Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

Prosecutors can get a grand jury to indict. Don’t be pedantic. You’ve no doubt heard the phrase.

Conspiracy to do what?

This is what the defense has to argue against. And keep in mind the Republicans will take the House so this isn’t going away.
It isn't "new" news that Joffe / Neustar has had suspicious tentacles feeling around in the President's Executive Office servers. It was Crooked Hillary's private portal into the White House back in the day; Team Clinton was preparing for the 2016 campaign but Team Obama wasn't comfortable with HRC's data pipe into White House -- to the point of moving POTUS physically out of the White House for sensitive NSC meetings.

Now we know that for this Russian DNS at issue, Durham has found that between 2014 and 2017 (when the backdoor was finally closed after Trump entered office), there were 3 million lookups involving that one DNS -- 1000 of which were after Trump became President (which is the proof of the illicit access to the Trump White House servers by operatives of HRC -- the "spying" at issue today).

The insecurity of the Executive Office of the President's internet was in the news back in 2014 right after Joffe/Neustar was contracted to do internet work, and numerous NSC meetings were moved from the White House Situation Room to SCIF's at the Pentagon or State Dept.

Then CBS White House Corespondent Mark Knoller reported on the situation:

Both Clintons guilty. And you know the Obamas knew it plus Jarrett, Joe and more.

hmmm....this is why hilliary had to delete/destroy 33,000 emails.
Just to be clear, the coup wasn't just attempted; it was successful. Is Trump still President?
We can never trust them again. We cannot forget. For there are already enough people who are blinded and keep voting for this. We even get vilified for trying to get some of our own out of office. The swamp is in control. And it is all encompassing.
When Trump wanted the 2020 election overturned this is what he was referring to.
A long standing effort by Hillary and other leftist insiders burrowed into the government
like a tick into a dog's skin to absolutely nullify Donald Trump's hold on the presidency.
It was not attained legally is what Durham is saying. It it was attained legally then there is no case.
No. Durham never says anything of the sort.

You realize the case is about whether Sussmann lied about who he was representing, right? The case has basically nothing to do with the legality of the data.
I've only read to page 5 of this thread so maybe someone else has already explained this but, just in case, here it is, including the crime (and I am an expert in DNS):

Tech company 1 had a contract to provide DNS services to the Whitehouse. For those that don't know, the Domain Name Service is how we resolve names like usmessageboard.com to an IP address like (not their real IP address) required to send and receive data.

There are top level domain (TLD) servers for things like .org, .net, .com, etc but those servers aren't directly configurable in your network configuration. Usually, people configure the DNS servers, called recursive servers, from their ISP or perhaps a free one like Google's address. On the other side of things, domains use an authoritative server as the DNS server of record for their domain name. So when you request usmessageboard.com, your network stack sends a DNS request to the recursive DNS server that you configured, usually provided by your ISP. That server probably has usmessageboard.com in cache and simply returns the IP address. Should they not have it in cache, they send a request to the TLD which returns the IP address of the authoritative DNS server for usmessageboard.com. The recursive DNS server (the one from your ISP) then contacts the authoritative for usmessageboard.com which returns the IP address for www.usmessageboard.com. Now your network stack on your computer knows how to send your request to load a page from usmessageboard.com

So tech company 1 was providing, under contract, the DNS server services normally associated with your ISP- a recursive server, for use by the Executive Office of the President (EOP). The company conspired with the Clinton campaign to collect the DNS requests from the EOP and mine them for requests for IP addresses associated with Russia. The computer records of the EOP would be considered the private property of the EOP, otherwise why would they not just use Google's Tech company 1 stole for it's own use and for the use of the Clinton campaign the records of what DNS searches, in other words, every website, accessed by the EOP.

They didn't actually, as far as we know so far, hack Whitehouse computers, because they had access to the computers as a trusted contract services provider. But to steal and disseminate the data from those contracted services would definitely be conspiracy and data theft.
Just to be clear, the coup wasn't just attempted; it was successful. Is Trump still President?
I won't even attempt to dispute what you said. What I will do though, is remind you that Trump, at times, is his own worst enemy. That doesn't come from a far Leftist, nor someone on the far right, it comes from someone who sees reality, and not how the GOP views him, nor how the Democrats view him, but rather how someone who is in the middle views him.

Trump got screwed, and the evidence coming out proves this. Convince the middle that he is honestly someone put under the gun for political purposes as he has stated, you win. Fail, and you lose!
That is what Durham will try to do. Conspiracy to lie about Trump in order to win the election. Are you not following the story?
I’ve been following Sussmann’s case relatively closely. It’s not as strong as you think and Sussmann is a good lawyer with good lawyers working for him.

Im not predicting the future, but there’s a very good chance that Sussmann walks and it’s not because everything is corrupt. It’s because Durham doesn’t have an open and shut case. He’s got a weak case he filed just before the statute of limitations ran out and then asked for the trial to be put off later so they could get their shit together.

He is digging for a conspiracy charge but he’s a pretty far ways away from it and throwing shade with these suggestion of conflict is how he tells people about it without having to actually prove anything in court since he hasn’t gotten an indictment about it.
I’ve been following Sussmann’s case relatively closely. It’s not as strong as you think and Sussmann is a good lawyer with good lawyers working for him.

Im not predicting the future, but there’s a very good chance that Sussmann walks and it’s not because everything is corrupt. It’s because Durham doesn’t have an open and shut case. He’s got a weak case he filed just before the statute of limitations ran out and then asked for the trial to be put off later so they could get their shit together.

He is digging for a conspiracy charge but he’s a pretty far ways away from it and throwing shade with these suggestion of conflict is how he tells people about it without having to actually prove anything in court since he hasn’t gotten an indictment about it.
It’s not about what I think. It’s about what happened and whether laws were broken so it doesn’t happen again.

THIS....would be....awesomely....karmaic. LOLOL

They didn't actually, as far as we know so far, hack Whitehouse computers, because they had access to the computers as a trusted contract services provider. But to steal and disseminate the data from those contracted services would definitely be conspiracy and data theft.
Disseminated might be a bit of a strong word. The data really only went back to the government through Sussmann.
It’s not about what I think. It’s about what happened and whether laws were broken so it doesn’t happen again.
Well you already declared facts which have yet to be proven in a court of law and which are contested by Sussmann.

But I’m worried that Sussmann gets off and the typical crowd will cry that it’s just corruption without understanding the underlying weakness of the case.

Maybe Biden should just pardon everyone because “all presidents pardon” and that is just fine.
I disagree. Guess we ll find out.
You realize your claim is regarding what is said in a publicly available document.

We’ll find out isn’t meaningful. We already have everything we need to know. You just have a penchant for seeing things that aren’t there, or at least seeing things you’re told to see.
Well you already declared facts which have yet to be proven in a court of law and which are contested by Sussmann.

But I’m worried that Sussmann gets off and the typical crowd will cry that it’s just corruption without understanding the underlying weakness of the case.

Maybe Biden should just pardon everyone because “all presidents pardon” and that is just fine.
I trust our court system.

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