Drunk teenager shoots at someone who could shoot back...and was a good shot...big mistake...

Yes....this teenager learned a lesson...that is if he survives...perhaps if he survives he will get to rehab and turn his life around......until then....good shooting...

PA Concealed Carrier Defends Self Against Armed Thug Hits All His Marks Concealed Nation

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA — An intoxicated 19 year old allegedly told a concealed carrier to get off his block before opening fire.

According to Philly.com, Officer Christine O’Brien confirmed that the concealed carrier responded with deadly force. While the 19 year old fled the scene, he later wound up at Temple University Hospital in critical condition. Apparently, the concealed carrier had decent aim – the 19 year old assailant had gunshots in his arms, abdomen and his neck.

When that kid wakes up, Philadelphia Police expect to charge him with aggravated assault amongst other charges. While they recovered the 25-year-old man’s gun, they haven’t been able to locate the 19-year-old’s.

The investigation is ongoing, and all signs point to the concealed carrier not being charged with any crimes.
That's because the kid probably didn't have a gun. He just thought he was tough.

The 25 year old didn't have to shoot. I'd charge him with a felony gun charge.
Yes....this teenager learned a lesson...that is if he survives...perhaps if he survives he will get to rehab and turn his life around......until then....good shooting...

PA Concealed Carrier Defends Self Against Armed Thug Hits All His Marks Concealed Nation

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA — An intoxicated 19 year old allegedly told a concealed carrier to get off his block before opening fire.

According to Philly.com, Officer Christine O’Brien confirmed that the concealed carrier responded with deadly force. While the 19 year old fled the scene, he later wound up at Temple University Hospital in critical condition. Apparently, the concealed carrier had decent aim – the 19 year old assailant had gunshots in his arms, abdomen and his neck.

When that kid wakes up, Philadelphia Police expect to charge him with aggravated assault amongst other charges. While they recovered the 25-year-old man’s gun, they haven’t been able to locate the 19-year-old’s.

The investigation is ongoing, and all signs point to the concealed carrier not being charged with any crimes.
That's because the kid probably didn't have a gun. He just thought he was tough.

The 25 year old didn't have to shoot. I'd charge him with a felony gun charge.

Yet another example of why crime is high in the US. It's not guns. It's total scum sucking trash, defending the criminals, and attacking the victims. You should be put to death. The country would be better off without you alive.
I've had to defend myself and the wife during an attempted home invasion.
You wont hear me knock guns in anyway.
But being shot at changes every thing.

Do tell... how did you defend yourself?

Let me guess you warned the would be attacker that having a weapon in the commission of a crime, violated federal law, and that scared him off.

No...actually I stuck a Remington 870 shorty in their face and they fell all over themselves trying to get back in the car that was supposedly broken down.
Never saw a broken down old ass cutlass go so fast.

Wish I would have had this at the time,there were three of em and all I had was five shots in the 870.
View attachment 46109

How unamerican of you. lol. Well done sir.

But I'm confused.... how then do you explain those people who do return fire at an attacker, and kill them?

Doctor had gun fired back and wounded shooter at a Darby Pennsylvania hospital prosecutor says - CBS News

Doctor is shot at by a patient with mental issues. The doctor pulls his gun and shoots the guy.

Man shoots and kills attacker police say - The Commercial Appeal

Guy attacked from behind, and is struck to the ground. Pulls a gun, and kills the attacker.

Would-be victim fires on assailants - philly-archives

Guy pulls a gun on two men that got of a train. They pull a gun, and shoot him.

How many examples would you like?

VIDEO Thug Shoots Man At Point Blank Range Man Fires Back With His Own Firearm Concealed Nation

Here's one from Venezuela. A guy walks in, and shoots the man in the white shirt. He falls, and pulls his own gun, shoots the guy multiple times, and kills him. The man in the white shirt apparently survives.

In that case, bullets are literally flying, and he is still able to pull his weapon... point... and shoot... multiple times even..... after being shot himself.

Victim Fires Back at Robbers in Store Parking Lot Middle Georgia News Weather Macon WGXA-TV FOX24 ABC16 Local News

Robbers fire a shot at a guy, who returns fire, and they run away.

I understand that you being in the military have a different perspective. My brother in law went to Iraq. It's a different kind of thing, when you know there are dozens of people out there.... somewhere.... shooting at you in real time.

I get it. Some people do freeze up in that situation.

In this domestic situation, people don't have time to be over come by fear so much. Things happen really fact. You are generally just 'reacting', rather than going into a panic mode "this guy is trying to harm me".

Sure it happens.
Some people have it naturally,some train hard to get it and some wont get it no matter what.
Add to the fact that the person committing the crime usually will get the drop on you from surprise alone.
It's a crap shoot using a gun for defense for a lot of reasons.
But I'd rather have the chance to go down fighting than to rely on the good nature of a guy with a gun and bad intent.

Ok, so you are not against people defending themselves. Some how that seemed to be the implied message of your previous post.

I'm not sure what your point was then, several posts back.

I never thought that having a gun guaranteed my safety. But I did think that not having a gun guaranteed my helplessness.

I realized I wanted to have a weapon, when I was doing deliveries of narcs for a drug company that serviced hospitals. At that time, a story came out where a guy just walked up to a car stuck in stopped traffic at a light. This guy beat this man so badly, that he lost vision in one of his eyes for the rest of life.

The only reason this man didn't kill the driver, is because even while being beaten, he managed to pull a concealed gun from under his seat, and shoot the guy attacking him.

And here I was in a car, with a few hundred thousand in narcotics in the trunk, and if someone attacked me, all I could do was throw my diet coke at them.

I've been armed for years now.

You'd have to point out the post.
I could have been being philosophical,realistic or sarcastic,it's hard to say.
I've had to defend myself and the wife during an attempted home invasion.
You wont hear me knock guns in anyway.
But being shot at changes every thing.

