Drones - its a method - who cares?

Safety trumps due process and citizenship each and every time.

I was going to take your argument apart point by point, but you really don't have any points, all you have is a misguided, and dangerous, lie.

I can sum up the argument against your idiocy with, fuck off, fascist.

One need look no further than the suspension of Habeus Corpus during the opening phase of the American Civil War...

Or no further than the Incarceration of Japanese-Americans during the opening phase of our involvement in WWII...

To come to the sad but inevitable conclusion that 'Safety trumps due process and citizenship each and every time.' ...

Now, tell me that all I have is a misguided and dangerous lie...

On the contrary, I have history on my side, as may be seen in these two significant and well-known illustrations of that very point... and that's just the tip of the iceberg..

You run 'passionate', obviously, but there's not much depth there, when you get right down to it...

As to your closing bile... and in the spirit of collegiality and reciprocity... what yo momma used to do with me is none of your business, Sparky...
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You don't even understand the game, so I must ask you to forgive me if I don't become greatly concerned over your self-declared victory..

I did not declare victory, fascist, I pointed out that you lost.

Yes, you did, indeed, point out that I had lost.

Unfortunately for you, your assessment is incorrect.

Next slide, please.

That's where you are wrong, I lost this debate when the government started killing people without trial.
No one cares, because it is lawful and morally correct.

So what your telling me is your a little liberal girl poster. and have no honor. thanks for the update.

Sigh. What I am telling you is that you are a doofus, don't understand honor, and that America takes down its enemies. If nothing else, believe the last, bear.

No your posting like a child who hides behind her mothers apron strings Just saying.... your a child.
So what your telling me is your a little liberal girl poster. and have no honor. thanks for the update.

Sigh. What I am telling you is that you are a doofus, don't understand honor, and that America takes down its enemies. If nothing else, believe the last, bear.

No your posting like a child who hides behind her mothers apron strings Just saying.... your a child.

Sigh, says the bear whose IQ is less than his height in inches.
Safety trumps due process and citizenship each and every time.

I was going to take your argument apart point by point, but you really don't have any points, all you have is a misguided, and dangerous, lie.

I can sum up the argument against your idiocy with, fuck off, fascist.

One need look no further than the suspension of Habeus Corpus during the opening phase of the American Civil War...

Or no further than the Incarceration of Japanese-Americans during the opening phase of our involvement in WWII...

To come to the sad but inevitable conclusion that 'Safety trumps due process and citizenship each and every time.' ...

Now, tell me that all I have is a misguided and dangerous lie...

On the contrary, I have history on my side, as may be seen in these two significant and well-known illustrations of that very point... and that's just the tip of the iceberg..

You run 'passionate', obviously, but there's not much depth there, when you get right down to it...

As to your closing bile... and in the spirit of collegiality and reciprocity... what yo momma used to do with me is none of your business, Sparky...

Thanks for demoinstrating how stupid fascists are.

FYI, habeus corpus and due process are two separate things, due process was not suspended during the Civil War.
"Due process" as we understand it today, QWB, did not exist in federal law at the time.
bear, you continue to act like a moron. You post what morons post when they can't think of anything worthwhile. You have been pwnd.
"...Thanks for demoinstrating how stupid fascists are. FYI, habeus corpus and due process are two separate things, due process was not suspended during the Civil War."
Habeus Corpus is a legal action - a process at-law - triggered by a writ - which an individual may claim as his due - a demand served against a government entity to produce a person under arrest in order to extend to that person additional due processes at-law that are his right. At law, Habeus Corpus is both due process and the guarantor of other due process.

And, of course, Japanese-Americans were denied due process at-law in having their liberty curtailed without sound reason nor without adequate and effective hearing at-law.

Keep trying, Internet tough-guy, you'll get it right sooner or later.

But it will have to be with somebody else, Sparky... you've soiled my pants-cuff enough for one day, trying desperately to dry-hump my leg.
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"...Thanks for demoinstrating how stupid fascists are. FYI, habeus corpus and due process are two separate things, due process was not suspended during the Civil War."
Habeus Corpus is a legal action - a process at-law - triggered by a writ - which an individual may claim as his due - a demand be served against a government entity to produce a person under arrest in order to extend to that person additional due processes at-law that are his right. At law, Habeus Corpus is both due process and the guarantor of other processes.

And, of course, Japanese-Americans were denied due process at-law in having their liberty curtailed without sound reason nor without adequate and effective hearing at-law.

Keep trying, Internet tough-guy, you'll get it right sooner or later.

its a straw man argument try again. You Can not kill just one person....it is not moraly right.... you have to bring him or her to trial... then hang the son of a bitch....
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The Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads:

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense except where summery execution without trial is deemed acceptable.

Is that right?
"...Thanks for demoinstrating how stupid fascists are. FYI, habeus corpus and due process are two separate things, due process was not suspended during the Civil War."
Habeus Corpus is a legal action - a process at-law - triggered by a writ - which an individual may claim as his due - a demand be served against a government entity to produce a person under arrest in order to extend to that person additional due processes at-law that are his right. At law, Habeus Corpus is both due process and the guarantor of other processes.

And, of course, Japanese-Americans were denied due process at-law in having their liberty curtailed without sound reason nor without adequate and effective hearing at-law.

Keep trying, Internet tough-guy, you'll get it right sooner or later.

its a straw man argument try again. You Can not kill just one person....it is not moraly right.... you have to bring him or her to trial...

Not when they refuse to peacefully submit to arrest. That is what the accused are doing in the ME. And if such militia or urban terrorists do it here, refuse to submit, then an option will be a visit by hell fire.
Habeus Corpus is a legal action - a process at-law - triggered by a writ - which an individual may claim as his due - a demand be served against a government entity to produce a person under arrest in order to extend to that person additional due processes at-law that are his right. At law, Habeus Corpus is both due process and the guarantor of other processes.

And, of course, Japanese-Americans were denied due process at-law in having their liberty curtailed without sound reason nor without adequate and effective hearing at-law.

Keep trying, Internet tough-guy, you'll get it right sooner or later.

its a straw man argument try again. You Can not kill just one person....it is not moraly right.... you have to bring him or her to trial...

Not when they refuse to peacefully submit to arrest. That is what the accused are doing in the ME. And if such militia or urban terrorists do it here, refuse to submit, then an option will be a visit by hell fire.

ok I know who I am debating now I will lay off of you...you have your opinions and thats fine with me..
The Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads:

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense except where summery execution without trial is deemed acceptable.

Is that right?
Absolutely. Not. Good thing for the Administration that they were engaged in legitimate wartime combat operations rather than criminal prosecution, right?
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The Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads:

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense except where summery execution without trial is deemed acceptable.

Is that right?
Absolutely. Not. Good thing for the Administration that they were engaged in legitimate wartime combat operations rather than criminal prosecution, right?

this is getting hilarious.... on the Obamas fans trying to spin it to justify assassanations.... it is WRONG by the US law and the Genva convention. ...So wrong....jesus crist look into your soul.... you can not just kill people because you feel like it.

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