DSM-5: Will millions more Americans be diagnosed with mental illness?

And again for the slow and stupid the criteria for removing the right to be armed requires Competent authority, A JUDGE, to make a ruling. Simply taking medication does not preclude you, nor even voluntarily going to a mental facility.
You didn't answer the question. Your evasion suggests you are okay with a citizen, no matter their sobriety or sanity, to own a Surface to Air Missile.

no i did answer the question. I said I stand by madisons vision of the second amendment

Wow. Has it ever occur to you that Madison could not 'see' into the future and man's ability to creat arms capable of the mass slaughter of innocent citizens? And if Madison had the facts in evidence his opinion which you opine might be different?

did it ever occur to you that madison already saw into the future. in fact well before the 2nd amendment was written congress had an order for 150 rifles that would fire 20 rounds in about 5 seconds that used large capacity clips. they were already pushing the bounds of technology. had seen technology change in their lifetime. and regardless of what he saw, his intent was the civilian population should have the same capacity as the federal government. if they changed, the people were to change. what he was trying to prevent was the inbalance of power that has been allowed to occur today. he'd be appauled at what they have that we don't have
no i did answer the question. I said I stand by madisons vision of the second amendment

Wow. Has it ever occur to you that Madison could not 'see' into the future and man's ability to creat arms capable of the mass slaughter of innocent citizens? And if Madison had the facts in evidence his opinion which you opine might be different?

One can not own a ground to air missile without a lot of federal licenses. Your argument is a failure.

Gee, so you're stating that anyone can get a "lot of federal licenses" and own a surface to air missile, correct? Do you suppose a background check of an applicant is required to get "lot of federal licenses"?

Your post, BTW, does not make my premise invalid; in fact if what you wrote is correct, it provides a bit more evidence that the Second Amendment's right to own arms has limitations. Being licensed is an infringement, is it not?
Wow. Has it ever occur to you that Madison could not 'see' into the future and man's ability to creat arms capable of the mass slaughter of innocent citizens? And if Madison had the facts in evidence his opinion which you opine might be different?

One can not own a ground to air missile without a lot of federal licenses. Your argument is a failure.

Gee, so you're stating that anyone can get a "lot of federal licenses" and own a surface to air missile, correct? Do you suppose a background check of an applicant is required to get "lot of federal licenses"?

Your post, BTW, does not make my premise invalid; in fact if what you wrote is correct, it provides a bit more evidence that the Second Amendment's right to own arms has limitations. Being licensed is an infringement, is it not?
james madisons intent proves your argument is invalid.
One can not own a ground to air missile without a lot of federal licenses. Your argument is a failure.

Gee, so you're stating that anyone can get a "lot of federal licenses" and own a surface to air missile, correct? Do you suppose a background check of an applicant is required to get "lot of federal licenses"?

Your post, BTW, does not make my premise invalid; in fact if what you wrote is correct, it provides a bit more evidence that the Second Amendment's right to own arms has limitations. Being licensed is an infringement, is it not?
james madisons intent proves your argument is invalid.


Now that we have cleared up the obvious, laws exist which limit private ownership of automatic weapons, land mines, hand grenades and other weapons of war. We may then posit that the Second Amendment is not sacrosanct and "Arms" can be controlled by the rule of law. How? Because laws already exist which infringe on your right and my right to own specific types of Arms.

Madison's intent is irrelevant, and, I suggested that if he were alive today, and was witness to the carnage in the year 2012 alone, he would agree that some types of Arms are not suited to be owned by the general population.

But neither of us can prove what Madison might believe today, which makes your statement silly.
Gee, so you're stating that anyone can get a "lot of federal licenses" and own a surface to air missile, correct? Do you suppose a background check of an applicant is required to get "lot of federal licenses"?

Your post, BTW, does not make my premise invalid; in fact if what you wrote is correct, it provides a bit more evidence that the Second Amendment's right to own arms has limitations. Being licensed is an infringement, is it not?
james madisons intent proves your argument is invalid.