Do tell... how did you defend yourself?

Let me guess you warned the would be attacker that having a weapon in the commission of a crime, violated federal law, and that scared him off.

No...actually I stuck a Remington 870 shorty in their face and they fell all over themselves trying to get back in the car that was supposedly broken down.
Never saw a broken down old ass cutlass go so fast.

Wish I would have had this at the time,there were three of em and all I had was five shots in the 870.
View attachment 46109

How unamerican of you. lol. Well done sir.

But I'm confused.... how then do you explain those people who do return fire at an attacker, and kill them?

Doctor had gun fired back and wounded shooter at a Darby Pennsylvania hospital prosecutor says - CBS News

Doctor is shot at by a patient with mental issues. The doctor pulls his gun and shoots the guy.

Man shoots and kills attacker police say - The Commercial Appeal

Guy attacked from behind, and is struck to the ground. Pulls a gun, and kills the attacker.

Would-be victim fires on assailants - philly-archives

Guy pulls a gun on two men that got of a train. They pull a gun, and shoot him.

How many examples would you like?

VIDEO Thug Shoots Man At Point Blank Range Man Fires Back With His Own Firearm Concealed Nation

Here's one from Venezuela. A guy walks in, and shoots the man in the white shirt. He falls, and pulls his own gun, shoots the guy multiple times, and kills him. The man in the white shirt apparently survives.

In that case, bullets are literally flying, and he is still able to pull his weapon... point... and shoot... multiple times even..... after being shot himself.

Victim Fires Back at Robbers in Store Parking Lot Middle Georgia News Weather Macon WGXA-TV FOX24 ABC16 Local News

Robbers fire a shot at a guy, who returns fire, and they run away.

I understand that you being in the military have a different perspective. My brother in law went to Iraq. It's a different kind of thing, when you know there are dozens of people out there.... somewhere.... shooting at you in real time.

I get it. Some people do freeze up in that situation.

In this domestic situation, people don't have time to be over come by fear so much. Things happen really fact. You are generally just 'reacting', rather than going into a panic mode "this guy is trying to harm me".

Sure it happens.
Some people have it naturally,some train hard to get it and some wont get it no matter what.
Add to the fact that the person committing the crime usually will get the drop on you from surprise alone.
It's a crap shoot using a gun for defense for a lot of reasons.
But I'd rather have the chance to go down fighting than to rely on the good nature of a guy with a gun and bad intent.

Ok, so you are not against people defending themselves. Some how that seemed to be the implied message of your previous post.

I'm not sure what your point was then, several posts back.

I never thought that having a gun guaranteed my safety. But I did think that not having a gun guaranteed my helplessness.

I realized I wanted to have a weapon, when I was doing deliveries of narcs for a drug company that serviced hospitals. At that time, a story came out where a guy just walked up to a car stuck in stopped traffic at a light. This guy beat this man so badly, that he lost vision in one of his eyes for the rest of life.

The only reason this man didn't kill the driver, is because even while being beaten, he managed to pull a concealed gun from under his seat, and shoot the guy attacking him.

And here I was in a car, with a few hundred thousand in narcotics in the trunk, and if someone attacked me, all I could do was throw my diet coke at them.

I've been armed for years now.

Growing up in Texas and in the boonies I've been hunting since I was around eight.
Had my own rifle and shotgun by then and I'd go hunting by myself or with buddies from the time I was ten.
Use to ride around on our dirt bikes with rifles or shotguns and the Sheriff would just wave.
There's actually such a thing as the good old days.
I've had to defend myself and the wife during an attempted home invasion.
You wont hear me knock guns in anyway.
But being shot at changes every thing.

Do tell... how did you defend yourself?

Let me guess you warned the would be attacker that having a weapon in the commission of a crime, violated federal law, and that scared him off.

No...actually I stuck a Remington 870 shorty in their face and they fell all over themselves trying to get back in the car that was supposedly broken down.
Never saw a broken down old ass cutlass go so fast.

Wish I would have had this at the time,there were three of em and all I had was five shots in the 870.
View attachment 46109

How unamerican of you. lol. Well done sir.

But I'm confused.... how then do you explain those people who do return fire at an attacker, and kill them?

Doctor had gun fired back and wounded shooter at a Darby Pennsylvania hospital prosecutor says - CBS News

Doctor is shot at by a patient with mental issues. The doctor pulls his gun and shoots the guy.

Man shoots and kills attacker police say - The Commercial Appeal

Guy attacked from behind, and is struck to the ground. Pulls a gun, and kills the attacker.

Would-be victim fires on assailants - philly-archives

Guy pulls a gun on two men that got of a train. They pull a gun, and shoot him.

How many examples would you like?

VIDEO Thug Shoots Man At Point Blank Range Man Fires Back With His Own Firearm Concealed Nation

Here's one from Venezuela. A guy walks in, and shoots the man in the white shirt. He falls, and pulls his own gun, shoots the guy multiple times, and kills him. The man in the white shirt apparently survives.

In that case, bullets are literally flying, and he is still able to pull his weapon... point... and shoot... multiple times even..... after being shot himself.

Victim Fires Back at Robbers in Store Parking Lot Middle Georgia News Weather Macon WGXA-TV FOX24 ABC16 Local News

Robbers fire a shot at a guy, who returns fire, and they run away.

I understand that you being in the military have a different perspective. My brother in law went to Iraq. It's a different kind of thing, when you know there are dozens of people out there.... somewhere.... shooting at you in real time.

I get it. Some people do freeze up in that situation.

In this domestic situation, people don't have time to be over come by fear so much. Things happen really fact. You are generally just 'reacting', rather than going into a panic mode "this guy is trying to harm me".

