Duck Dynasty Robertson's rape/murder fantasy

There is audio at the OP link, this really happened.

I cannot imagine any person of faith wanting to support this.

Are there other Christians out there who believe that athiests somehow deserve to be raped and beheaded?

It's becoming a bizarro world for Rightie Christians, apparently. Not much room for Jesus these days...
You really didn't comprehend the point did you? I'm going to give you one more chance to actually grasp the concept of what he was saying.

Wrong. I got the point - entirely.

It is disgusting.

Why should a "Christian" feel the need to be that graphic in wanting to convey that those who do not share the Christian faith are somehow not protected by G-d?

I mean, what kind of fucked-up thinking is that?

This stuff is just gross.

Mr. Ducky Duck does your religion a great disservice, and that is putting it mildly.

And the fact that you defend it speaks volumes about your worldview.
So you can't comprehend that people without gods guidance don't have the same values and morals that people have that do. You're world view is dangerous and the fact you can't see that is sickening.

Well, let's think about that, äääh, interesting argument of yours. I am a Jew. I do indeed have morals and guidance from above. And btw, it's none of your fucking business who believes what. But your arrogance is now duly noted.

That being said, I've never seen atheists talk about fantasies of Christian families being raped and beheaded.

So, in this case, who is showing more and better morals? Mr. Ducky Duck, or atheists?

There was once a time when Christians actually taught and lived the Gospel of "Jesus Christ of Nazareth". But now they fantasize about other human beings being raped and beheaded and they scream for gay people to be executed and they are more interested in just knowing 100% for sure that Obama is a kenyan usurper than they are interested in actually spreading said Gospel of "Jesus of Nazareth".

You are in no position to be talking about morals if you support this kind of inhumane rhetoric.
Wait, you're Jew but still can't comprehend a person being an atheist doesn't hold the same values of life and right or wrong that you do? Please explain this total disconnect that this stance would require.

I have dealt with ignorant people like you before, so the bent of this "conversation" is of no suprise to me.

The logical fallacy within your piss-poor argument is that somehow, atheists have no morals.

This is where you are wrong. Very, very wrong.

One of the key points that Baptist pastors love to make is that being moral will not get you to heaven. They often say in their shake-and-bake, pre-packaged, pablum-filled sermons that "hey, even atheists have morals, but they ain't going to heaven".

Really, you need to keep up with that modern Christianity is doing these days.

And even so, even if it were the case that for some bizarre reason that atheists were to have no morals, that still would not empower Mr. Ducky Duck to be spreading this kind of imagery. That's totally unchrist-like.

But hey, who ever said that the Church was actually for Christ these days, right?

I graciously accept your concession.
The speech was a frightening admission by Phil R. of his own psychopathic nature. That is, he only does "right" out of fear of punishment, and not because he's considered why actions are right or wrong.

His supporters here all apparently think the same way. We should all be thankful that they do believe in a god, giving that, by their own admission, they'd all be out killing, raping and mutilating people if they didn't believe in a god.
What is to keep you from doing right other than punishment? Isn't that why we have laws to punish people for wrong doings? You kill someone and you go to prison. If we didn't have punishment for your actions what would we have?

"What is to keep you from doing right other than punishment?"

Oh please tell you don't mean this.

I'm atheist and I have never fantasized about maiming and torturing and raping and murdering. I don't break the law. I don't "sin". And I have no fear of what will happen to me after my death.

You're saying that christians are wannabe criminals who sorta behave because they're afraid of hell? That's just unimaginable to me.
There is audio at the OP link, this really happened.

I cannot imagine any person of faith wanting to support this.

Are there other Christians out there who believe that athiests somehow deserve to be raped and beheaded?

It's becoming a bizarro world for Rightie Christians, apparently. Not much room for Jesus these days...
You really didn't comprehend the point did you? I'm going to give you one more chance to actually grasp the concept of what he was saying.

Wrong. I got the point - entirely.

It is disgusting.

Why should a "Christian" feel the need to be that graphic in wanting to convey that those who do not share the Christian faith are somehow not protected by G-d?

I mean, what kind of fucked-up thinking is that?

This stuff is just gross.

Mr. Ducky Duck does your religion a great disservice, and that is putting it mildly.

