Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

Clinton Campaign Paid Tech Company To ‘Infiltrate’ Trump Tower, White House Servers, Durham Says

Special Counsel John Durham, who is investigating the origins of the FBI’s Trump-Russia probe, says in a new court filing that lawyers for the Clinton campaign paid a tech company to “infiltrate” servers belonging to Trump Tower and the Trump White House in an effort to establish a “narrative” linking President Donald Trump to Russia.

The revelation was made in a court filing late last week that centered on potential conflicts of interest connected to the representation of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussman, who has been charged with allegedly lying to the FBI.
I merely asked what crime was committed and none of y’all have said anything resembling reality.

Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

12 Feb 2022 ~~ By Cristina Laila
A new filing from Special Counsel John Durham reveals Perkins Coie allies connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign spied on Trump’s internet traffic – WHILE HE WAS PRESIDENT.
As previously reported, Hillary Clinton’s campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann was indicted last September for lying to the FBI.

More from Techno Fog on Durham’s new filing:

There is substantial evidence that Perkins Coie has been used by Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats to fix and obfuscate DNC illegal actions dating back decades.
Is anybody actually shocked by this? This is what lying, corruption, seditious and traitorous actors do when they know they rarely face any consequences.
The entire federal system has been subverted to work exclusively for the PM/DSA Democrat Commie minions.
Our judiciary has become a coin toss- tails they win and heads we lose
Identifying Perkins Coie LLC as a den of Democrat Socialist Marxist activists is an understatement. It's common knowledge that Soros has given the group millions.
Sussman and Elias are not the only members of Perkins Coie that has been involved in the corrupt actions of Perkins Coie. It's the whole group of attorneys.
Simply, all the proof and documentation in the world exposing PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist scheming, lying, cheating, just does not matter. Democrats are above the law...it's been proven over and over.


Still bitterly clinging to that lie, I see. Well, you're stupid enough to be a Communist. You'll believe what you're told to believe.

Actually, I believe what Ken Starr himself admitted.
No criminal wrongdoing on Whitewater, the thing that he was tasked to investigate to start with.
No criminal wrongdoing in the Travel Office Firings
No criminal wrongdoing related to FBI Files
No criminal wrongdoing related to Vince Foster's suicide. He really did kill himself after the right wing press savaged him.

The only "criminal" thing Starr found was that Clinton lied about a relationship with Lewinsky, which really wasn't anyone's business

Yes, we know you're okay with the President lying under oath when you're told to be okay with it.

Actually, back in the day, I was more right wing than you are and said "Subornation of Perjury" with real conviction.

But you know what, whatever was going on between Clinton and Lewinsky had no effect on my life.

Unlike George W.'s criminal incompetence, which cost me tens of thousands of dollars between his recessions, stock market crashes and general incompetence.

Only in Bizarro Right Wing World is lying about a blow job an impeachable offense, but lying about weapons that didn't exists, resulting in thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis dying okay.

(This is where you sputter something about "communism", because this is the 1950's in your brain, and that's a show stopper.)

Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

12 Feb 2022 ~~ By Cristina Laila
A new filing from Special Counsel John Durham reveals Perkins Coie allies connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign spied on Trump’s internet traffic – WHILE HE WAS PRESIDENT.
As previously reported, Hillary Clinton’s campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann was indicted last September for lying to the FBI.

More from Techno Fog on Durham’s new filing:

There is substantial evidence that Perkins Coie has been used by Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats to fix and obfuscate DNC illegal actions dating back decades.
Is anybody actually shocked by this? This is what lying, corruption, seditious and traitorous actors do when they know they rarely face any consequences.
The entire federal system has been subverted to work exclusively for the PM/DSA Democrat Commie minions.
Our judiciary has become a coin toss- tails they win and heads we lose
Identifying Perkins Coie LLC as a den of Democrat Socialist Marxist activists is an understatement. It's common knowledge that Soros has given the group millions.
Sussman and Elias are not the only members of Perkins Coie that has been involved in the corrupt actions of Perkins Coie. It's the whole group of attorneys.
Simply, all the proof and documentation in the world exposing PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist scheming, lying, cheating, just does not matter. Democrats are above the law...it's been proven over and over.


Trump was right again and every Leftist on here is a Satanic Liar who have Wasted 6 years of their lives lying their lying asses off!

Yes the election was stolen and yes The Biden Campaign, DNC, and CCP and Wuhan Lab all Colluded Together to pull off the steal.

Prove me wrong!

Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

12 Feb 2022 ~~ By Cristina Laila
A new filing from Special Counsel John Durham reveals Perkins Coie allies connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign spied on Trump’s internet traffic – WHILE HE WAS PRESIDENT.
As previously reported, Hillary Clinton’s campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann was indicted last September for lying to the FBI.

More from Techno Fog on Durham’s new filing:

There is substantial evidence that Perkins Coie has been used by Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats to fix and obfuscate DNC illegal actions dating back decades.
Is anybody actually shocked by this? This is what lying, corruption, seditious and traitorous actors do when they know they rarely face any consequences.
The entire federal system has been subverted to work exclusively for the PM/DSA Democrat Commie minions.
Our judiciary has become a coin toss- tails they win and heads we lose
Identifying Perkins Coie LLC as a den of Democrat Socialist Marxist activists is an understatement. It's common knowledge that Soros has given the group millions.
Sussman and Elias are not the only members of Perkins Coie that has been involved in the corrupt actions of Perkins Coie. It's the whole group of attorneys.
Simply, all the proof and documentation in the world exposing PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist scheming, lying, cheating, just does not matter. Democrats are above the law...it's been proven over and over.


Wonder why Hillary Clinton and Schultz hired Pakistani hackers? Now you know why.
because it's bullshit. you don't give the same leeway you demand here.

you are a 1,way street
You’re a loser who just wants to bitch.

Go seek emotional fulfillment elsewhere if you don’t want to discuss the topic.

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