Sure it happens.
Some people have it naturally,some train hard to get it and some wont get it no matter what.
Add to the fact that the person committing the crime usually will get the drop on you from surprise alone.
It's a crap shoot using a gun for defense for a lot of reasons.
But I'd rather have the chance to go down fighting than to rely on the good nature of a guy with a gun and bad intent.

Ok, so you are not against people defending themselves. Some how that seemed to be the implied message of your previous post.

I'm not sure what your point was then, several posts back.

I never thought that having a gun guaranteed my safety. But I did think that not having a gun guaranteed my helplessness.

I realized I wanted to have a weapon, when I was doing deliveries of narcs for a drug company that serviced hospitals. At that time, a story came out where a guy just walked up to a car stuck in stopped traffic at a light. This guy beat this man so badly, that he lost vision in one of his eyes for the rest of life.

The only reason this man didn't kill the driver, is because even while being beaten, he managed to pull a concealed gun from under his seat, and shoot the guy attacking him.

And here I was in a car, with a few hundred thousand in narcotics in the trunk, and if someone attacked me, all I could do was throw my diet coke at them.

I've been armed for years now.

And how long have you been a hapless violence-obsessed dick?

Quite frankly if he died, and everyone like you died... this nation would be a wonderful place to live again.

Shoot em, cut off their hands, and make prison so bad, that they never want to go back. Screw reform. They can reform this 9mm bullet in their skull.

It used to be that if you were caught in the company of criminals, you hanged with them. We should go back to that.

As far as I'm concerned, if he dies, that's justice. If you think he shouldn't, then you are against justice, and you need to die with him. You are supporting an attempted murderer.


Last edited:
Do tell... how did you defend yourself?

Let me guess you warned the would be attacker that having a weapon in the commission of a crime, violated federal law, and that scared him off.

No...actually I stuck a Remington 870 shorty in their face and they fell all over themselves trying to get back in the car that was supposedly broken down.
Never saw a broken down old ass cutlass go so fast.

Wish I would have had this at the time,there were three of em and all I had was five shots in the 870.
View attachment 46109

How unamerican of you. lol. Well done sir.

But I'm confused.... how then do you explain those people who do return fire at an attacker, and kill them?

Doctor had gun fired back and wounded shooter at a Darby Pennsylvania hospital prosecutor says - CBS News

Doctor is shot at by a patient with mental issues. The doctor pulls his gun and shoots the guy.

Man shoots and kills attacker police say - The Commercial Appeal

Guy attacked from behind, and is struck to the ground. Pulls a gun, and kills the attacker.

Would-be victim fires on assailants - philly-archives

Guy pulls a gun on two men that got of a train. They pull a gun, and shoot him.

How many examples would you like?

VIDEO Thug Shoots Man At Point Blank Range Man Fires Back With His Own Firearm Concealed Nation

Here's one from Venezuela. A guy walks in, and shoots the man in the white shirt. He falls, and pulls his own gun, shoots the guy multiple times, and kills him. The man in the white shirt apparently survives.

In that case, bullets are literally flying, and he is still able to pull his weapon... point... and shoot... multiple times even..... after being shot himself.

Victim Fires Back at Robbers in Store Parking Lot Middle Georgia News Weather Macon WGXA-TV FOX24 ABC16 Local News

Robbers fire a shot at a guy, who returns fire, and they run away.

I understand that you being in the military have a different perspective. My brother in law went to Iraq. It's a different kind of thing, when you know there are dozens of people out there.... somewhere.... shooting at you in real time.

I get it. Some people do freeze up in that situation.

In this domestic situation, people don't have time to be over come by fear so much. Things happen really fact. You are generally just 'reacting', rather than going into a panic mode "this guy is trying to harm me".

Sure it happens.
Some people have it naturally,some train hard to get it and some wont get it no matter what.
Add to the fact that the person committing the crime usually will get the drop on you from surprise alone.
It's a crap shoot using a gun for defense for a lot of reasons.
But I'd rather have the chance to go down fighting than to rely on the good nature of a guy with a gun and bad intent.

Ok, so you are not against people defending themselves. Some how that seemed to be the implied message of your previous post.

I'm not sure what your point was then, several posts back.

I never thought that having a gun guaranteed my safety. But I did think that not having a gun guaranteed my helplessness.

I realized I wanted to have a weapon, when I was doing deliveries of narcs for a drug company that serviced hospitals. At that time, a story came out where a guy just walked up to a car stuck in stopped traffic at a light. This guy beat this man so badly, that he lost vision in one of his eyes for the rest of life.

The only reason this man didn't kill the driver, is because even while being beaten, he managed to pull a concealed gun from under his seat, and shoot the guy attacking him.

And here I was in a car, with a few hundred thousand in narcotics in the trunk, and if someone attacked me, all I could do was throw my diet coke at them.

I've been armed for years now.

And how long have you been a hapless violence-obsessed dick?

Quite frankly if he died, and everyone like you died... this nation would be a wonderful place to live again.

Shoot em, cut off their hands, and make prison so bad, that they never want to go back. Screw reform. They can reform this 9mm bullet in their skull.

It used to be that if you were caught in the company of criminals, you hanged with them. We should go back to that.

As far as I'm concerned, if he dies, that's justice. If you think he shouldn't, then you are against justice, and you need to die with him. You are supporting an attempted murderer.



Thanks! :)

Insults from people like, are closer to an endorsement than anything else.

The worst thing someone like pogo could do to me, is say he's on my side. I'd have to question my position then.
Yes....this teenager learned a lesson...that is if he survives...perhaps if he survives he will get to rehab and turn his life around......until then....good shooting...

PA Concealed Carrier Defends Self Against Armed Thug Hits All His Marks Concealed Nation

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA — An intoxicated 19 year old allegedly told a concealed carrier to get off his block before opening fire.

