Duh!!! Why does the MSM use the term "Spike" regarding COVID cases.... why not state the reason?

People are not being hospitalized willy nilly like the elitists such as Trump and Giuliani. Although those cases do happen, it's certainly no more than a rounding error on the national data.

The criteria for hospitalizations has not really changed.
Absolutely true. And because deaths are so high those cases are just a rounding error. But in the beginning when the caseload wasn't so big, and the death toll so huge, those small number of lives saved by earlier or more cautious intervention did make a difference.

Now they would be like putting out campfires in the middle of a forest fire raging across three states.
So 2,403,372 more tests per day wouldn't identify people with COVID? So what's the value of testing? You make NO sense!
Please explain this following chart, i.e. what age group is more likely to die from COVID?
Then explain how come the death rate has continually gone down? A month ago Death rate for USA was 2.10%--- today 12/22/20 1.77% a 33% decrease! Where's the spike in Deaths? Again... why doesn't the MSM tell people this good news. That more testing creates more knowledge (science!!!) and fewer deaths. But people like you want to believe anything that puts Trump and 75 million of us in a bad light...courtesy of the MSM!

Well, it would take some time to explain and I'm a bit rushed today, so I'll try to be as brief as possible.

The idea that more testing results in more cases being discovered relies on the idea that the increased testing is picking up cases that would not otherwise be identified. That's a rational assumption but it's not necessarily guaranteed to be correct, and it's definitely not guaranteed to be the sole explanation. We have to dig deeper.

One of the ways we dig deeper is by examining hospitalizations. The number of people who are hospitalized with COVID is not going to be affected by increases in testing. The problem of undiagnosed people in the community does not really exist with hospitalized patients. We have been identifying all patients infected with COVID for a really long time now, basically since the testing issues got ironed out in the first month or so. So when hospitalized patients increase, it's a true increase. If we consider that a similar proportion of people who are infected develop symptoms severe enough to be hospitalized, the the increase in hospitalizations is reflective of an underlying increase in the true number of cases in the community.

The AGE of the infected is a very, very major factor in the DEATHS of the infected.

As the below chart shows less than 8% of all deaths were ages less than 54. But after 55 and above 92%.
NOW why do you suppose??? For you laypersons... it is called "comorbidity"...
and since more people will have the below problems after age 55... hence the deaths are more!
But again.. the MSM doesn't tell you that when the "SPIKE" the Covid ball!
That's why people like me are providing alternative information that by the way is readily available on the INTERNET!!!
SO AGAIN..you people that believe the biased MSM... watch how quickly this issue subsides IF Biden actually takes office!
You will hear the below information. Bragging how the Biden administration has lowered the deaths!!!
All because of Biden's "Operation Warp Speed"!

So 2,403,372 more tests per day wouldn't identify people with COVID? So what's the value of testing? You make NO sense!
Please explain this following chart, i.e. what age group is more likely to die from COVID?
Then explain how come the death rate has continually gone down? A month ago Death rate for USA was 2.10%--- today 12/22/20 1.77% a 33% decrease! Where's the spike in Deaths? Again... why doesn't the MSM tell people this good news. That more testing creates more knowledge (science!!!) and fewer deaths. But people like you want to believe anything that puts Trump and 75 million of us in a bad light...courtesy of the MSM!

Well, it would take some time to explain and I'm a bit rushed today, so I'll try to be as brief as possible.

The idea that more testing results in more cases being discovered relies on the idea that the increased testing is picking up cases that would not otherwise be identified. That's a rational assumption but it's not necessarily guaranteed to be correct, and it's definitely not guaranteed to be the sole explanation. We have to dig deeper.

One of the ways we dig deeper is by examining hospitalizations. The number of people who are hospitalized with COVID is not going to be affected by increases in testing. The problem of undiagnosed people in the community does not really exist with hospitalized patients. We have been identifying all patients infected with COVID for a really long time now, basically since the testing issues got ironed out in the first month or so. So when hospitalized patients increase, it's a true increase. If we consider that a similar proportion of people who are infected develop symptoms severe enough to be hospitalized, the the increase in hospitalizations is reflective of an underlying increase in the true number of cases in the community.

The AGE of the infected is a very, very major factor in the DEATHS of the infected.