Now that we have cleared up the obvious, laws exist which limit private ownership of automatic weapons, land mines, hand grenades and other weapons of war. We may then posit that the Second Amendment is not sacrosanct and "Arms" can be controlled by the rule of law. How? Because laws already exist which infringe on your right and my right to own specific types of Arms.

Madison's intent is irrelevant, and, I suggested that if he were alive today, and was witness to the carnage in the year 2012 alone, he would agree that some types of Arms are not suited to be owned by the general population.

But neither of us can prove what Madison might believe today, which makes your statement silly.

madisons intent isn't irrelevant. your statement is like saying well we can do away with free speach and the right to assemble, and now everybody really isn't created equally. bullshit. the laws that exist today, by the letter of the constitution are unconstitutional. just because those laws exist doesn't make them right or constitutional. you using that as your argument makes you look silly. madisons intent was very sound and timeless. his intent wasn't about guns and just owning guns. his intent was not letting the government get stronger then the people. and the way he saw to control that ws by the people being as armed as they are. because that is the only force that works. when the powere gets out of balance, which it is today, you get the mess we have today. government no longer making decision for the people, but rather for themslves and their special interests. even the supreme court is now partisan and political. and there is no tool in the arsenal to change that. government controls all the cards. because they have changed the balance of power and the people have let them. we have let them convince us they have acted in our best interest with their restrictive laws. but who do these laws effect? them? no, the give them more power. they effect us. That, is what madison and every state who ratified the 2nd amendment were trying to prevent. and why? because they were forward thinking. thye saw and lived through what had happened in the past and tried to prevent it from happening in the future
james madisons intent proves your argument is invalid.


Now that we have cleared up the obvious, laws exist which limit private ownership of automatic weapons, land mines, hand grenades and other weapons of war. We may then posit that the Second Amendment is not sacrosanct and "Arms" can be controlled by the rule of law. How? Because laws already exist which infringe on your right and my right to own specific types of Arms.

Madison's intent is irrelevant, and, I suggested that if he were alive today, and was witness to the carnage in the year 2012 alone, he would agree that some types of Arms are not suited to be owned by the general population.

But neither of us can prove what Madison might believe today, which makes your statement silly.

madisons intent isn't irrelevant. your statement is like saying well we can do away with free speach and the right to assemble, and now everybody really isn't created equally. bullshit. the laws that exist today, by the letter of the constitution are unconstitutional. just because those laws exist doesn't make them right or constitutional. you using that as your argument makes you look silly. madisons intent was very sound and timeless. his intent wasn't about guns and just owning guns. his intent was not letting the government get stronger then the people. and the way he saw to control that ws by the people being as armed as they are. because that is the only force that works. when the powere gets out of balance, which it is today, you get the mess we have today. government no longer making decision for the people, but rather for themslves and their special interests. even the supreme court is now partisan and political. and there is no tool in the arsenal to change that. government controls all the cards. because they have changed the balance of power and the people have let them. we have let them convince us they have acted in our best interest with their restrictive laws. but who do these laws effect? them? no, the give them more power. they effect us. That, is what madison and every state who ratified the 2nd amendment were trying to prevent. and why? because they were forward thinking. thye saw and lived through what had happened in the past and tried to prevent it from happening in the future

Gee, I'm convinced (sarcasm alert).

Now that we have cleared up the obvious, laws exist which limit private ownership of automatic weapons, land mines, hand grenades and other weapons of war. We may then posit that the Second Amendment is not sacrosanct and "Arms" can be controlled by the rule of law. How? Because laws already exist which infringe on your right and my right to own specific types of Arms.

Madison's intent is irrelevant, and, I suggested that if he were alive today, and was witness to the carnage in the year 2012 alone, he would agree that some types of Arms are not suited to be owned by the general population.

