Durin his border speech, Biden uses the opportunity to bash climate realists.

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Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
The Tard-In-Chief shows us he's really concerned about the immigrant disaster he's created. He bashes Americans who don't believe the climate change hype as neanderthals. LOL I'm amazed he could pronounce it. I wonder how many gift cards he handed out to "Newcomers" while he was there?

The Tard-In-Chief shows us he's really concerned about the immigrant disaster he's created. He bashes Americans who don't believe the climate change hype as neanderthals. LOL I'm amazed he could pronounce it. I wonder how many gift cards he handed out to "Newcomers" while he was there?

So I wonder what's worse in his eyes? Neanderthals? Or existential threats to democracy?
The Tard-In-Chief shows us he's really concerned about the immigrant disaster he's created. He bashes Americans who don't believe the climate change hype as neanderthals. LOL I'm amazed he could pronounce it. I wonder how many gift cards he handed out to "Newcomers" while he was there?

climate "realists?" please.
The Tard-In-Chief shows us he's really concerned about the immigrant disaster he's created. He bashes Americans who don't believe the climate change hype as neanderthals. LOL I'm amazed he could pronounce it. I wonder how many gift cards he handed out to "Newcomers" while he was there?

Tell me, exactly how do you Neanderthals live? I might have 3% of the Neanderthal's DNA but it appears that you have closer to 99%. Now, get back into that cave that you crawled out of.
The Tard-In-Chief shows us he's really concerned about the immigrant disaster he's created. He bashes Americans who don't believe the climate change hype as neanderthals. LOL I'm amazed he could pronounce it. I wonder how many gift cards he handed out to "Newcomers" while he was there?

So, he attacks you for being a "neanderthal" and your response is to call him "Tard-In-Chief" and say you're amazed that he could pronounce it.

Biden's abandoned border and the resulting illegal alien invasion is the worst thing any President ever did against this country. His bogus climate policy is nothing more than a government power grab. They both steer this country toward totalitarianism, which is what we fought wars to prevent. But now we have an evil party that wants our country to make that transformation. Democrats totally suck. MAGA, before it's too late.
Biden's abandoned border and the resulting illegal alien invasion is the worst thing any President ever did against this country. His bogus climate policy is nothing more than a government power grab. They both steer this country toward totalitarianism, which is what we fought wars to prevent. But now we have an evil party that wants our country to make that transformation. Democrats totally suck. MAGA, before it's too late.
It started under Obama, who threatened to destroy - oops, “transform” - America, and he is continuing to do so from behind the curtains. This is actually the America-hating Obama’s third term.
The Tard-In-Chief shows us he's really concerned about the immigrant disaster he's created. He bashes Americans who don't believe the climate change hype as neanderthals. LOL I'm amazed he could pronounce it. I wonder how many gift cards he handed out to "Newcomers" while he was there?

Jumpin' Joe may be President but his faculties are NOT present, if they were I'd say send the below link to him.

The Tard-In-Chief shows us he's really concerned about the immigrant disaster he's created. He bashes Americans who don't believe the climate change hype as neanderthals. LOL I'm amazed he could pronounce it. I wonder how many gift cards he handed out to "Newcomers" while he was there?

If you deny global warming you're not a "realist", you're "delusionist". Completely delusional. Just sayen.
Biden is right, the climate is changing. It's been changing for 4.5 billion years.

Ah yes. Cursing, the last bastion of the man with nothing relevant to say.

You're going to need to backup that claim of being a fucking idiot. Because disposable throw away insults don't really have proof or conversational content to them.

climate "realists?" please.

Like above, you're going to need to provide some information that shows what you're talking about. What you said doesn't actually say anything. it's just a short closed ended and unprompted insult and nothing more.

Tell me, exactly how do you Neanderthals live? I might have 3% of the Neanderthal's DNA but it appears that you have closer to 99%. Now, get back into that cave that you crawled out of.

No real offense intended because that was hilarious. I am from the 70s and that sounded like a 1st grader insult.

It's a shame none of you can even bother to add to the conversation. All you're occupied with is trying to poison the internet with more hate. If you don't like what the OP has to say then come in and provide a counter argument, a link to something else, anything but just coming in and shitting in the thread and leaving.
Biden is right, the climate is changing. It's been changing for 4.5 billion years.

Ah yes. Cursing, the last bastion of the man with nothing relevant to say.

You're going to need to backup that claim of being a fucking idiot. Because disposable throw away insults don't really have proof or conversational content to them.

Like above, you're going to need to provide some information that shows what you're talking about. What you said doesn't actually say anything. it's just a short closed ended and unprompted insult and nothing more.

No real offense intended because that was hilarious. I am from the 70s and that sounded like a 1st grader insult.

It's a shame none of you can even bother to add to the conversation. All you're occupied with is trying to poison the internet with more hate. If you don't like what the OP has to say then come in and provide a counter argument, a link to something else, anything but just coming in and shitting in the thread and leaving.
Why did Biden find it appropriate to lambast Americans as “Neanderthals” when the focus was supposed to be about preventing the illegals into the country?
The Radical Left Totalitarians exploit Dumb People with their Climate Apocalypse propaganda.
They use it to loot $trillions$ from the Taxpayers.
Stupid People are a curse on humanity.

Why did Biden find it appropriate to lambast Americans as “Neanderthals” when the focus was supposed to be about preventing the illegals into the country?

Because he must be terrified to actually talk about the complete destruction of the USA which is the result of his evil treatment of the border.

climate "realists?" please.

Like above, you're going to need to provide some information that shows what you're talking about. What you said doesn't actually say anything. it's just a short closed ended and unprompted insult and nothing more.
"climate realist"? just wondering. does a realist believe the climate is not changing or

changing because it is "gods will" or sunspots?

changing because of the greenhouse effect?

guilty to the "cheap insult" but any ambiguity is from the op.
The Radical Left Totalitarians exploit Dumb People with their Climate Apocalypse propaganda.
They use it to loot $trillions$ from the Taxpayers.
Stupid People are a curse on humanity.

View attachment 911139
Global warming wouldn't happen if not for capitalism's addiction to fossil fuels (i.e. easy profits). We would've switched to safe, clean nuclear energy decades ago, if not for capitalism's insatiable drive for profits and control of the world's energy markets. The military industrial complex and the fossil fuel industry are in bed together, making sure we keep burning oil and coal. Much of the anti-global-warming rhetoric is paid and sponsored by the fossil fuel industry.

The Earth is warming like never before, due to a higher human population, hence more carbon in the atmosphere. All of this is due to our addiction to fossil fuels. If we switch now to nuclear energy, and electrify our vehicles or convert them to burning liquid fuels that don't release carbon into the atmosphere, we will stop global warming and finally graduate from filthy fossil fuels to high-tech energy production.

  • Fake News
Fake News :SeaMajor7



Real News, not Fake News. You're ignoring the science and it's country bumpkins like you, under the spell of big oil companies and our military industrial complex, that are going to destroy humanity, forcing us to live in an unlivable planet, full of war and poverty. We need to stop burning oil and coal and switch to safe, clean nuclear energy, before we turn the Earth into Venus or Mercury.
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Interesting Biden calls people who challenge climate alarmist like John Kerry who is now promoting the need to go militant in order to force compliance Neanderthals, while calling illegals who are trashing the environment Newcomers.
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