As the below chart shows less than 8% of all deaths were ages less than 54. But after 55 and above 92%.
NOW why do you suppose??? For you laypersons... it is called "comorbidity"...
and since more people will have the below problems after age 55... hence the deaths are more!
But again.. the MSM doesn't tell you that when the "SPIKE" the Covid ball!
That's why people like me are providing alternative information that by the way is readily available on the INTERNET!!!
SO AGAIN..you people that believe the biased MSM... watch how quickly this issue subsides IF Biden actually takes office!
You will hear the below information. Bragging how the Biden administration has lowered the deaths!!!
All because of Biden's "Operation Warp Speed"!
View attachment 432217

View attachment 432216
Talking about comorbid conditions isn't really relevant to this discussion.

The point is that hospitalizations are way up because infection rates are up. There's nothing you've said that really changes this correlation.
Every day I go to this web site:Coronavirus Update (Live): 77,404,342 Cases and 1,703,478 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Download the statistics regarding COVID.
Here is an abbreviated (so as not to confuse less cognizant readers!!!) spreadsheet.
Explanations for some non-literate including the MSM that continues to the term "SPIKE" as the below screenshot shows!
1) DUH... 234,217,195 TESTED in USA... Duh... you don't especially dumb ass MSM comprehend the more tests...DUH the more cases found!!!
2) SPIKE?? 98.22% of the 18,267,579 cases SURVIVE!!!! I know the additional "!!" not necessary but I can excuse the majority of Americans for
not knowing this BUT THE MSM??? Again folks all done to criticize Trump. Plain and simple!
You people don't believe the below but I've been tracking this since 2/7/20 and the MSM has completely fooled all of YOU that believe the problems!
During the same time that 324,869 Americans died from COVID... are you people aware that
Here’s how the media is misreporting COVID-19’s death toll in America
The CDC itself caused a stir at the end of August by estimating that the virus directly caused only 6 percent, or now just over 11,000 of the 187,000 attributed deaths. Most of these deaths were in the elderly.
View attachment 431847

View attachment 431849
Is this what your handlers are telling you to say? Cause you sure as hell aren’t a statistician and sure don’t know anything no about the transmission of virus
I'm a person that has done MORE than you evidently in tracking COVID! Where are your "statistics"? Remember these numbers come from this source: Coronavirus Update (Live): 77,404,395 Cases and 1,703,478 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Come back with contradicting data (when you are capable of doing searches!!) and tell me that the CDC was wrong about
their facts. Tell me that this table is wrong!
And you and your ignorant MSM still claim schools should be shut down with less than 250 deaths of all the 99 million school age people!
View attachment 431862
Is it possible to know the the population of the age group?
BTW, I did wonder why it spiked too. Now, people should know all covid-19 protocol already
There is "fraud" in the elections! Geez tell me you haven't seen this table! Explain how Georgia had 6.42% rejected mail in ballots in 2016 BUT
in 2020 0.60%!!!
Easy, two words Stacy Abrams.

She spent the last year teaching Georgia voters how to properly fill out absentee ballots.
Right thanks to the following FACTS!!!
Separately, Abrams said that billionaire liberal financier George Soros and his son Alexander gave a total of $1.25 million to her PAC, GeorgiaNEXT, from 2014 through 2018, but Abrams would not say how much either gave to her non-profits.

They made it a point to teach people to fill out ballots properly.

How To Request And Cast Your Absentee Ballot In Georgia ...
WABE 90.1 FM | NPR's Local Atlanta Radio Station › how-to-request-and-cast-your-a...

Sep 23, 2020 — When your absentee ballot arrives, make sure you read the instructions carefully and mark every required field. Review the signature on your ...

