Duh!!! Why does the MSM use the term "Spike" regarding COVID cases.... why not state the reason?

Spike is a vaguely defined but scary sounding word so it works on the emotetards
Having failed in the masks and lockdowns, insane control freaks naturally double down
Just like AGW, we humans are trying to control the Air, the essence of the planet, and of course we can’t do that so we Punish everyday working freedom seeking people because we can’t control what is uncontrollable

A "spike" is a clearly defined as a large and rapid increases in cases. It is a visual image on a graph which can be clearly seen in the graphs which accompany the reports of "spikes".

Countries with mask mandates and lockdowns have managed to keep both their case numbers and their deaths down. Countries that did neither, like Sweden, have the highest rates of disease and death, in the world, including the USA.

In Kansas, 1/2 the counties went with mask mandates, and half went without. The counties without the mask mandates had double the number of cases and deaths, over the counties that passed masked mandates.

The rest of your post, positing that public health measures that have worked in first world countries on every continent, are some sort of infringement on your liberty, well, if you get sick and have ongoing lung or vascular problems for the rest of you life from this thing, not to mention much higher insurance rates, you're going to find some HUGE fucking infringments on your liberty forever.
Prove you statement with links PLEASE. Is that so hard to do? FACTS not guesses or maybes! FACTS.

Are you telling me what and how to post you condescending dickless wonder? You haven't backed up a single assertion with a credible link that I haven't debunked with better links, not connected to those under pressure from the Trump Administration.

Google it, you lying piece of shit!
As you are wont..."Google "What"... "IT"?
OK... Google "it" 24.96 billion results. Very intelligent!
Screen Shot 2020-12-22 at 2.24.51 PM.png
Spike is a vaguely defined but scary sounding word so it works on the emotetards
Having failed in the masks and lockdowns, insane control freaks naturally double down
Just like AGW, we humans are trying to control the Air, the essence of the planet, and of course we can’t do that so we Punish everyday working freedom seeking people because we can’t control what is uncontrollable

A "spike" is a clearly defined as a large and rapid increases in cases. It is a visual image on a graph which can be clearly seen in the graphs which accompany the reports of "spikes".

Countries with mask mandates and lockdowns have managed to keep both their case numbers and their deaths down. Countries that did neither, like Sweden, have the highest rates of disease and death, in the world, including the USA.

In Kansas, 1/2 the counties went with mask mandates, and half went without. The counties without the mask mandates had double the number of cases and deaths, over the counties that passed masked mandates.

The rest of your post, positing that public health measures that have worked in first world countries on every continent, are some sort of infringement on your liberty, well, if you get sick and have ongoing lung or vascular problems for the rest of you life from this thing, not to mention much higher insurance rates, you're going to find some HUGE fucking infringments on your liberty forever.
Prove you statement with links PLEASE. Is that so hard to do? FACTS not guesses or maybes! FACTS.

Are you telling me what and how to post you condescending dickless wonder? You haven't backed up a single assertion with a credible link that I haven't debunked with better links, not connected to those under pressure from the Trump Administration.

Google it, you lying piece of shit!
As you are wont..."Google "What"... "IT"?
OK... Google "it" 24.96 billion results. Very intelligent!
View attachment 432299

I see that failing to refute what we've posted, you've taken to attacking those who make you look stupid. It really wasn't hard to do that.

Your concession is noted.
Where are hospitalizations up? EVERY single one of the 6,000+ hospitals with over 900,000 beds are overwhelmed? ALL of them?? All of them spiking!!!
I already showed you the national data (actually it was provided by another poster you ignored). I did not say that it's spiking everywhere, but taken as a whole, the number of hospitalizations is considerably up.

You're arguing against a strawman.
"Strawman"???? Do you know what that term really means? As usual people that are uninformed like you use wrong terms and at the wrong time.
A straw man (sometimes written as strawman) is a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the proper idea of argument under discussion was not addressed or properly refuted.
And I didn't SAY you were using the term "spiking".
I said the MSM uses that term to agitate their readers/listeners.
I was pointing out the FALLACY of their statement "spiking" when the more logical and rational newscast provides a rationale for a "spike", i.e.
there are more tests done then there were.

The "more cases because of more tests" is a classic strawman argument, and it is a fallacy. More people are testing in the USA because they're sick. "More tests" isn't the reason why you have the highest number of patients in hospital in the world, or the most number of people dying in the world.

