Durham Kabuki Theater


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Here we are over three years after an American Administration turned the FBI into their Secret Police and not one single democrat has been held to account. Instead the incoming head of NSA was brought down by a perjury trap. And not one single democrat has been held to account.

We had Sessions, Hubers "60,000 sealed indictments" Horowitz and Barr. And not one single democrat has been held to account.

So on the heels of the Horowitz "Some people did something, but it was by accident" Report, we wait for Durham.

Do you honestly believe that he rounds up Comey, Clapper, Brennan, et. al.?
Here we are over three years after an American Administration turned the FBI into their Secret Police and not one single democrat has been held to account. Instead the incoming head of NSA was brought down by a perjury trap. And not one single democrat has been held to account.

We had Sessions, Hubers "60,000 sealed indictments" Horowitz and Barr. And not one single democrat has been held to account.

So on the heels of the Horowitz "Some people did something, but it was by accident" Report, we wait for Durham.

Do you honestly believe that he rounds up Comey, Clapper, Brennan, et. al.?
Ya... instead we have Barr crying about Trump's TWEETS.
  • For what crimes should each of these people be held into account?
  • Is there enough evidence to take any matter to a grand jury?
  • Is there enough evidence to allow a grand jury to indict each?
  • Is there enough evidence to allow prosecutors to take each case to trial and obtain a conviction?
  • For what crimes should each of these people be held into account?
  • Is there enough evidence to take any matter to a grand jury?
  • Is there enough evidence to allow a grand jury to indict each?
  • Is there enough evidence to allow prosecutors to take each case to trial and obtain a conviction?
Seems to me the Obama administration spying on the Trump campaign based on fraudulent research paid for by Hillary and fraudulent requests of the FISA court for warrants, should result in prosecutions. However since our government is so corrupt and essentially become much like a banana republic, nothing will be done.

This may mean the entrenched establishment is above the law.
Here we are over three years after an American Administration turned the FBI into their Secret Police and not one single democrat has been held to account. Instead the incoming head of NSA was brought down by a perjury trap. And not one single democrat has been held to account.

We had Sessions, Hubers "60,000 sealed indictments" Horowitz and Barr. And not one single democrat has been held to account.

So on the heels of the Horowitz "Some people did something, but it was by accident" Report, we wait for Durham.

Do you honestly believe that he rounds up Comey, Clapper, Brennan, et. al.?
Ya... instead we have Barr crying about Trump's TWEETS.

"The indictments of felonious Democrats are absent because Republicans are stupid." - Paul Craig Roberts
  • For what crimes should each of these people be held into account?
  • Is there enough evidence to take any matter to a grand jury?
  • Is there enough evidence to allow a grand jury to indict each?
  • Is there enough evidence to allow prosecutors to take each case to trial and obtain a conviction?
Seems to me the Obama administration spying on the Trump campaign based on fraudulent research paid for by Hillary and fraudulent requests of the FISA court for warrants, should result in prosecutions. However since our government is so corrupt and essentially become much like a banana republic, nothing will be done.

This may mean the entrenched establishment is above the law.

^ this.

Meh. A little Fascism never hurt anyone
The problem is that below Barr and Durham are nothing but loyal democrat lawyers who always give fellow democrats a pass.
Barr and Durham can't do everything themselves. The DOJ needs a purge and made 1/2 dem and 1/2 GOP.
Here we are over three years after an American Administration turned the FBI into their Secret Police and not one single democrat has been held to account. Instead the incoming head of NSA was brought down by a perjury trap. And not one single democrat has been held to account.

We had Sessions, Hubers "60,000 sealed indictments" Horowitz and Barr. And not one single democrat has been held to account.

So on the heels of the Horowitz "Some people did something, but it was by accident" Report, we wait for Durham.