But neither of us can prove what Madison might believe today, which makes your statement silly.

madisons intent isn't irrelevant. your statement is like saying well we can do away with free speach and the right to assemble, and now everybody really isn't created equally. bullshit. the laws that exist today, by the letter of the constitution are unconstitutional. just because those laws exist doesn't make them right or constitutional. you using that as your argument makes you look silly. madisons intent was very sound and timeless. his intent wasn't about guns and just owning guns. his intent was not letting the government get stronger then the people. and the way he saw to control that ws by the people being as armed as they are. because that is the only force that works. when the powere gets out of balance, which it is today, you get the mess we have today. government no longer making decision for the people, but rather for themslves and their special interests. even the supreme court is now partisan and political. and there is no tool in the arsenal to change that. government controls all the cards. because they have changed the balance of power and the people have let them. we have let them convince us they have acted in our best interest with their restrictive laws. but who do these laws effect? them? no, the give them more power. they effect us. That, is what madison and every state who ratified the 2nd amendment were trying to prevent. and why? because they were forward thinking. thye saw and lived through what had happened in the past and tried to prevent it from happening in the future

Gee, I'm convinced (sarcasm alert).

no, you love the inbalance of power. you are happy to be neutered. its a liberal mentality. I don't want responsibility, take care of me. i'll just complain the rich are getting richer. I'll complain my healthcare sucks. I'l complain my SS is being eroded away.
madisons intent isn't irrelevant. your statement is like saying well we can do away with free speach and the right to assemble, and now everybody really isn't created equally. bullshit. the laws that exist today, by the letter of the constitution are unconstitutional. just because those laws exist doesn't make them right or constitutional. you using that as your argument makes you look silly. madisons intent was very sound and timeless. his intent wasn't about guns and just owning guns. his intent was not letting the government get stronger then the people. and the way he saw to control that ws by the people being as armed as they are. because that is the only force that works. when the powere gets out of balance, which it is today, you get the mess we have today. government no longer making decision for the people, but rather for themslves and their special interests. even the supreme court is now partisan and political. and there is no tool in the arsenal to change that. government controls all the cards. because they have changed the balance of power and the people have let them. we have let them convince us they have acted in our best interest with their restrictive laws. but who do these laws effect? them? no, the give them more power. they effect us. That, is what madison and every state who ratified the 2nd amendment were trying to prevent. and why? because they were forward thinking. thye saw and lived through what had happened in the past and tried to prevent it from happening in the future

Gee, I'm convinced (sarcasm alert).

no, you love the inbalance of power. you are happy to be neutered. its a liberal mentality. I don't want responsibility, take care of me. i'll just complain the rich are getting richer. I'll complain my healthcare sucks. I'l complain my SS is being eroded away.

Thanks for sharing. I'll send you a PM; it is not intended to be a personal attack in response to yours.
Wow. Has it ever occur to you that Madison could not 'see' into the future and man's ability to creat arms capable of the mass slaughter of innocent citizens? And if Madison had the facts in evidence his opinion which you opine might be different?

One can not own a ground to air missile without a lot of federal licenses. Your argument is a failure.

Gee, so you're stating that anyone can get a "lot of federal licenses" and own a surface to air missile, correct? Do you suppose a background check of an applicant is required to get "lot of federal licenses"?

Your post, BTW, does not make my premise invalid; in fact if what you wrote is correct, it provides a bit more evidence that the Second Amendment's right to own arms has limitations. Being licensed is an infringement, is it not?

Fire arms are what is understood to be protected by the Courts single man portable rifles shotguns and pistols. Not ground to air missiles, not howitzers, not machine guns or fully automatic rifles. Do try and keep up MORON.
Gee, so you're stating that anyone can get a "lot of federal licenses" and own a surface to air missile, correct? Do you suppose a background check of an applicant is required to get "lot of federal licenses"?

Your post, BTW, does not make my premise invalid; in fact if what you wrote is correct, it provides a bit more evidence that the Second Amendment's right to own arms has limitations. Being licensed is an infringement, is it not?
james madisons intent proves your argument is invalid.


Now that we have cleared up the obvious, laws exist which limit private ownership of automatic weapons, land mines, hand grenades and other weapons of war. We may then posit that the Second Amendment is not sacrosanct and "Arms" can be controlled by the rule of law. How? Because laws already exist which infringe on your right and my right to own specific types of Arms.