In countries where fewer tests are done, that's because nobody's going for tests. I haven't been tested because (a) I haven't felt sick or had symptoms; (b) I haven't been in contact with anyone who tested positive; (c) I'm retired and not going to work every day. My daughter was tested because there was an outbreak at her place of employment. Those who wore masks and followed the rules tested negative. The ones who mocked her mask wearing have covid19. My teacher friends have all been tested, as has my friend who recently had knee surgery. All have been negative.

The nation is going into a 30 day lockdown starting Christmas Eve. 25 people died the other day, and more than 2000 got sick. In a true democratic nation where people matter, we are prepared to stay home and lock down to save as many lives as possible until the virus gets here.

Our hospitals are filling up. Unlike the USA, we haven't had thousands of healthcare workers who died of the virus. And we don't want that to happen either, especially now that the vaccine is here. We gave our first batch of vaccine to nursing home residents in big city hospitals because they were most at risk. You gave yours to healthcare workers because they were most at risk in your country. What kind of idiot government enacts policies which kill the people you need to get you out of this?

The next batch went to the healthcare workers in the big cities with the most cases. "Essential workers" and healthy elderly are next. That's me!

AGAIN a perfect example of gross EXAGGERATION without doing any research!
YOU wrote with NO proof... "Unlike the USA, we haven't had thousands of healthcare workers who died of the virus."
More than 1,700 health care workers have died of COVID-19 and related complications — after many of them said they didn’t have adequate personal protective equipment, according to the country’s largest nurses union.

THOUSANDS have DIED??? 1,700 is NOT thousands! But again this penchant for GROSS exaggeration is symptomatic of idiots who don't do any research but simply spout something.
So I've proven Canada has at 2.78% deaths vs US 1.77% higher 65% of deaths than USA.
Where are hospitalizations up? EVERY single one of the 6,000+ hospitals with over 900,000 beds are overwhelmed? ALL of them?? All of them spiking!!!
I already showed you the national data (actually it was provided by another poster you ignored). I did not say that it's spiking everywhere, but taken as a whole, the number of hospitalizations is considerably up.

You're arguing against a strawman.
"Strawman"???? Do you know what that term really means? As usual people that are uninformed like you use wrong terms and at the wrong time.
A straw man (sometimes written as strawman) is a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the proper idea of argument under discussion was not addressed or properly refuted.
And I didn't SAY you were using the term "spiking".
I said the MSM uses that term to agitate their readers/listeners.
I was pointing out the FALLACY of their statement "spiking" when the more logical and rational newscast provides a rationale for a "spike", i.e.
there are more tests done then there were.
You haven’t done anything to demonstrate that the spike in cases is attributable solely to an increase in testing. Although that mah be part of the rise, it’s absolutely not the only reason and given the considerable rise in hospitalizations it’s almost certainly a small factor.
Every day I go to this web site:Coronavirus Update (Live): 77,404,342 Cases and 1,703,478 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Download the statistics regarding COVID.
Here is an abbreviated (so as not to confuse less cognizant readers!!!) spreadsheet.
Explanations for some non-literate including the MSM that continues to the term "SPIKE" as the below screenshot shows!
1) DUH... 234,217,195 TESTED in USA... Duh... you don't especially dumb ass MSM comprehend the more tests...DUH the more cases found!!!
2) SPIKE?? 98.22% of the 18,267,579 cases SURVIVE!!!! I know the additional "!!" not necessary but I can excuse the majority of Americans for
not knowing this BUT THE MSM??? Again folks all done to criticize Trump. Plain and simple!
You people don't believe the below but I've been tracking this since 2/7/20 and the MSM has completely fooled all of YOU that believe the problems!
During the same time that 324,869 Americans died from COVID... are you people aware that
Here’s how the media is misreporting COVID-19’s death toll in America
The CDC itself caused a stir at the end of August by estimating that the virus directly caused only 6 percent, or now just over 11,000 of the 187,000 attributed deaths. Most of these deaths were in the elderly.
View attachment 431847

View attachment 431849
The reason is thanksgiving get together.
thanksgiven is an american holiday---reason for the spike---COOLER less sunny weather as I warned would be coming months ago. Sunshine weakens and kills the virus creating a lower viral load..............it also doesn't help that our POS CDC is basically making it illegal for PCM and other 1st line medical to give anti-virals.