Do you honestly believe that he rounds up Comey, Clapper, Brennan, et. al.?
Until they start arresting some of the higher ups...nobody is going to be punished for the crimes they have committed and are continuing to commit. If they were to arrest Hillary....it would be like rats leaving the Titanic. Then everyone else would start attempting to leave the country or start lawyering up in preparation for coming indictments.
They've had a chance to indict Comey and McCabe and blew it. Now they're saying they've opened up other investigations....but the problem seems to be the venue. They can't trust the court system in Washington. All Democrats have to do is hand-pick the judge and then no prosecution will stick.
  • For what crimes should each of these people be held into account?
  • Is there enough evidence to take any matter to a grand jury?
  • Is there enough evidence to allow a grand jury to indict each?
  • Is there enough evidence to allow prosecutors to take each case to trial and obtain a conviction?
Ukraine has enough evidence to bury half of congress....yet the DoJ won't accept it from them.
  • For what crimes should each of these people be held into account?
  • Is there enough evidence to take any matter to a grand jury?
  • Is there enough evidence to allow a grand jury to indict each?
  • Is there enough evidence to allow prosecutors to take each case to trial and obtain a conviction?
Seems to me the Obama administration spying on the Trump campaign based on fraudulent research paid for by Hillary and fraudulent requests of the FISA court for warrants, should result in prosecutions. However since our government is so corrupt and essentially become much like a banana republic, nothing will be done.

This may mean the entrenched establishment is above the law.

All you are relying on is unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.
  • For what crimes should each of these people be held into account?
  • Is there enough evidence to take any matter to a grand jury?
  • Is there enough evidence to allow a grand jury to indict each?
  • Is there enough evidence to allow prosecutors to take each case to trial and obtain a conviction?
Seems to me the Obama administration spying on the Trump campaign based on fraudulent research paid for by Hillary and fraudulent requests of the FISA court for warrants, should result in prosecutions. However since our government is so corrupt and essentially become much like a banana republic, nothing will be done.

This may mean the entrenched establishment is above the law.

All you are relying on is unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.
Really? You are buying that left wing talking point? You need to do a little research.
Here we are over three years after an American Administration turned the FBI into their Secret Police and not one single democrat has been held to account. Instead the incoming head of NSA was brought down by a perjury trap. And not one single democrat has been held to account.

We had Sessions, Hubers "60,000 sealed indictments" Horowitz and Barr. And not one single democrat has been held to account.

So on the heels of the Horowitz "Some people did something, but it was by accident" Report, we wait for Durham.

Do you honestly believe that he rounds up Comey, Clapper, Brennan, et. al.?
  • For what crimes should each of these people be held into account?
  • Is there enough evidence to take any matter to a grand jury?
  • Is there enough evidence to allow a grand jury to indict each?
  • Is there enough evidence to allow prosecutors to take each case to trial and obtain a conviction?
Ukraine has enough evidence to bury half of congress....yet the DoJ won't accept it from them.
Every time limpwrist Lindsey gets asked why his Senate Judiciary Committee won't investigate this mess, he keeps sputtering and deferring to Durham.

Little doubt there are numerous crooked republican dickweeds involved in Ukraine.
Here we are over three years after an American Administration turned the FBI into their Secret Police and not one single democrat has been held to account. Instead the incoming head of NSA was brought down by a perjury trap. And not one single democrat has been held to account.

We had Sessions, Hubers "60,000 sealed indictments" Horowitz and Barr. And not one single democrat has been held to account.

So on the heels of the Horowitz "Some people did something, but it was by accident" Report, we wait for Durham.

Do you honestly believe that he rounds up Comey, Clapper, Brennan, et. al.?

Crusader, if I had to bet my life savings on it, I would have to say something is coming. To many people have put their reputations on the line that didn't have to in congress.

Will it be 1, 2, all 3, or somebody else? I don't know. But what I do know is------------------>there was absolutely no reason for the GOP to keep up this charade if it honestly was a charade, once Mueller exonerated Trump. They could have let it die, and like the Left distracted with something else.

Each and every member of congress, Barr, and Trump himself knows that this narrative is doing no good, unless they deliver something before the election; in fact, if they do not deliver, it might hurt them like the impeachment fiasco did the Democrats.

I am of the opinion that politically, the GOP has something reasonably significant, or else the whole narrative would have changed reasonably quickly.
Here we are over three years after an American Administration turned the FBI into their Secret Police and not one single democrat has been held to account. Instead the incoming head of NSA was brought down by a perjury trap. And not one single democrat has been held to account.

We had Sessions, Hubers "60,000 sealed indictments" Horowitz and Barr. And not one single democrat has been held to account.

