process.

The case of al-Awalki is no different in this respect.

He had turned traitor and gone over to the Enemy and had become a trusted Planner and Leader of the Enemy.

Safety trumps due process and citizenship each and every time.

Although I am not a fan of Fearless Leader, he articulated this principle well.

Traitors are not afforded the protections of citizenship when they are engaged in active operations against the United States. At such times, they may be killed alongside other Enemies.

Which is exactly what happened.

And why folks who understand the practicalities of due process during wartime combat operations are running the country and not you. Thank God.

"...Have you seen any evidence that they are doing this? Did I miss it? How can you say you trust them to do their jobs when they are demonstrably not doing them?..."

Again, you and I differ as to (a) what their job is, and (b) whether they are doing it.

"...You keep missing the point. Until you provide evidence that he actually did something that justified him being killed you are no better than the people who looked the other way when Germany started shipping people off to concentration camps. How does it feel to be a fascist?"

I do not remember that the Jews were actively engaged in combat operations against the Reich when those Nazi bastards began to round them up and slaughter them.

Had the Jews been engaged in such combat operations we would not have called it a Holocaust.

Your sand-flea... al-Awlaki... WAS engaged against his own country on behalf of Radical Islamist Terror operations... on behalf of the Enemy... in a Planning and Leadership capacity, and, consequently, forfeited any protections that might otherwise have been extended to him... and, consequently, also forfeited his life, when he made the Kill List.

Hardly an apples-to-apples comparison.

As to juvenile accusations of Fascist -like behaviors or sympathies or failure to become over-excited by the same stimuli which seem to agitate you so greatly...

Save your badly-rationalized, self-serving, amateur-hour maudlin theatrics for your local kabuki bar, Sparky.
Last edited:
Once again, when an enemy noncombatant supports the war waging effort of the bad guys against America, yes, it is war, and, no, no due process is involved.

Guys, you don't get to create your own law.

Can you justify this You tube hellfire assassantaion video? I doubt you will even watch it.
Hellfire missile strike on 2 Taliban - YouTube
I wonder if any of the "good guys" can justify the terror attack on
"Abdulrahman al-Awlaki..."

"Anwar Al-Awlaki and Egyptian-born Gihan Mohsen Baker had an American son, born on September 13, 1995, in Denver, named Abdulrahman Anwar Al-Awlaki.[247]

"Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was killed at the age of 16 in an American drone strike on Friday, October 14, 2011, in Yemen, along with alleged al-Qaeda members.[248]

"Nine other people were killed in the same CIA-led attack.

"Among the dead was a 17-year-old cousin of Abdulrahman.[249] Family members have said that he was on his way to a barbecue.[250] According to U.S. officials the killing of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was a mistake; the actual target was an Egyptian, Ibrahim al-Banna.

"Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was reported to have gone out in the desert to search for his missing father but was sitting in a cafe when he was killed.[251] Human rights groups have raised questions as to why he was killed by the U.S. in a country with which the United States is not at war.

"Abdulrahman al-Awlaki had no connection to terrorism.[251] Former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs stated that the drone killing of Anwar al-Awlaki's son was justified, and that the boy 'should [have] had a more responsible father.'"

We should have a more responsible government than that obtained by "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican in the voting booth.

FLUSH the DC Toilet in 2014!

watch the video, can you tell who the hell it was? before they shoved a hell fire up their ass?
Can you justify this You tube hellfire assassantaion video? I doubt you will even watch it.
Hellfire missile strike on 2 Taliban - YouTube
I wonder if any of the "good guys" can justify the terror attack on
"Abdulrahman al-Awlaki..."

"Anwar Al-Awlaki and Egyptian-born Gihan Mohsen Baker had an American son, born on September 13, 1995, in Denver, named Abdulrahman Anwar Al-Awlaki.[247]

"Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was killed at the age of 16 in an American drone strike on Friday, October 14, 2011, in Yemen, along with alleged al-Qaeda members.[248]

"Nine other people were killed in the same CIA-led attack.

"Among the dead was a 17-year-old cousin of Abdulrahman.[249] Family members have said that he was on his way to a barbecue.[250] According to U.S. officials the killing of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was a mistake; the actual target was an Egyptian, Ibrahim al-Banna.

"Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was reported to have gone out in the desert to search for his missing father but was sitting in a cafe when he was killed.[251] Human rights groups have raised questions as to why he was killed by the U.S. in a country with which the United States is not at war.

"Abdulrahman al-Awlaki had no connection to terrorism.[251] Former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs stated that the drone killing of Anwar al-Awlaki's son was justified, and that the boy 'should [have] had a more responsible father.'"

We should have a more responsible government than that obtained by "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican in the voting booth.

FLUSH the DC Toilet in 2014!

watch the video, can you tell who the hell it was? before they shoved a hell fire up their ass?

Bush jr, couldnt even figure out if Sadam had wmd's yet you want us to believe drones can pin point and target just one dude walking from a few miles up.... go to hell.....and the horse you ran here on... what do they have on them a implanted tracking device?
QWB has self imposed 'victor syndrome derangement'.

