During GOP Debate, when RP asked about sick young man audience yells "Let him DIE!".

A question for the bleeding heart utopianites: At what point is it ok to just let him die?
If you're Ron Paul you call a church and say, hey, I can save this guys life but I won't unless you pay for it.

If you're Obama, you save his life and charge him a tax penalty for not having insurance.
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A question for the bleeding heart utopianites: At what point is it ok to just let him die?
If you're Ron Paul you call a hospital and say, hey, I can save this guys life but I won't unless you pay for it.

If you're Obama, you save his life and charge him a tax penalty for not having insurance.

You're assuming that saving lives is as simple as spending enough money.

That's a fool's assumption.

At what point is it not worth the cost?

If you say never, then you're either lying or incredibly naive.
It is just becoming more and more clear that the GnOP is the party of "fuck you, I've got mine". They don't want the poor to be healthy or educated. Healthy educated people won't become the slave class they desire here in the US of A.

How did you get that from Ron Pauls comments? Explain how his comments make you feel this way

GOP Tea Party Debate: Audience Cheers, Says Society Should Let Uninsured Patient Die

Paul's comments don't matter because he doesn't matter. He's un-electable, but the reaction of the audience is exactly what I'm talking about. The "fuck you, I've got mine" mentality.
A question for the bleeding heart utopianites: At what point is it ok to just let him die?
If you're Ron Paul you call a hospital and say, hey, I can save this guys life but I won't unless you pay for it.

If you're Obama, you save his life and charge him a tax penalty for not having insurance.

You're assuming that saving lives is as simple as spending enough money.

That's a fool's assumption.

At what point is it not worth the cost?

If you say never, then you're either lying or incredibly naive.
You're assuming I assumed something I didn't assume. :lol:

There is no blanket decision, things can only be decided case by case.
A question for the bleeding heart utopianites: At what point is it ok to just let him die?
If you're Ron Paul you call a hospital and say, hey, I can save this guys life but I won't unless you pay for it.

If you're Obama, you save his life and charge him a tax penalty for not having insurance.

You're assuming that saving lives is as simple as spending enough money.

That's a fool's assumption.

At what point is it not worth the cost?

If you say never, then you're either lying or incredibly naive.

My girlfriend's father is a 78 year old who a couple of years ago was suffering from some slight memory loss. They discovered he had water on the brain and recommended a risky procedure to drain it. This was not life threating by the way. Well he had the procedure and now he is like a baby. Doesn't remember anything, is barely verbal and needs constant care.

My old boss' mother had the same condition at the same age. She elected not to do it. She lived to 89 with almost perfect memory. She only had a severe decline in the last 6 months of her life.
Know why the Non-living are the most dependable Democrat Voting Bloc? Buyers remorse! They wished they voted Democrat while alive

You agree with "Let him die"?

I don't. And that's kinda why I will not support Ron Paul for President. Happy now?

Ron Paul did not agree with the "let him die" scenario. He said he was a practicing physician prior to Medicaid even existing and they never turned anyone away.
During the Republican Debate, Ron Paul was asked about a hypothetical young man without insurance who gets sick. Ron Paul said you have to live by your choices.

When the moderator asked, "So we should let him die?" and then the audience started wildly cheering, "Yea, let him die!".

And how many of those people in the audience were old and fat? Well, from what they were showing, most of them. How many have Medicare and Social Security? And they were cheering, "Let him die?" because he had no insurance?

I thought it was bad enough when they cheered when Rick Santorum talked about ending "Medicare".

These people are insane. What other explanation could there be?

Sounds to me, deany, it's time to dash off another letter to Keith Ellison. But maybe cc Tavis Smiley this time.
I also edited my comment above to add that it shouldn't be up to me to pay for his medical bills, and that something has to be put in place for him to somehow pay it back (community service?).

People should also not be put in jail for not having insurance. But, something has to be put in place that would push these people to pay it back somehow, and if they ignore their responsibility to pay that bill, there has to be something in place to make sure taxpayers aren't going to be stuck with the bill.

Line item tax forms?

There's lots of things I don't want to pay for..and things I do. If it's to save someone's life..I am in.

If it's to build a missile defense system which doesn't work..I am out.

That's um..like Direct Democracy. :lol:

My issue is with people that CAN have insurance but choose not to. Others that can't afford it should be responsible for it SOMEHOW. I can't afford to pay other people bills, so why should i be made to? There are alot of people out there that could afford some type of insurance but just don't do it because they KNOW they'll be treated anyway and they're not forced to pay. They'll just file bankruptcy later. I've been through bankruptcy and was very surprised at how easy it was!!!
Some things simply should not be for profit...national security, education and HEALTH CARE...