When you educate the people, they do it right.
Your key phrase " When your absentee ballot arrives"
Georgia election officials will mail a form that can be used to request an absentee ballot to all 6.9 million registered voters in the state, after opting to postpone the state’s March 24 presidential primaries to May because of the new coronavirus.
As a result..
I’ve personally spent the last several days painstakingly analyzing 580,226 registered Georgia voters from current state-provided voter rolls who submitted a US Postal Service Mail Forwarding Change of Address request at least 30 days PRIOR TO the November 3rd election.

at least 57,793 Georgia voters cast their vote in a county that is DIFFERENT than where they previously instructed the USPS to forward their mail.
Which seems contrary to GA reported less than 0.6% rejected ballots compared to 2016 where 6.42%. Stacy was certainly affective it appears
especially after Why Did Six Battleground States with Democrat Governors (Except One) ALL Pause Counting on Election Night? And How Was This Coordinated?
NewsMax pointed out the coincidence of it happening in those five states with Democratic governors (except for Georgia) with Trump ahead before the “pauses.” Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia and Nevada mysteriously quit counting after midnight.
So 2,403,372 more tests per day wouldn't identify people with COVID? So what's the value of testing? You make NO sense!
Please explain this following chart, i.e. what age group is more likely to die from COVID?
Then explain how come the death rate has continually gone down? A month ago Death rate for USA was 2.10%--- today 12/22/20 1.77% a 33% decrease! Where's the spike in Deaths? Again... why doesn't the MSM tell people this good news. That more testing creates more knowledge (science!!!) and fewer deaths. But people like you want to believe anything that puts Trump and 75 million of us in a bad light...courtesy of the MSM!

Well, it would take some time to explain and I'm a bit rushed today, so I'll try to be as brief as possible.

The idea that more testing results in more cases being discovered relies on the idea that the increased testing is picking up cases that would not otherwise be identified. That's a rational assumption but it's not necessarily guaranteed to be correct, and it's definitely not guaranteed to be the sole explanation. We have to dig deeper.

One of the ways we dig deeper is by examining hospitalizations. The number of people who are hospitalized with COVID is not going to be affected by increases in testing. The problem of undiagnosed people in the community does not really exist with hospitalized patients. We have been identifying all patients infected with COVID for a really long time now, basically since the testing issues got ironed out in the first month or so. So when hospitalized patients increase, it's a true increase. If we consider that a similar proportion of people who are infected develop symptoms severe enough to be hospitalized, the the increase in hospitalizations is reflective of an underlying increase in the true number of cases in the community.

The AGE of the infected is a very, very major factor in the DEATHS of the infected.

As the below chart shows less than 8% of all deaths were ages less than 54. But after 55 and above 92%.
NOW why do you suppose??? For you laypersons... it is called "comorbidity"...
and since more people will have the below problems after age 55... hence the deaths are more!
But again.. the MSM doesn't tell you that when the "SPIKE" the Covid ball!
That's why people like me are providing alternative information that by the way is readily available on the INTERNET!!!
SO AGAIN..you people that believe the biased MSM... watch how quickly this issue subsides IF Biden actually takes office!
You will hear the below information. Bragging how the Biden administration has lowered the deaths!!!
All because of Biden's "Operation Warp Speed"!
View attachment 432217

View attachment 432216
Talking about comorbid conditions isn't really relevant to this discussion.

The point is that hospitalizations are way up because infection rates are up. There's nothing you've said that really changes this correlation.
Where are hospitalizations up? EVERY single one of the 6,000+ hospitals with over 900,000 beds are overwhelmed? ALL of them?? All of them spiking!!!
No the point is YOU believe the MSM. Because of one reason! You hate Trump. How totally sad that is your reason for continually believing the biased MSM and its purely subjective and inaccurate reporting!
I'm 100% confident that you participated as did 96% of the media in 2016 and 90% in 2020 in donating to the Democrat party!
FACTS THAT AFFECT THE NEWS! You and they certainly didn't support Trump!
Your key phrase " When your absentee ballot arrives"
Georgia election officials will mail a form that can be used to request an absentee ballot to all 6.9 million registered voters in the state, after opting to postpone the state’s March 24 presidential primaries to May because of the new coronavirus.

And publishers clear house mails the magazine subscription forms to just about everybody in the country. That doesn't mean you have to order any magazines.
Where are hospitalizations up? EVERY single one of the 6,000+ hospitals with over 900,000 beds are overwhelmed? ALL of them?? All of them spiking!!!
I already showed you the national data (actually it was provided by another poster you ignored). I did not say that it's spiking everywhere, but taken as a whole, the number of hospitalizations is considerably up.