And the fact that you defend it speaks volumes about your worldview.
So you can't comprehend that people without gods guidance don't have the same values and morals that people have that do. You're world view is dangerous and the fact you can't see that is sickening.

Well, let's think about that, äääh, interesting argument of yours. I am a Jew. I do indeed have morals and guidance from above. And btw, it's none of your fucking business who believes what. But your arrogance is now duly noted.

That being said, I've never seen atheists talk about fantasies of Christian families being raped and beheaded.

So, in this case, who is showing more and better morals? Mr. Ducky Duck, or atheists?

There was once a time when Christians actually taught and lived the Gospel of "Jesus Christ of Nazareth". But now they fantasize about other human beings being raped and beheaded and they scream for gay people to be executed and they are more interested in just knowing 100% for sure that Obama is a kenyan usurper than they are interested in actually spreading said Gospel of "Jesus of Nazareth".

You are in no position to be talking about morals if you support this kind of inhumane rhetoric.
Wait, you're Jew but still can't comprehend a person being an atheist doesn't hold the same values of life and right or wrong that you do? Please explain this total disconnect that this stance would require.

Like what?
The speech was a frightening admission by Phil R. of his own psychopathic nature. That is, he only does "right" out of fear of punishment, and not because he's considered why actions are right or wrong.

His supporters here all apparently think the same way. We should all be thankful that they do believe in a god, giving that, by their own admission, they'd all be out killing, raping and mutilating people if they didn't believe in a god.
What is to keep you from doing right other than punishment? Isn't that why we have laws to punish people for wrong doings? You kill someone and you go to prison. If we didn't have punishment for your actions what would we have?

"What is to keep you from doing right other than punishment?"

Oh please tell you don't mean this.

I'm atheist and I have never fantasized about maiming and torturing and raping and murdering. I don't break the law. I don't "sin". And I have no fear of what will happen to me after my death.

You're saying that christians are wannabe criminals who sorta behave because they're afraid of hell? That's just unimaginable to me.

Scary, eh?
The speech was a frightening admission by Phil R. of his own psychopathic nature. That is, he only does "right" out of fear of punishment, and not because he's considered why actions are right or wrong.

His supporters here all apparently think the same way. We should all be thankful that they do believe in a god, giving that, by their own admission, they'd all be out killing, raping and mutilating people if they didn't believe in a god.
What is to keep you from doing right other than punishment? Isn't that why we have laws to punish people for wrong doings? You kill someone and you go to prison. If we didn't have punishment for your actions what would we have?

What keeps me doing right? My personal sense of right and wrong. I don't need a law or a sky fairy to tell me not to kill someone.

Weird fucker, you are.
So your personal sense of right or wrong is based on what? If it wasn't faith based where did you get it from? And if it wasn't faith based what else would lead you to believe in your sense of right or wrong?
You really didn't comprehend the point did you? I'm going to give you one more chance to actually grasp the concept of what he was saying.

Wrong. I got the point - entirely.

It is disgusting.

Why should a "Christian" feel the need to be that graphic in wanting to convey that those who do not share the Christian faith are somehow not protected by G-d?

I mean, what kind of fucked-up thinking is that?

This stuff is just gross.

Mr. Ducky Duck does your religion a great disservice, and that is putting it mildly.

And the fact that you defend it speaks volumes about your worldview.
So you can't comprehend that people without gods guidance don't have the same values and morals that people have that do. You're world view is dangerous and the fact you can't see that is sickening.

Well, let's think about that, äääh, interesting argument of yours. I am a Jew. I do indeed have morals and guidance from above. And btw, it's none of your fucking business who believes what. But your arrogance is now duly noted.

That being said, I've never seen atheists talk about fantasies of Christian families being raped and beheaded.

So, in this case, who is showing more and better morals? Mr. Ducky Duck, or atheists?

There was once a time when Christians actually taught and lived the Gospel of "Jesus Christ of Nazareth". But now they fantasize about other human beings being raped and beheaded and they scream for gay people to be executed and they are more interested in just knowing 100% for sure that Obama is a kenyan usurper than they are interested in actually spreading said Gospel of "Jesus of Nazareth".