According to Philly.com, Officer Christine O’Brien confirmed that the concealed carrier responded with deadly force. While the 19 year old fled the scene, he later wound up at Temple University Hospital in critical condition. Apparently, the concealed carrier had decent aim – the 19 year old assailant had gunshots in his arms, abdomen and his neck.

When that kid wakes up, Philadelphia Police expect to charge him with aggravated assault amongst other charges. While they recovered the 25-year-old man’s gun, they haven’t been able to locate the 19-year-old’s.

The investigation is ongoing, and all signs point to the concealed carrier not being charged with any crimes.
That's because the kid probably didn't have a gun. He just thought he was tough.

The 25 year old didn't have to shoot. I'd charge him with a felony gun charge.

Yet another example of why crime is high in the US. It's not guns. It's total scum sucking trash, defending the criminals, and attacking the victims. You should be put to death. The country would be better off without you alive.
How do you know that's the way it went down? Sounds like you would like to walk your pale white ass into a ghetto and the first time a black says something to you, you open fire.

You said they didn't find the kids gun. Maybe he didn't have one? Where you there? I'd hate for you to be on my jury.

And why not pull the gun and tell the guy to back off? Murderers.
Yes....this teenager learned a lesson...that is if he survives...perhaps if he survives he will get to rehab and turn his life around......until then....good shooting...

PA Concealed Carrier Defends Self Against Armed Thug Hits All His Marks Concealed Nation

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA — An intoxicated 19 year old allegedly told a concealed carrier to get off his block before opening fire.

According to Philly.com, Officer Christine O’Brien confirmed that the concealed carrier responded with deadly force. While the 19 year old fled the scene, he later wound up at Temple University Hospital in critical condition. Apparently, the concealed carrier had decent aim – the 19 year old assailant had gunshots in his arms, abdomen and his neck.

When that kid wakes up, Philadelphia Police expect to charge him with aggravated assault amongst other charges. While they recovered the 25-year-old man’s gun, they haven’t been able to locate the 19-year-old’s.

The investigation is ongoing, and all signs point to the concealed carrier not being charged with any crimes.
That's because the kid probably didn't have a gun. He just thought he was tough.

The 25 year old didn't have to shoot. I'd charge him with a felony gun charge.

Yet another example of why crime is high in the US. It's not guns. It's total scum sucking trash, defending the criminals, and attacking the victims. You should be put to death. The country would be better off without you alive.
How do you know that's the way it went down? Sounds like you would like to walk your pale white ass into a ghetto and the first time a black says something to you, you open fire.

You said they didn't find the kids gun. Maybe he didn't have one? Where you there? I'd hate for you to be on my jury.

And why not pull the gun and tell the guy to back off? Murderers.

Can I make up what you sound like, the way you did me?

Sounds like you walk around watching people get raped, and if someone intervenes you call them racists.

If the story is false, that would be new information, and change my view of the event.

Under the currently accepted story, this is my opinion. If that changes, then my opinion will change.

And if I was on the jury, stupid, I would know the full story. That was a moronic comment.
No...actually I stuck a Remington 870 shorty in their face and they fell all over themselves trying to get back in the car that was supposedly broken down.
Never saw a broken down old ass cutlass go so fast.

Wish I would have had this at the time,there were three of em and all I had was five shots in the 870.
View attachment 46109

How unamerican of you. lol. Well done sir.

But I'm confused.... how then do you explain those people who do return fire at an attacker, and kill them?

Doctor had gun fired back and wounded shooter at a Darby Pennsylvania hospital prosecutor says - CBS News

Doctor is shot at by a patient with mental issues. The doctor pulls his gun and shoots the guy.

Man shoots and kills attacker police say - The Commercial Appeal

Guy attacked from behind, and is struck to the ground. Pulls a gun, and kills the attacker.

Would-be victim fires on assailants - philly-archives

Guy pulls a gun on two men that got of a train. They pull a gun, and shoot him.

How many examples would you like?

VIDEO Thug Shoots Man At Point Blank Range Man Fires Back With His Own Firearm Concealed Nation

Here's one from Venezuela. A guy walks in, and shoots the man in the white shirt. He falls, and pulls his own gun, shoots the guy multiple times, and kills him. The man in the white shirt apparently survives.

In that case, bullets are literally flying, and he is still able to pull his weapon... point... and shoot... multiple times even..... after being shot himself.

Victim Fires Back at Robbers in Store Parking Lot Middle Georgia News Weather Macon WGXA-TV FOX24 ABC16 Local News

Robbers fire a shot at a guy, who returns fire, and they run away.

I understand that you being in the military have a different perspective. My brother in law went to Iraq. It's a different kind of thing, when you know there are dozens of people out there.... somewhere.... shooting at you in real time.

I get it. Some people do freeze up in that situation.

In this domestic situation, people don't have time to be over come by fear so much. Things happen really fact. You are generally just 'reacting', rather than going into a panic mode "this guy is trying to harm me".

Sure it happens.
Some people have it naturally,some train hard to get it and some wont get it no matter what.
Add to the fact that the person committing the crime usually will get the drop on you from surprise alone.
It's a crap shoot using a gun for defense for a lot of reasons.
But I'd rather have the chance to go down fighting than to rely on the good nature of a guy with a gun and bad intent.

Ok, so you are not against people defending themselves. Some how that seemed to be the implied message of your previous post.

I'm not sure what your point was then, several posts back.

I never thought that having a gun guaranteed my safety. But I did think that not having a gun guaranteed my helplessness.

I realized I wanted to have a weapon, when I was doing deliveries of narcs for a drug company that serviced hospitals. At that time, a story came out where a guy just walked up to a car stuck in stopped traffic at a light. This guy beat this man so badly, that he lost vision in one of his eyes for the rest of life.

The only reason this man didn't kill the driver, is because even while being beaten, he managed to pull a concealed gun from under his seat, and shoot the guy attacking him.