I know--I and my hubby have the covid. What they are putting out there is BS. Fever is not the 1st sign for many---cdc is hampering those first showing symptoms as being treated. And everyone is supposed to be looking for Chest/stomach pain and trouble breathing as when they need to see a doctor (Can't be treated anywhere but in only hospitals with a covid treatment ward---everyone else can only test and call an ambulance so you are wasting your time to get treated if you go to your regular doctor.)
Every day I go to this web site:Coronavirus Update (Live): 77,404,342 Cases and 1,703,478 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Download the statistics regarding COVID.
Here is an abbreviated (so as not to confuse less cognizant readers!!!) spreadsheet.
Explanations for some non-literate including the MSM that continues to the term "SPIKE" as the below screenshot shows!
1) DUH... 234,217,195 TESTED in USA... Duh... you don't especially dumb ass MSM comprehend the more tests...DUH the more cases found!!!
2) SPIKE?? 98.22% of the 18,267,579 cases SURVIVE!!!! I know the additional "!!" not necessary but I can excuse the majority of Americans for
not knowing this BUT THE MSM??? Again folks all done to criticize Trump. Plain and simple!
You people don't believe the below but I've been tracking this since 2/7/20 and the MSM has completely fooled all of YOU that believe the problems!
During the same time that 324,869 Americans died from COVID... are you people aware that
Here’s how the media is misreporting COVID-19’s death toll in America
The CDC itself caused a stir at the end of August by estimating that the virus directly caused only 6 percent, or now just over 11,000 of the 187,000 attributed deaths. Most of these deaths were in the elderly.
View attachment 431847

View attachment 431849
The reason is thanksgiving get together.

I know--I and my hubby have the covid. What they are putting out there is BS. Fever is not the 1st sign for many---cdc is hampering those first showing symptoms as being treated. And everyone is supposed to be looking for Chest/stomach pain and trouble breathing as when they need to see a doctor (Can't be treated anywhere but in only hospitals with a covid treatment ward---everyone else can only test and call an ambulance so you are wasting your time to get treated if you go to your regular doctor.)

Nothing you have posted is true. Only the most serious cases require hospitalization. Less than 20%.
Every day I go to this web site:Coronavirus Update (Live): 77,404,342 Cases and 1,703,478 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Download the statistics regarding COVID.
Here is an abbreviated (so as not to confuse less cognizant readers!!!) spreadsheet.
Explanations for some non-literate including the MSM that continues to the term "SPIKE" as the below screenshot shows!
1) DUH... 234,217,195 TESTED in USA... Duh... you don't especially dumb ass MSM comprehend the more tests...DUH the more cases found!!!
2) SPIKE?? 98.22% of the 18,267,579 cases SURVIVE!!!! I know the additional "!!" not necessary but I can excuse the majority of Americans for
not knowing this BUT THE MSM??? Again folks all done to criticize Trump. Plain and simple!
You people don't believe the below but I've been tracking this since 2/7/20 and the MSM has completely fooled all of YOU that believe the problems!
During the same time that 324,869 Americans died from COVID... are you people aware that
Here’s how the media is misreporting COVID-19’s death toll in America
The CDC itself caused a stir at the end of August by estimating that the virus directly caused only 6 percent, or now just over 11,000 of the 187,000 attributed deaths. Most of these deaths were in the elderly.
View attachment 431847

View attachment 431849
Nobody believes your bullshit. IF you're managing your heart disease for 25 years but die because you contract covid...yes dumbass...you died because you caught covid.

But here is what I want to know. The myth you guys keep repeating is that healthcare gets money for covid cases. I work in administrative healthcare and have no idea what you guys are talking about (caveat...billing isn't my end of the enterprise). But here is what I want to know...200+ million tests but only 18 million cases. If it's just a money grab, why then...shit brains...aren't there closer to 200 million cases?
Every day I go to this web site:Coronavirus Update (Live): 77,404,342 Cases and 1,703,478 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Download the statistics regarding COVID.
Here is an abbreviated (so as not to confuse less cognizant readers!!!) spreadsheet.
Explanations for some non-literate including the MSM that continues to the term "SPIKE" as the below screenshot shows!
1) DUH... 234,217,195 TESTED in USA... Duh... you don't especially dumb ass MSM comprehend the more tests...DUH the more cases found!!!
2) SPIKE?? 98.22% of the 18,267,579 cases SURVIVE!!!! I know the additional "!!" not necessary but I can excuse the majority of Americans for
not knowing this BUT THE MSM??? Again folks all done to criticize Trump. Plain and simple!
You people don't believe the below but I've been tracking this since 2/7/20 and the MSM has completely fooled all of YOU that believe the problems!
During the same time that 324,869 Americans died from COVID... are you people aware that
Here’s how the media is misreporting COVID-19’s death toll in America
The CDC itself caused a stir at the end of August by estimating that the virus directly caused only 6 percent, or now just over 11,000 of the 187,000 attributed deaths. Most of these deaths were in the elderly.
View attachment 431847

View attachment 431849
The reason is thanksgiving get together.
thanksgiven is an american holiday---reason for the spike---COOLER less sunny weather as I warned would be coming months ago. Sunshine weakens and kills the virus creating a lower viral load..............it also doesn't help that our POS CDC is basically making it illegal for PCM and other 1st line medical to give anti-virals.