Madison's intent is irrelevant, and, I suggested that if he were alive today, and was witness to the carnage in the year 2012 alone, he would agree that some types of Arms are not suited to be owned by the general population.

But neither of us can prove what Madison might believe today, which makes your statement silly.

Your argument fails because the SUPREME COURT HAS RULED numerous times what IS covered. Firearms, rifles, shotguns and pistols that are not fully automatic and are in use or of use to the Military.

You can rant all you want about Machine Guns, grenades and other Military arms. They are not covered by the 2nd.
james madisons intent proves your argument is invalid.


Now that we have cleared up the obvious, laws exist which limit private ownership of automatic weapons, land mines, hand grenades and other weapons of war. We may then posit that the Second Amendment is not sacrosanct and "Arms" can be controlled by the rule of law. How? Because laws already exist which infringe on your right and my right to own specific types of Arms.

Madison's intent is irrelevant, and, I suggested that if he were alive today, and was witness to the carnage in the year 2012 alone, he would agree that some types of Arms are not suited to be owned by the general population.

But neither of us can prove what Madison might believe today, which makes your statement silly.

Your argument fails because the SUPREME COURT HAS RULED numerous times what IS covered. Firearms, rifles, shotguns and pistols that are not fully automatic and are in use or of use to the Military.

You can rant all you want about Machine Guns, grenades and other Military arms. They are not covered by the 2nd.

Before you call anyone a moron, you might want to do some research (BTW, you're the one generally referred to as the "retarded" GySgt,). Read what I posted and why; you'll find out - if you're not retarded - the point I was making is consistent with what you posted above.

Now that we have cleared up the obvious, laws exist which limit private ownership of automatic weapons, land mines, hand grenades and other weapons of war. We may then posit that the Second Amendment is not sacrosanct and "Arms" can be controlled by the rule of law. How? Because laws already exist which infringe on your right and my right to own specific types of Arms.

Madison's intent is irrelevant, and, I suggested that if he were alive today, and was witness to the carnage in the year 2012 alone, he would agree that some types of Arms are not suited to be owned by the general population.

But neither of us can prove what Madison might believe today, which makes your statement silly.

Your argument fails because the SUPREME COURT HAS RULED numerous times what IS covered. Firearms, rifles, shotguns and pistols that are not fully automatic and are in use or of use to the Military.

You can rant all you want about Machine Guns, grenades and other Military arms. They are not covered by the 2nd.

Before you call anyone a moron, you might want to do some research (BTW, you're the one generally referred to as the "retarded" GySgt,). Read what I posted and why; you'll find out - if you're not retarded - the point I was making is consistent with what you posted above.

No you are claiming because certain weapons and devices are not covered that means the weapons covered can be more heavily regulated banned or require odious infringements on peoples rights to possess them. They can not be. Rifles, shotguns, pistols, knives are all covered by the 2nd Amendment. And it states the right can not be INFRINGED. Odious requirements for registration are infringement. Banning covered weapons is INFRINGEMENT. Trying to ban or curtail access to 30 and 15 round magazines is an INFRINGEMENT.
As a graduate student of psychology I own the DSM-IV RE. The new DSM is nothing more than highlighting research of previously studied mental disorders and revising the late and onset of typical and atypical disorders.

For example, to be diagnosed with Clinical Depression the behavior must persist at least 6 months or longer by which a person demonstrates fatigue, lack of interest in daily activities, bad hygiene, loss of appetite etc. A new DSM may or may not increase the month in which a therapist must diagnose. Like the revised edition there will be little to no changes or may change what we know about other disorders. This thread is nothing more than fear mongering. Relax and eat your popcorn.
Your argument fails because the SUPREME COURT HAS RULED numerous times what IS covered. Firearms, rifles, shotguns and pistols that are not fully automatic and are in use or of use to the Military.

You can rant all you want about Machine Guns, grenades and other Military arms. They are not covered by the 2nd.

Before you call anyone a moron, you might want to do some research (BTW, you're the one generally referred to as the "retarded" GySgt,). Read what I posted and why; you'll find out - if you're not retarded - the point I was making is consistent with what you posted above.