And here I was in a car, with a few hundred thousand in narcotics in the trunk, and if someone attacked me, all I could do was throw my diet coke at them.

I've been armed for years now.

And how long have you been a hapless violence-obsessed dick?

Quite frankly if he died, and everyone like you died... this nation would be a wonderful place to live again.

Shoot em, cut off their hands, and make prison so bad, that they never want to go back. Screw reform. They can reform this 9mm bullet in their skull.

It used to be that if you were caught in the company of criminals, you hanged with them. We should go back to that.

As far as I'm concerned, if he dies, that's justice. If you think he shouldn't, then you are against justice, and you need to die with him. You are supporting an attempted murderer.



Thanks! :)

Insults from people like, are closer to an endorsement than anything else.

The worst thing someone like pogo could do to me, is say he's on my side. I'd have to question my position then.

Luckily I didn't even need insults. You supply more than enough material.

Yes....this teenager learned a lesson...that is if he survives...perhaps if he survives he will get to rehab and turn his life around......until then....good shooting...

PA Concealed Carrier Defends Self Against Armed Thug Hits All His Marks Concealed Nation

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA — An intoxicated 19 year old allegedly told a concealed carrier to get off his block before opening fire.

According to Philly.com, Officer Christine O’Brien confirmed that the concealed carrier responded with deadly force. While the 19 year old fled the scene, he later wound up at Temple University Hospital in critical condition. Apparently, the concealed carrier had decent aim – the 19 year old assailant had gunshots in his arms, abdomen and his neck.

When that kid wakes up, Philadelphia Police expect to charge him with aggravated assault amongst other charges. While they recovered the 25-year-old man’s gun, they haven’t been able to locate the 19-year-old’s.

The investigation is ongoing, and all signs point to the concealed carrier not being charged with any crimes.
That's because the kid probably didn't have a gun. He just thought he was tough.

The 25 year old didn't have to shoot. I'd charge him with a felony gun charge.

Yet another example of why crime is high in the US. It's not guns. It's total scum sucking trash, defending the criminals, and attacking the victims. You should be put to death. The country would be better off without you alive.
How do you know that's the way it went down? Sounds like you would like to walk your pale white ass into a ghetto and the first time a black says something to you, you open fire.

You said they didn't find the kids gun. Maybe he didn't have one? Where you there? I'd hate for you to be on my jury.

And why not pull the gun and tell the guy to back off? Murderers.

Can I make up what you sound like, the way you did me?

Sounds like you walk around watching people get raped, and if someone intervenes you call them racists.

If the story is false, that would be new information, and change my view of the event.

Under the currently accepted story, this is my opinion. If that changes, then my opinion will change.

And if I was on the jury, stupid, I would know the full story. That was a moronic comment.

If a guy is running at me, how did he end up at the hospital and not dead in front of me? Sounds like the shooter was shooting at someone who was running. Doesn't it sound like that to you? This story makes no sense.

My uncle did the same thing. A gang was surrounding his car in Miami and he pulled out the gun and just started firing. He didn't show them the gun first and give them a chance to leave.

Do I feel sorry for the person who got shot if they were being a criminal towards this person? No. I think it is great they got theirs. And I hope the guy doesn't get charged if he was scared because the thug was being a thug. Maybe that'll teach the next thug to leave people alone.
So this is good for you? A shootout in the street. Good thing nobody was hit by any strays. Guy should have got off his block and called the cops. A shootout in the street is dangerous for everyone in the neighborhood.

The guy being shot at by the other drunk man had a right to be on 'that block,' because he's a civilian, too, and these 'blocks' are public.

The young drunk man, in his drunken stupor, made a terrible mistake. I think it would be wise if we put the blame on this man and his actions, and the consequences thereof. The innocent man being shot at didn't ask for it: he did no wrong. If that man is armed, and someone is literally trying to kill him dead in the streets, does he not have a good reason to return fire in order to save his life? Is it expected that he is expected to only run, put his back to a fast bullet or two? I think we need to think this through, and try to keep it within reason.

Shootouts in the street are a bad thing. Bullets go very far. It is possible the man did everything he could to avoid a shootout, but it doesn't sound like it. And certainly a street shootout shouldn't be glorified.

Indeed shootouts aren't good things. Bullets do tend to go far.

In those split seconds, what more do you think the victim could have done? It's not as though he has a pocket-notebook filled to the brim with Brain's notes, ready to go. You try being shot dead and see how clearly you can think while bullets are flying at you, good sir.

I don't see anyone here glorifying a street shootout, either.

I see a lot of glorifying in the OP. He loves shootouts.

I would guess the drunk guy said get off my block. The concealed carry guy who was armed chose not to which lead to a shootout. I think he would have been much better off trying to diffuse the situation without using a gun. He should have left and called the cops. Now possibly the guy just started shooting at him and there was nothing he could do. Even drunk people typically don't do that however so I am pretty sure there is more to the story. Either way I wouldn't be posting this like a great win for pro gun. They are lucky nobody else was shot. It was probably some stupid for both. But you do make good points.

Whatever you say pajama boy. What a tard you are. Blame the guy that was walking, because he didn't retreat like a bitch....
Yes....this teenager learned a lesson...that is if he survives...perhaps if he survives he will get to rehab and turn his life around......until then....good shooting...

PA Concealed Carrier Defends Self Against Armed Thug Hits All His Marks Concealed Nation

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA — An intoxicated 19 year old allegedly told a concealed carrier to get off his block before opening fire.

According to Philly.com, Officer Christine O’Brien confirmed that the concealed carrier responded with deadly force. While the 19 year old fled the scene, he later wound up at Temple University Hospital in critical condition. Apparently, the concealed carrier had decent aim – the 19 year old assailant had gunshots in his arms, abdomen and his neck.

When that kid wakes up, Philadelphia Police expect to charge him with aggravated assault amongst other charges. While they recovered the 25-year-old man’s gun, they haven’t been able to locate the 19-year-old’s.

