Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

You realize your claim is regarding what is said in a publicly available document.

We’ll find out isn’t meaningful. We already have everything we need to know. You just have a penchant for seeing things that aren’t there, or at least seeing things you’re told to see.
I posted it like 50x. I see Massive crimes. You don’t. So we ll let a jury decide. If Biden pardons people over this then impeachment could be in his future. But yes, he may pardon people.
No. Durham never says anything of the sort.

You realize the case is about whether Sussmann lied about who he was representing, right? The case has basically nothing to do with the legality of the data.
That is only a part of it. Small part. Sussman had techies infiltrate the Trump campaign and WH, spy on him and try to promote a false narrative. That is how I read it.
she'll just say she didn't do it.
Yes, and when the irrefutable truth comes out, she has a line she used back in the Whitewater Grand Jury Trial which was and I quote "I forget."

She always "forgets" when confronted by jurists who want to hear her side of the story.
I posted it like 50x. I see Massive crimes. You don’t. So we ll let a jury decide. If Biden pardons people over this then impeachment could be in his future. But yes, he may pardon people.
You may see massive crimes. I’m aware of that. I think you’re a little crazy but what else is new.

What is delusional is your claim that Durham said the use of the DNS data was a crime. There’s been no such thing.

There is no rational basis for impeachment for pardoning them.
You may see massive crimes. I’m aware of that. I think you’re a little crazy but what else is new.

What is delusional is your claim that Durham said the use of the DNS data was a crime. There’s been no such thing.

There is no rational basis for impeachment for pardoning them.
A hundred and fifty million American voters cannot be wrong, colfax.
You may see massive crimes. I’m aware of that. I think you’re a little crazy but what else is new.

What is delusional is your claim that Durham said the use of the DNS data was a crime. There’s been no such thing.

There is no rational basis for impeachment for pardoning them.
I disagree. To me it’s black and white. I asked you why Sussman didn’t check for conflict of interest since that is the first action of any competent attorney. Your answer was “I do not know”. You should stick to that.
morals are not legal or illegal in their own.

this is huge and people will meddy it up and scream TRUMP even louder.

til she's held accountable, I'll quote her. what difference does it make?
You sound frustrated.... LOL

I guess since the Truckers packed it in and stopped their tantrum..you have to move on to the next "outrage"

So this Collie...was it named Lassie too?
Wait, wait, they weren't? You just stepped in a pile of doo, lol.

So then, explain how they came up with Trump tower communicating with Deutcha Bank? How did they know that the Trump team met with the Russian lawyer? Why did they think Paige was setting up a deal where he got......gasp....100 billion dollars, lol. And all of this surveillance was built on a HOAX!

Honestly, you are either ill informed, or you have to think you can fool someone. Sorry, you gotta do better than that!
Russian owned Alpha Bank, not Deutcha bank, get your story straight, was communicating with a Trump org server.
You, of course, being the sole arbiter of what's factual.

Just so you know, the First Amendment doesn't guarantee you a willing and agreeable audience.
Well, when I ask someone to substantiate the nonsense they’re saying, and instead they call me names, it’s pretty fair to say they’re not likely being very truthful.
The Trump faithful would use an acquittal as evidence that the courts are corrupt, further baselessly deteriorating the faith in our institutions for personal political reasons.

You may throw ad Hominems all day. It’s in black and white. Why are you so angry toward me? Bad day?
Look, there are a lot of crimes that have been committed in politics by Hillary Clinton since her Whitewater theft of a number of elderly who went from savings security to lost nest eggs they were saving up for retirement survival, and they wound up with disappearing life savings. Hillary walked away from Whitewater with money to burn to get away with stealing elections by paying off precinct chairmen, union bosses, and the acquisition of information of a marriage-break-up kind to threaten political rivals. People are starting to wonder why Hillary has had White House offices for three administrations. The reason is because Hillary has been the secret president of all three administrations since Bill Clinton decided to use the Oval Office desk for his bedroom behaviors with countless women, many of whom wound up being destroyed by Hillary's war room character assassinations along with patriots on the right including President Donald John Trump. She has a sick obsession for power and like Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters, will do anything to take away power from the Constitution, the American people, and in particular, all rivals..
I’ve been following Sussmann’s case relatively closely. It’s not as strong as you think and Sussmann is a good lawyer with good lawyers working for him.

Im not predicting the future, but there’s a very good chance that Sussmann walks and it’s not because everything is corrupt. It’s because Durham doesn’t have an open and shut case. He’s got a weak case he filed just before the statute of limitations ran out and then asked for the trial to be put off later so they could get their shit together.

He is digging for a conspiracy charge but he’s a pretty far ways away from it and throwing shade with these suggestion of conflict is how he tells people about it without having to actually prove anything in court since he hasn’t gotten an indictment about it.

The current charge is a placeholder, maybe a bargaining chip.

This all goes back to early 2016 and Obama's NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers uncovering wholesale unlawful abuses of the NSA database searching for info on US citizens -- a "702", after the section in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act that establishes the rules to protect US citizens.

Rogers also discovered that the Obama administration was allowing a "private contractor" unfettered access to the FBI's portal to the NSA database, he shut that down on April 18, 2016 . . . The very next day, Mary Jacoby, wife of Glenn Simpson was at the White House and spent 14 hours there.

By the end of April, Simpson's company, Fusion GPS, no doubt with terabytes of pilfered data from the NSA, was in the employ of the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign, in a deal brokered by a lawyer representing Fusion GPS, the DNC and Crowdstrike and the Hillary Clinton Campaign , in the employ of a firm called Perkin-Coie and that lawyer's name was . . . Michael Sussmann!

After a few months of collaboration, Sussmann et al, had composed a series of white papers for submittal to the FBI laying out a fantastical story of secret servers and backchannel communications between Trump and Russia.

Sussmann is the lynchpin to make the entire DNC/HRC Criminal Contrapion fall apart, from the FISA abuses to the "Russia hacked the DNC" lie to the whole Russia Hoax bullshit, he knows it all.
Well, when I ask someone to substantiate the nonsense they’re saying, and instead they call me names, it’s pretty fair to say they’re not likely being very truthful.
Oh, you mean calling you names like "hack"?

If it weren't for double standards, leftists would have no standards at all.
Look, there are a lot of crimes that have been committed in politics by Hillary Clinton since her Whitewater theft of a number of elderly who went from savings security to lost nest eggs they were saving up for retirement survival, and they wound up with disappearing life savings. Hillary walked away from Whitewater with money to burn to get away with stealing elections by paying off precinct chairmen, union bosses, and the acquisition of information of a marriage-break-up kind to threaten political rivals. People are starting to wonder why Hillary has had White House offices for three administrations. The reason is because Hillary has been the secret president of all three administrations since Bill Clinton decided to use the Oval Office desk for his bedroom behaviors with countless women, many of whom wound up being destroyed by Hillary's war room character assassinations along with patriots on the right including President Donald John Trump. She has a sick obsession for power and like Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters, will do anything to take away power from the Constitution, the American people, and in particular, all rivals..
You’re nuts. Stop listening to ever right wing hack filling your head with this nonsense.

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