No you are claiming because certain weapons and devices are not covered that means the weapons covered can be more heavily regulated banned or require odious infringements on peoples rights to possess them. NO I DIDN'T, THAT IS YOUR CONSTRUCT (STRAW MAN)

They can not be. Rifles, shotguns, pistols, knives are all covered by the 2nd Amendment. And it states the right can not be INFRINGED. Odious requirements for registration are infringement. Banning covered weapons is INFRINGEMENT. Trying to ban or curtail access to 30 and 15 round magazines is an INFRINGEMENT.

Your comments are all based on emotion; you have no idea how future laws will be written, nor how the current or future Supreme Courts might rule [Likely 5-4 which suggests even well educated Justices of the Supreme Court will disagree].
Before you call anyone a moron, you might want to do some research (BTW, you're the one generally referred to as the "retarded" GySgt,). Read what I posted and why; you'll find out - if you're not retarded - the point I was making is consistent with what you posted above.

No you are claiming because certain weapons and devices are not covered that means the weapons covered can be more heavily regulated banned or require odious infringements on peoples rights to possess them. NO I DIDN'T, THAT IS YOUR CONSTRUCT (STRAW MAN)

They can not be. Rifles, shotguns, pistols, knives are all covered by the 2nd Amendment. And it states the right can not be INFRINGED. Odious requirements for registration are infringement. Banning covered weapons is INFRINGEMENT. Trying to ban or curtail access to 30 and 15 round magazines is an INFRINGEMENT.

Your comments are all based on emotion; you have no idea how future laws will be written, nor how the current or future Supreme Courts might rule [Likely 5-4 which suggests even well educated Justices of the Supreme Court will disagree].

the supreme court will rule differently depending whether it is a liberal leaning court or a conservative leaning court. because it is now a political animal. it is as partisan as congress. laws will be written based on who controls congress. libs tried hard as hell on the heals of sandy hook to pass their agenda. but it didn't work because they didn't control both houses. 4 dems knew their jobs were on the line if they towed the party line. they also knew even if they voted yes, what they voted for would never pass the house. so why put themselves in jeopardy. there is no more justice. only partisan politics. but, on the positive, gun owners are growing stronger, there are more and more of them. they have strong lobbies and they realize they need to ban together to fight a common enemy. that's bad new for liberal politicians because liberals own guns too. and they are not going to vote for a politician who tries to take away their rights.
now this is very interesting, espescially when you look at other current issues along side it like proposed background checks for gun purchases. We have already seen cases where individuals have been denied and even have had guns they own taken away from them because they had taken an atidepressant in the past for anxiety or depression. So now with these new classifications of mental illness can someone be denied the right to own a gun because they had PMS or tantrums as a child?


DSM-5: Will millions more Americans be diagnosed with mental illness?

by Lisa Collier Cool

Health Topics »The impending publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5) has kindled fiery debate about whether Americans are being vastly over-diagnosed with mental illness or if Americans are psychologically sicker than they used to be.

The new "bible" of psychiatric diagnoses, which will be released later this month, includes new disorders relating to grief, childhood temper tantrums, binge eating, PMS, and painful sex (now called genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder), among others. It has also changed how existing conditions—including oft-polarizing ADHD and autism—are diagnosed.

According to the new definitions the DSM-5 uses, some experts predict about 50 percent of U.S. citizens could be diagnosed as "mentally ill" at some point during their lifetime.

Faces of Mental Illness: Patients Share Their Stories

A Firestorm of Controversy
The DSM-5 changes were approved late last year, and since then, plenty of experts and organizations have weighed in on the pros and cons of the new guide.

