Durham 3 Year Investigation Convened

You might try two of my favorites - the WSJ and The Hill, both considered centrist.
Both are recommendations I quite agree with/
I too would recommend both to all contributors on this chatroom.
I've read WSJ for almost 60yrs. I think it's news coverage is good, good reporting, and good writing.
I quite agree with the poster above on the right-field 'lean' of the columnists, and the editorial board. The WSJ is, after all, owned by Rupert Murdoch. So it can come across often enough as Fox News on the page....opinion wise.

And I do like 'The Hill' also....and scan its headlines most everyday.
Both are recommendations I quite agree with/
I too would recommend both to all contributors on this chatroom.
I've read WSJ for almost 60yrs. I think it's news coverage is good, good reporting, and good writing.
I quite agree with the poster above on the right-field 'lean' of the columnists, and the editorial board. The WSJ is, after all, owned by Rupert Murdoch. So it can come across often enough as Fox News on the page....opinion wise.

And I do like 'The Hill' also....and scan its headlines most everyday.
Yay…..for the most part, we agree on something!
Be careful with the WSJ. The articles are centrist, but the editiorial board is kook-fringe-right.
Actually, to call it kook right is an exaggeration. The opinions lean right, but not all that extreme. You might consider it extreme because you are coming from the Left.
Why was Hillary not indicted for destroying congress subpoenaed evidence, an illegal server no less?
How does Lois Lerner and IRS get away with destroying 5 hard drives, subpoenaed by congress, and no one is charged?
How does does Hunter Biden escape justice and Joe, all before the election? (No evidence, again?)
And we do not need Durham to convince us at least a dozen DNC FBI DOJ subversives committed crimes against the state of the highest order. Duh.

There have been enough turncoats on Trump, strange backdowns of investigations of murders, "suicides," and lies about others that to think another DC luminary like Durham was not also feeling to go against “the deep state” would be fatal one way or another is not hard to conceive. They committed major crimes, that much is fact. . And once again, no charges. . . A five year pattern.
Hillary deleted personal emails, not evidence. Remember benghazi, zero convictions, zero indictments.

And for Lois Lerner, she deleted emails prior to knowing anything about them. A watchdog had cleared the IRS on this.

And if youre interested in Hunter and influence peddling, start with Kushner's two billion from the saudis.
It doesn't matter how much crap you throw at a fan it's still going to make you stink.
Looks like it's over with nothing to prove.

That's it. Nothing to see here.

"The Durham probe into the federal government's investigation of the 2016 Trump campaign's contacts with Russian agents is ending with a whimper"

"The New York Times reports that the grand jury convened by prosecutor John Durham to hear evidence has expired, and sources tell the paper that there are no plans to convene another"

"Durham and his attorneys are preparing a final report into their inquiry, which lost the only case that it brought to trial when former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann was acquitted on charges of lying to the FBI"

What three year investigation did Durham just start up?
On the contrary. Trump lied when he said that Democrats "spied" on his campaign. This is yet another case of Republicans making up rumours about Democrats with no basis in fact, and then investigating those rumours at taxpayer expense, looking for proof of the lies they told.

When no evidence that any part of the rumour is true is found, and they can't even find one single crime committed, they report that there is no evidence of any crime being committed. They close the book on the report, and say "They got away with it again".

Just like you just claimed.
Perhaps you are wrong. Perhaps Trump didn’t lie.

Looks like it's over with nothing to prove.

That's it. Nothing to see here.

"The Durham probe into the federal government's investigation of the 2016 Trump campaign's contacts with Russian agents is ending with a whimper"

"The New York Times reports that the grand jury convened by prosecutor John Durham to hear evidence has expired, and sources tell the paper that there are no plans to convene another"

"Durham and his attorneys are preparing a final report into their inquiry, which lost the only case that it brought to trial when former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann was acquitted on charges of lying to the FBI"

They have absolutely nothing on HRC or any of these fake scandals

No GOP fake scandal has ever had any merit at all in anyway.
None of them

The best they got was lying about a BJ, that's it

Meanwhile Cheney outed a CIA agent to lie to go to war
Reagan and Bush had countless serious scandals
Trump incited a riot at the Capitol and stole and lost top secret documents, after he leveraged military aid to Ukraine, which just got invaded by his best buddy Putin.

The GOP break the law and committ all the scandals. Then they cry like pussy bitches when they get investigated, then they try to investigate HRC 1000x and find nothing at all...
You get your news from Salon and the NYT?

The FBI’s corruption is well known by this point, and nobody but delusional leftists trust them.
To know something you need to see facts and evidence. Not mindlessly listen to accusations and speculation.
I know this is a waste of my time, but if you were only honest for once in your life, if you actually went to other news sources and read the facts of the lies, crimes, illegal spying warrants, the collusion between Russian agents and the DNC and the DOJ and the FBI, et al. ---- maybe, just maybe, it might prick your conscience enough to at least admit silently to yourself "how shameful and corrupt is your party and the mainstream media, and this is truly bad for America."
What makes you believe these other “news sources” over what comes through our legal system which is based on laws, facts and evidence?
Two of my 'favorite' trolls attempting to justify ...... well....... something.
You two go back under your shared bridge.