Why Charity Isn't Enough

4,000 Pastors Respond: Private Charity Isn't Enough

you'd be in a pickle cause abortion doctors work for profit.

What is it with you and abortion? You hate nearly everyone. You have no problem with war (Well ones started by republicans) or state sanctioned executions either.

what is it with you bleeding hearts who are pissed cause someone might die? hell, you've single handedly murdered 40 million would be people and didn't even blink an eye.
Looks like your in the let them die camp

Nope. I'm in they aren't my responsibility, not my problem camp.

However TDM if you and all likeminded are so concerned and want to pay their way then feel free.

Start your own charity.

Open your wallets and whip our your checkbooks. Believe me they will be standing in line to take any and all that you want to provide.

That IS the let them die camp silly

Nope. That IS the not my responsibility. Not my problem camp.

I see no reason for the taxpayers of America to be forced to extend charity to anyone.

If you and likeminded want to shoulder the burden then start your own charity.

You would be surprised at the number of people who would WILLINGLY contribute if asked.

I would be the first to step up to the plate because it would be MY decision to to so. Charity is something that is given freely, not forced by a bunch of Clowns in DC.
you'd be in a pickle cause abortion doctors work for profit.

What is it with you and abortion? You hate nearly everyone. You have no problem with war (Well ones started by republicans) or state sanctioned executions either.

what is it with you bleeding hearts who are pissed cause someone might die? hell, you've single handedly murdered 40 million would be people and didn't even blink an eye.

"I" haven't killed anyone. I agree that women should have a choice. Simple as that. It's up to a woman if she feels she can bring a pregnancy to term and support a child or not. That's not the choice or the role of the government.

So the question remains.
If you're Ron Paul you call a hospital and say, hey, I can save this guys life but I won't unless you pay for it.

If you're Obama, you save his life and charge him a tax penalty for not having insurance.

You're assuming that saving lives is as simple as spending enough money.

That's a fool's assumption.

At what point is it not worth the cost?

If you say never, then you're either lying or incredibly naive.
You're assuming I assumed something I didn't assume. :lol:

There is no blanket decision, things can only be decided case by case.

You shouldn't say things if you don't assume them. :thup:

Regardless, we agree that it should be a case by case decision. And in saying so, we are both implying that sometimes the decision is to let him die.

Unless of course you come back again and say that you didn't say what you said. :lol:
I also edited my comment above to add that it shouldn't be up to me to pay for his medical bills, and that something has to be put in place for him to somehow pay it back (community service?).

People should also not be put in jail for not having insurance. But, something has to be put in place that would push these people to pay it back somehow, and if they ignore their responsibility to pay that bill, there has to be something in place to make sure taxpayers aren't going to be stuck with the bill.

Line item tax forms?

There's lots of things I don't want to pay for..and things I do. If it's to save someone's life..I am in.

If it's to build a missile defense system which doesn't work..I am out.

That's um..like Direct Democracy. :lol:

My issue is with people that CAN have insurance but choose not to. Others that can't afford it should be responsible for it SOMEHOW. I can't afford to pay other people bills, so why should i be made to? There are alot of people out there that could afford some type of insurance but just don't do it because they KNOW they'll be treated anyway and they're not forced to pay. They'll just file bankruptcy later. I've been through bankruptcy and was very surprised at how easy it was!!!

That wasn't my point.

There are things I am made to pay for with my taxes I want no part of..

And that's what your saying.

So would you advocate for a line item tax form?
I also edited my comment above to add that it shouldn't be up to me to pay for his medical bills, and that something has to be put in place for him to somehow pay it back (community service?).

People should also not be put in jail for not having insurance. But, something has to be put in place that would push these people to pay it back somehow, and if they ignore their responsibility to pay that bill, there has to be something in place to make sure taxpayers aren't going to be stuck with the bill.

Line item tax forms?

There's lots of things I don't want to pay for..and things I do. If it's to save someone's life..I am in.

If it's to build a missile defense system which doesn't work..I am out.

That's um..like Direct Democracy. :lol:

My issue is with people that CAN have insurance but choose not to. Others that can't afford it should be responsible for it SOMEHOW. I can't afford to pay other people bills, so why should i be made to? There are alot of people out there that could afford some type of insurance but just don't do it because they KNOW they'll be treated anyway and they're not forced to pay. They'll just file bankruptcy later. I've been through bankruptcy and was very surprised at how easy it was!!!

Exactly. If I make the necessary sacrifices so I can pay my insurance, why the fuck should
I pay for someone who CHOOSES not to? I didn't get to drive the newer car, live in the fancier house, party every weekend, or whatever they chose to spend the money on rather than looking out for themselves and/or family.

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