Drunken Wife of Congressman Busted at Disney World

The sad thing is that some people in the U.S. find mental health issues somehow "funny" and make those who suffer from them into objects of mockery. There is nothing funny about it. I once had to go into the home of a mentally ill relative and sneak his guns out of the house and dump them in the hedgerow. I was afraid that the cops we had called due to his threatening behavior would assist him in committing "suicide by cop" in a lovely suburban village. The cops thanked me profusely, and no village cop has to live with undeserved guilt. With treatment and consistent supervision, my relative is much improved.
Hope no kids found the guns in the bushes.

Nope. The cops arrived immediately. I stayed outside until they arrived and retrieved them.
The sad thing is that some people in the U.S. find mental health issues somehow "funny" and make those who suffer from them into objects of mockery. There is nothing funny about it. I once had to go into the home of a mentally ill relative and sneak his guns out of the house and dump them in the hedgerow. I was afraid that the cops we had called due to his threatening behavior would assist him in committing "suicide by cop" in a lovely suburban village. The cops thanked me profusely, and no village cop has to live with undeserved guilt. With treatment and consistent supervision, my relative is much improved.
Hope no kids found the guns in the bushes.

Nope. The cops arrived immediately. I stayed outside until they arrived and retrieved them.

I should also explain that this took place in a state that stringently applies the "danger to self or others" standard to obtain involuntary commitment of a mentally ill adult. I consulted with an attorney specializing in mental-health law before this occurred and was told that the only way to get around this was to have this individual brought up on a criminal charge, which we managed to do on a charge of domestic abuse (in-your-face verbal) against another elderly relative, which I witnessed, and bingo! we had the violation I wanted. We had to go to court and the judge told me that judges hate having to deal with this sort of thing, but we agreed that this is the sad state of our system.

Decades and meds later, the patient, who has a very high IQ and a photographic memory, now understands why what was done had to be done, and, in actuality, it was to save his life and the emotional life of the poor village cop who would have had to shoot him if he pointed a gun. He will never be normal but he is now so much better and is functioning in at least a somewhat acceptable level, considering that he was an agoraphobe, and he now attends a mental health center four days a week and participates in their social events. He actually is quite a nice guy underneath and has turned out to be very empathetic.
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If drunkenness is a "mental health" issue then a drunk driver who crashes an assault SUV into a crowd and kills 30 people, 10 of them infants, can escape punishment with a "diminished mental capacity" plea.

And she can do anything she wants because she's the wife of a Congressman.

It's how they live. It's what they believe. Usually they do everything possible to keep that hidden from the public.

It should be noted that I attempted to calm Amanda numerous times from her agitated state and that even while attempting to speak with her she continued to utter that her husband is a congressman, therefore, she can do whatever she wants,” Heller stated in the report.

Soto’s charge is a second-degree misdemeanor.

Her husband issued a statement saying that she suffers from depression and is off her meds.

Yesterday, she drank too much and reached an argumentative state with a family member, which led to arrest,’’ Rep. Soto said. “She deeply regrets her actions and takes full responsibility for them. Amanda and her physician will be reviewing her mental health treatment, immediately.’’

From Wife of Democrat Congressman Arrested After Getting Trashed at Disney, Telling Cop She Can Do Whatever She Wants
She looks like a microcephalic.

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