Durham ........ our savior....... big let down, again, for team trump.
Huh? Are you stupid?

How did I try to justify anything by asking the OP what Durham just convened? He made the claim, but I can't find any investigation Durham is starting up.

Maybe you can help the idiot OP by telling me.
Looks like it's over with nothing to prove. That's it. Nothing to see here.

What about Kevin Clinesmith? Have you forgotten about him?

The Justice Department signed off on a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign before the FBI misconduct surrounding that application was discovered. The FISA warrant was based on a misleading FISA application, doctored by former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith. John Durham charged Clinesmith with making a false statement – the first criminal case arising out of his investigation. Clinesmith pleaded guilty. The Justice Department's inspector general revealed that the unverified anti-Trump dossier helped serve as the basis for other warrants obtained.

The dossier was commissioned by Fusion GPS. It contained false allegations of purported coordination between Trump and the Russian government. The Clinton campaign and the DNC funded the dossier through the law firm Perkins Coie. The Justice Department admitted in 2020 that the FISA warrants, when stripped of the FBI's misinformation, did not meet the necessary legal threshold and never should have been issued.

Sounds to me this is just nipping at the edge of the iceberg and there is far more yet to discover! The United States spent over 30 million dollars and two years chasing down a case as a result of these lies that did not even exist. There never was any Russia Russia Russia. It was all a big lie funded by the Clintons and the DNC to undermine the President of the United States.
What about Kevin Clinesmith? Have you forgotten about him?

The Justice Department signed off on a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign before the FBI misconduct surrounding that application was discovered. The FISA warrant was based on a misleading FISA application, doctored by former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith. John Durham charged Clinesmith with making a false statement – the first criminal case arising out of his investigation. Clinesmith pleaded guilty. The Justice Department's inspector general revealed that the unverified anti-Trump dossier helped serve as the basis for other warrants obtained.

The dossier was commissioned by Fusion GPS. It contained false allegations of purported coordination between Trump and the Russian government. The Clinton campaign and the DNC funded the dossier through the law firm Perkins Coie. The Justice Department admitted in 2020 that the FISA warrants, when stripped of the FBI's misinformation, did not meet the necessary legal threshold and never should have been issued.

Sounds to me this is just nipping at the edge of the iceberg and there is far more yet to discover! The United States spent over 30 million dollars and two years chasing down a case as a result of these lies that did not even exist. There never was any Russia Russia Russia. It was all a big lie funded by the Clintons and the DNC to undermine the President of the United States.
It the first or last time a cop will try and push through a warrant. He never should have lied on an application. Glad we was caught and held to account. Use this to tighten up the FISA process of your like but you’re blowing this way out of proportion. Trumps lies are what led to his own people starting the Russia investigation. That’s on him
Looks like it's over with nothing to prove.

That's it. Nothing to see here.

"The Durham probe into the federal government's investigation of the 2016 Trump campaign's contacts with Russian agents is ending with a whimper"

"The New York Times reports that the grand jury convened by prosecutor John Durham to hear evidence has expired, and sources tell the paper that there are no plans to convene another"

"Durham and his attorneys are preparing a final report into their inquiry, which lost the only case that it brought to trial when former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann was acquitted on charges of lying to the FBI"

No shit. But don't worry , next election we will lock them up... what bullshit .. if you spend millions of dollars and spend years investigating people in DC and find no crimes committed. Well !!!! But don't worry .... after the midterms things will change ... fbi cia doj all corrupt to the core.
What about Kevin Clinesmith? Have you forgotten about him?

The Justice Department signed off on a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign before the FBI misconduct surrounding that application was discovered. The FISA warrant was based on a misleading FISA application, doctored by former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith. John Durham charged Clinesmith with making a false statement – the first criminal case arising out of his investigation. Clinesmith pleaded guilty. The Justice Department's inspector general revealed that the unverified anti-Trump dossier helped serve as the basis for other warrants obtained.

The dossier was commissioned by Fusion GPS. It contained false allegations of purported coordination between Trump and the Russian government. The Clinton campaign and the DNC funded the dossier through the law firm Perkins Coie. The Justice Department admitted in 2020 that the FISA warrants, when stripped of the FBI's misinformation, did not meet the necessary legal threshold and never should have been issued.

Sounds to me this is just nipping at the edge of the iceberg and there is far more yet to discover! The United States spent over 30 million dollars and two years chasing down a case as a result of these lies that did not even exist. There never was any Russia Russia Russia. It was all a big lie funded by the Clintons and the DNC to undermine the President of the United States.

If there was nothing to the Russia scandal, Trump wouldn't have had to issue a bunch of pardons to his cronies for keeping their mouths shut at the end of his term.

So all this time, and all you got was that Clinesmith admitted he altered a few words on a warrant application that would have been approved anyway.

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