
How Do You Feel About Drunks?

  • Embarassing

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Annoying

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Fun To Be Around

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • I don't hang out with people who get drunk

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Fun to make fun of

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (Specify)

    Votes: 4 30.8%

  • Total voters
It all depends on the person. I don't associate myself with bad drunks. Grow up and take that shit elsewhere.
well some are angry drunks
Some are fun
but mostly, a large amount of very unattractive characteristics show up in a drunk person..
...mostly "in vino veritas" That's why it is customary, mainly in Russian officers' corps to say: "Don't trust anybody whom you did not get drunk with.." so I read in a book...
well some are angry drunks
Some are fun
but mostly, a large amount of very unattractive characteristics show up in a drunk person..
...mostly "in vino veritas" That's why it is customary, mainly in Russian officers' corps to say: "Don't trust anybody whom you did not get drunk with.." so I read in a book...

"In Vino Veritas"... used to be my signature... stop......
"In Vino Veritas"... used to be my signature... stop......
yes..., I know.... in times past...I made the mistake many times to speak the truth where truth should have never been spoken of although, everybody knew the truth... (it may not make too much sense but I know what I am talking about)
People who drink to excess are those who have no self-respect and need crutches to get through life.

(I was one)

My foster father was a nasty drunk whom I had absolutely no respect for. My third wife, an RN trained and experienced in helping rehab drug addicts and alcoholics was one and I dumped her the moment I discovered it

So, if I have no respect for drunks, why do I support the continued legal sale of alcohol? And drugs in general?

We learned from Prohibition that making certain things illegal only creates organized crime and drug cartels. Legalize them and they have no more reason to exist.
"In Vino Veritas"... used to be my signature... stop......
yes..., I know.... in times past...I made the mistake many times to speak the truth where truth should have never been spoken of although, everybody knew the truth... (it may not make too much sense but I know what I am talking about)

I understand... point taken...
People who drink to excess are those who have no self-respect and need crutches to get through life.

(I was one)

My foster father was a nasty drunk whom I had absolutely no respect for. My third wife, an RN trained and experienced in helping rehab drug addicts and alcoholics was one and I dumped her the moment I discovered it

So, if I have no respect for drunks, why do I support the continued legal sale of alcohol? And drugs in general?

We learned from Prohibition that making certain things illegal only creates organized crime and drug cartels. Legalize them and they have no more reason to exist.

they could be in situations they can't get out of.. you should not presume........
I understand... point taken...
...I referred specifically to MY past, serious consequences could have resulted of my "seeking the truth/justice when drunk"... I did not try to point fingers.. or lecture

truth and justice.... interesting... not sure they actually exist in this life.
But there are other things I believe in...........
Most of mine are rather good.. except when I had to take a breathalyzer on St. Patrick's Day in Washington DC... still have no clue how I passed that one.........
...maybe your personality and good looks?

Not sure about the personality part, I was drunk.... I was all but 105 lbs so I think the guy took pity on me and figured I would not survive a DC jail!

maybe instead of questioning everyone else...constantly...you should go take care of yourself. ya think?
Most of mine are rather good.. except when I had to take a breathalyzer on St. Patrick's Day in Washington DC... still have no clue how I passed that one.........
...maybe your personality and good looks?

Not sure about the personality part, I was drunk.... I was all but 105 lbs so I think the guy took pity on me and figured I would not survive a DC jail!

maybe instead of questioning everyone else...constantly...you should go take care of yourself. ya think?

really. you want to go there?... who am I questioning? It's a challenge and a legitimate one at that....
Most of mine are rather good.. except when I had to take a breathalyzer on St. Patrick's Day in Washington DC... still have no clue how I passed that one.........
...maybe your personality and good looks?

Not sure about the personality part, I was drunk.... I was all but 105 lbs so I think the guy took pity on me and figured I would not survive a DC jail!

maybe instead of questioning everyone else...constantly...you should go take care of yourself. ya think?

really. you want to go there?... who am I questioning? It's a challenge and a legitimate one at that....

You are drunk on here quite a bit (or say you are) and questioned everything from christianity to personal toileting issues. :itsok:

its just a suggestion. self reflection is good
I picked other because my feelings depend on whatever their reason is for getting drunk in the first place.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. It also depends on how their drunk behavior is too.

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