Dummiecrats flip out about Palin decision when Romney & Huckabee have not decided


Free Breast Exam
Oct 10, 2009
All I see & hear are pundits, TV, radio, news articles, threads & posts from Dummiecrats flipping out about Palin waiting to long to make the decision to run for president when even Romney who leads in the polls waited until today to announce & Huckabee has not decided against it yet.

:gives: :anj_stfu: To all you hyperventilating idiots just stick a bag over your heads & SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! :anj_stfu: :gives:
Actually Huckabee already said he wasn't running. I already know the retards in the Republican party are going to make Romney their candidate...assuring a 2nd term for Obama. Oh well.
Actually Huckabee already said he wasn't running. I already know the retards in the Republican party are going to make Romney their candidate...assuring a 2nd term for Obama. Oh well.

Out of all the stupid ass libtards on this board, you are one of the biggest idiots.

God, I hate fvcking Socialist like this jerkoff "Big Hog"
Actually Huckabee already said he wasn't running. I already know the retards in the Republican party are going to make Romney their candidate...assuring a 2nd term for Obama. Oh well.

Out of all the stupid ass libtards on this board, you are one of the biggest idiots.

God, I hate fvcking Socialist like this jerkoff "Big Hog"

aren't "weiners" made out of "hog"?
All I see & hear are pundits, TV, radio, news articles, threads & posts from Dummiecrats flipping out about Palin waiting to long to make the decision to run for president when even Romney who leads in the polls waited until today to announce & Huckabee has not decided against it yet.

:gives: :anj_stfu: To all you hyperventilating idiots just stick a bag over your heads & SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! :anj_stfu: :gives:

Dummiecrats??? What are you, 5?:eusa_eh:
Actually Huckabee already said he wasn't running. I already know the retards in the Republican party are going to make Romney their candidate...assuring a 2nd term for Obama. Oh well.

Out of all the stupid ass libtards on this board, you are one of the biggest idiots.

God, I hate fvcking Socialist like this jerkoff "Big Hog"

And yet, you refuse to deny his point. Interesting.
Doesn't really matter

Romney will win the nomination

Palin will tease and then say she will not run
Actually Huckabee already said he wasn't running. I already know the retards in the Republican party are going to make Romney their candidate...assuring a 2nd term for Obama. Oh well.

Jun 1, 2011 Quitters Remorse Settling in for the GOP's 2012 Dropouts
"Everything is still open," Huckabee said in a speech at the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock. "I haven’t closed doors. I found long ago that that’s not the smart thing to do." One open door, the Associated Press reports, is the No. 2 spot on the Republican ticket.

Huckabee isn't the only one who has quitter's remorse. Donald Trump told Good Day New York Wednesday that "I could absolutely run as an independent, and maybe I'd be better off." Referring to Rep. Paul Ryan's controversial plan to overhaul Medicare, Trump lamented, "I'm looking at the way the Republicans are running themselves, and frankly I think you're better off doing it as an independent, I really do, there's so much baggage with the Republicans, what they're doing." He also said Sarah Palin, with whom he shared pizza Tuesday night, wants him to run. Maybe as her running mate! "She didn't ask me [to be her No. 2] but I'll tell you, she's a great woman, a terrific woman, and a great friend," Trump said. The Alaskan said of a Palin/Trump ticket, "That sounds exciting! Sounds unconventional!"

Also Haley Barbour & Mitch Daniels are not out.
Actually Huckabee already said he wasn't running. I already know the retards in the Republican party are going to make Romney their candidate...assuring a 2nd term for Obama. Oh well.

Jun 1, 2011 Quitters Remorse Settling in for the GOP's 2012 Dropouts
"Everything is still open," Huckabee said in a speech at the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock. "I haven’t closed doors. I found long ago that that’s not the smart thing to do." One open door, the Associated Press reports, is the No. 2 spot on the Republican ticket.