You are in no position to be talking about morals if you support this kind of inhumane rhetoric.
Wait, you're Jew but still can't comprehend a person being an atheist doesn't hold the same values of life and right or wrong that you do? Please explain this total disconnect that this stance would require.

Like what?
Like answering the question I asked? I really didn't expect you would be this confused.
The speech was a frightening admission by Phil R. of his own psychopathic nature. That is, he only does "right" out of fear of punishment, and not because he's considered why actions are right or wrong.

His supporters here all apparently think the same way. We should all be thankful that they do believe in a god, giving that, by their own admission, they'd all be out killing, raping and mutilating people if they didn't believe in a god.
What is to keep you from doing right other than punishment? Isn't that why we have laws to punish people for wrong doings? You kill someone and you go to prison. If we didn't have punishment for your actions what would we have?

What keeps me doing right? My personal sense of right and wrong. I don't need a law or a sky fairy to tell me not to kill someone.

Weird fucker, you are.
So your personal sense of right or wrong is based on what? If it wasn't faith based where did you get it from? And if it wasn't faith based what else would lead you to believe in your sense of right or wrong?

You can't imagine that someone who doesn't believe in a sky fairy can have a strong sense of right and wrong?

Such limited intellect.
You really didn't comprehend the point did you? I'm going to give you one more chance to actually grasp the concept of what he was saying.

Wrong. I got the point - entirely.

It is disgusting.

Why should a "Christian" feel the need to be that graphic in wanting to convey that those who do not share the Christian faith are somehow not protected by G-d?

I mean, what kind of fucked-up thinking is that?

This stuff is just gross.

Mr. Ducky Duck does your religion a great disservice, and that is putting it mildly.

And the fact that you defend it speaks volumes about your worldview.
So you can't comprehend that people without gods guidance don't have the same values and morals that people have that do. You're world view is dangerous and the fact you can't see that is sickening.

Well, let's think about that, äääh, interesting argument of yours. I am a Jew. I do indeed have morals and guidance from above. And btw, it's none of your fucking business who believes what. But your arrogance is now duly noted.

That being said, I've never seen atheists talk about fantasies of Christian families being raped and beheaded.

So, in this case, who is showing more and better morals? Mr. Ducky Duck, or atheists?

There was once a time when Christians actually taught and lived the Gospel of "Jesus Christ of Nazareth". But now they fantasize about other human beings being raped and beheaded and they scream for gay people to be executed and they are more interested in just knowing 100% for sure that Obama is a kenyan usurper than they are interested in actually spreading said Gospel of "Jesus of Nazareth".

You are in no position to be talking about morals if you support this kind of inhumane rhetoric.
Wait, you're Jew but still can't comprehend a person being an atheist doesn't hold the same values of life and right or wrong that you do? Please explain this total disconnect that this stance would require.

I have dealt with ignorant people like you before, so the bent of this "conversation" is of no suprise to me.

The logical fallacy within your piss-poor argument is that somehow, atheists have no morals.

This is where you are wrong. Very, very wrong.

One of the key points that Baptist pastors love to make is that being moral will not get you to heaven. They often say in their shake-and-bake, pre-packaged, pablum-filled sermons that "hey, even atheists have morals, but they ain't going to heaven".

Really, you need to keep up with that modern Christianity is doing these days.

And even so, even if it were the case that for some bizarre reason that atheists were to have no morals, that still would not empower Mr. Ducky Duck to be spreading this kind of imagery. That's totally unchrist-like.

But hey, who ever said that the Church was actually for Christ these days, right?

I graciously accept your concession.

"The logical fallacy within your piss-poor argument is that somehow, atheists have no morals."

Actually, I think what he's saying is that christians have no morals without the threat of eternal hellfire and damnation.

Christians say they're 'not perfect, just forgiven'.

Isn't that just another side of the same coin?

They can do whatever they want, harm anyone and pray for forgiveness.
Wrong. I got the point - entirely.

It is disgusting.

Why should a "Christian" feel the need to be that graphic in wanting to convey that those who do not share the Christian faith are somehow not protected by G-d?

I mean, what kind of fucked-up thinking is that?

This stuff is just gross.

Mr. Ducky Duck does your religion a great disservice, and that is putting it mildly.