Hopefully this is true

Psychiatrists Laying Groundwork To Declare Religion As Mental Illness

The evolutionary biologist and renowned atheist Richard Dawkins has lucidly pointed out that many religious beliefs would constitute signs of mental illness (e.g., schizophrenia) if these were not cloaked in the drapes of divinity. Take a supernatural belief rooted in religious doctrine, and call it divine "fact" X. If it is part of a person's religious narrative, it constitutes a belief that must be respected (and for one particular religion, one should not even criticize openly any of its belief system...no I am not referring to the Amish). However, if an individual held the same belief X, without it being part of a religious narrative, the individual holding this belief would be met with derision (if not concern for his/her mental wellbeing).

I would push Dawkins's argument further. Take a given divine "fact" X held by members of some religion. Most individuals who are not part of the religion in question will typically view the belief as outlandish. Hence, a belief that would otherwise be considered a sign of mental illness is perfectly "logical" when it applies to one's religion.

Lest some reader misinterpret my position, let me be clear: I am not suggesting that religious believers are "crazy" or that they suffer from mental illness. I am merely pointing out that the same belief is either sacred or a sign of mental illness depending on the context in which it is believed. The teaser image that I have chosen for this post makes roughly the same point. A child's belief in the Easter bunny and in Santa Claus is acceptable but one is expected to outgrow such childish beliefs. Now, an adult who believes in God (who otherwise shares an extraordinary number of the same narrative as Santa Claus) is perfectly sane. Readers interested in my critique of religion may refer to many of my earlier posts on this subject including here.

On a related note, readers might be interested in the works of three neuroscientists, Vilayanur Ramachandran, Michael Persinger, and Mario Beauregard, each of whom has studied the neuronal basis of particular aspects of religiosity.

Religious Beliefs: Divine Revelations or Mental Disorder? | Psychology Today
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now this is very interesting, espescially when you look at other current issues along side it like proposed background checks for gun purchases. We have already seen cases where individuals have been denied and even have had guns they own taken away from them because they had taken an atidepressant in the past for anxiety or depression. So now with these new classifications of mental illness can someone be denied the right to own a gun because they had PMS or tantrums as a child?


DSM-5: Will millions more Americans be diagnosed with mental illness?

by Lisa Collier Cool

Health Topics »The impending publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5) has kindled fiery debate about whether Americans are being vastly over-diagnosed with mental illness or if Americans are psychologically sicker than they used to be.

The new "bible" of psychiatric diagnoses, which will be released later this month, includes new disorders relating to grief, childhood temper tantrums, binge eating, PMS, and painful sex (now called genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder), among others. It has also changed how existing conditions—including oft-polarizing ADHD and autism—are diagnosed.

According to the new definitions the DSM-5 uses, some experts predict about 50 percent of U.S. citizens could be diagnosed as "mentally ill" at some point during their lifetime.

Faces of Mental Illness: Patients Share Their Stories

A Firestorm of Controversy
The DSM-5 changes were approved late last year, and since then, plenty of experts and organizations have weighed in on the pros and cons of the new guide.

Hopefully this is true

Psychiatrists Laying Groundwork To Declare Religion As Mental Illness

The evolutionary biologist and renowned atheist Richard Dawkins has lucidly pointed out that many religious beliefs would constitute signs of mental illness (e.g., schizophrenia) if these were not cloaked in the drapes of divinity. Take a supernatural belief rooted in religious doctrine, and call it divine "fact" X. If it is part of a person's religious narrative, it constitutes a belief that must be respected (and for one particular religion, one should not even criticize openly any of its belief system...no I am not referring to the Amish). However, if an individual held the same belief X, without it being part of a religious narrative, the individual holding this belief would be met with derision (if not concern for his/her mental wellbeing).

I would push Dawkins's argument further. Take a given divine "fact" X held by members of some religion. Most individuals who are not part of the religion in question will typically view the belief as outlandish. Hence, a belief that would otherwise be considered a sign of mental illness is perfectly "logical" when it applies to one's religion.

Lest some reader misinterpret my position, let me be clear: I am not suggesting that religious believers are "crazy" or that they suffer from mental illness. I am merely pointing out that the same belief is either sacred or a sign of mental illness depending on the context in which it is believed. The teaser image that I have chosen for this post makes roughly the same point. A child's belief in the Easter bunny and in Santa Claus is acceptable but one is expected to outgrow such childish beliefs. Now, an adult who believes in God (who otherwise shares an extraordinary number of the same narrative as Santa Claus) is perfectly sane. Readers interested in my critique of religion may refer to many of my earlier posts on this subject including here.

