Drug Cartel Money Laundering Accounted for 85 Percent Of Global Economy For 2012


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Drug Cartel Money Laundering Accounted for 85 Percent Of Global Economy For 2012 - ComplianceAlert

In a 2010 interview with the Bloomberg News, Martin Woods, the former director of Wachovia’s anti-money-laundering unit in Londonremarked that “It’s the banks laundering money for the cartels that finances the tragedy… If you don’t see the correlation between the money laundering by banks and the 22,000 people killed in Mexico(2014 estimates exceed 100,000 – rlr), you’re missing the point.” This connection becomes incredibly clear when we look to the connection of HSBC helping the Mexican cartels funnel hundreds of billions of dollars.

According to legal documents for the case filed in 2012, HSBC admitted that it failed to apply legally required money laundering controls to $60 trillion in wire transfers alone, in only a three year period, $670 billion of which came from Mexico. $60 trillion—that is approximately 85 percent the entire world’s GDP in 2012. In a settlement to put an end to the probe into their money laundering activities in late 2012, HSBC agreed to pay a fine of $1.9 billion. While HSBC may have been associated with the largest money laundering operation in U.S. banking history, it is by no means alone.

In 2010, Wachovia was sanctioned for failing to apply adequate money laundering controls on $378.4 billion in transfers originating from Mexico. Until HSBC was caught, it was the largest violation of the U.S. Bank Secrecy Act—which according to the U.S. Treasury Department requires that “U.S. financial institutions to assist U.S. government agencies to detect and prevent money laundering.” However, under a deferred prosecution agreement, Wachovia only had to pay a $160 million fine for its role in laundering hundreds of billions of dollars. Jeffery Sloman, the federal prosecutor who handled the case remarked that “Wachovia’s blatant disregard for our banking laws gave international cocaine cartels a virtual carte blanche to finance their operations.”

Bank of America has also been connected to Mexican drug money, as accounts in Oklahoma City were used to buy planes to transport cocaine, according to a Bloomberg investigation. Additionally, in 2006, the Bank of America acknowledged that it had overseen the laundering of $3 billion originating from South America in a single Manhattan branch. While the monetary figure is comparatively small in relation to the scandals that HSBC and Wachovia would later involved in, when pressed as to why no indictments were sought against the bankers involved, Manhattan district attorney Robert M. Morgenthau simply remarked “because we don’t want to put banks out of business.” This remark was later echoed by Justice Department prosecutor Lanny Breuer, who stated that “Had the U.S. authorities decided to press criminal charges, HSBC would certainly have lost its banking license in the United States, the future of the institution would have been under threat, and the entire banking system would have been destabilized.”

It has become very clear that banks such as HSBC, Wachovia, and the Bank of America are integral components of the drug trade, which operate with impunity. While El Chapo may deservedly so spend the rest of his life behind bars, there are many more in the financial sector who have similarly profited off of crime and should be there with him. Whistleblower Martin Wood highlights this connection stating that“These are the proceeds of murder and misery in Mexico, and of drugs sold around the world. But no one goes to jail. What does the settlement do to fight the cartels? Nothing. It encourages the cartels and anyone who wants to make money by laundering their blood dollars.” While pushing further on the topic of direct, multifaceted U.S. involvement in the international drug trade is a taboo subject, to ignore its role as a key source of profit for banks, prisons and the military is even more dangerous and costly.

Companies are people my friend. People who the laws do not apply too....just like people
The dumbest post ever from the dumbest poster on the board.

Wow! 85 percent of the World Economy, huh?

The GWP (Gross World Product) in 2012 was Seventy-One TRILLION Dollars.

$71,000,000,000,000 and 85% of that was drug money? :lmao:

No wonder you're a dimocrap. Not only are you stupid, you're gullible
Looks like this needs to read: Equal to 85% of the world economy over a three-year period. That's a lot of dirty money on the move but humans love their drugs.
The dumbest post ever from the dumbest poster on the board.

