Durham report released

It seems that conservatives largely feel that it is illegal to engage in any investigation if it involves Trump.

Which is obviously not a crime.
I’m not a con and I’m not a Trump supporter but unlike you, I don’t want elites controlling or effecting our elections. Are you an authoritarian?
As opposed the violence on the part of MAGA MAGGOTS on 01-06?




I’m not a con and I’m not a Trump supporter but unlike you, I don’t want elites controlling or effecting our elections. Are you an authoritarian?
Ah, I forgot. You have no opinions and no beliefs.

As stated earlier, the DoJ had no effect on the election given their investigation into Trump and Russia was not made public.

Since you believe that the elites shouldn't be affecting our elections, surely you supported investigating the Russian attempt to control or affect our election. That's what the investigation was about. It was about Russia interference and extended to identify if they were reaching out and coordinating with the Trump campaign. They found that they were reaching out to the Trump campaign but did not coordinate.
I’m not a con and I’m not a Trump supporter but unlike you, I don’t want elites controlling or effecting our elections. Are you an authoritarian?

Elites have been controlling your election since the nation was founded. Who do you think made the nominations before the primary election became the way to earn delegates? Powerful elites in back rooms.

If you want, don’t want elites controlling your election get their money out of the elections. Overturn Citizens United.
The FBI Admits The Durham Report Is Right
View attachment 785916

After being UNDENIABLY BUSTED for having violated the Constitution, broken laws, having illegally spied on Americans, perpetrated Election Interference, and having knowingly, willingly participated in a failed coup attempt, upon tbe release of Special Counsel John Durham's report, THE FBI ADMITTED TO IT ALL:

“The conduct in 2016 and 2017 that Special Counsel Durham examined was the reason that current FBI leadership already implemented dozens of corrective actions, which have now been in place for some time. Had those reforms been in place in 2016, the missteps identified in the report could have been prevented."

“This report reinforces the importance of ensuring the FBI continues to do its work with the rigor, objectivity, and professionalism the American people deserve and rightly expect.”

- Federal Bureau Of Investigations

Ummm....that's it?

Not even a, 'Man, we f*ed that up....sorry. My bad'?


'Yeah, so...we here at the FBI have already begun to clean up our act by policing ourselves. No need to do anything drastic .... like come after us the way we have been coming after you.'

Before we get too overwhelmed by the contrite, heartfelt admission and apoligy by the FBI, let's not forget the thread / story how just recently the FBI submitted a report to Congress stating

'The FBI has done a much better job at ILLEGALLY SPYING ON AMERICANS LESS due to a larger effort to comply with Patritot Act restrictions on doing so.'

I kid you not - go to tbe thread, and read the articles. The FBI - after all this - had tbe audacity to admit to Congress that it is STILL violating the Patriot Act and illegally spying on Americans.

Oh yeah, they have learned their lesson, alright.


It’s highly unlikely they have fixed anything
This is a gratuitous mea culpa designed to reduce the heat
Thinkers see through that and more heat is coming.
Now you’re quoting CNN????

Four years of investigation ended with no successful prosecutions, no new revelations, and a continuing litany of vague insinuations of wrongdoing none of which is supported by evidence.

It’s a complete bust in my books.
I’ve quoted CNN before.

It’s you libturds who can’t stand it when even a left wing media “news” outlet manages to ever speak the truth.

You’re just another witless hack.
I’ve quoted CNN before.

It’s you libturds who can’t stand it when even a left wing media “news” outlet manages to ever speak the truth.

You’re just another witless hack.

I don’t watch CNN and I seldom link to anything they post. I was just surprised that you did.

Any media outlet can get it wrong. Especially opinion pieces. The idea that every leftist has to agree with every main stream or left-wing outlet publishing is ridiculous.
I don’t watch CNN and I seldom link to anything they post. I was just surprised that you did.

Any media outlet can get it wrong. Especially opinion pieces. The idea that every leftist has to agree with every main stream or left-wing outlet publishing is ridiculous.
You are fluent in double-speak, your forked-tongue way. You attribute anything said by one person (often Trump) to the belief system of all conservatives. You do it all the fucking time.

So, I’ll contemplate yiur hypocritical “advice” when you start actually doing it rather than just carping about it.
Probably as if Angels coming to guide Americans.
Their role in history is now set.They will forever be
regarded as stinkin' rotten Lying Democrat backed
scumbags.No amount of appearances on CNN or MSMBC
can salvage their pukey Unamerican reputations.
And one can take that to the Bank.
Before Banks are framed.Taken over and
ruining Trump's vision of Make America Great Again.
You are fluent in double-speak, your forked-tongue way. You attribute anything said by one person (often Trump) to the belief system of all conservatives. You do it all the fucking time.

So, I’ll contemplate yiur hypocritical “advice” when you start actually doing it rather than just carping about it.

That’s a lot of words to say nothing.
And here you have it
Durham states what needs addressing and/or correction and Mueller did Not so state.

How can you call this a nothingburger?

The Durham investigation has revealed that the Russia Collusion charges that led to an impeachment of POTUS was all based on phony charges. Lies.

That is a nothingburger?!

You sure post here a lot. Are you always this dim?

This is big news.

The Durham report says no such thing... did you actually read it?
You are fluent in double-speak, your forked-tongue way. You attribute anything said by one person (often Trump) to the belief system of all conservatives. You do it all the fucking time.

So, I’ll contemplate yiur hypocritical “advice” when you start actually doing it rather than just carping about it.

You’re crazier than a loon. I offered no advice to you whatsoever.

You come back with a word salad that makes no sense at all and then followed up with another crazy post.

Each post gets crazier and more hysterical.
Elites have been controlling your election since the nation was founded. Who do you think made the nominations before the primary election became the way to earn delegates? Powerful elites in back rooms.

If you want, don’t want elites controlling your election get their money out of the elections. Overturn Citizens United.
So you’re okay with what happened and don’t want things changed? Really?
Bunch of the Durham and FBI admittance stuff getting merged and shifted around to try and mitigate the damages.
Thinkers see that and it just merely confirms what we have known and said for years

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