Drones strike Moscow in first attack on Russian capital’s residential areas since Ukraine war began

Right now, the US doesn't allow Ukraine to use any of the weapons it provides to attack targets in Russia, and doesn't provide any long-range weapons that can be used to attack Russia, but if Russia were to blow up an Ukrainian city with nukes, there would be no reason to withhold those weapons or to enforce the prohibition against using US weapons to attack targets inside Russia.
not sure what that has to do with what I said,,,
not sure what that has to do with what I said,,,
You suggested Putin might launch a small nuclear attack instead of a large one, and that's what would happen.

As to the second part of your post, I think that when these rich and powerful people are sleeping in a bunker instead of their bedrooms because Russian air defenses cannot protect them, they will start to question if this war, which they had been told would be a cakewalk, is worth it.
I can understand how Ukrainians feels but striking Russian cities is poking that bear and the damage that they can do is minimum. Still I would suspect that the Russian government might have done this to sway (Russian) public opinion. I would suspect that there is Russian air defense that should be able to shoot them done easily.
You suggested Putin might launch a small nuclear attack instead of a large one, and that's what would happen.

As to the second part of your post, I think that when these rich and powerful people are sleeping in a bunker instead of their bedrooms because Russian air defenses cannot protect them, they will start to question if this war, which they had been told would be a cakewalk, is worth it.
russians have a history of retaliation not submission,,

run them into bunkers and you cant expect a large scale response,,
I can understand how Ukrainians feels but striking Russian cities is poking that bear and the damage that they can do is minimum. Still I would suspect that the Russian government might have done this to sway (Russian) public opinion. I would suspect that there is Russian air defense that should be able to shoot them done easily.
The Kinzhal missile has not lived up to its hype, and it appears Russian air defenses have not either.
that depends on whos propaganda you believe,,,
You are all propaganda, but it has been verified and documented that all seven Kinzhal's that were fired since the Patriot systems were operational were shot down and that would not have been possible if the Kinzhal was a true hypersonic missile, and just to put icing on the cake, the Russian scientists who developed the Kinzhal have been arrested and charged with treason. To add to Russia's humiliation, for Putin to have claimed the Kinzhal was "unstoppable", it must have been tested against the S-400 which must have failed to track it, meaning the S-400 is inferior to the Patriot system.
This is a bunch of deflection. None of our economic problems would be solved by turning our back on Ukraine.

Reagan would absolutely have funded it, and done a hell of a lot more than we are doing. Reagan's defense budget was double what we spend today as % of GDP.
Reagan wouldn't have let it start to begin with... and neither would Trump... we all watched a quiet biden white house as Russia massed its troops on the border...
Has biden sent one team to Moscow since this all started?... he has done nothing but things that will extend the war not stop it....
You are all propaganda, but it has been verified and documented that all seven Kinzhal's that were fired since the Patriot systems were operational were shot down and that would not have been possible if the Kinzhal was a true hypersonic missile, and just to put icing on the cake, the Russian scientists who developed the Kinzhal have been arrested and charged with treason. To add to Russia's humiliation, for Putin to have claimed the Kinzhal was "unstoppable", it must have been tested against the S-400 which must have failed to track it, meaning the S-400 is inferior to the Patriot system.
I didnt say anything happened,, so how am I saying propaganda???

and who verified your claim?? do you have a link of some sort??
Reagan wouldn't have let it start to begin with... and neither would Trump... we all watched a quiet biden white house as Russia massed its troops on the border...
Has biden sent one team to Moscow since this all started?... he has done nothing but things that will extend the war not stop it....
There was no quiet Biden WH during the run up to the invasion. Biden warned Putin over and over again not to invade and he warned the Europeans and Zelensky that Putin was going to invade, but everyone wanted to believe it wouldn't happen. You must have been drunk or stoned during that period.

As for Trump "not allowing" the war to start, what a crock of bullshit that is. When Trump was president, Putin violated the Intermediate missile treaty and when Trump complained, Putin just ignored him. When Trump withdrew from the treaty because of Putin's violations, with the support of the Europeans, Putin attacked him and blamed him for killing the treaty. When Trump boasts he got along so well with Putin, he clearly is lying.
You are all propaganda because you have no facts. The Pentagon verified that the Patriot system shot down the Kinzhal's.
wheres the propaganda when all I have done is give my opinion and rejection of us being involved??

youre the one thats made several claims and havent backed up a single one,,
and this cretin is not helping either!:mad-61:

wheres the propaganda when all I have done is give my opinion and rejection of us being involved??

youre the one thats made several claims and havent backed up a single one,,
You clearly have no opinions of your own. You simply repeat what you have been told you should believe. That's why you are unable to marshal facts or present a coherent argument to support your "opinions".
You clearly have no opinions of your own. You simply repeat what you have been told you should believe. That's why you are unable to marshal facts or present a coherent argument to support your "opinions".
are you going to show me what I said that was propaganda or not???
are you going to show me what I said that was propaganda or not???
It's all propaganda because you have decided to reject aid to Ukraine and then scrounged around looking for reasons to try to support this position instead of arriving at a position because the facts and analysis led you there.

So you argue we should not be aiding Ukraine because we have homeless people and you want rent control, but we are doing no less now for the homeless than we did before the aiding Ukraine and there is no reason to think we would do more if we were not aiding Ukraine, so clearly you did not arrive at your decision to reject aid to Ukraine for those reasons. When all your arguments are fashioned to support an a priori decision, you are producing propaganda.

You have not presented any facts or reasoning that led you to your "opinions" so you are not trying to explain why you reject aid to Ukraine, but only dishonestly trying to persuade others to agree with you with false arguments.
It's all propaganda because you have decided to reject aid to Ukraine and then scrounged around looking for reasons to try to support this position instead of arriving at a position because the facts and analysis led you there.

So you argue we should not be aiding Ukraine because we have homeless people and you want rent control, but we are doing no less now for the homeless than we did before the aiding Ukraine and there is no reason to think we would do more if we were not aiding Ukraine, so clearly you did not arrive at your decision to reject aid to Ukraine for those reasons. When all your arguments are fashioned to support an a priori decision, you are producing propaganda.

You have not presented any facts or reasoning that led you to your "opinions" so you are not trying to explain why you reject aid to Ukraine, but only dishonestly trying to persuade others to agree with you with false arguments.
its an opinion dumbass,,

what you are repeating is propaganda,, and more so since you refuse to provide links to back it up,,,

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