So on the heels of the Horowitz "Some people did something, but it was by accident" Report, we wait for Durham.

Do you honestly believe that he rounds up Comey, Clapper, Brennan, et. al.?
Until they start arresting some of the higher ups...nobody is going to be punished for the crimes they have committed and are continuing to commit. If they were to arrest Hillary....it would be like rats leaving the Titanic. Then everyone else would start attempting to leave the country or start lawyering up in preparation for coming indictments.
They've had a chance to indict Comey and McCabe and blew it. Now they're saying they've opened up other investigations....but the problem seems to be the venue. They can't trust the court system in Washington. All Democrats have to do is hand-pick the judge and then no prosecution will stick.

Mudwhistle, your point is well taken! And yet, what if they could find a crime that was NOT committed in Washington DC, so would be under the jurisdiction of elsewhere? To believe all of this happened only in Washington DC is a bunch of malarkey, as Sleepy Joe would say-)

Hell Mud, them going through the data bases would be under Utahs jurisdiction! Now, that might not bag the 3 amigos that the OP has mentioned, but it sure would bring out in the open what was actually going on, putting Trump absolutely back in the Whitehouse-)
Here we are over three years after an American Administration turned the FBI into their Secret Police and not one single democrat has been held to account. Instead the incoming head of NSA was brought down by a perjury trap. And not one single democrat has been held to account.

We had Sessions, Hubers "60,000 sealed indictments" Horowitz and Barr. And not one single democrat has been held to account.

So on the heels of the Horowitz "Some people did something, but it was by accident" Report, we wait for Durham.

Do you honestly believe that he rounds up Comey, Clapper, Brennan, et. al.?

Another fact free post from a Trump Cultist.

Just because Donald Trump thinks he was "spied on", does not mean that it actually happened. He also insists he had the biggest Inauguration crowds in history, and that Russia did not hack the DNC. Neither of those things are true either.

How do I know that Durham has nothing? Because he's now taken a completely different line of investigation focussed on John Brennan's. If Barr had found anything on his grand tour of Europe to support Trump's allegations, charged would have been laid.

Republicans make up crimes and look for evidence to support their rumours. Then they complain that the corrupt people they accused without evidence, "got away with it", even though they can't even find evidence a crime was committed. Trump claims his campaign offices in Trump Tower were "bugged" by the FBI. He found no bugs, no warrants, and no evidence that it was. He just "knows" it's true.

Over the years, the ONLY party who has pulled "dirty tricks", and abused the power of the office of the President to go after its opponents, is the Republican Party. 20 plus investigations of the Clintons without a single charge. 8 years of investigations of Obama, without a single abuse of power. Republicans think that Democrats are abusing power to go after Republicans, because for the past 40 years, because that's what they've been doing to Democrats.
Here we are over three years after an American Administration turned the FBI into their Secret Police and not one single democrat has been held to account. Instead the incoming head of NSA was brought down by a perjury trap. And not one single democrat has been held to account.

We had Sessions, Hubers "60,000 sealed indictments" Horowitz and Barr. And not one single democrat has been held to account.

So on the heels of the Horowitz "Some people did something, but it was by accident" Report, we wait for Durham.

Do you honestly believe that he rounds up Comey, Clapper, Brennan, et. al.?

Crusader, if I had to bet my life savings on it, I would have to say something is coming. To many people have put their reputations on the line that didn't have to in congress.

Will it be 1, 2, all 3, or somebody else? I don't know. But what I do know is------------------>there was absolutely no reason for the GOP to keep up this charade if it honestly was a charade, once Mueller exonerated Trump. They could have let it die, and like the Left distracted with something else.

Each and every member of congress, Barr, and Trump himself knows that this narrative is doing no good, unless they deliver something before the election; in fact, if they do not deliver, it might hurt them like the impeachment fiasco did the Democrats.

I am of the opinion that politically, the GOP has something reasonably significant, or else the whole narrative would have changed reasonably quickly.
The dems take shot after at ending the Trump Administration and all we give back are mumblings about a "Plan" and how "nothing can stop what's coming"

I keep waiting for the Corleone Baptism Event.

