Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

I don’t know. Ask the attorney that took it on.

What you’ll notice is that the topic of the thread really has nothing to do with the conflict of interest issue. That’s because Durham is using this filing to slip in the dirty laundry he wants to air.
How does it feel to be an accessory to treason, espionage, sedition, and murder?
I don’t know. Ask the attorney that took it on.

What you’ll notice is that the topic of the thread really has nothing to do with the conflict of interest issue. That’s because Durham is using this filing to slip in the dirty laundry he wants to air.
So that is step one. You don't know and Sussman doesn't provide a defense in fact he lied to the FBI.

Now step two. Please keep up.

Durham alluded that HRC's campaign wanted to make Trump look bad by linking him to Russia. Clinton's campaign repeatedly accused Trump of using a secret server to communicate with Russians, although the claim has never been proven.

Is that an accurate statement?
I don’t know. Ask the attorney that took it on.

What you’ll notice is that the topic of the thread really has nothing to do with the conflict of interest issue. That’s because Durham is using this filing to slip in the dirty laundry he wants to air.
Guess you're in the minority?

I wonder if Hillary took some of the info she gathered and informed foreign nations what Trump was planning.

I can definitely see Hillar doing everything she could to sabotage Trump presidency.
John Kerry tried to undermine America and should have been prosecuted for it.

Clinton is a criminal traitorous skank so entirely believable.

Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

12 Feb 2022 ~~ By Cristina Laila
A new filing from Special Counsel John Durham reveals Perkins Coie allies connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign spied on Trump’s internet traffic – WHILE HE WAS PRESIDENT.
As previously reported, Hillary Clinton’s campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann was indicted last September for lying to the FBI.

More from Techno Fog on Durham’s new filing:

There is substantial evidence that Perkins Coie has been used by Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats to fix and obfuscate DNC illegal actions dating back decades.
Is anybody actually shocked by this? This is what lying, corruption, seditious and traitorous actors do when they know they rarely face any consequences.
The entire federal system has been subverted to work exclusively for the PM/DSA Democrat Commie minions.
Our judiciary has become a coin toss- tails they win and heads we lose
Identifying Perkins Coie LLC as a den of Democrat Socialist Marxist activists is an understatement. It's common knowledge that Soros has given the group millions.
Sussman and Elias are not the only members of Perkins Coie that has been involved in the corrupt actions of Perkins Coie. It's the whole group of attorneys.
Simply, all the proof and documentation in the world exposing PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist scheming, lying, cheating, just does not matter. Democrats are above the law...it's been proven over and over.


The charges filed by Dunham prove that the entire "investigation of the investigators" was a complete bust. 3 years of investigations and all you have is a lie about who this lawyer's client was. You have absolutely no evidence that ANYONE spied on Donald Trump.

This kind of paranoia on behalf of Trump proves him to be in the early stages of Alzheimer's when you see conspiracies around every corner. Is it because there are so many real and legitimate charges to be made against Donald Trump and his family????

I await the dismissal of these charges. This is the true meaning of "witch hunts". 30 years of Clinton investigations, no charges

Russian Collusion is the biggest lie in American Political History. And you Dims believed every word of it. :lol:

Russian Collusion has been admitted and proven. I realize you Republicans are slow and stupid but do try to keep up Queen. Trump pardoned everyone who was convicted. Some of them helped with the insurrection, and may be going right back to jail.

Yeah, you Michael Flynn, you traitorous piece of shit. And Roger Stone.
We do need to know, what Clinton knew, and when she knew it, moreover, who within the Obama White House, she communicated this too...

No you don't. You already know all of those details, but you chose to overlook the facts.
So that is step one. You don't know and Sussman doesn't provide a defense in fact he lied to the FBI.

Now step two. Please keep up.

Durham alluded that HRC's campaign wanted to make Trump look bad by linking him to Russia. Clinton's campaign repeatedly accused Trump of using a secret server to communicate with Russians, although the claim has never been proven.

Is that an accurate statement?
Step one. Sussmann has provided response to the allegations in court filings and is taking it to trial. He is providing a defense. He’s accused of lying. The facts have yet to be established. Baker had the conversation with Sussmann in 2016. In 2018, he couldn’t remember anything about Sussmann’s clients. In 2019, he now remembers exactly what he said. Sounds like good fodder for reasonable doubt.

