Drones - its a method - who cares?

The killing of the 16-year-old son of al-Awalki was an accident, was it not?

The target was an Egyptian Radical Islamo-Fascist terrorist, not the kid, correct?

The kid had the bad luck to be at the place where the Egyptian was believed to be, correct?

So, then, other than getting pissed about Collateral Casualties or Damage, or bad Intelligence, or bad Targeting Operatives on the scene...

What's the beef?
They can complain about all of those things, but not the lawfulness or correctness of the policy.
Once again, when an enemy noncombatant supports the war waging effort of the bad guys against America, yes, it is war, and, no, no due process is involved.

Guys, you don't get to create your own law.

Enemy noncombatant? Is that a new category invented to justify murder?
"did we just kill the fucking Nazis or capture them..."
Once Germany had been conquered the Nazis were within the practical grasp of our police function.

That is not the case for an Enemy who has fled the country and is beyond the practical grasp of our police function.

Especially not while combat operations are still underway.

Apples and oranges.

WtF? you talking about fled the country? you ever read what the Isreals did stupid shit.
god damn the west is not supposed to be assassins.

Israeli Mossad let Nazi Mengele get away - USATODAY.com

former Israeli Mossad agent
who was a member of the team that seized Nazi master mind Adolph Eichmann from Buenos Aires and brought him to trial in Israel, talks with the press after a meeting in Jerusalem. The Israeli secret agents who kidnapped Eichmann from Argentina in1960 and brought him to trial
"did we just kill the fucking Nazis or capture them..."
Once Germany had been conquered the Nazis were within the practical grasp of our police function.

That is not the case for an Enemy who has fled the country and is beyond the practical grasp of our police function.

Especially not while combat operations are still underway.

Apples and oranges.

WtF? you talking about fled the country? you ever read what the Isreals did stupid shit.

I was referring to al-Awlaki having fled the country... DO try to keep up with the changes, 'K?

god damn the west is not supposed to be assassins.

Israeli Mossad let Nazi Mengele get away - USATODAY.com

former Israeli Mossad agent
who was a member of the team that seized Nazi master mind Adolph Eichmann from Buenos Aires and brought him to trial in Israel, talks with the press after a meeting in Jerusalem. The Israeli secret agents who kidnapped Eichmann from Argentina in1960 and brought him to trial

I do not even know what any of this means, in the context of the present conversation.
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Once Germany had been conquered the Nazis were within the practical grasp of our police function.

That is not the case for an Enemy who has fled the country and is beyond the practical grasp of our police function.

Especially not while combat operations are still underway.

Apples and oranges.

WtF? you talking about fled the country? you ever read what the Isreals did stupid shit.

I was referring to al-Awlaki having fled the country... DO try to keep up with the changes, 'K?

god damn the west is not supposed to be assassins.

Israeli Mossad let Nazi Mengele get away - USATODAY.com

former Israeli Mossad agent
who was a member of the team that seized Nazi master mind Adolph Eichmann from Buenos Aires and brought him to trial in Israel, talks with the press after a meeting in Jerusalem. The Israeli secret agents who kidnapped Eichmann from Argentina in1960 and brought him to trial

I do not even know what any of this means, in the context of the present conversation.

I guess it goes over your head... the Jews could have just killed adolph but they brought him to trial, due process. But Obama just killed bin laden. Dont you fucking get that?
Safety trumps due process and citizenship each and every time.

I was going to take your argument apart point by point, but you really don't have any points, all you have is a misguided, and dangerous, lie.

I can sum up the argument against your idiocy with, fuck off, fascist.
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"...I guess it goes over your head... the Jews could have just killed adolph but they brought him to trial, due process. But Obama just killed bin laden. Dont you fucking get that?"
I was not aware that the Jews were at-war with the Nazis in 1960 or that Adolf Eichmann was actively engaged in operations and planning and command-and-control functions, preparing strikes against Israel and to kill more Jews, at the time Eichmann was neutralized...

I was also not aware that the Argentinians had given the Israelis permission to kidnap Eichmann while he was residing upon sovereign Argentinian soil...

Due process would have begun with an Extradition Request...
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"...Since all you have are the public comments, you lose."
You don't even understand the game, so I must ask you to forgive me if I don't become greatly concerned over your self-declared victory..

I did not declare victory, fascist, I pointed out that you lost.

Yes, you did, indeed, point out that I had lost.

Unfortunately for you, your assessment is incorrect.

Next slide, please.
The killing of the 16-year-old son of al-Awalki was an accident, was it not?

The target was an Egyptian Radical Islamo-Fascist terrorist, not the kid, correct?

The kid had the bad luck to be at the place where the Egyptian was believed to be, correct?

So, then, other than getting pissed about Collateral Casualties or Damage, or bad Intelligence, or bad Targeting Operatives on the scene...

What's the beef?
Sort of depends on your definition of "accidental", correct?

"Former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs stated that the drone killing of Anwar al-Awlaki's son was justified, and that the boy 'should [have] had a more responsible father.'"

My beef's with Executive Whim.
What's yours?
and the funny thing is by this topic is, the left can not figure out why the avearge American wont move a fucking inch to give up there guns because Russian Pravada warned us.......and we listen.
Americans never give up your guns - English pravda.ru
These days, there are few things to admire about the socialist, bankrupt and culturally degenerating USA, but at least so far, one thing remains: the right to bear arms and use deadly force to defend one's self and possessions.
WtF? you talking about fled the country? you ever read what the Isreals did stupid shit.

I was referring to al-Awlaki having fled the country... DO try to keep up with the changes, 'K?

god damn the west is not supposed to be assassins.

Israeli Mossad let Nazi Mengele get away - USATODAY.com

I do not even know what any of this means, in the context of the present conversation.

I guess it goes over your head... the Jews could have just killed adolph but they brought him to trial, due process. But Obama just killed bin laden. Dont you fucking get that?

No one cares, because it is lawful and morally correct.
I was referring to al-Awlaki having fled the country... DO try to keep up with the changes, 'K?

I do not even know what any of this means, in the context of the present conversation.

I guess it goes over your head... the Jews could have just killed adolph but they brought him to trial, due process. But Obama just killed bin laden. Dont you fucking get that?

No one cares, because it is lawful and morally correct.

So what your telling me is your a little liberal girl poster. and have no honor. thanks for the update.
I guess it goes over your head... the Jews could have just killed adolph but they brought him to trial, due process. But Obama just killed bin laden. Dont you fucking get that?

No one cares, because it is lawful and morally correct.

So what your telling me is your a little liberal girl poster. and have no honor. thanks for the update.

Sigh. What I am telling you is that you are a doofus, don't understand honor, and that America takes down its enemies. If nothing else, believe the last, bear.

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