I know--I and my hubby have the covid. What they are putting out there is BS. Fever is not the 1st sign for many---cdc is hampering those first showing symptoms as being treated. And everyone is supposed to be looking for Chest/stomach pain and trouble breathing as when they need to see a doctor (Can't be treated anywhere but in only hospitals with a covid treatment ward---everyone else can only test and call an ambulance so you are wasting your time to get treated if you go to your regular doctor.)
That’s because there is no treatment effective for COVID as an outpatient.
6% of all Covid positives require hospitalization
10% of all tested are positive
6% of 10% is 0.6% which means that 6 out of every 1.000 Americans will be put into the hospital due to Covid while us other 994 suffer far far more . That constitutes a hoax
It’s reprehensible to keep everyone away from liberty and freedom because a very, very few can suffer due to it.
Last edited:
Where are hospitalizations up? EVERY single one of the 6,000+ hospitals with over 900,000 beds are overwhelmed? ALL of them?? All of them spiking!!!
I already showed you the national data (actually it was provided by another poster you ignored). I did not say that it's spiking everywhere, but taken as a whole, the number of hospitalizations is considerably up.

You're arguing against a strawman.
"Strawman"???? Do you know what that term really means? As usual people that are uninformed like you use wrong terms and at the wrong time.
A straw man (sometimes written as strawman) is a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the proper idea of argument under discussion was not addressed or properly refuted.
And I didn't SAY you were using the term "spiking".
I said the MSM uses that term to agitate their readers/listeners.
I was pointing out the FALLACY of their statement "spiking" when the more logical and rational newscast provides a rationale for a "spike", i.e.
there are more tests done then there were.
You haven’t done anything to demonstrate that the spike in cases is attributable solely to an increase in testing. Although that mah be part of the rise, it’s absolutely not the only reason and given the considerable rise in hospitalizations it’s almost certainly a small factor.
And I never said more testing was the "sole" or only reason. I also wouldn't be so presumptuous to say "considerable rise". Where do you get
that figure? What is your source?
Again FACTS... There are
in 2011 approximately 6,146 registered hospitals existed in the U.S., housing 924,107 hospital beds.
Again Facts how many hospitalized in the USA? See below 27,968 severe or hospitalized out of 924,107 beds is 3%!!!
FACTS... not guesses like you did! Coronavirus Update (Live): 78,302,349 Cases and 1,722,276 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer

What shortage???
6% of all Covid positives require hospitalization
10% of all tested are positive
6% of 10% is 0.6% which means that 6 out of every 1.000 Americans will be put into the hospital due to Covid while us other 994 suffer far far more . That constitutes a hoax
It’s reprehensible to keep everyone away from liberty and freedom because a very, very few can suffer due to it.

You stupid jackass. You don't have enough hospital beds for even 6 out of 1000 Americans to go to the hospital. You only have 1.2 million beds in the entire country. 75% of these beds are already filled up with people with heart attacks, digestive problems, cancer, or other illnesses that need treating leaving around 300,000 beds for covid.

Right now there are 7 million people sick, meaning 420,000 people will need hospital beds, even using your measly .06% of sick people will need a bed. With only 300,000 available beds, where are they supposed to go?

When New York got overwhelmed, doctors and nurses came from all over the country to help out. But now, all across the nation, the hospitals are overwhelmed, and the staff are dropping, exhausted and burnt out. 1700 of them have died of covid. They can't keep doing this. They need people to stay home and not get sick.
6% of all Covid positives require hospitalization
10% of all tested are positive
6% of 10% is 0.6% which means that 6 out of every 1.000 Americans will be put into the hospital due to Covid while us other 994 suffer far far more . That constitutes a hoax
It’s reprehensible to keep everyone away from liberty and freedom because a very, very few can suffer due to it.

You stupid jackass. You don't have enough hospital beds for even 6 out of 1000 Americans to go to the hospital. You only have 1.2 million beds in the entire country. 75% of these beds are already filled up with people with heart attacks, digestive problems, cancer, or other illnesses that need treating leaving around 300,000 beds for covid.

