Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

I don't give a shit what you believe. Your opinions...and mine...on this matter are meaningless.

One of us gets that. Hint: It's not you.
Great. Then stop replying to my posts if you really don't care.

I'm just here to discuss the issue. I have no problem with alternate opinions. I have a problem with people who lie.
You don't want an investigation. You've already declared there's nothing there.
I declared that the allegations of hacking aren't there. I've declared the allegations of sedition (spread by crazy people) aren't there. There's a lot of shit people are saying that simply is baseless. Tons of it.

I've said that Sussmann may have lied to the FBI but there's a good argument against it too.

I have no problem with the factual allegations of the Durham report by and large. I have no problem saying that this tech executive used the DNS data from Trump Tower and the EOP to suggest that Trump could have been colluding with Russia. I have no problem saying that Sussmann was working for Joffe at the time.
"Lying" does not mean "disagreeing with colfax". I know this news will upset you.
Lying means claiming that the White House was hacked by someone, which we've seen. Lying is claiming that Durham states the data was obtained criminally, which we've seen. Lying is claiming that Durham has stated the servers were infiltrated, which we've seen.

There's been plenty of lying in this thread.

Moreover, there's been plenty of people making hysterical claims. Such as the claim that this amounts to treason. You can call that an opinion if you want, I don't care. It's a stupid opinion and I'm going to call it out as such.
I declared that the allegations of hacking aren't there. I've declared the allegations of sedition (spread by crazy people) aren't there. There's a lot of shit people are saying that simply is baseless. Tons of it.

I've said that Sussmann may have lied to the FBI but there's a good argument against it too.

I have no problem with the factual allegations of the Durham report by and large. I have no problem saying that this tech executive used the DNS data from Trump Tower and the EOP to suggest that Trump could have been colluding with Russia. I have no problem saying that Sussmann was working for Joffe at the time.
There were private companies working for Democrats and agencies of the US government taking information from a candidate and then President they had no business taking, using it for political purposes.

This is undeniable.
Lying means claiming that the White House was hacked by someone, which we've seen. Lying is claiming that Durham states the data was obtained criminally, which we've seen. Lying is claiming that Durham has stated the servers were infiltrated, which we've seen.

There's been plenty of lying in this thread.

Moreover, there's been plenty of people making hysterical claims. Such as the claim that this amounts to treason. You can call that an opinion if you want, I don't care. It's a stupid opinion and I'm going to call it out as such.
I've only read to page 5 of this thread so maybe someone else has already explained this but, just in case, here it is, including the crime (and I am an expert in DNS):

Tech company 1 had a contract to provide DNS services to the Whitehouse. . . . .

They didn't actually, as far as we know so far, hack Whitehouse computers, because they had access to the computers as a trusted contract services provider. But to steal and disseminate the data from those contracted services would definitely be conspiracy and data theft.

Just because Joffe / Neustar's contract was to support and resolve DNS requests, doesn't mean that was in fact, all Neustar did with their access.

Durham's filing says that, "among the Internet data [Joffe] and his associates exploited was domain name system (“DNS”) Internet traffic . . ." which can be read to mean there was other data "exploited" besides DNS traffic.

Durham also says Joffe and his associates exploited this dedicated server arrangement by "mining the Executive Office of the President’s DNS traffic and other data" for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump.

While the DNS traffic seemingly was used to construct the Alfa Bank Hoax, it seems there was more expoitation / exfiltration of other data beside DNS traffic by HRC's comrades.

Just because Joffe / Neustar's contract was to support and resolve DNS requests, doesn't mean that was in fact, all Neustar did with their access.

Durham's filing says that, "among the Internet data [Joffe] and his associates exploited was domain name system (“DNS”) Internet traffic . . ." which can be read to mean there was other data "exploited" besides DNS traffic.

Durham also says Joffe and his associates exploited this dedicated server arrangement by "mining the Executive Office of the President’s DNS traffic and other data" for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump.

While the DNS traffic seemingly was used to construct the Alfa Bank Hoax, it seems there was more expoitation / exfiltration of other data beside DNS traffic by HRC's comrades.

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I totally agree.
Lying means claiming that the White House was hacked by someone, which we've seen. Lying is claiming that Durham states the data was obtained criminally, which we've seen. Lying is claiming that Durham has stated the servers were infiltrated, which we've seen.

There's been plenty of lying in this thread.

Moreover, there's been plenty of people making hysterical claims. Such as the claim that this amounts to treason. You can call that an opinion if you want, I don't care. It's a stupid opinion and I'm going to call it out as such.
You sure carry a ton of Dimtard water for someone who claims to be independent.

