Durham report released

You’re crazier than a loon. I offered no advice to you whatsoever.

You come back with a word salad that makes no sense at all and then followed up with another crazy post.

Each post gets crazier and more hysterical.

I thought you understood what you had posted. Obviously, it was a mistake to consider it as even being possible that you could do so.

Also, regular simple sentences confuse you, anyway. So really, I should have known.

All this is far above your marginal abilities to grasp.

So, since you have established your utter lack of worth, I now give you some much needed advice: gfy. :fu:

Use a dirty, rusty rasp! 👍
So you’re okay with what happened and don’t want things changed? Really?

Realistically, how do you see that changing? I personally don’t consider any of these people to be “elites. I worked among these people for 30 years, both old money and new. They’re no different than you and I. They just have more money and opportunities.

And they’re really really good at networking. It really isn’t what you know its who you know.

The amounts of money, going into a block elections at this point is obscene. I looked up the figures that were spent on the last election and felt sick.

I think of the list of things that American politicians always tell people that your economy cannot afford, like universal, healthcare, paid maternity leave, student debt relief, green energy.

But you can afford $80 billion per year and climbing on climate change related wild fires and flooding. You can spend $$$$ billions on election campaigns and political donations to create a government that doesn’t work.

It makes no sense.

I thought you understood what you had posted. Obviously, it was a mistake to consider it as even being possible that you could do so.

Also, regular simple sentences confuse you, anyway. So really, I should have known.

All this is far above your marginal abilities to grasp.

So, since you have established your utter lack of worth, I now give you some much needed advice: gfy. :fu:

Use a dirty, rusty rasp! 👍

This post makes even less sense than your last one. You have no reading comprehension skills whatsoever and all you can do is just flew around an insult people.

We’re done.
This post makes even less sense than your last one. You have no reading comprehension skills whatsoever and all you can do is just flew around an insult people.

We’re done.
Wow. Just when I thought you couldn’t make even less sense, you plumb the depths are post something even more completely retarded.

Gfy. You suck slimy cocks in hell.

Please gargle more privately.
Hear about Garland canceling the IRS investigation the whistleblower and crew were conducting?
The Durham report went to Garland. So, naturally, he had to do something!

As it turns out, it was the wrong and slimy thing to do. But that’s our boi, Meritless Garland for you.
: Special Counsel John Durham found that the Department of Justice and FBI "failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law" when it launched the Trump-Russia investigation."

No surprise to anyone except the liars and the ignorami amongst us.
There is absolutely no reason to trust our government.

The FBI must be disbanded there is no saving it.....any agent attached to this should be fired.....obama needs to be impeached and found guilty in the senate.....the cost of the Trump investigation needa to be taken from hilary and the DNC...

That is just the start

Watergate was a joke compared to this
Hear about Garland canceling the IRS investigation the whistleblower and crew were conducting?

The article didn’t say that the investigation was canceled, they said the entire investigation team was removed from the file.

If the whistleblower is alleging that the investigation is dragging it’s heels, or it has been corrupted and is stonewalling, shouldn’t the IRS be replacing them with a different investigation team?

There’s no indication that any of these people have been fired or punished, just that they’ve been taken off of one file.

This looks like another right wing attempt to spin nothing into something. The whistleblower made allegations. The investigation was tainted. Shouldn’t they have someone different taking a look at it?
The article didn’t say that the investigation was canceled, they said the entire investigation team was removed from the file.

If the whistleblower is alleging that the investigation is dragging it’s heels, or it has been corrupted and is stonewalling, shouldn’t the IRS be replacing them with a different investigation team?

There’s no indication that any of these people have been fired or punished, just that they’ve been taken off of one file.

This looks like another right wing attempt to spin nothing into something. The whistleblower made allegations. The investigation was tainted. Shouldn’t they have someone different taking a look at it?

After the Durham report you are even more stupid by the day.....
Trump's presidency was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, aka the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. FBI operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!

Then during the 2020 election the high-tech oligarchs (Twitter & Facebook), et.al colluded with the FBI to cover-up the Biden crimes and buy the election; google “zuckerbucks” as an example. Not even investigating why 2020 had about 30m more votes than expected. When Elon Musk bought Twitter the truth came out. Now the Soros DA in NYC is going to indict Trump for a non-crime. The US is on the verge of becoming a Fascist state.
And don't forget how the first 3 months of Biden's tenure was nothing but TDS pandemonium splattered across every major network. It's ALL they could talk about even though he was gone. What a bunch of NUTBALLS! Sheesh!
The article didn’t say that the investigation was canceled, they said the entire investigation team was removed from the file.

If the whistleblower is alleging that the investigation is dragging it’s heels, or it has been corrupted and is stonewalling, shouldn’t the IRS be replacing them with a different investigation team?

There’s no indication that any of these people have been fired or punished, just that they’ve been taken off of one file.

This looks like another right wing attempt to spin nothing into something. The whistleblower made allegations. The investigation was tainted. Shouldn’t they have someone different taking a look at it?
Stealing elections is treasonous. And Progs have been doing it for many years. in local, city, state and federal elections.
After the Durham report you are even more stupid by the day.....

After the Durham report you are even more stupid by the day.....

You mean the Durham report that said that the FBI and the Obama administration and the CIA broke no laws and no charges would be filed against any of them?????

You mean the Durham report that cost $6 million and took twice as long as the Mueller report to complete, and found absolutely nothing that wasn’t in any of the IG’s Report or Marco Rubio’s Senate Report, or the Mueller Report.

That Durham Report.
This post makes even less sense than your last one. You have no reading comprehension skills whatsoever and all you can do is just flew around an insult people.

We’re done.
It’s a US Message Board
You are a Canucklehead with no vested interest in the USA other than pot shots
Your days here are numbered.
Stealing elections is treasonous. And Progs have been doing it for many years. in local, city, state and federal elections.

More more than 30 investigations and reports have been completed over the years and not a shred of evidence has ever been produced to suggest any criminal behaviour on the part of Democrats.

Next up for Republicans, Marjorie Taylor Greene is investigating Hunter Biden’s hookers for child sex trafficking charges.

Time to pick up another bottle of Orville Redenbacher’s. I’m running low. :popcorn:
Wow. Just when I thought you couldn’t make even less sense, you plumb the depths are post something even more completely retarded.

Gfy. You suck slimy cocks in hell.

Please gargle more privately.
Right now the Libs are consistent
You read Mueller wrong
You read Durham wrong
FBI admittance is not a confession .

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