Dude who wore horns, face paint, & bearskin headdress at the Capitol riots ARRESTED

He could be charged and convicted for treason against his country. It's possible that could lead to lethal injection as due punishment, but regardless the punishment will be stern.

It seems a shame to America that the situation under the Trump regime could have escalated to that point when in fact he was nothing but a clown acting out in childish rage.

In a just society he would be deserving of a good spanking and then sent to his room without his supper.

Just to try to return American minds back to the reality of the situation, before they get completely out of control and batsh-t crazy the next time.
I have to imagine that there are a lot of people who have saw themselves in the videos that are having a pretty lousy weekend wondering when the knock will come to their door.
And it is coming.
Folks, we got eem...!

Unlike what many of our rightwing, self-professed Conservative and Republican posters have been posting, lying about really, he's not ANTIFA, he's qAnon aka rightwing/Republican.

Here's an interview on crazy Alex Jones' program...

So where was his AR-15? Who did he assault? Not much of an “insurrectionist” without one.
I am afraid it is maybe you could argue with the judge to help out the horned devil.
You'd have to prove quite a bit to make that stick.

And there are likely lots of cameras in the building...

...but it is a public building.

If the police let me in...and the door to the office was open...is going in a crime?
I am afraid it is maybe you could argue with the judge to help out the horned devil.
You'd have to prove quite a bit to make that stick.

And there are likely lots of cameras in the building...

...but it is a public building.

If the police let me in...and the door to the office was open...is going in a crime?
It is a public building with security checks and controlled visitation rules...It doesn't mean it is an outhouse for yous to soil whenever you get the urge..
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Folks, we got eem...!

Unlike what many of our rightwing, self-professed Conservative and Republican posters have been posting, lying about really, he's not ANTIFA, he's qAnon aka rightwing/Republican.

Here's an interview on crazy Alex Jones' program...

And he broke no laws other than fashion laws----the police let him in.

How convenient an excuse, eh? Almost like it was planned that way.
LOL. Hear there is going to be a disturbing sell off of social media stocks Monday.....can't wait.
It would seem you’re promoting this? Edit- oh wait- I missed the SOCIAL MEDIA part (as you know your post was quite lengthy and I must’ve just skimmed that over lol) in that case....carry-on! I support this measure fully with their attempt to select and narrow free speech (using Google for search now blocking specific sites from even showing) and determine which consumers can speak freely and which ones cannot. That is an act of a monopoly not a corporation!
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LOL. Hear there is going to be a disturbing sell off of social media stocks Monday.....can't wait.
It would seem you’re promoting this? Edit- oh wait- I missed the SOCIAL MEDIA part (as you know your post was quite lengthy and I must’ve just skimmed that over lol) in that case....carry-on! I support this measure fully with their attempt to select and narrow free speech (using Google for search now blocking specific sites from even showing) and determine which consumers can speak freely and which ones cannot. That is an act of a monopoly not a corporation!
The best posts I've ever read on these boards over the years is that the best are usually twenty words or less. Unfortunately this was twenty two....twenty seven.....twenty nine.........
Why do we not have a complete list of all those arrested yet?

Why was the Capitol Police so undermanned that day when they knew the crowds would be huge?
We need a special counsel formed to investigate this and everything this Summer that happened. Like this Summer never happened you dishonest pieces of defecation.
I have to imagine that there are a lot of people who have saw themselves in the videos that are having a pretty lousy weekend wondering when the knock will come to their door.
Too bad Biden arsonists, looters and thugs dont have those worries.
LOL. Hear there is going to be a disturbing sell off of social media stocks Monday.....can't wait.
It would seem you’re promoting this? Edit- oh wait- I missed the SOCIAL MEDIA part (as you know your post was quite lengthy and I must’ve just skimmed that over lol) in that case....carry-on! I support this measure fully with their attempt to select and narrow free speech (using Google for search now blocking specific sites from even showing) and determine which consumers can speak freely and which ones cannot. That is an act of a monopoly not a corporation!
It is so hard to get any links these people want here when you have to go to page 26. No shit.
I have to imagine that there are a lot of people who have saw themselves in the videos that are having a pretty lousy weekend wondering when the knock will come to their door.
Too bad Biden arsonists, looters and thugs dont have those worries.
Where is the fucking list of people arrested ruining our beautiful House? This is public record. Where is it???
I have to imagine that there are a lot of people who have saw themselves in the videos that are having a pretty lousy weekend wondering when the knock will come to their door.
Too bad Biden arsonists, looters and thugs dont have those worries.
Where is the fucking list of people arrested ruining our beautiful House? This is public record. Where is it???
Has the name of the "cop" who murdered this woman been released?
I have to imagine that there are a lot of people who have saw themselves in the videos that are having a pretty lousy weekend wondering when the knock will come to their door.
Too bad Biden arsonists, looters and thugs dont have those worries.
Where is the fucking list of people arrested ruining our beautiful House? This is public record. Where is it???
Has the name of the "cop" who murdered this woman been released?
This stinks worse than Kumaquart Harris's pussy if that is possible.

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