Durham report released


So why did trump crash the US economy economy, release 15,000 ISIS prisoners in Syria and Afghanistan, and close the southern border so that human traffickers were the only way for refugees to get in.

I have a difficult time, believing that Vladimir Putin, who wants to see all Western democracies destroyed, wished anything but ill on the USA. That’s why he supported Donald Trump in both 2016 and 2020.
Oh, Mueller was clear as a bell why he didn't indict Trump: You can't indict a sitting president.

But Hillary wasn't a sitting president. Nor was Comey. Nor was Mueller. Nor was anyone but Biden.

And yet Durham neither had any charges for ANYONE in his report, nor any recommendations for any charges.

No, no, no dumbfuck. Mueller had to admit under oath that that “rule” did nothing to affect the decision to charge or not. Because the senile child threatening idiot had NOTHING. So you’ve lied once again. Still laughing at you.
At last count, there were over $220 million of them.

He had zero good reasons and he had zero evidence. He was lying because $220 million.

His cases got all got thrown out of court for lack of evidence, his lawyers all got disbarred for lying to the courts, and misleading courts and failing to file evidence.

The simple truth is that Donald Trump is a sore loser, and he knew he was going to be facing all kinds of criminal charges if he left the White House. If he could just stay in the White House, at least, until the statute of limitations ran out.

Alternatively, Trump has completely lost his mind, and he’s suffering from senile dementia, and really believes that he’s still the President of the United States, in which case he is also unfit for office.

There are no realistic scenarios in which Donald Trump can reasonably claim that they were any sort of irregularities with the 2020 election.

He’s either lying or he’s crazy and there aren’t any other genuine alternatives. Notice how none of the old gang are campaigning on his behalf, except Junior and Eric. Melania isn’t even showing up.

Even Ivanka testified against him

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:You are in the deep end.
So why did trump crash the US economy economy, release 15,000 ISIS prisoners in Syria and Afghanistan, and close the southern border so that human traffickers were the only way for refugees to get in.

I have a difficult time, believing that Vladimir Putin, who wants to see all Western democracies destroyed, wished anything but ill on the USA. That’s why he supported Donald Trump in both 2016 and 2020.
Trump didn’t crash the economy dipshit. Your Dem and Chinese pals did that. Refugees can get in by going through a legal point of entry. Strange that you immediately go to human traffickers as the “only way to get into the US”. The border should be closed.
No, no, no dumbfuck. Mueller had to admit under oath that that “rule” did nothing to affect the decision to charge or not. Because the senile child threatening idiot had NOTHING. So you’ve lied once again. Still laughing at you.

Actually, this is what Mueller said on the topic.

"When it came to the president’s culpability, we needed to go forward only after taking into account the OLC opinion that indicated that a president, a sitting president, cannot be indicted."

And later in the same testimony before congress:

"The statement would be that you would not indict, and you would not indict because under the OLC opinion, a sitting president, excuse me, cannot be indicted, be unconstitutional."

So Mueller was crystal clear on why he didn't indict Trump on anything.

But Clinton wasn't the president. Comey wasn't the President. Mueller wasn't the President. Even Obama wasn't the president.

Yet Durham didn't indict any of them. He didn't recommend any of them be indicted.

Here's the question that always sends you running: Why?
Front and center and at the top!
Keep clicking those heels lib loons that “Durham did not write that”
Do not get distracted by the liberal slight of hand about what Durham did not say
This thread and the overall release is about what Durham Did Say
Because it turns out that the FBI is good at keeping secrets and hiding illegal activity, not that its particularly hard in this case.

Investigator: "Did you go after Trump because of your political bias?"

FBI agent: "No"

/end of investigation


So you think they committed crimes, you just can't show they committed crimes?

Patience for what??

The investigation is ... OVAH.

There are no referrals for any crimes.

Shit, I'm still waiting for y'all to find Saddam's stockpiles of WMD's for which we invaded Iraq. I was told the same thing nearly 20 years ago -- "just you wait!" ... I'm still waiting.

So you think they committed crimes, you just can't show they committed crimes?

This is one of the greatest folly of conservative reasoning. They start with the conclusion. And then desperately scramble to find evidence to back it up.

Its why they lost on their Big Lie. Why no, we never 'Locked Her Up!', why Durham's investigation fell flat.
What the FBI, and DoJ are doing to the American people right now is pure treason...

I don't think Treason means what you think it means. You're using it as a generic pejorative. But its actually got a definition that the FBI and the DoJ can't possibly meet.
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You think Obama should be impeached?? :cuckoo:

Do you even know what impeachment is??

How would that work in your alternate universe?

Yes....it used to be you only impeached people in office...you assholes changed it so now you can impeach former Presidents as well.....

With more thought, obama needs to be arrested, tried and convicted of treason...he was in on the insurrection by the democrats, and authorized the FBI to engage in it.......
What the FBI, and DoJ are doing to the American people right now is pure treason...

What are they doing? Between Horowitz and Durham, they spent over 5 years investigating this. Both hardcore rightwingers. Barr even appointed Durham special counsel before leaving office to insure he couldn't be touched.


You're done.

Accept it and move on to your next conspiracy nonsense.
: Special Counsel John Durham found that the Department of Justice and FBI "failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law" when it launched the Trump-Russia investigation."

No surprise to anyone except the liars and the ignorami amongst us.
There is absolutely no reason to trust our government.

any agent who worked on this should be fired, immediately, their pension and benefits taken.....the leaders of the Conspiracy need to be arrested, immediately, and put in prison.....hilary needs to be arrested as does obama, the guy who was the only one who could green light the attempted coup against our country.....

The judges who signed off on any of the search warrants need to resign, immediately, and if they refuse, impeached, an removed from office with loss of pension and benefits.....

This was an attempt to take over the government of the United States through impeaching a sitting President on false charges.......the FBI, DOJ and CIA need to be purged...the FBI disbanded....agents in the academy sent packing.....the assets of the clinton crime family seized and used to reimburse us for the coup, and the durham investigation into the coup........

That is just a start...
Yes....it used to be you only impeached people in office...you assholes changed it so now you can impeach former Presidents as well.....

With more thought, obama needs to be arrested, tried and convicted of treason...he was in on the insurrection by the democrats, and authorized the FBI to engage in it.......

Do you even know you're fucking deranged? :cuckoo:

No former president has EVER been impeached.

Thanks, though. Now it's conclusive -- now the forum knows you're out of your fucking mind.
any agent who worked on this should be fired, immediately, their pension and benefits taken.....the leaders of the Conspiracy need to be arrested, immediately, and put in prison.....hilary needs to be arrested as does obama, the guy who was the only one who could green light the attempted coup against our country.....

Put in prison....on what charge?
He proposed it. It stands to reason only that he wanted something which he proposed.

Forget the pizza. Try fish. It’s considered “brain food.”

Clearly you need ALL the help you can get. 👍
Biden didn’t propose it. A panel of lawyers listed it as an option and Biden rejected it.

You are so incredibly dishonest.


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