Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

So I ask again, you believe that the HRC campaign didn’t do anything wrong? That is the Hill you’re dying on?
There’s no allegations here that the HRC campaign did anything wrong.

There’s definitely no hacking here.

I don’t see any reason to believe they did anything illegal. Do you? If so what?

(that article is pretty garbage and leaves out a lot of really relevant details, specifically that the statute of limitations has already expired on basically all of this stuff and therefore they’re not “building a case” since they couldn’t prosecute it anyway and Durham in no way said anything about spying even though that’s what the headline states. You trust bad media.)
Too vague. The court filing doesn’t make any criminal accusations. It’s regarding a potential conflict of interest in the Sussman case.

Durham hasn’t charge the Clinton campaign with doing anything illegal.
Yet. However, what has been released thus far is fairly interesting and shows further proof of the stink in Washington.
There’s no allegations here that the HRC campaign did anything wrong.

There’s definitely no hacking here.

I don’t see any reason to believe they did anything illegal. Do you? If so what?

(that article is pretty garbage and leaves out a lot of really relevant details, specifically that the statute of limitations has already expired on basically all of this stuff and therefore they’re not “building a case” since they couldn’t prosecute it anyway and Durham in no way said anything about spying even though that’s what the headline states. You trust bad media.)
I believe they used the US Gov't along side the private sector to try and fabricate a case of the Trump campaign working with Russia. The FISA warrant that was attained under suspicious circumstances was part one. This is part two. Once part three comes out it will be case closed. Washington is corrupt. Politicians along with the corporate industrial complex and big tech run this country at the expense of the common American. I am glad people are finally seeing it. It is less to do with Trump and Clinton to me and more to do with the elite ruling class doing what they please. Such as insider trading in Congress. You're a sheep and don't see that.
You haven’t read anything that’s been released. All you do is eat up the bullshit that garbage conservative media has been spoonfeeding you.

And yet you claim to not trust the media.

Except I have. You believe Washington is squeaky clean. I do not. You do you.
I believe they used the US Gov't along side the private sector to try and fabricate a case of the Trump campaign working with Russia. The FISA warrant that was attained under suspicious circumstances was part one. This is part two. Once part three comes out it will be case closed. Washington is corrupt. Politicians along with the corporate industrial complex and big tech run this country at the expense of the common American. I am glad people are finally seeing it. It is less to do with Trump and Clinton to me and more to do with the elite ruling class doing what they please. Such as insider trading in Congress. You're a sheep and don't see that.
You believe this because you're poorly informed and misled by garbage conservative media. This issue about DNS servers has nothing to do with fabricating anything. This has nothing to do with any common American whatsoever. It's political warfare. That's it.

If you truly wanted to see the elites taken down, you wouldn't have supported Trump. The damage he's done to our institutions, the institutions that we need to fight this, is immeasurable.
Except I have. You believe Washington is squeaky clean. I do not. You do you.
Sure you have. That's why you thought that Durham released a report claiming that White House servers were infiltrated or hacked.

If you had actually read this, you wouldn't be repeating such nonsense. You were misled. Admit it.
You believe this because you're poorly informed and misled by garbage conservative media. This issue about DNS servers has nothing to do with fabricating anything. This has nothing to do with any common American whatsoever. It's political warfare. That's it.

If you truly wanted to see the elites taken down, you wouldn't have supported Trump. The damage he's done to our institutions, the institutions that we need to fight this, is immeasurable.

My friend sent me this and to me it shows there are shenanigans but you do you. Trump didn't do any damage sans hold the corporate elite accountable. You don't know one Iota about finance. The first action of all attorneys that I work with is to CHECK FOR CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. Something Sussman didn't do. That is a big time error. Talk to some of your attorney friends and ask them. Trump was great, especially because he triggered sanctimonious pricks like you.

My friend sent me this and to me it shows there are shenanigans but you do you. Trump didn't do any damage sans hold the corporate elite accountable. You don't know one Iota about finance. The first action of all attorneys that I work with is to CHECK FOR CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. Something Sussman didn't do. That is a big time error. Talk to some of your attorney friends and ask them. Trump was great, especially because he triggered sanctimonious pricks like you.
Your friend sent you a bullshit article from a conservative media outlet, which you believe because you’re a sucker. Despite the fact that you claim not to trust the media, you do just whenever it suits you. You’re a victim of misinformation.

Trump pardoned elites guilty of committing the crimes you just were complaining about. Tell me how he was great if he’s doing that.
Your friend sent you a bullshit article from a conservative media outlet, which you believe because you’re a sucker. Despite the fact that you claim not to trust the media, you do just whenever it suits you. You’re a victim of misinformation.

Trump pardoned elites guilty of committing the crimes you just were complaining about. Tell me how he was great if he’s doing that.
Every president pardons. What specifically was bullshit? Pretty factual from what I read. Sussman most definitely lied.
I know Biden is at least interested in actually doing the job where the Orange Roughy wasn't.
What did the fish mean to you? What did you think he was going to return to you? :)
Yeah, you're right about Trump. Compare His first year list of Do's vs Biden's first year.
Every president pardons. What specifically was bullshit? Pretty factual from what I read. Sussman most definitely lied.
Most definitely lied? Let’s see if you can tell me what Sussman lied about and what evidence exists that he lied. Supposedly you read the filings. Here’s your chance to show me you are well informed.

Trump pardoned the exact crimes of elites you were complaining about. And your response is “every president pardons”? Good job. You’re part of the problem now.
Well Nancy Pelosi has been in charge for how long and insider trading has been going on for how long? That’s one aspect. Durham said the HRC campaign with the help of our Govt agencies tried to “infiltrate” private servers. That’s hacking, little man. Grow up.
Poor, deranged ShortBus. Quote Durham saying they tried to "infiltrate" private servers....
That didn't happen until AFTER Trump was inaugurated.
My issues with Trump were always about his fitness and competence to sit in the big chair.
The Obama administration knew that the russian collusion story was fake and made up and paid for by Hillary in July 2016. So he is also guilty of treason.
Most definitely lied? Let’s see if you can tell me what Sussman lied about and what evidence exists that he lied. Supposedly you read the filings. Here’s your chance to show me you are well informed.

Trump pardoned the exact crimes of elites you were complaining about. And your response is “every president pardons”? Good job. You’re part of the problem now.
It is in the article. I am not going to read it for you. The rules of the site require links. Which I provided.
Poor, deranged ShortBus. Quote Durham saying they tried to "infiltrate" private servers....

Fido, you stated you didn't want to be civil so you can fuck off. There is a link I posted. Feel free to read it and opine accordingly. Stupid lapdog.

Fido, you stated you didn't want to be civil so you can fuck off. There is a link I posted. Feel free to read it and opine accordingly. Stupid lapdog.

Poor, deranged ShortBus, I don't need your link. I already searched Durham's motion and found the word, "infiltrate" is not in there. You got duped again because you're a dupe.


Poor, deranged ShortBus, I don't need your link. I already searched Durham's motion and found the word, "infiltrate" is not in there. You got duped again because you're a dupe.

What Hillary did, makes Nixon look like a choir boy.
Lol, you're an idiot. You gonna believe the lies your leaders tell you. The truth is out, they have been lying to you for over 5 years and you still going to believe them.
No, skidmark, I believe that "infiltrate" is not in Durham's filing because I looked for it in there but it's not there.

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