Step two. Sure! It was a political campaign. Making people look bad is exactly what they’re supposed to do. They took the evidence to the FBI of suspicious activity. That’s what you’re supposed to do. So what?
The charges filed by Dunham prove that the entire "investigation of the investigators" was a complete bust. 3 years of investigations and all you have is a lie about who this lawyer's client was. You have absolutely no evidence that ANYONE spied on Donald Trump.

This kind of paranoia on behalf of Trump proves him to be in the early stages of Alzheimer's when you see conspiracies around every corner. Is it because there are so many real and legitimate charges to be made against Donald Trump and his family????

I await the dismissal of these charges. This is the true meaning of "witch hunts". 30 years of Clinton investigations, no charges

Russian Collusion has been admitted and proven. I realize you Republicans are slow and stupid but do try to keep up Queen. Trump pardoned everyone who was convicted. Some of them helped with the insurrection, and may be going right back to jail.

Yeah, you Michael Flynn, you traitorous piece of shit. And Roger Stone.
Lmao. All that was proven is that Clinton, you Obama, and Biden are Russian CCP puppets that had Seth Rich murdered.
It will be a great day when the most evil woman in American history has to trade her pantsuit for a jumpsuit.

The entire bogus Trump investigations were cover-ups for Hillary's massive crimes, a network of crime that is directly traceable to Chimpy. The entire lot of the Democrat leadership needs to be imprisoned for the rest of their lives., the 2020 election restored to President Trump, every Democrat piece of legislation since then reversed, the DNC and every Democrat lawmaker personally sued for restitution for all the money the country has lost due to their malfeasance in the past year, and the media heavily sued and 'journalists' jailed for their part in these crimes. But how do you restore for America the valuable leadership lost that Trump would have provided in the past year? I'm not sure that anything short of dismantling and banning the Democrat Party would ever come close.
It'll never happen.

The government of the U.S. would have to fall first, and a lynch mob would have to do it. . . that would be the only way.

The Deep State is in control of the nation at this point.

The only way a Clinton will go to jail, is for the truth about the JFK assassination, 9/11, and Jeffry Epstein's death to come out first.
Durham's exposure of the Clinton campaign conspiracy with Attorneys from Perkins Coie is just the tip of iceberg. This is much larger than Watergate because it involves people that are now active in the Biden administration.
To add insult to injury the Quisling Media was also heavily involved in the conspiracy.
The question I have not seen here or anywhere else is what if a belligerent country attempted to do what the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists did before and during the Trump administration. Would that be considered an act of war?
In this case was the actions of the DNC, Hillary, Perkins Coie, the MSM, et al an act of SEDITION?
Certainly, it wasn't just politics.

Step one. Sussmann has provided response to the allegations in court filings and is taking it to trial. He is providing a defense. He’s accused of lying. The facts have yet to be established. Baker had the conversation with Sussmann in 2016. In 2018, he couldn’t remember anything about Sussmann’s clients. In 2019, he now remembers exactly what he said. Sounds like good fodder for reasonable doubt.

Step two. Sure! It was a political campaign. Making people look bad is exactly what they’re supposed to do. They took the evidence to the FBI of suspicious activity. That’s what you’re supposed to do. So what?

What specifically is inaccurate about the statement below please?

Durham said in the court filing that lawyers for the Clinton campaign paid a tech company to “infiltrate” servers belonging to Trump Tower and the Trump White House in an effort to establish a “narrative” linking President Donald Trump to Russia.

“In connection with these efforts, Tech Executive-1 exploited his access to non-public and/or proprietary Internet data,” the filing states. “Tech Executive-1 also enlisted the assistance of researchers at a U.S.-based university who were receiving and analyzing large amounts of Internet data in connection with a pending federal government cybersecurity research contract.”
Durham's exposure of the Clinton campaign conspiracy with Attorneys from Perkins Coie is just the tip of iceberg. This is much larger than Watergate because it involves people that are now active in the Biden administration.
To add insult to injury the Quisling Media was also heavily involved in the conspiracy.
The question I have not seen here or anywhere else is what if a belligerent country attempted to do what the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists did before and during the Trump administration. Would that be considered an act of war?
In this case was the actions of the DNC, Hillary, Perkins Coie, the MSM, et al an act of SEDITION?
Certainly, it wasn't just politics.

Yep this is much bigger then just the campaign...I believe we will be seeing the direct link between the campaign and the Obamagate gang, doing this purposely to undermine the new admin and create chaos.

They were doing Putin's work, but for their own potential gain.

This was nothing short of a political coup

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