Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

It wouldn't matter you would just say it was a lie, but if you open your eyes you will see it.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve asked for evidence about anything related to Clinton and the answer is along the lines of “you’re stupid if you don’t believe it”.

Evidence no longer matters. Clinton conspiracies are now self-sustaining.
If Dems could spy ON THE WHITE HOUSE with MEdia cover they could steal an election with Democrat voting officials, media and activist judges cover. They could also pull off the biggest hoax of 21st century in US history. Their corruption knows no bounds. These people must be stopped.

This was a stolen uS election. Not only do we here in this country know it but so does the rest of the world.

That still cracks me up!
For what did she hire him?
Like I say keep it up, the independents are seeing the evidence and they want her in court. I could careless what you think. You're going to vote democrat no matter what.
Don’t you have some Russians and Chinese to collude with and Presidents to spy on and lies to spread?

I see how your boy Putin in trying to bail out Diaper Joe from his incompetent presidency with a little wag the dog.
No answer to my question, Stumpy?

Where's the indictment for spying?
Welcome to "alternate facts" world

In the first place...the Trump claim was that there was none of that stuff ON that server. It was supposedly onkly used for mass advertising

In the second place...hey didn't hack the actual server. They investigated the traffic to and from it
COUP 101 DimTard tells you that you have to kill more than Seth Rich and lock up more than Julian Assange to cover your tracks. You left too many people alive.

You should have killed all The Pakistani Hackers too and others involved instead of conveniently letting them slip out of the country
You and your co-conspirators attacked our Democracy and you think it’s funny?

Why because you got away with it?

No, Stumpy, what I find hysterical are your delusional Cries about a stolen election.

You freaks are the biggest sore losers of all time.

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No, Stumpy, what I find hysterical are your delusional Cries about a stolen election.

You freaks are the biggest dote losers of all time.

More insults from the OCD ridden lapdog. Fido, are you going to call me gay and hit on me again because I defended gay people? So if I defend black people does that make me gay? Stupid lapdog. Tell me again how prosecutors can indict.
No answer to my question, Stumpy?

Where's the indictment for spying?
There is No Honest Question you could ask when you are incapable of honesty.

What you and your Evil Minions did these past 5 years was an unforgivable act of Treason, Sedition, Insurrection and though several of your COUP attempts failed all of you especially Obama Clinton and Biden should be tried for Treaon and the attack on our Democracy!

We may not get justice on Earth for what you did but you will burn in Hell for it, of that I am sure!
Welcome to "alternate facts" world

In the first place...the Trump claim was that there was none of that stuff ON that server. It was supposedly onkly used for mass advertising

In the second place...hey didn't hack the actual server. They investigated the traffic to and from it
1) nah that’s the fact
2) trumps the victim here…as well as the american people…stop with the victim blaming
Like I say keep it up, the independents are seeing the evidence and they want her in court. I could careless what you think. You're going to vote democrat no matter what.

If there is such evidence the independents are seeing, you'd have been able to answer my question instead of trying to avoid it with that pathetically weak bluff.
Go ahead and post the DoJ source that said anyone here was hacked.

I’m dying to hear it.
Colfax let me dumb this down for you. I invite you to my house to paint it. While there you go through my fridge, eat my food, go through my DVR, gauge the shows I record and then go through my bathroom for what meds I take. You then relay that info. to my opposition. That is what happened here on a scale of internet data. The onus is on the prosecutor to provide evidence to a jury who then decides whether or not to indict. Hopefully this explains it to you.
Happy to help those who are dumb.
Colfax let me dumb this down for you. I invite you to my house to paint it. While there you go through my fridge, eat my food, go through my DVR, gauge the shows I record and then go through my bathroom for what meds I take. You then relay that info. to my opposition. That is what happened here on a scale of internet data. The onus is on the prosecutor to provide evidence to a jury who then decides whether or not to indict. Hopefully this explains it to you.
Happy to help those who are dumb.
None of that has anything to do with this.


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