Right now there are 7 million people sick, meaning 420,000 people will need hospital beds, even using your measly .06% of sick people will need a bed. With only 300,000 available beds, where are they supposed to go?

When New York got overwhelmed, doctors and nurses came from all over the country to help out. But now, all across the nation, the hospitals are overwhelmed, and the staff are dropping, exhausted and burnt out. 1700 of them have died of covid. They can't keep doing this. They need people to stay home and not get sick.
Dummy do do.
They don’t all go in one day.
6% of all Covid positives require hospitalization
10% of all tested are positive
6% of 10% is 0.6% which means that 6 out of every 1.000 Americans will be put into the hospital due to Covid while us other 994 suffer far far more . That constitutes a hoax
It’s reprehensible to keep everyone away from liberty and freedom because a very, very few can suffer due to it.

You stupid jackass. You don't have enough hospital beds for even 6 out of 1000 Americans to go to the hospital. You only have 1.2 million beds in the entire country. 75% of these beds are already filled up with people with heart attacks, digestive problems, cancer, or other illnesses that need treating leaving around 300,000 beds for covid.

Right now there are 7 million people sick, meaning 420,000 people will need hospital beds, even using your measly .06% of sick people will need a bed. With only 300,000 available beds, where are they supposed to go?

When New York got overwhelmed, doctors and nurses came from all over the country to help out. But now, all across the nation, the hospitals are overwhelmed, and the staff are dropping, exhausted and burnt out. 1700 of them have died of covid. They can't keep doing this. They need people to stay home and not get sick.
Where are YOUR FACTS? Where are your links?
Calling me stupid for providing PROOF that is certainly validation that YOU are NOT to be believed.
FACTS for the entire USA NOT anecdotal, unproven wild ass statements!
For example: You wrote "New York got overwhelmed,"
Navy ship sent to NYC for outbreak no longer needed, says Cuomo
New York hospitals ‘were never overwhelmed’ at peak of COVID-19, Cuomo claims

Now as far as the rest of the nation"overwhelmed"???
A record-high 96,039 Covid-19 patients were hospitalized in the US as of Monday evening (11/30/20), according to the Covid Tracking Project.
How many BEDS are there in the 6,146 USA hospitals... 924,107 beds.
96,039 Covid-19 hospitalized patients is only 10%
FACTS! NOT guesses or "woe is us" by the totally money motivated MSM!

Every day I go to this web site:Coronavirus Update (Live): 77,404,342 Cases and 1,703,478 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Download the statistics regarding COVID.
Here is an abbreviated (so as not to confuse less cognizant readers!!!) spreadsheet.
Explanations for some non-literate including the MSM that continues to the term "SPIKE" as the below screenshot shows!
1) DUH... 234,217,195 TESTED in USA... Duh... you don't especially dumb ass MSM comprehend the more tests...DUH the more cases found!!!
2) SPIKE?? 98.22% of the 18,267,579 cases SURVIVE!!!! I know the additional "!!" not necessary but I can excuse the majority of Americans for
not knowing this BUT THE MSM??? Again folks all done to criticize Trump. Plain and simple!
You people don't believe the below but I've been tracking this since 2/7/20 and the MSM has completely fooled all of YOU that believe the problems!
During the same time that 324,869 Americans died from COVID... are you people aware that
Here’s how the media is misreporting COVID-19’s death toll in America
The CDC itself caused a stir at the end of August by estimating that the virus directly caused only 6 percent, or now just over 11,000 of the 187,000 attributed deaths. Most of these deaths were in the elderly.
View attachment 431847

View attachment 431849
The reason is thanksgiving get together.

I know--I and my hubby have the covid. What they are putting out there is BS. Fever is not the 1st sign for many---cdc is hampering those first showing symptoms as being treated. And everyone is supposed to be looking for Chest/stomach pain and trouble breathing as when they need to see a doctor (Can't be treated anywhere but in only hospitals with a covid treatment ward---everyone else can only test and call an ambulance so you are wasting your time to get treated if you go to your regular doctor.)

Nothing you have posted is true. Only the most serious cases require hospitalization. Less than 20%.
Everything I posted is 100% true DRAGON...........Again I have the covid and am at home.........MILD CASE--
MY hubby is in the hospital not mild case. He has a ground glass lung case.