Indicted Clinton lawyer hired CrowdStrike, firm behind dubious Russian hacking claim​

The indictment of Michael Sussmann raises new questions about Russiagate’s foundational Russian hacking allegation. That claim originates with CrowdStrike -- a firm hired and overseen by Sussmann.​

I remember when Ray McGovern. . . probably this nation's best independent investigative journalist. . when he called bullshit on this whole story. This will be his final redemption. RIP (And remember. . he's the lefty that uncovered Iran-Contra too! :cool: )

FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced​

This article was from June 17, 2019.

". . . These drafts were “voluntarily” given to the FBI by DNC lawyers, the filing says. “No redacted information concerned the attribution of the attack to Russian actors,” the filing quotes DNC lawyers as saying.

In Stone’s motion his lawyers argued: “If the Russian state did not hack the DNC, DCCC, or [Clinton campaign chairman John] Podesta’s servers, then Roger Stone was prosecuted for obstructing a congressional investigation into an unproven Russian state hacking conspiracy … The issue of whether or not the DNC was hacked is central to the Defendant’s defense.”


CrowdStrike’s Early Role

In a Memorandum for the President on July 24, 2017, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity referred prominently to this instructive time sequence:

VIPS does not believe the June 12, 14, & 15 timing was pure coincidence. Rather, it suggests the start of a pre-emptive move to associate Russia with anything WikiLeaks might have been about to publish and to “show” that it came from a Russian hack.

Bill Binney, a former NSA technical director and a VIPS member, filed an affidavit in Stone’s case. Binney said: “WikiLeaks did not receive stolen data from the Russian government. Intrinsic metadata in the publicly available files on WikiLeaks demonstrates that the files acquired by WikiLeaks were delivered in a medium such as a thumb drive.”


What Were They Thinking?

At the March 20, 2017 House Intelligence Committee hearing, Congressman Trey Gowdy heaped effusive praise on then-FBI Director Comey, calling him “incredibly respected.” At that early stage, no doubt Gowdy meant no double entendre. He might now.

As Russia-gate transmogrifies into Deep State-gate, the DOJ is launching a probe into the origins of Russia-gate and the intelligence agencies alleged role in it. It remains to be seen whether U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut John Durham, who is leading the probe, will interview Assange, unlike Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who did not.

It is proving very difficult for some of my old FBI friends and others to believe that Comey and other justice, intelligence, and security officials at the very top could have played fast and loose with the Constitution and the law and lived a lie over the past few years.

“How did they ever think they could get away with it?” they ask. The answer is deceivingly simple. Comey himself has explained it in a moment of seemingly unintentional candor in his pretentious book, “A Higher Loyalty.” He wrote, “I was making decisions in an environment where Hillary Clinton was sure to be the next president.. . . ”
I wonder if old George Soros owns CrowdStrike too?
You sound frustrated.... LOL

I guess since the Truckers packed it in and stopped their tantrum..you have to move on to the next "outrage"

So this Collie...was it named Lassie too?
you seem to think I care about l your opinion.

That's cute.
More informed and more knowledgeable than you are, as has been proven again and again.

I believe I said that early this morning. I'm smarter and more informed than you.
You are drunk posting. You didn’t even know that prosecutors could not indict. Come on man, you’re making a fool of yourself.
That dipshit always ignores the truth.
I've seen a lot of really, truly good men and women who have been duped by the deep state the operatives of the Democrats with its current emphasis of any-which-way-you-can-do-injury to one's rivals which offends true believers in God the Just who advised us through the book of Micah to love the Justice of God, I hope our Democrat friends see that lightness of true salvation. That's my prayer for the night. This trouble with Russia threatening to invade Ukraine tomorrow has my prayer lifted to support the people of their nation free from an untoward and treacherous occupation by hostile forces. Bless you all as we see peace evaporating between people who are resurrecting pain from WWII's unfortunate times. Good night dear people. Prayers up for those recuperating from Covid. Sweet dreams. :sleep:
I’d hesitate to call what the NY Post does journalism. Mostly because they don’t fact check things. They put up a quote from Jim Jordan about “infiltrating” and don’t bother to see if it’s true.

You shouldn’t believe such biased media.

Look in the court filing and see if you can figure out where they said infiltrate. They don’t.
Of course you will say that the New York Times ,The Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS and NPR are all examples of great journalism.

All I can say is that the good sheeple believe the liberal media.

Was the information gathered illegally?

Sussmann is in trouble because he supposedly didn’t tell the DoJ that he was working on behalf of Joffe, not the Clinton Campaign.
Indeed, the Watergate break in was to gather intelligence and plant listening devices in communications equipment, i.e. telephones.
Whereas the Obama/Clinton called Operation Crossfire Hurricane was designed to infiltrate the campaign, later the administration to hack their computers, communications equipment and seed files with false, bogus information that could falsely implicate Trump and his administration as colluding with Russia.
Perkins Coie and two partners within the firm Sussman and Elais were hired and tasked with the job with Jim Comey and the FBI as overwatch.


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