You're arguing against a strawman.
Fact Driven. The MSM motivation should be presenting the simple facts, not adding adjectives like "spike" that agitate the readers erroneously.
You breezed right by post #3, which demonstrates why it's called a spike. Because it is a spike.
And you and others breeze right past this factor!
2,403,372 tested in ONE day... 236,620,567 overall.. and you don't think THAT has an affect? Where is the MSM telling you that?
Because that is GOOD news and they deal ONLY in dramatic bad news that hurts Trump and us 74 million supporters! How smart is that?
How honest is that! And considering that probably for every 1 confirmed case there are 4 to 5 other un confirmed cases .
FACTS buddy!

View attachment 432192

View attachment 432179
Additional testing would not have any effect on the number of people hospitalized with COVID, nor would it have any effect on the number of people dying from COVID, both of which have increased dramatically in the last month.

You cannot explain this increase by pointing at increased testing.
Health myths threads are all the same. He makes a math error in 85% of his threads, something stupid like missing a decimal or misreading a chart, and not only is he a complete buffoon but he does so arrogantly, with plenty of caps-lock, exclamation points and calling others stupid in the face of his OWN mal-understanding. It's pathetic. He needs a life, and some math fundamentals classes.

He's not called 'Health Myths' for nothing.
Why Did Six Battleground States with Democrat Governors (Except One) ALL Pause Counting on Election Night? And How Was This Coordinated?
NewsMax pointed out the coincidence of it happening in those five states with Democratic governors (except for Georgia) with Trump ahead before the “pauses.” Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia and Nevada mysteriously quit counting after midnight.

Maybe this is a clue. If polls open at 8:00 am, eight hours later at 4:00 pm, the next shift takes over. The polls close at 8:00 pm, and their shift ends at midnight.

It's not rocket science.
Spike is a vaguely defined but scary sounding word so it works on the emotetards
Having failed in the masks and lockdowns, insane control freaks naturally double down
Just like AGW, we humans are trying to control the Air, the essence of the planet, and of course we can’t do that so we Punish everyday working freedom seeking people because we can’t control what is uncontrollable
So 2,403,372 more tests per day wouldn't identify people with COVID? So what's the value of testing? You make NO sense!
Please explain this following chart, i.e. what age group is more likely to die from COVID?
Then explain how come the death rate has continually gone down? A month ago Death rate for USA was 2.10%--- today 12/22/20 1.77% a 33% decrease! Where's the spike in Deaths? Again... why doesn't the MSM tell people this good news. That more testing creates more knowledge (science!!!) and fewer deaths. But people like you want to believe anything that puts Trump and 75 million of us in a bad light...courtesy of the MSM!

Well, it would take some time to explain and I'm a bit rushed today, so I'll try to be as brief as possible.

The idea that more testing results in more cases being discovered relies on the idea that the increased testing is picking up cases that would not otherwise be identified. That's a rational assumption but it's not necessarily guaranteed to be correct, and it's definitely not guaranteed to be the sole explanation. We have to dig deeper.

One of the ways we dig deeper is by examining hospitalizations. The number of people who are hospitalized with COVID is not going to be affected by increases in testing. The problem of undiagnosed people in the community does not really exist with hospitalized patients. We have been identifying all patients infected with COVID for a really long time now, basically since the testing issues got ironed out in the first month or so. So when hospitalized patients increase, it's a true increase. If we consider that a similar proportion of people who are infected develop symptoms severe enough to be hospitalized, the the increase in hospitalizations is reflective of an underlying increase in the true number of cases in the community.

The AGE of the infected is a very, very major factor in the DEATHS of the infected.

As the below chart shows less than 8% of all deaths were ages less than 54. But after 55 and above 92%.
NOW why do you suppose??? For you laypersons... it is called "comorbidity"...
and since more people will have the below problems after age 55... hence the deaths are more!
But again.. the MSM doesn't tell you that when the "SPIKE" the Covid ball!
That's why people like me are providing alternative information that by the way is readily available on the INTERNET!!!
SO AGAIN..you people that believe the biased MSM... watch how quickly this issue subsides IF Biden actually takes office!
You will hear the below information. Bragging how the Biden administration has lowered the deaths!!!
All because of Biden's "Operation Warp Speed"!
View attachment 432217

View attachment 432216

You're still downplaying the deaths of 315,000 Americans. Pretending their lives didn't matter, and it's of no consequence that they are dying, and using a false death rate based on John Hopkins' use of positive cases, instead of the resolved case rate, in an attempt to placate Trump with the lowest possible number.