What a blooming goat rope learning how the system works this way.
What I have learned this week from this is that:

1) Fever is NOT the first sign. Neither my hubby or I had a fever until after we showed up at the hospital for him on Monday (he had been sick 2 weeks) because med express or some such urgent care informed me when I called that they had no openings on Monday for covid patients (they had openings for patients until I told them that I thought that it was covid.) What they did mention though matter of factly was that we needed to go down to the hospital if we had trouble breathing OR MORE URGENTLY IF WE WERE EXPERIENCING CHEST/ABDOMINAL PAIN which my husband was indicating GROUND GLASS lung. I never had a fever....my temperature runs low (a hereditary gift from my grandfather)...and although it went a little up on Monday after being in the hospital, it never was a high fever. I would later ask the nurse about the fever being the 1st sign for the virus---she said that the virus has changed over the last few months----FEVER is no longer the first sign and that many patients aren't presenting with fevers at all. THE ABDOMINAL PAIN is the BIG BIG WARNING for dangerous cases needing medical intervention.

2) We went to a satellite hospital ------which despite its size didn't have a Covid ward---its main hospital had a ward. Despite being a satellite---they could give no Covid drugs-------nothing. Even though we wound up waiting about 4 hours just for an ambulance after they decided to send him to the main hospital. They would not allow me to take my husband to the main hospital because by then his O2 were dropping eventually requiring oxygen and monitoring so we sat and waited and waited as he got worse and worse for this ambulance. Did I not point out that 4 hours of waiting for the ambulance? We spent almost 10 hours at the satellite hospital. We should have gone directly to the main hospital-----saving precious time as my husband got much sicker in these 10 hours of waiting. If you have severe symptoms don't go to get tested where they can't treat and remember that all hospitals can't treat. I should have driven him directly to the main hospital---it was a huge mistake on my part taking him to the satellite.

3) Let me tell you what I learned in the first 6 hours of the visit..........we arrived and we were pretty sure that it was covid (My husband had been exposed at work by get this the VP OF NURSING) So one would assume that the first thing they would do is test for Covid. WRONG. That isn't what they did. They did the normal vitals and then a CT scan (which showed the ground glass) which they were purposely vague about why they did it and what it showed. Taking the covid test after words was a choice---not medical decision. They specifically did not come out and state at this point that the CT was ground glass and that they were already sure because of the CT scan that my husband had covid. The doctor said that they are NOT basing COVID diagnosis on COVID test--that they are basing COVID diagnosis on----what the doctors feels/thinks is the case. At which we responded----we want the COVID TEST for my husband. It took an additional 2 hours plus to get the covid test. When the doctor came partially in to give the diagnosis--he tried to keep his distance from both pf us. I was told that I need to quarantine for 10 days because I was exhibiting mild symptoms. Medical personal are SCARED and I do mean SCARED of Covid patients---they really don't want to see us----. If you are really sick go to the major hospitals with covid wings in order to limit exposing medical personal who can't really treat you wasting precious time. Doctors aren't using COVID tests---so there is no way to tell either way how accurate the stats are-----they are all Fubar.

4) Lets talk about the Myth of the LOSS of SMELL that is supposedly Covid. My husband didn't lose his sense of smell-----up till atleast Monday. He did the opposite-------he said that he kept smelling EXHAUST...and hence refused to go the doctor or believe that he had covid. He was convinced that we had an exhaust leak from a new a/c/heater system that we installed this year and that was what was making him feel sick. He would not go to a doctor till I called out an an ac guy to check out system. Guys are irrationally hard headed.
Last edited:
Every day I go to this web site:Coronavirus Update (Live): 77,404,342 Cases and 1,703,478 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Download the statistics regarding COVID.
Here is an abbreviated (so as not to confuse less cognizant readers!!!) spreadsheet.
Explanations for some non-literate including the MSM that continues to the term "SPIKE" as the below screenshot shows!
1) DUH... 234,217,195 TESTED in USA... Duh... you don't especially dumb ass MSM comprehend the more tests...DUH the more cases found!!!
2) SPIKE?? 98.22% of the 18,267,579 cases SURVIVE!!!! I know the additional "!!" not necessary but I can excuse the majority of Americans for
not knowing this BUT THE MSM??? Again folks all done to criticize Trump. Plain and simple!
You people don't believe the below but I've been tracking this since 2/7/20 and the MSM has completely fooled all of YOU that believe the problems!
During the same time that 324,869 Americans died from COVID... are you people aware that
Here’s how the media is misreporting COVID-19’s death toll in America
The CDC itself caused a stir at the end of August by estimating that the virus directly caused only 6 percent, or now just over 11,000 of the 187,000 attributed deaths. Most of these deaths were in the elderly.
View attachment 431847

View attachment 431849
The reason is thanksgiving get together.
thanksgiven is an american holiday---reason for the spike---COOLER less sunny weather as I warned would be coming months ago. Sunshine weakens and kills the virus creating a lower viral load..............it also doesn't help that our POS CDC is basically making it illegal for PCM and other 1st line medical to give anti-virals.