And the fact that you defend it speaks volumes about your worldview.
So you can't comprehend that people without gods guidance don't have the same values and morals that people have that do. You're world view is dangerous and the fact you can't see that is sickening.

Well, let's think about that, äääh, interesting argument of yours. I am a Jew. I do indeed have morals and guidance from above. And btw, it's none of your fucking business who believes what. But your arrogance is now duly noted.

That being said, I've never seen atheists talk about fantasies of Christian families being raped and beheaded.

So, in this case, who is showing more and better morals? Mr. Ducky Duck, or atheists?

There was once a time when Christians actually taught and lived the Gospel of "Jesus Christ of Nazareth". But now they fantasize about other human beings being raped and beheaded and they scream for gay people to be executed and they are more interested in just knowing 100% for sure that Obama is a kenyan usurper than they are interested in actually spreading said Gospel of "Jesus of Nazareth".

You are in no position to be talking about morals if you support this kind of inhumane rhetoric.
Wait, you're Jew but still can't comprehend a person being an atheist doesn't hold the same values of life and right or wrong that you do? Please explain this total disconnect that this stance would require.

Like what?
Like answering the question I asked? I really didn't expect you would be this confused.

Oh stop hiding behind childish insults.

You embarrass only yourself.
The speech was a frightening admission by Phil R. of his own psychopathic nature. That is, he only does "right" out of fear of punishment, and not because he's considered why actions are right or wrong.

His supporters here all apparently think the same way. We should all be thankful that they do believe in a god, giving that, by their own admission, they'd all be out killing, raping and mutilating people if they didn't believe in a god.
What is to keep you from doing right other than punishment? Isn't that why we have laws to punish people for wrong doings? You kill someone and you go to prison. If we didn't have punishment for your actions what would we have?

What keeps me doing right? My personal sense of right and wrong. I don't need a law or a sky fairy to tell me not to kill someone.

Weird fucker, you are.
So your personal sense of right or wrong is based on what? If it wasn't faith based where did you get it from? And if it wasn't faith based what else would lead you to believe in your sense of right or wrong?

You can't imagine that someone who doesn't believe in a sky fairy can have a strong sense of right and wrong?

Such limited intellect.

It becoming more and more obvious that he's judging others by what he knows about himself.
So you can't comprehend that people without gods guidance don't have the same values and morals that people have that do. You're world view is dangerous and the fact you can't see that is sickening.

Well, let's think about that, äääh, interesting argument of yours. I am a Jew. I do indeed have morals and guidance from above. And btw, it's none of your fucking business who believes what. But your arrogance is now duly noted.

That being said, I've never seen atheists talk about fantasies of Christian families being raped and beheaded.

So, in this case, who is showing more and better morals? Mr. Ducky Duck, or atheists?

There was once a time when Christians actually taught and lived the Gospel of "Jesus Christ of Nazareth". But now they fantasize about other human beings being raped and beheaded and they scream for gay people to be executed and they are more interested in just knowing 100% for sure that Obama is a kenyan usurper than they are interested in actually spreading said Gospel of "Jesus of Nazareth".

You are in no position to be talking about morals if you support this kind of inhumane rhetoric.
Wait, you're Jew but still can't comprehend a person being an atheist doesn't hold the same values of life and right or wrong that you do? Please explain this total disconnect that this stance would require.

Like what?
Like answering the question I asked? I really didn't expect you would be this confused.

Oh stop hiding behind childish insults.

You embarrass only yourself.

You really didn't comprehend the point did you? I'm going to give you one more chance to actually grasp the concept of what he was saying.

Wrong. I got the point - entirely.

It is disgusting.

Why should a "Christian" feel the need to be that graphic in wanting to convey that those who do not share the Christian faith are somehow not protected by G-d?

I mean, what kind of fucked-up thinking is that?

This stuff is just gross.

Mr. Ducky Duck does your religion a great disservice, and that is putting it mildly.

And the fact that you defend it speaks volumes about your worldview.
So you can't comprehend that people without gods guidance don't have the same values and morals that people have that do. You're world view is dangerous and the fact you can't see that is sickening.

Well, let's think about that, äääh, interesting argument of yours. I am a Jew. I do indeed have morals and guidance from above. And btw, it's none of your fucking business who believes what. But your arrogance is now duly noted.

