Drudge report


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
I’m so old that I even remember the days when the Drudge report wasn’t a liberal shithole.

For a while now, it even deliberately skews news “reporting” to the far left. From choice of content to deliberately misleading leftard headlines.

That shit has become unusable.
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I’m so old that I even remember the days when the Deudge report wasn’t a liberal shithole.

For a while now, it even deliberately skews news “reporting” to the far left. From choice of content to deliberately misleading leftard headlines.

That shit has become unusable.

I haven't gone there in years.
I’m so old that I even remember the days when the Drudge report wasn’t a liberal shithole.

For a while now, it even deliberately skews news “reporting” to the far left. From choice of content to deliberately misleading leftard headlines.

That shit has become unusable.
No link. Should have been closed by now.
I’m so old that I even remember the days when the Drudge report wasn’t a liberal shithole.

For a while now, it even deliberately skews news “reporting” to the far left. From choice of content to deliberately misleading leftard headlines.

That shit has become unusable.
I’m so old that I even remember the days when the Drudge report wasn’t a liberal shithole.

For a while now, it even deliberately skews news “reporting” to the far left. From choice of content to deliberately misleading leftard headlines.

That shit has become unusable.

And your evidence of this is what, exactly? How do you know it's not your bias that's the problem?
I’m so old that I even remember the days when the Drudge report wasn’t a liberal shithole.
I am so old (86) that I remember when the Drudge Report supported The Donald.

Comedians like to joke about the old-fashioned layout of his website (just rows of headlines).

Personally, I like that layout.

My daily routine: Check my email, check [name of another political forum], check USMB, check Drudge, check Google News, check the Daily Mail, and then [a TV station website for the local news].

That keeps me up on the latest headlines.
For a while now, it even deliberately skews news “reporting” to the far left. From choice of content to deliberately misleading leftard headlines.
I agree. There's more money in duping the left via clicks.
And your evidence of this is what, exactly? How do you know it's not your bias that's the problem?

Because we have brains, and can remember when it wasn't the biased horse crap it has become.


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