The investigation is ongoing, and all signs point to the concealed carrier not being charged with any crimes.
That's because the kid probably didn't have a gun. He just thought he was tough.

The 25 year old didn't have to shoot. I'd charge him with a felony gun charge.

Yet another example of why crime is high in the US. It's not guns. It's total scum sucking trash, defending the criminals, and attacking the victims. You should be put to death. The country would be better off without you alive.
How do you know that's the way it went down? Sounds like you would like to walk your pale white ass into a ghetto and the first time a black says something to you, you open fire.

You said they didn't find the kids gun. Maybe he didn't have one? Where you there? I'd hate for you to be on my jury.

And why not pull the gun and tell the guy to back off? Murderers.

Can I make up what you sound like, the way you did me?

Sounds like you walk around watching people get raped, and if someone intervenes you call them racists.

If the story is false, that would be new information, and change my view of the event.

Under the currently accepted story, this is my opinion. If that changes, then my opinion will change.

And if I was on the jury, stupid, I would know the full story. That was a moronic comment.

If a guy is running at me, how did he end up at the hospital and not dead in front of me? Sounds like the shooter was shooting at someone who was running. Doesn't it sound like that to you? This story makes no sense.

My uncle did the same thing. A gang was surrounding his car in Miami and he pulled out the gun and just started firing. He didn't show them the gun first and give them a chance to leave.

Do I feel sorry for the person who got shot if they were being a criminal towards this person? No. I think it is great they got theirs. And I hope the guy doesn't get charged if he was scared because the thug was being a thug. Maybe that'll teach the next thug to leave people alone.

Well of course he was running, the good guy returned fire. What are you trying to imply?
With any luck he wont wake up, it will go from a good job to a fantastic job. :boohoo::banana:

Just wait for all the wailing from the idiots who will tell you the "poor" kid had problems and needed help and it was "someone's" duty to provide it.

If he croaks I'm sure he won't be missed. Except by his "excellent" family that is.

Poor kid never had a chance, until he got his hands on a 38 special.
With any luck he wont wake up, it will go from a good job to a fantastic job. :boohoo::banana:

Yeah, I'm all for dead criminals. At this point, prison is just social networking for criminals. Death is the only real fix at this point... unless we reform the prison system.

You think other countries have better prison systems? I feel like most don't come out reformed from ours. But I could be wrong on that.

I don't remember mentioning 'other countries' at any point. I have no idea, and nor do I care. Clearly our prison system sucks.

60 Minutes intereview criminals who intentionally committed violent crime, specifically because they actually WANTED to go back to prison.

I don't want to "reform" them. I want to PUNISH THEM until the punishment is so horrific that they don't ever want to go back again for the rest of their lives.

When people intentionally break the law, specifically so they can get back into prison with their 'bros' and crap..... clearly it's not harming them enough.

Perhaps we could amputate hands for thieves. I'd be for it. If a politician offered up that as a solution, I'd vote for it.

Perhaps we can just flat out kill rapists and murders. That'll clean out a bunch of them.

And honestly, if you are convicted of the same act twice... they should just put a gun to their heads.

I'm tired of this crap. We've played the reform game the left has been pushing for 60 years. 2.5 Million people living off the tax payers THAT THEY ABUSED. They abuse the public, and then live for free off the public.

No. That's wrong. Immoral. Shoot em, cut off their hands, and make prison so bad, that they never want to go back. Screw reform. They can reform this 9mm bullet in their skull.

Yeah, I'm hard core. Tell me, have you come home to find your entire house ransacked and stuff broken or stolen, and then have to close all your bank accounts because they found your account information and started emptying it out?

No? Then shut up. I don't want to hear it.

I didn't say you had mentioned other countries. Just figured if ours doesn't work then somebodies probably does. What makes you think your way would work? And I'm not saying it wouldn't. But does somebody do that now? I think many other countries are much better at reforming from what I have heard.

Sure. Singapore. Singapore is rated one of the safest cities on the planet. Top tourist destination if you are single woman.

Of course, if you are caught there with drugs..... they hang you.

Oddly.... not much of a drug problem.... let alone rape or murder.

Absolutely... I'm 100% in favor of adopting the Singapore justice system.

You think it's okay to be hanged for having an 8th of weed?
Yes....this teenager learned a lesson...that is if he survives...perhaps if he survives he will get to rehab and turn his life around......until then....good shooting...

PA Concealed Carrier Defends Self Against Armed Thug Hits All His Marks Concealed Nation

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA — An intoxicated 19 year old allegedly told a concealed carrier to get off his block before opening fire.

According to Philly.com, Officer Christine O’Brien confirmed that the concealed carrier responded with deadly force. While the 19 year old fled the scene, he later wound up at Temple University Hospital in critical condition. Apparently, the concealed carrier had decent aim – the 19 year old assailant had gunshots in his arms, abdomen and his neck.

When that kid wakes up, Philadelphia Police expect to charge him with aggravated assault amongst other charges. While they recovered the 25-year-old man’s gun, they haven’t been able to locate the 19-year-old’s.

The investigation is ongoing, and all signs point to the concealed carrier not being charged with any crimes.
And Republicans want a theater full of 19 year olds in the dark to all be armed for the sake of, get this, "safety". God that party is smart.
How unamerican of you. lol. Well done sir.

But I'm confused.... how then do you explain those people who do return fire at an attacker, and kill them?

Doctor had gun fired back and wounded shooter at a Darby Pennsylvania hospital prosecutor says - CBS News

Doctor is shot at by a patient with mental issues. The doctor pulls his gun and shoots the guy.

Man shoots and kills attacker police say - The Commercial Appeal

Guy attacked from behind, and is struck to the ground. Pulls a gun, and kills the attacker.