That being said, I've never seen atheists talk about fantasies of Christian families being raped and beheaded.

So, in this case, who is showing more and better morals? Mr. Ducky Duck, or atheists?

There was once a time when Christians actually taught and lived the Gospel of "Jesus Christ of Nazareth". But now they fantasize about other human beings being raped and beheaded and they scream for gay people to be executed and they are more interested in just knowing 100% for sure that Obama is a kenyan usurper than they are interested in actually spreading said Gospel of "Jesus of Nazareth".

You are in no position to be talking about morals if you support this kind of inhumane rhetoric.
Wait, you're Jew but still can't comprehend a person being an atheist doesn't hold the same values of life and right or wrong that you do? Please explain this total disconnect that this stance would require.

I have dealt with ignorant people like you before, so the bent of this "conversation" is of no suprise to me.

The logical fallacy within your piss-poor argument is that somehow, atheists have no morals.

This is where you are wrong. Very, very wrong.

One of the key points that Baptist pastors love to make is that being moral will not get you to heaven. They often say in their shake-and-bake, pre-packaged, pablum-filled sermons that "hey, even atheists have morals, but they ain't going to heaven".

Really, you need to keep up with that modern Christianity is doing these days.

And even so, even if it were the case that for some bizarre reason that atheists were to have no morals, that still would not empower Mr. Ducky Duck to be spreading this kind of imagery. That's totally unchrist-like.

But hey, who ever said that the Church was actually for Christ these days, right?

I graciously accept your concession.
Gracious is the last thing I would expect from you. You are less than gracious. You don't even hold on to the principles that would make you a gracious person. Why would I think as much after reading your posts that are counter to that?
The speech was a frightening admission by Phil R. of his own psychopathic nature. That is, he only does "right" out of fear of punishment, and not because he's considered why actions are right or wrong.

His supporters here all apparently think the same way. We should all be thankful that they do believe in a god, giving that, by their own admission, they'd all be out killing, raping and mutilating people if they didn't believe in a god.
What is to keep you from doing right other than punishment? Isn't that why we have laws to punish people for wrong doings? You kill someone and you go to prison. If we didn't have punishment for your actions what would we have?

What keeps me doing right? My personal sense of right and wrong. I don't need a law or a sky fairy to tell me not to kill someone.

Weird fucker, you are.
So your personal sense of right or wrong is based on what? If it wasn't faith based where did you get it from? And if it wasn't faith based what else would lead you to believe in your sense of right or wrong?

You can't imagine that someone who doesn't believe in a sky fairy can have a strong sense of right and wrong?

Such limited intellect.

It becoming more and more obvious that he's judging others by what he knows about himself.
I'm judging you by what I know of you and what you post. I don't think I'm wrong. If I am you haven't shown it.
The speech was a frightening admission by Phil R. of his own psychopathic nature. That is, he only does "right" out of fear of punishment, and not because he's considered why actions are right or wrong.

His supporters here all apparently think the same way. We should all be thankful that they do believe in a god, giving that, by their own admission, they'd all be out killing, raping and mutilating people if they didn't believe in a god.
What is to keep you from doing right other than punishment? Isn't that why we have laws to punish people for wrong doings? You kill someone and you go to prison. If we didn't have punishment for your actions what would we have?

"What is to keep you from doing right other than punishment?"

Oh please tell you don't mean this.

I'm atheist and I have never fantasized about maiming and torturing and raping and murdering. I don't break the law. I don't "sin". And I have no fear of what will happen to me after my death.

You're saying that christians are wannabe criminals who sorta behave because they're afraid of hell? That's just unimaginable to me.
So you live your life based upon Christian principles.
Phil Robertson Of 'Duck Dynasty' Reveals Bizarre Atheist Rape And Murder Fantasy
Speaking at a Christian event ...

Two guys break into an atheist’s home. He has a little atheist wife and two little atheist daughters," Robertson said in audio from the Vero Beach Prayer Breakfast, obtained by Right Wing Watch. "Two guys break into his home and tie him up in a chair and gag him."

Robertson continued:

"And then they take his two daughters in front of him and rape both of them and then shoot 'em and they take his wife and then decapitate her head off in front of him. And then they can look at him and say, 'Isn't it great that I don’t have to worry about being judged? Isn't it great that there's nothing wrong with this? There's no right or wrong, now is it dude?'

