Durham report shows likelihood Obama, Biden, Clinton, Comey and others colluded with Russia

And where is that deep state plot?

And what? Did you read my points? Durham EVISCERATES the FBI in a series of revelations where THE ONLY POSSIBLE CONCLUSION was a widespread effort by the government to try to get Trump all based on LIES, then concludes by admitting he presented the facts in a light as favorable to and forgiving of the government as was possibly, with the only possible reason being a white wash to protect the government! Some secrets just cut too deep. The whole government was in on it.

Same reason why the gov didn't let the real truth about the JFK assassination come out for 60 years.
And what? Did you read my points? Durham EVISCERATES the FBI in a series of revelations where THE ONLY POSSIBLE CONCLUSION was a widespread effort by the government to try to get Trump all based on LIES, then concludes by admitting he presented the facts in a light as favorable to and forgiving of the government as was possibly, with the only possible reason being a white wash to protect the government! Some secrets just cut too deep. The whole government was in on it.

Same reason why the gov didn't let the real truth about the JFK assassination come out for 60 years.
You sure repeat yourself. Why didn't Durham recommend any prosecutions? Because there isn't any to recommend.

Try expanding your mind a little.

"At a time when special counsels are proliferating — there have been four since 2017, two of whom are still at work — the much-hyped investigation by Mr. Durham, a special counsel, into the Russia inquiry ended with a whimper that stood in contrast to the countless hours of political furor that spun off from it"

"Mr. Durham delivered a report that scolded the F.B.I. but failed to live up to the expectations of supporters of Donald J. Trump that he would uncover a politically motivated “deep state” conspiracy. He charged no high-level F.B.I. or intelligence official with a crime and acknowledged in a footnote that Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign did nothing prosecutable, either."

"Predictably, the report’s actual content — it contained no major new revelations, and it accused the F.B.I. of “confirmation bias” rather than making a more explosive conclusion of political bias — made scant difference in parts of the political arena. Mr. Trump and many of his loyalists issued statements treating it as vindication of their claims that the Russia inquiry involved far more extravagant wrongdoing."

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And what? Did you read my points? Durham EVISCERATES the FBI in a series of revelations where THE ONLY POSSIBLE CONCLUSION was a widespread effort by the government to try to get Trump all based on LIES, then concludes by admitting he presented the facts in a light as favorable to and forgiving of the government as was possibly, with the only possible reason being a white wash to protect the government! Some secrets just cut too deep. The whole government was in on it.

Same reason why the gov didn't let the real truth about the JFK assassination come out for 60 years.
Holy Cow Batman. Raising the bar from Watergate level to JFK assassination coverup plot level. Did not see that coming.
Do you have faith in the integrity of the FBI?
No. Which is why they would never have the integrity to keep a secret like involvement in the JFK assassination. Only the Mob and the Cowboy's CIA have that kind of integrity.
There goes Jack trying his Cloward & Piven Jedi mind tricks again twisting words. Meanwhile, the ONLY people the Democrats AREN'T waging a war against ARE the gays and trannies, probably because the entire party has been HIJACKED by them.

In reality, the democrats have been quietly secretly trying to rewrite history in books used to teach kids.

Really? That's not what's happening in Florida. Or Texas. Or a half dozen other states.
These are REPUBLICANS making and implementing these laws.
I'm not sure why you feel the need to lie? Insecure I guess. :)
No squirming necessary. The report was a nothingburger..except to Alt-Right Nation of course.
Y-A-W-N. I'm sure it will give all you some good wood....but the rest of sane America...is moving on. :)
"These are not the droids you are looking for."
*waves hand*

As always, it was DemoKKKrats doing the very thing they claimed Trump did. They colluded with Russian intelligence to interfere with our elections.

The FBI’s Operation Crossfire Hurricane was tasked with investigating Russian involvement in the 2016 election, yet a major memo sent from the CIA to lead agent Peter Strzok outlining U.S. intelligence that Hillary Clinton may have hatched a plan to frame Donald Trump — which stood to dramatically alter the investigation — simply went missing, according to the blockbuster report from Special Counsel John Durham.

“In late July 2016, U.S. intelligence agencies obtained insight into Russian intelligence analysis alleging that U.S Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Putin and the Russians’ hacking of the Democratic National Committee,” the report said.

On September 7, 2016, the CIA wrote a “referral memo” addressed to FBI director James Comey and to the attention of Deputy Assistant Director Strzok saying as much. The information was considered so important that then-CIA Director James Brennan immediately briefed President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and Comey about it in the Situation Room. Yet not a single FBI employee working for Strzok who was interviewed by Durham could recall seeing it or doing anything with the information.
After all that the only thing you have is a “Likelihood”?!?! Give me a fucking break. If he doesn’t have proof after years of investigating then it is nothing more than conspiracy chum and you should stop being such a chump
After all that the only thing you have is a “Likelihood”?!?! Give me a fucking break. If he doesn’t have proof after years of investigating then it is nothing more than conspiracy chum and you should stop being such a chump
That's what happens when the MAGAtards face reality.
Really? Hmm. I don't see any Democrats waging a culture war against gays and trans people. I don't any Democrats banning books. I don't see any Democrats waging a war against a woman's right to choose.
So...your statement....is BS. :)
I saw a video of a man getting a beatdown from police that we Republicans support at a school board meeting for the audacity of complaining that his daughter was raped in a bathroom by a male wearing a dress. Police that are authoritarian can go phuk themselves.
Well, you'll have to detail those for me. Mueller spent about 45 million, and most of that was recovered via Paul Manafort.
As far as Trump? Give it some time, the indictments are just getting warmed up. We're only in the first inning of this game.
But first, Trump will serve his useful purpose of destroying the Republican party and costing them a chance at any real victory in 2024.

Durham's little snipe hunt produced nothing. Two low level indictments made it to court. Both were dismissed.
A report full of innuendo. Embarrassing.

Never mind orange man is leading the usurper in chief by 8 points right now. Lol.
After all that the only thing you have is a “Likelihood”?!?! Give me a fucking break. If he doesn’t have proof after years of investigating then it is nothing more than conspiracy chum and you should stop being such a chump

Do you have faith in the integrity of the FBI?
Yes of course. That’s not to say that there shouldn’t be oversight and accountability when people break the rules. But as an institution of course I have faith

You're the reason they got away with interfering in an election.
Why didn't Durham recommend any prosecutions? Because there isn't any to recommend.

Neither you nor I will ever perfectly know, but it isn't hard to guess why considering the sizzling and systematic conclusions against the FBI and their actions, which all just happened to fall AGAINST Trump and in favor of Hillary and the democraps.

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