I notice you consistently fail to mention the deaths or the impact on these people's families, workplaces and communities. You also ignore the 20% of cases which aren't "minor" or "asymptomatic" and results in weeks of hospitalization and months at home recovering, or the people who are left with "pre-existing conditions".

You also haven't mentioned the costs to your healthcare system and insurance industry to have your hospitals filled to capacity with ICU patients needing extreme respiratory care. Who exactly is paying for all of these tests, hospitalizations and treatments? Will insurance companies be forced into bankruptcy as a result? Will hospitals?

The ONLY statistic you seem to care about is that 97% of the people don't die. I realize that it's difficult for someone of your limited abilities to think about the big picture, but the survival rate isn't the only aspect of this pandemic that's doing the damage.

Healthmyths is a good name for someone as stupid as you are.
Where are hospitalizations up? EVERY single one of the 6,000+ hospitals with over 900,000 beds are overwhelmed? ALL of them?? All of them spiking!!!
I already showed you the national data (actually it was provided by another poster you ignored). I did not say that it's spiking everywhere, but taken as a whole, the number of hospitalizations is considerably up.

You're arguing against a strawman.
"Strawman"???? Do you know what that term really means? As usual people that are uninformed like you use wrong terms and at the wrong time.
A straw man (sometimes written as strawman) is a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the proper idea of argument under discussion was not addressed or properly refuted.
And I didn't SAY you were using the term "spiking".
I said the MSM uses that term to agitate their readers/listeners.
I was pointing out the FALLACY of their statement "spiking" when the more logical and rational newscast provides a rationale for a "spike", i.e.
there are more tests done then there were.
Is this what your handlers are telling you to say? Cause you sure as hell aren’t a statistician and sure don’t know anything no about the transmission of virus

Seems it's different from what your masters are tell you, huh?
Spike is a vaguely defined but scary sounding word so it works on the emotetards
Having failed in the masks and lockdowns, insane control freaks naturally double down
Just like AGW, we humans are trying to control the Air, the essence of the planet, and of course we can’t do that so we Punish everyday working freedom seeking people because we can’t control what is uncontrollable

A "spike" is a clearly defined as a large and rapid increases in cases. It is a visual image on a graph which can be clearly seen in the graphs which accompany the reports of "spikes".

Countries with mask mandates and lockdowns have managed to keep both their case numbers and their deaths down. Countries that did neither, like Sweden, have the highest rates of disease and death, in the world, including the USA.

In Kansas, 1/2 the counties went with mask mandates, and half went without. The counties without the mask mandates had double the number of cases and deaths, over the counties that passed masked mandates.

The rest of your post, positing that public health measures that have worked in first world countries on every continent, are some sort of infringement on your liberty, well, if you get sick and have ongoing lung or vascular problems for the rest of you life from this thing, not to mention much higher insurance rates, you're going to find some HUGE fucking infringments on your liberty forever.
So 2,403,372 more tests per day wouldn't identify people with COVID? So what's the value of testing? You make NO sense!
Please explain this following chart, i.e. what age group is more likely to die from COVID?
Then explain how come the death rate has continually gone down? A month ago Death rate for USA was 2.10%--- today 12/22/20 1.77% a 33% decrease! Where's the spike in Deaths? Again... why doesn't the MSM tell people this good news. That more testing creates more knowledge (science!!!) and fewer deaths. But people like you want to believe anything that puts Trump and 75 million of us in a bad light...courtesy of the MSM!

Well, it would take some time to explain and I'm a bit rushed today, so I'll try to be as brief as possible.

The idea that more testing results in more cases being discovered relies on the idea that the increased testing is picking up cases that would not otherwise be identified. That's a rational assumption but it's not necessarily guaranteed to be correct, and it's definitely not guaranteed to be the sole explanation. We have to dig deeper.