Still waiting
  • For what crimes should each of these people be held into account?
  • Is there enough evidence to take any matter to a grand jury?
  • Is there enough evidence to allow a grand jury to indict each?
  • Is there enough evidence to allow prosecutors to take each case to trial and obtain a conviction?
Seems to me the Obama administration spying on the Trump campaign based on fraudulent research paid for by Hillary and fraudulent requests of the FISA court for warrants, should result in prosecutions. However since our government is so corrupt and essentially become much like a banana republic, nothing will be done.

This may mean the entrenched establishment is above the law.

All you are relying on is unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.

I'd have to agree if you're saying Joe and Hunter should agree to clear the air on how Burisma hired Hunter only three weeks after Quid Pro Joe was put in charge of Ukrainian policy
Here we are over three years after an American Administration turned the FBI into their Secret Police and not one single democrat has been held to account. Instead the incoming head of NSA was brought down by a perjury trap. And not one single democrat has been held to account.

We had Sessions, Hubers "60,000 sealed indictments" Horowitz and Barr. And not one single democrat has been held to account.

So on the heels of the Horowitz "Some people did something, but it was by accident" Report, we wait for Durham.

Do you honestly believe that he rounds up Comey, Clapper, Brennan, et. al.?

Another fact free post from a Trump Cultist.

Just because Donald Trump thinks he was "spied on", does not mean that it actually happened. He also insists he had the biggest Inauguration crowds in history, and that Russia did not hack the DNC. Neither of those things are true either.

How do I know that Durham has nothing? Because he's now taken a completely different line of investigation focussed on John Brennan's. If Barr had found anything on his grand tour of Europe to support Trump's allegations, charged would have been laid.

Republicans make up crimes and look for evidence to support their rumours. Then they complain that the corrupt people they accused without evidence, "got away with it", even though they can't even find evidence a crime was committed. Trump claims his campaign offices in Trump Tower were "bugged" by the FBI. He found no bugs, no warrants, and no evidence that it was. He just "knows" it's true.

Over the years, the ONLY party who has pulled "dirty tricks", and abused the power of the office of the President to go after its opponents, is the Republican Party. 20 plus investigations of the Clintons without a single charge. 8 years of investigations of Obama, without a single abuse of power. Republicans think that Democrats are abusing power to go after Republicans, because for the past 40 years, because that's what they've been doing to Democrats.

I guess lying to Congress and the FBI and destroying evidence is only a crime when a Republican does it

Don't worry, they all walk
Here we are over three years after an American Administration turned the FBI into their Secret Police and not one single democrat has been held to account. Instead the incoming head of NSA was brought down by a perjury trap. And not one single democrat has been held to account.

We had Sessions, Hubers "60,000 sealed indictments" Horowitz and Barr. And not one single democrat has been held to account.

So on the heels of the Horowitz "Some people did something, but it was by accident" Report, we wait for Durham.

Do you honestly believe that he rounds up Comey, Clapper, Brennan, et. al.?

Another fact free post from a Trump Cultist.

Just because Donald Trump thinks he was "spied on", does not mean that it actually happened. He also insists he had the biggest Inauguration crowds in history, and that Russia did not hack the DNC. Neither of those things are true either.

How do I know that Durham has nothing? Because he's now taken a completely different line of investigation focussed on John Brennan's. If Barr had found anything on his grand tour of Europe to support Trump's allegations, charged would have been laid.

Republicans make up crimes and look for evidence to support their rumours. Then they complain that the corrupt people they accused without evidence, "got away with it", even though they can't even find evidence a crime was committed. Trump claims his campaign offices in Trump Tower were "bugged" by the FBI. He found no bugs, no warrants, and no evidence that it was. He just "knows" it's true.

Over the years, the ONLY party who has pulled "dirty tricks", and abused the power of the office of the President to go after its opponents, is the Republican Party. 20 plus investigations of the Clintons without a single charge. 8 years of investigations of Obama, without a single abuse of power. Republicans think that Democrats are abusing power to go after Republicans, because for the past 40 years, because that's what they've been doing to Democrats.
Really. Three years Mueller investigated Trump based on the Steele dossier, which clearly was BS paid for by Hillary. We also know requests for warrants made to the FISA judge, were fraudulent.

Don’t you find this unusual?

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