Duggar admits to porn addiction.. being ‘unfaithful’ to wife: ‘I've been the biggest hypocrite ever

Really? So you care about this ...but not Bill Clinton's propensity to sexually assault and harrass women?
Propensity based on what? Paula?
I guess since Clinton did pay anyone to cheat its worse. No contribution to the economy.
How do you know? He like to visit pedophiles island after all.

Is that pidgin English?

What a lovely concession.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted Gilligan.

Jesus Christ on a bicycle. It's the Zombie Apocalypse.
To be fair, we need to admit that Hillary did, indeed, have a love child with an alien. I read about it at the cashier station at Safeway. They even had photos.
Really? So you care about this ...but not Bill Clinton's propensity to sexually assault and harrass women?
Propensity based on what? Paula?
I guess since Clinton did pay anyone to cheat its worse. No contribution to the economy.
How do you know? He like to visit pedophiles island after all.

Is that pidgin English?

What a lovely concession.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted Gilligan.

Oh look, here's Ted Haggard to preach us a sermon!
Everyone one preaches their own morality. You saying you have always lived 100% as you constantly preach?
Yes. I never preach what I dont practice. However, I'm not the one that is spokesman for family values. Concentrate on the topic

Really? So you care about this ...but not Bill Clinton's propensity to sexually assault and harrass women?
Yes really. Concentrate on the topic.

I think Bills incident was funny too.
Topic is Duggar liked to look at porn. Big deal... Most men do.

The bigger story is the stalkers hacking sites for personal information to ruin people with.
No the topic is he got caught paying money to cheat. Most men dont do that. You are free to start a thread on hacking if you want.
Naw. Josh did the community a service. Trustify and Ashley Madison have proven they can't be trusted to protect personal information . And well... Their customers rely on that security. Look for them to be out if business shortly.
Propensity based on what? Paula?
I guess since Clinton did pay anyone to cheat its worse. No contribution to the economy.
How do you know? He like to visit pedophiles island after all.

Is that pidgin English?

What a lovely concession.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted Gilligan.

Oh look, here's Ted Haggard to preach us a sermon!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
The duggars preach creationism and are friends with the top fraud's of creationism , child abuse in itself

child abuse.jpg
Substitute Weiner and Bill Clinton for Duggar and you have a story. Otherwise it's just more left wing bigotry.
Exactly. I will take them seriously the day they condemn one of their own.

Until then...
Did Weiner or Clinton molest their sisters?

Yo, I thought we were talking about cheating on your wife? Now you want to go back farther? Who is the true Dick-Head? YOU!

I didn't bring up Weiner or Clinton. I was responding to the person who did. Pay attention and STFU.
Wow, weiner and Clinton in the same sentence. Who would have known.
That's Libs for you. Always concerned about peoples private sex lives... To the extent they hack computers.
Cons be like..."Nothing to see here. Move along." :laugh:

Most men like porn. Not seeing an issue... Unless his wife cares.

Why do you?
You dont see an issue with someone preaching against immorality cheating on their wife?
Not if he says what he did was wrong.

Oh. Just say, " it was wrong to molest my little sisters and to cheat on my wife" and all is forgiven?
Separate subject. You were talking about him cheating on his wife.

you people need to obsess less about the sex lives of others.
Yes. I never preach what I dont practice. However, I'm not the one that is spokesman for family values. Concentrate on the topic

Really? So you care about this ...but not Bill Clinton's propensity to sexually assault and harrass women?
Propensity based on what? Paula?
I guess since Clinton did pay anyone to cheat its worse. No contribution to the economy.
How do you know? He like to visit pedophiles island after all.

Tabloid bullshit.

Tabloid? ROFLMNAO!

It's common knowledge. Clinton is close friends with Jeff Epstein, notorious pedophile. Clinton's frequent visits to Pedophile Island is not even a debatable point.

If ya need a link, you can try this from NewsWeek...

Clinton up to his ass in Child Poon!
If he was a bed wetting libtard NYCrackhead would consider it a resume enhancement.
I can't tell you how many long drawn out battles I've had with lunatic progressives who maintain that pornography is HEALTHY and everybody should watch it. Yes, I've actually had women and men on this site tell me adamantly that watching porn reduces a man's likelihood to commit rape. For real. One of the pukes told me that if people were allowed to watch child porn it would prevent pedophilia.
Forget Ashley Madison. The Word of God says that if you have ever looked at a woman with lust in your heart towards her? You have committed adultery - you are guilty of adultery - if you entertain in your heart lustful thoughts, if you have fantasies, if you think on lustful things, if you see someone on the street and lust after them - you are committing adultery and the Bible says you cannot enter into heaven. It does not matter if you were a Christian at one time, it does not even matter if you are a Christian today! If you allow impure thoughts (not actions, not visiting a website like Madison website - we are talking thinking lustful thoughts) then you are an adulterer and you are going to hell. Saved or unsaved.

The road is much narrower than you think it is. The road is this - The pure in heart shall see God and those who do not have a pure heart will not see God - they will see hell instead.

Christian and unbeliever alike. God isn't wedding His Only Begotten Son to an adulterer.

Here this warning God gave to John Mulinde concerning the sin of an impure heart. You cannot go to heaven unless your heart is pure before God.

Cons be like..."Nothing to see here. Move along." :laugh:

Most men like porn. Not seeing an issue... Unless his wife cares.

Why do you?
You dont see an issue with someone preaching against immorality cheating on their wife?
Not if he says what he did was wrong.

Oh. Just say, " it was wrong to molest my little sisters and to cheat on my wife" and all is forgiven?
Separate subject. You were talking about him cheating on his wife.

you people need to obsess less about the sex lives of others.
Sez the bible thumping stiff necked trailer dweller for jebus
No one is going to email you. If they do they are going to be disappointed you lied about your appearance. Youre obese not just fat and you are 50 with several out of service blow up dolls.

Aw, poor Asslips, far too stupid to come up with a retort other than;

Yes. I never preach what I dont practice. However, I'm not the one that is spokesman for family values. Concentrate on the topic

Really? So you care about this ...but not Bill Clinton's propensity to sexually assault and harrass women?
Yes really. Concentrate on the topic.

I think Bills incident was funny too.
Topic is Duggar liked to look at porn. Big deal... Most men do.

The bigger story is the stalkers hacking sites for personal information to ruin people with.
No the topic is he got caught paying money to cheat. Most men dont do that. You are free to start a thread on hacking if you want.
Naw. Josh did the community a service. Trustify and Ashley Madison have proven they can't be trusted to protect personal information . And well... Their customers rely on that security. Look for them to be out if business shortly.

There we go. Some praise for Duggar's adultery.

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