One of the ways we dig deeper is by examining hospitalizations. The number of people who are hospitalized with COVID is not going to be affected by increases in testing. The problem of undiagnosed people in the community does not really exist with hospitalized patients. We have been identifying all patients infected with COVID for a really long time now, basically since the testing issues got ironed out in the first month or so. So when hospitalized patients increase, it's a true increase. If we consider that a similar proportion of people who are infected develop symptoms severe enough to be hospitalized, the the increase in hospitalizations is reflective of an underlying increase in the true number of cases in the community.

The AGE of the infected is a very, very major factor in the DEATHS of the infected.

As the below chart shows less than 8% of all deaths were ages less than 54. But after 55 and above 92%.
NOW why do you suppose??? For you laypersons... it is called "comorbidity"...
and since more people will have the below problems after age 55... hence the deaths are more!
But again.. the MSM doesn't tell you that when the "SPIKE" the Covid ball!
That's why people like me are providing alternative information that by the way is readily available on the INTERNET!!!
SO AGAIN..you people that believe the biased MSM... watch how quickly this issue subsides IF Biden actually takes office!
You will hear the below information. Bragging how the Biden administration has lowered the deaths!!!
All because of Biden's "Operation Warp Speed"!
View attachment 432217

View attachment 432216

You're still downplaying the deaths of 315,000 Americans. Pretending their lives didn't matter, and it's of no consequence that they are dying, and using a false death rate based on John Hopkins' use of positive cases, instead of the resolved case rate, in an attempt to placate Trump with the lowest possible number.

I notice you consistently fail to mention the deaths or the impact on these people's families, workplaces and communities. You also ignore the 20% of cases which aren't "minor" or "asymptomatic" and results in weeks of hospitalization and months at home recovering, or the people who are left with "pre-existing conditions".

You also haven't mentioned the costs to your healthcare system and insurance industry to have your hospitals filled to capacity with ICU patients needing extreme respiratory care. Who exactly is paying for all of these tests, hospitalizations and treatments? Will insurance companies be forced into bankruptcy as a result? Will hospitals?

The ONLY statistic you seem to care about is that 97% of the people don't die. I realize that it's difficult for someone of your limited abilities to think about the big picture, but the survival rate isn't the only aspect of this pandemic that's doing the damage.

Healthmyths is a good name for someone as stupid as you are.
Oh yes... Getting so passionate and excited about 315,000 Americans DYING! Very pious of you. Very noble of you.

HMMM... Why don't you get as excited about THESE 1,320 Americans that die EVERYDAY or 841,480 to date?

Ah... but your nobility. Your piousness only goes so far right??? These 841,480 Americans were NOT important enough to merit one headline!
Spike is a vaguely defined but scary sounding word so it works on the emotetards
Having failed in the masks and lockdowns, insane control freaks naturally double down
Just like AGW, we humans are trying to control the Air, the essence of the planet, and of course we can’t do that so we Punish everyday working freedom seeking people because we can’t control what is uncontrollable

A "spike" is a clearly defined as a large and rapid increases in cases. It is a visual image on a graph which can be clearly seen in the graphs which accompany the reports of "spikes".

Countries with mask mandates and lockdowns have managed to keep both their case numbers and their deaths down. Countries that did neither, like Sweden, have the highest rates of disease and death, in the world, including the USA.

In Kansas, 1/2 the counties went with mask mandates, and half went without. The counties without the mask mandates had double the number of cases and deaths, over the counties that passed masked mandates.

The rest of your post, positing that public health measures that have worked in first world countries on every continent, are some sort of infringement on your liberty, well, if you get sick and have ongoing lung or vascular problems for the rest of you life from this thing, not to mention much higher insurance rates, you're going to find some HUGE fucking infringments on your liberty forever.
Prove you statement with links PLEASE. Is that so hard to do? FACTS not guesses or maybes! FACTS.
Spike is a vaguely defined but scary sounding word so it works on the emotetards
Having failed in the masks and lockdowns, insane control freaks naturally double down
Just like AGW, we humans are trying to control the Air, the essence of the planet, and of course we can’t do that so we Punish everyday working freedom seeking people because we can’t control what is uncontrollable

A "spike" is a clearly defined as a large and rapid increases in cases. It is a visual image on a graph which can be clearly seen in the graphs which accompany the reports of "spikes".

Countries with mask mandates and lockdowns have managed to keep both their case numbers and their deaths down. Countries that did neither, like Sweden, have the highest rates of disease and death, in the world, including the USA.