Wow! 85 percent of the World Economy, huh?

The GWP (Gross World Product) in 2012 was Seventy-One TRILLION Dollars.

$71,000,000,000,000 and 85% of that was drug money? :lmao:

No wonder you're a dimocrap. Not only are you stupid, you're gullible

Too bad you cant read:

According to legal documents for the case filed in 2012, HSBC admitted that it failed to apply legally required money laundering controls to $60 trillion in wire transfers alone, in only a three year period, $670 billion of which came from Mexico. $60 trillion—that is approximately 85 percent the entire world’s GDP in 2012.

Now go practice digging ditches and cursing
The dumbest post ever from the dumbest poster on the board.

Wow! 85 percent of the World Economy, huh?

The GWP (Gross World Product) in 2012 was Seventy-One TRILLION Dollars.

$71,000,000,000,000 and 85% of that was drug money? :lmao:

No wonder you're a dimocrap. Not only are you stupid, you're gullible

I have no doubt this is correct. Drugs ALWAYS provide massive profit. The eleven top 'legitimate' drug companies raked in $85 Billion in profits last year. Think about the non-legitimate drug cartels. Think about their over-head, almost zero? A never ending supply of buyers. SWEET!

Take a close look at the GWP starting in 2006, the same time Bush/Republicans/wall street started their world crash which brought down the comparable.

Gross world product - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'm with Edge. Dumbest post by most gullible poster. Libs are bad at math. They can't scale. I heard that 87% of liberals could not pass 8th grade math.
Most dishonest headline ever. Nowhere does it show evidence that "$60 trillion in drug cartel money" was laundered through HSBC; the key words were "it failed to apply legally required money laundering controls to $60 trillion in wire transfers." In other words, whether or not someone was moving money in the ordinary course of business or laundering drug money, the amounts transferred were included. HSBC simply did not apply the proper controls to any of its transactions. It also implies that this is in some way related to GDP, but wire transfers do not equal production or income; the bulk of these wires are likely intracompany transfers and sweeps. There may well have been a significant amount of money laundering, but certainly not in the trillions, and the "article" has provided no evidence of the amounts.
Most dishonest headline ever. Nowhere does it show evidence that "$60 trillion in drug cartel money" was laundered through HSBC; the key words were "it failed to apply legally required money laundering controls to $60 trillion in wire transfers." In other words, whether or not someone was moving money in the ordinary course of business or laundering drug money, the amounts transferred were included. HSBC simply did not apply the proper controls to any of its transactions. It also implies that this is in some way related to GDP, but wire transfers do not equal production or income; the bulk of these wires are likely intracompany transfers and sweeps. There may well have been a significant amount of money laundering, but certainly not in the trillions, and the "article" has provided no evidence of the amounts.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do.

It's an autonomic function with them. Like breathing. They lie.

dimocraps wake up in the morning lying and they go to bed at night lying. Their entire existence is based in lies.

Ducks quack, fat dogs fart, babies cry, shit stinks and

dimocraps lie.

It's just part of life :dunno:
The dumbest post ever from the dumbest poster on the board.

Wow! 85 percent of the World Economy, huh?

The GWP (Gross World Product) in 2012 was Seventy-One TRILLION Dollars.

$71,000,000,000,000 and 85% of that was drug money? :lmao:

No wonder you're a dimocrap. Not only are you stupid, you're gullible

I admit that those numbers are staggering, but did you note that the amount was based on wire transfers over a three year period?

According to legal documents for the case filed in 2012, HSBC admitted that it failed to apply legally required money laundering controls to $60 trillion in wire transfers alone, in only a three year period, $670 billion of which came from Mexico. $60 trillion—that is approximately 85 percent the entire world’s GDP in 2012.

Note also they do NOT say the entire amount was DRUG money.

Merely that the wire transfers were not done according to the law.

Now is it possible that such a vast amount of money is being moved from nation to nation illegally?

YES it is, given that the records are there for all to see.

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