Would-be victim fires on assailants - philly-archives

Guy pulls a gun on two men that got of a train. They pull a gun, and shoot him.

How many examples would you like?

VIDEO Thug Shoots Man At Point Blank Range Man Fires Back With His Own Firearm Concealed Nation

Here's one from Venezuela. A guy walks in, and shoots the man in the white shirt. He falls, and pulls his own gun, shoots the guy multiple times, and kills him. The man in the white shirt apparently survives.

In that case, bullets are literally flying, and he is still able to pull his weapon... point... and shoot... multiple times even..... after being shot himself.

Victim Fires Back at Robbers in Store Parking Lot Middle Georgia News Weather Macon WGXA-TV FOX24 ABC16 Local News

Robbers fire a shot at a guy, who returns fire, and they run away.

I understand that you being in the military have a different perspective. My brother in law went to Iraq. It's a different kind of thing, when you know there are dozens of people out there.... somewhere.... shooting at you in real time.

I get it. Some people do freeze up in that situation.

In this domestic situation, people don't have time to be over come by fear so much. Things happen really fact. You are generally just 'reacting', rather than going into a panic mode "this guy is trying to harm me".

Sure it happens.
Some people have it naturally,some train hard to get it and some wont get it no matter what.
Add to the fact that the person committing the crime usually will get the drop on you from surprise alone.
It's a crap shoot using a gun for defense for a lot of reasons.
But I'd rather have the chance to go down fighting than to rely on the good nature of a guy with a gun and bad intent.

Ok, so you are not against people defending themselves. Some how that seemed to be the implied message of your previous post.

I'm not sure what your point was then, several posts back.

I never thought that having a gun guaranteed my safety. But I did think that not having a gun guaranteed my helplessness.

I realized I wanted to have a weapon, when I was doing deliveries of narcs for a drug company that serviced hospitals. At that time, a story came out where a guy just walked up to a car stuck in stopped traffic at a light. This guy beat this man so badly, that he lost vision in one of his eyes for the rest of life.

The only reason this man didn't kill the driver, is because even while being beaten, he managed to pull a concealed gun from under his seat, and shoot the guy attacking him.

And here I was in a car, with a few hundred thousand in narcotics in the trunk, and if someone attacked me, all I could do was throw my diet coke at them.

I've been armed for years now.

And how long have you been a hapless violence-obsessed dick?

Quite frankly if he died, and everyone like you died... this nation would be a wonderful place to live again.

Shoot em, cut off their hands, and make prison so bad, that they never want to go back. Screw reform. They can reform this 9mm bullet in their skull.

It used to be that if you were caught in the company of criminals, you hanged with them. We should go back to that.

As far as I'm concerned, if he dies, that's justice. If you think he shouldn't, then you are against justice, and you need to die with him. You are supporting an attempted murderer.



Thanks! :)

Insults from people like, are closer to an endorsement than anything else.

The worst thing someone like pogo could do to me, is say he's on my side. I'd have to question my position then.

Luckily I didn't even need insults. You supply more than enough material.


Now that's funny. In just the previous post... which is only a few centimeters up on the screen, you called me a moron, and a "hapless violence-obsessed dick"......

Now only 1 post later "Luckily I didn't even need insults......" after just posting a bunch of insults. :D

You are one 'special' poster..... Gold star for you.

Yes....this teenager learned a lesson...that is if he survives...perhaps if he survives he will get to rehab and turn his life around......until then....good shooting...

PA Concealed Carrier Defends Self Against Armed Thug Hits All His Marks Concealed Nation

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA — An intoxicated 19 year old allegedly told a concealed carrier to get off his block before opening fire.

According to Philly.com, Officer Christine O’Brien confirmed that the concealed carrier responded with deadly force. While the 19 year old fled the scene, he later wound up at Temple University Hospital in critical condition. Apparently, the concealed carrier had decent aim – the 19 year old assailant had gunshots in his arms, abdomen and his neck.

When that kid wakes up, Philadelphia Police expect to charge him with aggravated assault amongst other charges. While they recovered the 25-year-old man’s gun, they haven’t been able to locate the 19-year-old’s.

The investigation is ongoing, and all signs point to the concealed carrier not being charged with any crimes.
And Republicans want a theater full of 19 year olds in the dark to all be armed for the sake of, get this, "safety". God that party is smart.

Because it's so nice to be an unarmed sitting duck. I will not patronize an establishment that doesn't respect my 2nd amendment rights. And I will violate their wishes if I must enter. A sign has no legal authority. It's no different than if you go buy a beware of dog sign. It's equivalent to a McDonalds order taker asking you to not carry.
Yes....this teenager learned a lesson...that is if he survives...perhaps if he survives he will get to rehab and turn his life around......until then....good shooting...

PA Concealed Carrier Defends Self Against Armed Thug Hits All His Marks Concealed Nation

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA — An intoxicated 19 year old allegedly told a concealed carrier to get off his block before opening fire.

According to Philly.com, Officer Christine O’Brien confirmed that the concealed carrier responded with deadly force. While the 19 year old fled the scene, he later wound up at Temple University Hospital in critical condition. Apparently, the concealed carrier had decent aim – the 19 year old assailant had gunshots in his arms, abdomen and his neck.

When that kid wakes up, Philadelphia Police expect to charge him with aggravated assault amongst other charges. While they recovered the 25-year-old man’s gun, they haven’t been able to locate the 19-year-old’s.

The investigation is ongoing, and all signs point to the concealed carrier not being charged with any crimes.
That's because the kid probably didn't have a gun. He just thought he was tough.

The 25 year old didn't have to shoot. I'd charge him with a felony gun charge.

Yet another example of why crime is high in the US. It's not guns. It's total scum sucking trash, defending the criminals, and attacking the victims. You should be put to death. The country would be better off without you alive.
How do you know that's the way it went down? Sounds like you would like to walk your pale white ass into a ghetto and the first time a black says something to you, you open fire.