Huckabee isn't the only one who has quitter's remorse. Donald Trump told Good Day New York Wednesday that "I could absolutely run as an independent, and maybe I'd be better off." Referring to Rep. Paul Ryan's controversial plan to overhaul Medicare, Trump lamented, "I'm looking at the way the Republicans are running themselves, and frankly I think you're better off doing it as an independent, I really do, there's so much baggage with the Republicans, what they're doing." He also said Sarah Palin, with whom he shared pizza Tuesday night, wants him to run. Maybe as her running mate! "She didn't ask me [to be her No. 2] but I'll tell you, she's a great woman, a terrific woman, and a great friend," Trump said. The Alaskan said of a Palin/Trump ticket, "That sounds exciting! Sounds unconventional!"

Also Haley Barbour & Mitch Daniels are not out.

I wonder if any flipfloppers will just sit out the Republican debate set for June 13th?
Romney is in
Huckabee is out

Palin is a quitter

Any other questions?
Actually Huckabee already said he wasn't running. I already know the retards in the Republican party are going to make Romney their candidate...assuring a 2nd term for Obama. Oh well.

Out of all the stupid ass libtards on this board, you are one of the biggest idiots.

God, I hate fvcking Socialist like this jerkoff "Big Hog"

Wa Wa Wa cry more bitch. 1. not a libtard 2. not a socialist 3. you cry a lot.
Doesn't really matter

Romney will win the nomination

Palin will tease and then say she will not run

Yep. He looks like a president, he has the moderate views and he was governor of a very liberal state so the liberals must like him a little so he has the best chance unfortunately...nothing is going to fix this nation except for a complete revolution.
Actually Huckabee already said he wasn't running. I already know the retards in the Republican party are going to make Romney their candidate...assuring a 2nd term for Obama. Oh well.

Jun 1, 2011 Quitters Remorse Settling in for the GOP's 2012 Dropouts
"Everything is still open," Huckabee said in a speech at the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock. "I haven’t closed doors. I found long ago that that’s not the smart thing to do." One open door, the Associated Press reports, is the No. 2 spot on the Republican ticket.

Huckabee isn't the only one who has quitter's remorse. Donald Trump told Good Day New York Wednesday that "I could absolutely run as an independent, and maybe I'd be better off." Referring to Rep. Paul Ryan's controversial plan to overhaul Medicare, Trump lamented, "I'm looking at the way the Republicans are running themselves, and frankly I think you're better off doing it as an independent, I really do, there's so much baggage with the Republicans, what they're doing." He also said Sarah Palin, with whom he shared pizza Tuesday night, wants him to run. Maybe as her running mate! "She didn't ask me [to be her No. 2] but I'll tell you, she's a great woman, a terrific woman, and a great friend," Trump said. The Alaskan said of a Palin/Trump ticket, "That sounds exciting! Sounds unconventional!"

Also Haley Barbour & Mitch Daniels are not out.

Ahhhh... I didn't have tv for a week when moving so must have missed that....well I hope he doesn't run he is worse than Romney IMO.
Soon anyone running against Obama will be a shoe in.

They only need a one word campaign slogan:

Soon anyone running against Obama will be a shoe in.

They only need a one word campaign slogan:


Actually, you're very close. The economy is very bad, and about to get very worse. Elmer Fudd could beat Obama in '12.
Romney is in
Huckabee is out

Palin is a quitter

Any other questions?

Yeah, what's with the "Palin's a quitter" nonsense?

Perhaps you haven't heard. She quit her job as Governor of Alaska, before finishing even half her term?

Oh, that. Yes, she did... to spare the voters from endless, baseless attacks from the whackaloons on the left who sought to destroy her, personally and professionally. And perhaps you haven't heard... it was all baseless bullshit.
Yeah, what's with the "Palin's a quitter" nonsense?

Perhaps you haven't heard. She quit her job as Governor of Alaska, before finishing even half her term?

Oh, that. Yes, she did... to spare the voters from endless, baseless attacks from the whackaloons on the left who sought to destroy her, personally and professionally. And perhaps you haven't heard... it was all baseless bullshit.

Americans don't like quitters. Period.
Yeah, what's with the "Palin's a quitter" nonsense?

Perhaps you haven't heard. She quit her job as Governor of Alaska, before finishing even half her term?

Oh, that. Yes, she did... to spare the voters from endless, baseless attacks from the whackaloons on the left who sought to destroy her, personally and professionally. And perhaps you haven't heard... it was all baseless bullshit.

She sold them out for


She would not get the Alaska vote right now

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