Durham report released

Thats a stupid question. You will know what the answer is when the GOP uses it against your side. You will wish it was illegal then.

No, it's not a stupid question. Now that you indicate they should have, the followup question is why didn't Durham seek criminal charges?
The report clearly states that the FBI abused its authority and acted in a politically partisan manner and that the Trump/Russia investigations were based on a hoax. A hoax perpetrated by the Obama administration.

I strongly suggest you read it again because it doesn’t say that at all

The Russia investigation was not based on a hoax. Nor does the Durham report say that it was so try again. The Russia investigation resulted in over 200 charges, and nine convictions.

As far as partisans investigation go, there was nothing more political or partisan than Hillary’s email investigation. Republicans knew in 2012 that Hillary was using a private email server. They even passed the law against it in 2013 AFTER Hillary left office. Trey Gowdy voted in favour of that law but he was shocked, shocked I tell you when he learned that Hillary used a private email server in 2016.

American voters were kept up-to-date as to what was happening with Hillary’s email investigation, but they weren’t even told there was any kind of investigation into the Trump campaign. The only only candidate who benefitted from partisan investigations during the election campaign, was Donald Trump.

The FBI refused to further investigate Hillary Clinton on the basis of yet another Tom Fitton/Judicial Watch accusation while the election was under way. Neither of the investigations which were held until after the election, resulted in any charges against the Clintons. So Durhams complaint about that has no validity whatsoever

It’s time you woke up and stop letting Republicans make fools of you with all of their phoney investigations against Democrats.
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Is corruption not a crime? Is falsifying evidence not a crime? In your mind is it OK for federal law enforcement to be used as a partisan weapon?

I'm just wondering why, if there were crimes committed as some folks are claiming, Durham wrapped up his investigation without seeking indictments. Seems there weren't crimes.
What crimes were committed in the Durham investigation?

When Barr & Durham went to Italy, the official there gave them tips on Trump's financial crimes in Italy.
Libs running some decoy and deflection thread about some Guliani Mumbo Jumbo in order to draw away participants from the Durham coffin closer.
Thinkers-Don’t let that happen
January 6th being a case in point.

Or the Mar-a-lago Search. He declasssifed all those documents. What’s the big deal?
Canucklehead troll with no affiliation nor involvement with the USA other than to rag on it
No, it's not a stupid question. Now that you indicate they should have, the followup question is why didn't Durham seek criminal charges?
Because it turns out that the FBI is good at keeping secrets and hiding illegal activity, not that its particularly hard in this case.

Investigator: "Did you go after Trump because of your political bias?"

FBI agent: "No"

/end of investigation
The man tried to overthrow the government on the way out the door and has worked very hard to get himself arrest and tried, so he can keep his name in the papers.
He challenged an election with all kinds of good reasons. Try the truth.
Right now the Libs are consistent
You read Mueller wrong
You read Durham wrong
FBI admittance is not a confession .
But an FBI admission — which the libtards refuse to credit — is exactly what they would point to and love and cherish if the shoe was on the other foot.

The libtards don’t really object to the politicization of the FBI and DOJ —provided the politics it benefits is for the liberals and Democraps.
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He challenged an election with all kinds of good reasons. Try the truth.

At last count, there were over $220 million of them.

He had zero good reasons and he had zero evidence. He was lying because $220 million.

His cases got all got thrown out of court for lack of evidence, his lawyers all got disbarred for lying to the courts, and misleading courts and failing to file evidence.

The simple truth is that Donald Trump is a sore loser, and he knew he was going to be facing all kinds of criminal charges if he left the White House. If he could just stay in the White House, at least, until the statute of limitations ran out.

Alternatively, Trump has completely lost his mind, and he’s suffering from senile dementia, and really believes that he’s still the President of the United States, in which case he is also unfit for office.

There are no realistic scenarios in which Donald Trump can reasonably claim that they were any sort of irregularities with the 2020 election.

He’s either lying or he’s crazy and there aren’t any other genuine alternatives. Notice how none of the old gang are campaigning on his behalf, except Junior and Eric. Melania isn’t even showing up.

Even Ivanka testified against him
So the gonna bring down the whole house of cards investigation comes down to two failed indictments and a confession that got a guy 400 hours of community service.

You guys should be embarrassed. But I don't think many of you are. It's on the the next lie the Friendly liars at Faux "Not the News" have in store for you of their flock!
No blind boy, YOU, Skylar, and the rest of the sheep should be embarrassed that you ignore the facts laid out by Durham like your Dim masters tell you to. You idiots are beyond help.
Again, if the crimes are as numerous and egregious as you seem to be insinuating, why didn't Durham levy charges?

He had the authority. He'd already done so 3 times. So he was clearly willing to if he thought his evidence was strong enough for a conviction.

He's telling you what he thought of his own claims when he both refused to levy any additional charges AND didn't recommend any in his report.
Funny you didn’t say that about the failure of the senile Mueller. Your ignorance and hypocrisy are on full display.
Funny you didn’t say that about the failure of the senile Mueller. Your ignorance and hypocrisy are on full display.

Oh, Mueller was clear as a bell why he didn't indict Trump: You can't indict a sitting president.

But Hillary wasn't a sitting president. Nor was Comey. Nor was Mueller. Nor was anyone but Biden.

And yet Durham neither had any charges for ANYONE in his report, nor any recommendations for any charges.


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