Hey, dude, you have the right to your opinion and your questions, but your world view is not law.
QWB has self imposed 'victor syndrome derangement'.

Hey, dude, you have the right to your opinion and your questions, but your world view is not law.

it is the world law and the U.S. by executive order. prove it other wise. Their is NO FUCKING HONOR by assassantions in war. take the accused to judge and jury like Bush jr. did and then KiILL them. thats the American way, to say otherwise....... your just no better then your enemy.
QWB has self imposed 'victor syndrome derangement'.

Hey, dude, you have the right to your opinion and your questions, but your world view is not law.

it is the world law and the U.S. by executive order. prove it other wise. Their is NO FUCKING HONOR by assassantions in war. take the accused to judge and jury like Bush jr. did and then KiILL them. thats the American way, to say otherwise....... your just no better then your enemy.

It is the law, and it what it is. Bush the Younger used drones too, son, and he used them as much as the state of technology permitted.

You support jihadism, pure and simple, a sleeper agent.
Last edited:
Can you justify this You tube hellfire assassantaion video? I doubt you will even watch it.
Hellfire missile strike on 2 Taliban - YouTube
I wonder if any of the "good guys" can justify the terror attack on
"Abdulrahman al-Awlaki..."

"Anwar Al-Awlaki and Egyptian-born Gihan Mohsen Baker had an American son, born on September 13, 1995, in Denver, named Abdulrahman Anwar Al-Awlaki.[247]

"Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was killed at the age of 16 in an American drone strike on Friday, October 14, 2011, in Yemen, along with alleged al-Qaeda members.[248]

"Nine other people were killed in the same CIA-led attack.

"Among the dead was a 17-year-old cousin of Abdulrahman.[249] Family members have said that he was on his way to a barbecue.[250] According to U.S. officials the killing of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was a mistake; the actual target was an Egyptian, Ibrahim al-Banna.

"Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was reported to have gone out in the desert to search for his missing father but was sitting in a cafe when he was killed.[251] Human rights groups have raised questions as to why he was killed by the U.S. in a country with which the United States is not at war.

"Abdulrahman al-Awlaki had no connection to terrorism.[251] Former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs stated that the drone killing of Anwar al-Awlaki's son was justified, and that the boy 'should [have] had a more responsible father.'"

We should have a more responsible government than that obtained by "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican in the voting booth.

FLUSH the DC Toilet in 2014!

watch the video, can you tell who the hell it was? before they shoved a hell fire up their ass?
Apparently those on the receiving end of Hellfire strikes appear as ants to the heroes piloting the drones. Two weeks before Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was murdered on the basis on Executive Whim, his father, Anwar, met the same fate.

Previously, Anwar survived multiple drone strikes within a matter of hours by switching vehicles in the midst of a huge dust cloud. The drone warriors targeted the vehicle al-Awlaki was driving when he entered the cloud. Miles away Anwar watched from a cliff as his surrogates met their end.

Where's Dick and Dubya when the CIA really needs them?
QWB has self imposed 'victor syndrome derangement'.

Hey, dude, you have the right to your opinion and your questions, but your world view is not law.

it is the world law and the U.S. by executive order. prove it other wise. Their is NO FUCKING HONOR by assassantions in war. take the accused to judge and jury like Bush jr. did and then KiILL them. thats the American way, to say otherwise....... your just no better then your enemy.

It is the law, and it what it is. Bush the Younger used drones to, son, and he used them as much as the state of technology permitted.

You support jihadism, pure and simple, a sleeper agent.

give me a break try again.... Bush jr was wrong moron. and Obama is twice the killer.....
"did we just kill the fucking Nazis or capture them..."
Once Germany had been conquered the Nazis were within the practical grasp of our police function.

That is not the case for an Enemy who has fled the country and is beyond the practical grasp of our police function.

Especially not while combat operations are still underway.

Apples and oranges.
QWB has self imposed 'victor syndrome derangement'.

Hey, dude, you have the right to your opinion and your questions, but your world view is not law.

it is the world law and the U.S. by executive order. prove it other wise. Their is NO FUCKING HONOR by assassantions in war. take the accused to judge and jury like Bush jr. did and then KiILL them. thats the American way, to say otherwise....... your just no better then your enemy.

It is the law, and it what it is. Bush the Younger used drones too, son, and he used them as much as the state of technology permitted.

You support jihadism, pure and simple, a sleeper agent.

STFU I support the US constition dumb ass. your trying to justify assassanation.....we have due process.... god damn your a dork.....
it is the world law and the U.S. by executive order. prove it other wise. Their is NO FUCKING HONOR by assassantions in war. take the accused to judge and jury like Bush jr. did and then KiILL them. thats the American way, to say otherwise....... your just no better then your enemy.

It is the law, and it what it is. Bush the Younger used drones too, son, and he used them as much as the state of technology permitted.

You support jihadism, pure and simple, a sleeper agent.

STFU I support the US constition dumb ass. your trying to justify assassanation.....we have due process.... god damn your a dork.....

Drone usage is lawful, doofus. That you don't like it means nothing.

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