Then you take a sharp knife and take his manhood and hold it in front of him and say, 'Wouldn't it be something if this was something wrong with this? But you’re the one who says there is no God, there’s no right, there’s no wrong, so we’re just having fun. We're sick in the head, have a nice day.'

If it happened to them, they probably would say, 'Something about this just ain't right.'"

How many of you "christians" will defend this vile, sick man's words?

You have defended his hatred for gays and his stated desire to force young girls into "marriage" with older men but can you really defend THIS???

And before you start with the usual lies, listen to the audio at the link above, or if you would rather hear it at a RW site, go to this link:

Phil Robertson Hypothesizes About Atheist Family Getting Raped And Killed Right Wing Watch

Either way, you cannot lie that he did not say this.

If you are posting this it is a sure bet it is not the whole truth and are cherry picking big time.
The speech was a frightening admission by Phil R. of his own psychopathic nature. That is, he only does "right" out of fear of punishment, and not because he's considered why actions are right or wrong.

His supporters here all apparently think the same way. We should all be thankful that they do believe in a god, giving that, by their own admission, they'd all be out killing, raping and mutilating people if they didn't believe in a god.
What is to keep you from doing right other than punishment? Isn't that why we have laws to punish people for wrong doings? You kill someone and you go to prison. If we didn't have punishment for your actions what would we have?

"What is to keep you from doing right other than punishment?"

Oh please tell you don't mean this.

I'm atheist and I have never fantasized about maiming and torturing and raping and murdering. I don't break the law. I don't "sin". And I have no fear of what will happen to me after my death.

You're saying that christians are wannabe criminals who sorta behave because they're afraid of hell? That's just unimaginable to me.
So you live your life based upon Christian principles.
No he doesn't.
Phil Robertson Of 'Duck Dynasty' Reveals Bizarre Atheist Rape And Murder Fantasy
Speaking at a Christian event ...

Two guys break into an atheist’s home. He has a little atheist wife and two little atheist daughters," Robertson said in audio from the Vero Beach Prayer Breakfast, obtained by Right Wing Watch. "Two guys break into his home and tie him up in a chair and gag him."

Robertson continued:

"And then they take his two daughters in front of him and rape both of them and then shoot 'em and they take his wife and then decapitate her head off in front of him. And then they can look at him and say, 'Isn't it great that I don’t have to worry about being judged? Isn't it great that there's nothing wrong with this? There's no right or wrong, now is it dude?'

Then you take a sharp knife and take his manhood and hold it in front of him and say, 'Wouldn't it be something if this was something wrong with this? But you’re the one who says there is no God, there’s no right, there’s no wrong, so we’re just having fun. We're sick in the head, have a nice day.'

If it happened to them, they probably would say, 'Something about this just ain't right.'"

How many of you "christians" will defend this vile, sick man's words?

You have defended his hatred for gays and his stated desire to force young girls into "marriage" with older men but can you really defend THIS???

And before you start with the usual lies, listen to the audio at the link above, or if you would rather hear it at a RW site, go to this link:

Phil Robertson Hypothesizes About Atheist Family Getting Raped And Killed Right Wing Watch

Either way, you cannot lie that he did not say this.


Yeah....he is simply explaining atheist morality to the atheists....if the guys in his example did what he describes...he is right....atheists do not believe they will be judged in the after life for their actions...and that each individual human makes up their own moral code.....he is explaining to atheists that according to that belief really can't judge what they do as being wrong in a moral sense...since it is their own made up moral code that allows them to do it......

See the problem atheists......

No, you don''ll just attack Robertson.....
There is audio at the OP link, this really happened.

I cannot imagine any person of faith wanting to support this.

Are there other Christians out there who believe that athiests somehow deserve to be raped and beheaded?

It's becoming a bizarro world for Rightie Christians, apparently. Not much room for Jesus these days...

Well...considering that isn't his point.....he isn't suggesting it what he said without your bias.....he is explaining that according to atheists, there technically is nothing wrong with what these guys did...they are following their own moral code...right...? That is what the atheists profess...each human can create their own moral world...right? And these imaginary monsters simply made up a different moral code that allows this atrocity....right?

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