On a related note, readers might be interested in the works of three neuroscientists, Vilayanur Ramachandran, Michael Persinger, and Mario Beauregard, each of whom has studied the neuronal basis of particular aspects of religiosity.

Religious Beliefs: Divine Revelations or Mental Disorder? | Psychology Today

in a world where liberals are allowed to exist I totally believe its true. but what will happen is the same thing that is happening now with guns. the religious will galvanize, join together and place a united front against them . it will create a drastic shift to the right
now this is very interesting, espescially when you look at other current issues along side it like proposed background checks for gun purchases. We have already seen cases where individuals have been denied and even have had guns they own taken away from them because they had taken an atidepressant in the past for anxiety or depression. So now with these new classifications of mental illness can someone be denied the right to own a gun because they had PMS or tantrums as a child?


DSM-5: Will millions more Americans be diagnosed with mental illness?

by Lisa Collier Cool

Health Topics »The impending publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5) has kindled fiery debate about whether Americans are being vastly over-diagnosed with mental illness or if Americans are psychologically sicker than they used to be.

The new "bible" of psychiatric diagnoses, which will be released later this month, includes new disorders relating to grief, childhood temper tantrums, binge eating, PMS, and painful sex (now called genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder), among others. It has also changed how existing conditions—including oft-polarizing ADHD and autism—are diagnosed.

According to the new definitions the DSM-5 uses, some experts predict about 50 percent of U.S. citizens could be diagnosed as "mentally ill" at some point during their lifetime.

Faces of Mental Illness: Patients Share Their Stories

A Firestorm of Controversy
The DSM-5 changes were approved late last year, and since then, plenty of experts and organizations have weighed in on the pros and cons of the new guide.

Hopefully this is true

Psychiatrists Laying Groundwork To Declare Religion As Mental Illness

The evolutionary biologist and renowned atheist Richard Dawkins has lucidly pointed out that many religious beliefs would constitute signs of mental illness (e.g., schizophrenia) if these were not cloaked in the drapes of divinity. Take a supernatural belief rooted in religious doctrine, and call it divine "fact" X. If it is part of a person's religious narrative, it constitutes a belief that must be respected (and for one particular religion, one should not even criticize openly any of its belief system...no I am not referring to the Amish). However, if an individual held the same belief X, without it being part of a religious narrative, the individual holding this belief would be met with derision (if not concern for his/her mental wellbeing).

I would push Dawkins's argument further. Take a given divine "fact" X held by members of some religion. Most individuals who are not part of the religion in question will typically view the belief as outlandish. Hence, a belief that would otherwise be considered a sign of mental illness is perfectly "logical" when it applies to one's religion.

Lest some reader misinterpret my position, let me be clear: I am not suggesting that religious believers are "crazy" or that they suffer from mental illness. I am merely pointing out that the same belief is either sacred or a sign of mental illness depending on the context in which it is believed. The teaser image that I have chosen for this post makes roughly the same point. A child's belief in the Easter bunny and in Santa Claus is acceptable but one is expected to outgrow such childish beliefs. Now, an adult who believes in God (who otherwise shares an extraordinary number of the same narrative as Santa Claus) is perfectly sane. Readers interested in my critique of religion may refer to many of my earlier posts on this subject including here.

On a related note, readers might be interested in the works of three neuroscientists, Vilayanur Ramachandran, Michael Persinger, and Mario Beauregard, each of whom has studied the neuronal basis of particular aspects of religiosity.

Religious Beliefs: Divine Revelations or Mental Disorder? | Psychology Today

in a world where liberals are allowed to exist I totally believe its true. but what will happen is the same thing that is happening now with guns. the religious will galvanize, join together and place a united front against them . it will create a drastic shift to the right

That is the last thing this country needs are delusional mentally ill bible thumpers allowed to own guns.

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