You said they didn't find the kids gun. Maybe he didn't have one? Where you there? I'd hate for you to be on my jury.

And why not pull the gun and tell the guy to back off? Murderers.

Can I make up what you sound like, the way you did me?

Sounds like you walk around watching people get raped, and if someone intervenes you call them racists.

If the story is false, that would be new information, and change my view of the event.

Under the currently accepted story, this is my opinion. If that changes, then my opinion will change.

And if I was on the jury, stupid, I would know the full story. That was a moronic comment.

If a guy is running at me, how did he end up at the hospital and not dead in front of me? Sounds like the shooter was shooting at someone who was running. Doesn't it sound like that to you? This story makes no sense.

My uncle did the same thing. A gang was surrounding his car in Miami and he pulled out the gun and just started firing. He didn't show them the gun first and give them a chance to leave.

Do I feel sorry for the person who got shot if they were being a criminal towards this person? No. I think it is great they got theirs. And I hope the guy doesn't get charged if he was scared because the thug was being a thug. Maybe that'll teach the next thug to leave people alone.

We could debate that until the end of time.

Again, I'm going based on the story as it was given. If that story was false.... great. I'll change my views based on the new, previously undisclosed, information.

Debating what might have happened, when we have no more evidence, than the original story, is the same as debating the moon, since none of us have been there. We have to go based on the story about what the moon is like, from the people who have been there.

Similarly, the story I have read thus far is that a guy pulled a gun on innocent lawful civilians, and he ended up shot.

If you pull a gun on me, I'm going to pull my gun and shoot. I'll shoot if you turn and run away. I'll shoot from the side. I'll shoot from the front. I'm simply going to shoot, and keep shooting until I have a reason to stop. (like a little old lady is standing behind the criminal) I won't risk harming an innocent to kill the criminal.

But beyond that, I don't give a crap if he was running away or not. I want the criminal dead. Not escaped so that they can abuse the next person. Not loose to harm someone else. Dead, as in no longer breathing, eating, or pissing.

I have no problem whatsoever, with criminals being shot and killed running away. In fact, I think the shooter of a criminal should be given a reward for his contribution to society, by eliminating criminal scum from our streets, which benefits all law abiding citizens equally.
Yeah, I'm all for dead criminals. At this point, prison is just social networking for criminals. Death is the only real fix at this point... unless we reform the prison system.

You think other countries have better prison systems? I feel like most don't come out reformed from ours. But I could be wrong on that.

I don't remember mentioning 'other countries' at any point. I have no idea, and nor do I care. Clearly our prison system sucks.

60 Minutes intereview criminals who intentionally committed violent crime, specifically because they actually WANTED to go back to prison.

I don't want to "reform" them. I want to PUNISH THEM until the punishment is so horrific that they don't ever want to go back again for the rest of their lives.

When people intentionally break the law, specifically so they can get back into prison with their 'bros' and crap..... clearly it's not harming them enough.

Perhaps we could amputate hands for thieves. I'd be for it. If a politician offered up that as a solution, I'd vote for it.

Perhaps we can just flat out kill rapists and murders. That'll clean out a bunch of them.

And honestly, if you are convicted of the same act twice... they should just put a gun to their heads.

I'm tired of this crap. We've played the reform game the left has been pushing for 60 years. 2.5 Million people living off the tax payers THAT THEY ABUSED. They abuse the public, and then live for free off the public.

No. That's wrong. Immoral. Shoot em, cut off their hands, and make prison so bad, that they never want to go back. Screw reform. They can reform this 9mm bullet in their skull.

Yeah, I'm hard core. Tell me, have you come home to find your entire house ransacked and stuff broken or stolen, and then have to close all your bank accounts because they found your account information and started emptying it out?

No? Then shut up. I don't want to hear it.

I didn't say you had mentioned other countries. Just figured if ours doesn't work then somebodies probably does. What makes you think your way would work? And I'm not saying it wouldn't. But does somebody do that now? I think many other countries are much better at reforming from what I have heard.

Sure. Singapore. Singapore is rated one of the safest cities on the planet. Top tourist destination if you are single woman.

Of course, if you are caught there with drugs..... they hang you.

Oddly.... not much of a drug problem.... let alone rape or murder.

Absolutely... I'm 100% in favor of adopting the Singapore justice system.

You think it's okay to be hanged for having an 8th of weed?

Absolutely. Yes of course. Druggies are a scourge on society. Never met a druggie yet that had more value than spit.

I'm sure there's at least one out there. But as a whole.... No. One exception doesn't disprove the rule. Hang them all.
Yes....this teenager learned a lesson...that is if he survives...perhaps if he survives he will get to rehab and turn his life around......until then....good shooting...

PA Concealed Carrier Defends Self Against Armed Thug Hits All His Marks Concealed Nation

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA — An intoxicated 19 year old allegedly told a concealed carrier to get off his block before opening fire.

According to Philly.com, Officer Christine O’Brien confirmed that the concealed carrier responded with deadly force. While the 19 year old fled the scene, he later wound up at Temple University Hospital in critical condition. Apparently, the concealed carrier had decent aim – the 19 year old assailant had gunshots in his arms, abdomen and his neck.

When that kid wakes up, Philadelphia Police expect to charge him with aggravated assault amongst other charges. While they recovered the 25-year-old man’s gun, they haven’t been able to locate the 19-year-old’s.

The investigation is ongoing, and all signs point to the concealed carrier not being charged with any crimes.
And Republicans want a theater full of 19 year olds in the dark to all be armed for the sake of, get this, "safety". God that party is smart.

Asshole, you can't carry a weapon until you are 21. Learn the law....I know it doesn't mean anything to left wing morons, but try......it will help you understand the truth, reality, the difference between right and wrong and good and evil.....

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