I know--I and my hubby have the covid. What they are putting out there is BS. Fever is not the 1st sign for many---cdc is hampering those first showing symptoms as being treated. And everyone is supposed to be looking for Chest/stomach pain and trouble breathing as when they need to see a doctor (Can't be treated anywhere but in only hospitals with a covid treatment ward---everyone else can only test and call an ambulance so you are wasting your time to get treated if you go to your regular doctor.)
That’s because there is no treatment effective for COVID as an outpatient.
That part is true---but only certain main hospitals can give in patient hospital treatments......they currently have my husband on plasma which despite the articles is helping he claims.
Every day I go to this web site:Coronavirus Update (Live): 77,404,342 Cases and 1,703,478 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Download the statistics regarding COVID.
Here is an abbreviated (so as not to confuse less cognizant readers!!!) spreadsheet.
Explanations for some non-literate including the MSM that continues to the term "SPIKE" as the below screenshot shows!
1) DUH... 234,217,195 TESTED in USA... Duh... you don't especially dumb ass MSM comprehend the more tests...DUH the more cases found!!!
2) SPIKE?? 98.22% of the 18,267,579 cases SURVIVE!!!! I know the additional "!!" not necessary but I can excuse the majority of Americans for
not knowing this BUT THE MSM??? Again folks all done to criticize Trump. Plain and simple!
You people don't believe the below but I've been tracking this since 2/7/20 and the MSM has completely fooled all of YOU that believe the problems!
During the same time that 324,869 Americans died from COVID... are you people aware that
Here’s how the media is misreporting COVID-19’s death toll in America
The CDC itself caused a stir at the end of August by estimating that the virus directly caused only 6 percent, or now just over 11,000 of the 187,000 attributed deaths. Most of these deaths were in the elderly.
View attachment 431847

View attachment 431849
The reason is thanksgiving get together.

I know--I and my hubby have the covid. What they are putting out there is BS. Fever is not the 1st sign for many---cdc is hampering those first showing symptoms as being treated. And everyone is supposed to be looking for Chest/stomach pain and trouble breathing as when they need to see a doctor (Can't be treated anywhere but in only hospitals with a covid treatment ward---everyone else can only test and call an ambulance so you are wasting your time to get treated if you go to your regular doctor.)

Nothing you have posted is true. Only the most serious cases require hospitalization. Less than 20%.

and Dragon wtf are you trying to manipulate again? I said nothing about the number of people needing to be hospitalized-----NOTHING.
That part is true---but only certain main hospitals can give in patient hospital treatments......they currently have my husband on plasma which despite the articles is helping he claims.
Meh. Dexamethasone is pretty widely available. Remdesivir should be too. Convalescent plasma probably not as prevalent, but since that's literally a limited resource, the management of distribution is pretty understandable that it would only go to bigger centers.

That being said, my hospital has no problem getting it and it's just a modest size community hospital. Bigger than most, but a tertiary care center, but nothing crazy.
Every day I go to this web site:Coronavirus Update (Live): 77,404,342 Cases and 1,703,478 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Download the statistics regarding COVID.
Here is an abbreviated (so as not to confuse less cognizant readers!!!) spreadsheet.
Explanations for some non-literate including the MSM that continues to the term "SPIKE" as the below screenshot shows!
1) DUH... 234,217,195 TESTED in USA... Duh... you don't especially dumb ass MSM comprehend the more tests...DUH the more cases found!!!
2) SPIKE?? 98.22% of the 18,267,579 cases SURVIVE!!!! I know the additional "!!" not necessary but I can excuse the majority of Americans for
not knowing this BUT THE MSM??? Again folks all done to criticize Trump. Plain and simple!
You people don't believe the below but I've been tracking this since 2/7/20 and the MSM has completely fooled all of YOU that believe the problems!
During the same time that 324,869 Americans died from COVID... are you people aware that
Here’s how the media is misreporting COVID-19’s death toll in America
The CDC itself caused a stir at the end of August by estimating that the virus directly caused only 6 percent, or now just over 11,000 of the 187,000 attributed deaths. Most of these deaths were in the elderly.
View attachment 431847

View attachment 431849
The reason is thanksgiving get together.