In Kansas, 1/2 the counties went with mask mandates, and half went without. The counties without the mask mandates had double the number of cases and deaths, over the counties that passed masked mandates.

The rest of your post, positing that public health measures that have worked in first world countries on every continent, are some sort of infringement on your liberty, well, if you get sick and have ongoing lung or vascular problems for the rest of you life from this thing, not to mention much higher insurance rates, you're going to find some HUGE fucking infringments on your liberty forever.
Your assessment is actually correct. Freedom and liberty do take precedent over non controllable health issues. .
Where are hospitalizations up? EVERY single one of the 6,000+ hospitals with over 900,000 beds are overwhelmed? ALL of them?? All of them spiking!!!
I already showed you the national data (actually it was provided by another poster you ignored). I did not say that it's spiking everywhere, but taken as a whole, the number of hospitalizations is considerably up.

You're arguing against a strawman.
"Strawman"???? Do you know what that term really means? As usual people that are uninformed like you use wrong terms and at the wrong time.
A straw man (sometimes written as strawman) is a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the proper idea of argument under discussion was not addressed or properly refuted.
And I didn't SAY you were using the term "spiking".
I said the MSM uses that term to agitate their readers/listeners.
I was pointing out the FALLACY of their statement "spiking" when the more logical and rational newscast provides a rationale for a "spike", i.e.
there are more tests done then there were.

The "more cases because of more tests" is a classic strawman argument, and it is a fallacy. More people are testing in the USA because they're sick. "More tests" isn't the reason why you have the highest number of patients in hospital in the world, or the most number of people dying in the world.

In countries where fewer tests are done, that's because nobody's going for tests. I haven't been tested because (a) I haven't felt sick or had symptoms; (b) I haven't been in contact with anyone who tested positive; (c) I'm retired and not going to work every day. My daughter was tested because there was an outbreak at her place of employment. Those who wore masks and followed the rules tested negative. The ones who mocked her mask wearing have covid19. My teacher friends have all been tested, as has my friend who recently had knee surgery. All have been negative.

The nation is going into a 30 day lockdown starting Christmas Eve. 25 people died the other day, and more than 2000 got sick. In a true democratic nation where people matter, we are prepared to stay home and lock down to save as many lives as possible until the virus gets here.

Our hospitals are filling up. Unlike the USA, we haven't had thousands of healthcare workers who died of the virus. And we don't want that to happen either, especially now that the vaccine is here. We gave our first batch of vaccine to nursing home residents in big city hospitals because they were most at risk. You gave yours to healthcare workers because they were most at risk in your country. What kind of idiot government enacts policies which kill the people you need to get you out of this?

The next batch went to the healthcare workers in the big cities with the most cases. "Essential workers" and healthy elderly are next. That's me!
Spike is a vaguely defined but scary sounding word so it works on the emotetards
Having failed in the masks and lockdowns, insane control freaks naturally double down
Just like AGW, we humans are trying to control the Air, the essence of the planet, and of course we can’t do that so we Punish everyday working freedom seeking people because we can’t control what is uncontrollable

A "spike" is a clearly defined as a large and rapid increases in cases. It is a visual image on a graph which can be clearly seen in the graphs which accompany the reports of "spikes".

Countries with mask mandates and lockdowns have managed to keep both their case numbers and their deaths down. Countries that did neither, like Sweden, have the highest rates of disease and death, in the world, including the USA.

In Kansas, 1/2 the counties went with mask mandates, and half went without. The counties without the mask mandates had double the number of cases and deaths, over the counties that passed masked mandates.

The rest of your post, positing that public health measures that have worked in first world countries on every continent, are some sort of infringement on your liberty, well, if you get sick and have ongoing lung or vascular problems for the rest of you life from this thing, not to mention much higher insurance rates, you're going to find some HUGE fucking infringments on your liberty forever.
Prove you statement with links PLEASE. Is that so hard to do? FACTS not guesses or maybes! FACTS.

Are you telling me what and how to post you condescending dickless wonder? You haven't backed up a single assertion with a credible link that I haven't debunked with better links, not connected to those under pressure from the Trump Administration.

Google it, you lying piece of shit!

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