Durham 3 Year Investigation Convened

Noooooo! I was promised stuff! These bullshit threads did not age well. It’s 1/6th of them. Righties will believe anything they want to.

From an analysis in this morning's Washington Post:

"Barr seems to have legitimately thought that Trump was unfairly targeted in 2016. He probably still does. He put Durham in place to prove the case. Durham didn’t. But Durham did accomplish one thing that is very important to Trump: He generated a lot of things that could become Fox News headlines in which anecdotes became indictments of the system.
In that sense, Durham was very successful indeed."
What about Kevin Clinesmith? Have you forgotten about him?

The Justice Department signed off on a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign before the FBI misconduct surrounding that application was discovered. The FISA warrant was based on a misleading FISA application, doctored by former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith. John Durham charged Clinesmith with making a false statement – the first criminal case arising out of his investigation. Clinesmith pleaded guilty. The Justice Department's inspector general revealed that the unverified anti-Trump dossier helped serve as the basis for other warrants obtained.

The dossier was commissioned by Fusion GPS. It contained false allegations of purported coordination between Trump and the Russian government. The Clinton campaign and the DNC funded the dossier through the law firm Perkins Coie. The Justice Department admitted in 2020 that the FISA warrants, when stripped of the FBI's misinformation, did not meet the necessary legal threshold and never should have been issued.

Sounds to me this is just nipping at the edge of the iceberg and there is far more yet to discover! The United States spent over 30 million dollars and two years chasing down a case as a result of these lies that did not even exist. There never was any Russia Russia Russia. It was all a big lie funded by the Clintons and the DNC to undermine the President of the United States.
Clinesmith added one line that he believed to be true in the THIRD warrant issued on Carter Page.

You might try two of my favorites - the WSJ and The Hill, both considered centrist.

The WSJ is the best of the right wing sources even if it is owned by Rupert Murdoch and cannot be trusted at all on climate change. But it's focus was always on business and less on politics before Murdoch bought it. The Hill has promoted some notions via editorials that simply weren't true, but only the Hill is "centrist". The WSJ has always had a right bias. Both do subscribed to journalistic standards which is more than can be said for most right wing media sources.

I like WAPO. They're the best newspaper in the world, bar none. I also like BBC News, and any of the Canadian networks, but especially CTV and Global national news reports. I read the Globe and Mail (Toronto newspaper). Their Business Section was required reading when I was a banker. They're the Canadian equivalent of the WSJ.

But I much prefer international media to American reporting which tends to be so US centric and partisan, that it overlooks the big picture, both nationally and globally. Overturning Roe v Wade is a good example of this failure. For 50 years, the right was so focussed on overturning Roe v. Wade, restricting and banning abortion, that when they succeeded, they gleefully banned all abortions in any state where they had complete control with no consideration of what would really happen if they did it.

Now Republican lawmakers in these states are having serious buyer's remorse on the laws they've passed and candidates are busy scrubbing their websites of their extreme anti-abotion rhetoric, and making speeches that denying their wives, sisters, and daughters of necessary medical care during pregnancy and childbirth was not what they had in mind. Forcing pre-teen girls to bear the children of their rapists, was not what these lawmakers had in mind. Sending women having miscarriages home to bleed out was not what they had in mind.
Looks like it's over with nothing to prove.

That's it. Nothing to see here.

"The Durham probe into the federal government's investigation of the 2016 Trump campaign's contacts with Russian agents is ending with a whimper"

"The New York Times reports that the grand jury convened by prosecutor John Durham to hear evidence has expired, and sources tell the paper that there are no plans to convene another"

"Durham and his attorneys are preparing a final report into their inquiry, which lost the only case that it brought to trial when former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann was acquitted on charges of lying to the FBI"

The frustration with Durham's epic failure to make good on the wet dream of Trump, Billy the Bagman, and The Following is palpable. It was a double nothingburger with special sauce capped off by the acquittal of Sussmann. What a face plant.
Looks like it's over with nothing to prove.

That's it. Nothing to see here.

"The Durham probe into the federal government's investigation of the 2016 Trump campaign's contacts with Russian agents is ending with a whimper"

"The New York Times reports that the grand jury convened by prosecutor John Durham to hear evidence has expired, and sources tell the paper that there are no plans to convene another"

"Durham and his attorneys are preparing a final report into their inquiry, which lost the only case that it brought to trial when former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann was acquitted on charges of lying to the FBI"

The DOJ, which is ruled with an iron fist by democrats, refused to prosecute anyone for this crime against President Trump? What a SHOCKER! :laugh:
refused to prosecute anyone for this crime against President Trump?
Refused to prosecute? How about failed to find evidence of a crime. Durham was empowered to enjoin a grand jury and indict as he did with Sussmann. He found nothing.
Refused to prosecute? How about failed to find evidence of a crime. Durham was empowered to enjoin a grand jury and indict as he did with Sussmann. He found nothing.
Riiiight, like there is no evidence of Hunters numerous crimes either. :cuckoo:
He has ADMITTED to falsifying documents making the whole Russia thing a fraud, like you.
Hardly. It was the third FISA warrant issue on Carter and it was issued a year after the Russia investigation began.

Huge fail on your part
Huge fail on your part

Huge fail on your part. None of that changes the fact that Hillary and the DNC funded a fraud dossier trying to interfere with and throw a presidential election and administration, stoop.
Looks like it's over with nothing to prove.

That's it. Nothing to see here.

"The Durham probe into the federal government's investigation of the 2016 Trump campaign's contacts with Russian agents is ending with a whimper"

"The New York Times reports that the grand jury convened by prosecutor John Durham to hear evidence has expired, and sources tell the paper that there are no plans to convene another"

"Durham and his attorneys are preparing a final report into their inquiry, which lost the only case that it brought to trial when former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann was acquitted on charges of lying to the FBI"

But we were promised con-victions.
You get your news from Salon and the NYT?

The FBI’s corruption is well known by this point, and nobody but delusional leftists trust them.
"The FBI's corruption is well known...." only to the orange koolaid drinking MAGAt-cult.
Huge fail on your part. None of that changes the fact that Hillary and the DNC funded a fraud dossier trying to interfere with and throw a presidential election and administration, stoop.
So...Durham was your great hope....what happened?

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