Durham report shows likelihood Obama, Biden, Clinton, Comey and others colluded with Russia

Never mind orange man is leading the usurper in chief by 8 points right now. Lol.
Which 18 months out mean...absolutely nothing. :)
You'll recall that just 12 short months before 2020, Trump's re-election was all but assured.
We all know what happened then (no, it wasn't fraud, or unicorns, or Big Foot).

When the rubber finally meets the road in the next election, the majority of sane voters are not going to want to go through another four years of Trump.
And if Biden's numbers improve, Trump's cooked...which I believe he will be anyway. He's going to lose.
Which 18 months out mean...absolutely nothing. :)
You'll recall that just 12 short months before 2020, Trump's re-election was all but assured.
We all know what happened then (no, it wasn't fraud, or unicorns, or Big Foot).

When the rubber finally meets the road in the next election, the majority of sane voters are not going to want to go through another four years of Trump.
And if Biden's numbers improve, Trump's cooked...which I believe he will be anyway. He's going to lose.
the majority of sane voters are not going to want to go through another four years of Trump.

They won't want another 4 years of Biden either.
'trump told Russia to hack Hillary in a speech and won the election."

Hack a computer that had been sitting on a government warehouse shelf for months when he made that statement?

good trick
She still had a personal email server. Just not the hardware in use when she was SoS.

"Russian spies began trying to hack Hillary Clinton’s personal email server on the very day Donald Trump urged the Russian government to find emails Clinton had erased, prosecutors said on Friday."

'trump told Russia to hack Hillary in a speech and won the election."

Hack a computer that had been sitting on a government warehouse shelf for months when he made that statement?

good trick
Actually, Hillary's server was not hacked supposedly, but people around her were, the emails that were totally innocent but people argued about and Comey reported on all through the campaign. Total BS all the way.
You still think it was Russian disinformation?

No, but half the crap about it on social media comes from Russia China and Iran. I still think it is totally irrelevant and if it had come out you would have made total **** of yourselves obsessing about it. Absolutely irrelevant.
You still think it was Russian disinformation?

You don't?

My. You are the brainwashed one.

Don't worry, though. If you just believe hard enough in fairies and your magical theories, they'll all become real.

Anyobnes, how's your track record on this so far. What's that? A perfect record of complete failure? Well, don't stop now. Keep those theories coming.
Neither you nor I will ever perfectly know, but it isn't hard to guess why considering the sizzling and systematic conclusions against the FBI and their actions, which all just happened to fall AGAINST Trump and in favor of Hillary and the democraps.
So Comey and the FBI deliberately throw the election to Trump, and this cult pisshead declares they were working for Clinton. The mind boggles. There are stupid lies, and there are toobfreak lies.

toobfreak, are you just that stupid, or are you deliberately lying, very badly, for the glory of fascism and your Russian masters?

I do understand that both of those could be true.
The only one who didn't collide with Russia was Trump.

All the Rats did though.
So, kook loser Trump cult fascists, is this really stupid lie getting any traction?

No? No one is paying any attention at all to your butthurt sore-loser whining? Imagine that.

Don't worry. If you all just cry harder here in your SafeSpace, everyone will stop laughing at you. Really they will. And if you just believe even harder in fairies and your magical conspiracy theories, they'll become real.

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