I know--I and my hubby have the covid. What they are putting out there is BS. Fever is not the 1st sign for many---cdc is hampering those first showing symptoms as being treated. And everyone is supposed to be looking for Chest/stomach pain and trouble breathing as when they need to see a doctor (Can't be treated anywhere but in only hospitals with a covid treatment ward---everyone else can only test and call an ambulance so you are wasting your time to get treated if you go to your regular doctor.)

Nothing you have posted is true. Only the most serious cases require hospitalization. Less than 20%.
Everything I posted is 100% true DRAGON...........Again I have the covid and am at home.........MILD CASE--
MY hubby is in the hospital not mild case. He has a ground glass lung case.

What a blooming goat rope learning how the system works this way.
What I have learned this week from this is that:

1) Fever is NOT the first sign. Neither my hubby or I had a fever until after we showed up at the hospital for him on Monday (he had been sick 2 weeks) because med express or some such urgent care informed me when I called that they had no openings on Monday for covid patients (they had openings for patients until I told them that I thought that it was covid.) What they did mention though matter of factly was that we needed to go down to the hospital if we had trouble breathing OR MORE URGENTLY IF WE WERE EXPERIENCING CHEST/ABDOMINAL PAIN which my husband was indicating GROUND GLASS lung. I never had a fever....my temperature runs low (a hereditary gift from my grandfather)...and although it went a little up on Monday after being in the hospital, it never was a high fever. I would later ask the nurse about the fever being the 1st sign for the virus---she said that the virus has changed over the last few months----FEVER is no longer the first sign and that many patients aren't presenting with fevers at all. THE ABDOMINAL PAIN is the BIG BIG WARNING for dangerous cases needing medical intervention.

2) We went to a satellite hospital ------which despite its size didn't have a Covid ward---its main hospital had a ward. Despite being a satellite---they could give no Covid drugs-------nothing. Even though we wound up waiting about 4 hours just for an ambulance after they decided to send him to the main hospital. They would not allow me to take my husband to the main hospital because by then his O2 were dropping eventually requiring oxygen and monitoring so we sat and waited and waited as he got worse and worse for this ambulance. Did I not point out that 4 hours of waiting for the ambulance? We spent almost 10 hours at the satellite hospital. We should have gone directly to the main hospital-----saving precious time as my husband got much sicker in these 10 hours of waiting. If you have severe symptoms don't go to get tested where they can't treat and remember that all hospitals can't treat. I should have driven him directly to the main hospital---it was a huge mistake on my part taking him to the satellite.

3) Let me tell you what I learned in the first 6 hours of the visit..........we arrived and we were pretty sure that it was covid (My husband had been exposed at work by get this the VP OF NURSING) So one would assume that the first thing they would do is test for Covid. WRONG. That isn't what they did. They did the normal vitals and then a CT scan (which showed the ground glass) which they were purposely vague about why they did it and what it showed. Taking the covid test after words was a choice---not medical decision. They specifically did not come out and state at this point that the CT was ground glass and that they were already sure because of the CT scan that my husband had covid. The doctor said that they are NOT basing COVID diagnosis on COVID test--that they are basing COVID diagnosis on----what the doctors feels/thinks is the case. At which we responded----we want the COVID TEST for my husband. It took an additional 2 hours plus to get the covid test. When the doctor came partially in to give the diagnosis--he tried to keep his distance from both pf us. I was told that I need to quarantine for 10 days because I was exhibiting mild symptoms. Medical personal are SCARED and I do mean SCARED of Covid patients---they really don't want to see us----. If you are really sick go to the major hospitals with covid wings in order to limit exposing medical personal who can't really treat you wasting precious time. Doctors aren't using COVID tests---so there is no way to tell either way how accurate the stats are-----they are all Fubar.

4) Lets talk about the Myth of the LOSS of SMELL that is supposedly Covid. My husband didn't lose his sense of smell-----up till atleast Monday. He did the opposite-------he said that he kept smelling EXHAUST...and hence refused to go the doctor or believe that he had covid. He was convinced that we had an exhaust leak from a new a/c/heater system that we installed this year and that was what was making him feel sick. He would not go to a doctor till I called out an an ac guy to check out system. Guys are irrationally hard headed.
They say if you’ve met one Alzheimer’s patient, you’ve met.... one Alzheimer’s patient. In other words they aren’t all the same.

My nephew lost his sense of taste smell and hasn’t fully got it back months later

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