Dutch euthanasia law used kill alcoholic 41

this reminds me of drugs and prostitution. Better if its regulated.
That's your opinion.
Personally I don't think I have any right to tell anyone what they can or cannot do to his or her own body
Why do you feel you have the right to do so?

What i care about is that someone who is supposed to help a person's well being is allowed to kill them over mental issues.

So what if it's what the person wants?
The Dr doesn't have to actually kill him. He could merely prescribe enough drugs to be fatal and the patient can decide to take them or he could use a Kavorkian device and have the patient initiate the administration of the fatal drugs

In this case the Dr actually applied the drug. He technically and legally killed him. It's a homicide, but one seemingly covered under this Dutch law.

That it's "homicide" is a circular argument. We're arguing it should be between the doctor and the patient, not you and the patient

The fact that the Dr committed the homicide isn't a circular argument. He killed the guy.

It's a circular argument if you knew the definition of "homicide." Look it up, it's clearly a circular argument with the position of the people who disagree with you
Crazy but his choice after all.

Then let him do it himself, don't get medical people involved. More importantly don't let government controlled medical people get involved.
Why not? Sounds like he's been trying to kill himself with alcohol for years. And according to your article HE REQUESTED IT.

In his quest for small government Marty thinks government should decide when we die. Hmm ... that isn't small government, is it?

Again, he can do it himself. When he gets someone else involved, someone with connections to the government, that should start sounding alarm bells.
What connections to the government are you talking about, exactly?

Well, I have a business license for my business so Marty is saying I'm a slave of government because I'm "connected" to them. Apparently when a doctor submits to government regulations because they aren't allowed to practice medicine if they don't, they are voluntarily agreeing to submit to government in everything else, just like I did when I got a business license because otherwise I wasn't allowed to open a business
Crazy but his choice after all.

Then let him do it himself, don't get medical people involved. More importantly don't let government controlled medical people get involved.
Why not? Sounds like he's been trying to kill himself with alcohol for years. And according to your article HE REQUESTED IT.

In his quest for small government Marty thinks government should decide when we die. Hmm ... that isn't small government, is it?
No, and it's pretty surprising coming from him.

Why? Again, if this was about terminally ill people, I can understand why they would do it.

But I have been depressed before, and yes, i drank during that time. The idea that someone could convince me in my weakened state to just end it, for possibly ulterior motives, and get a medical professional to assist in it legally, is troubling. even more so when you add in the possible connection between the government and said medical professional.

What proof do you have the doctor "convinced" him to end it?
Then let him do it himself, don't get medical people involved. More importantly don't let government controlled medical people get involved.
Why not? Sounds like he's been trying to kill himself with alcohol for years. And according to your article HE REQUESTED IT.

In his quest for small government Marty thinks government should decide when we die. Hmm ... that isn't small government, is it?

Again, he can do it himself. When he gets someone else involved, someone with connections to the government, that should start sounding alarm bells.
What connections to the government are you talking about, exactly?

In Holland they have government health care. I assume the Dr. was paid by the government to do this.

Now on that we agree, government should not pay doctors to end lives. Government should't pay for any medical procedures. Or control medical care. So that's your issue? As long as government doesn't fund it we agree, it's none of their fucking business what the guy does with his body?
Health insurance in the Netherlands is either private or social. The social insurance is for the elderly, the terminally ill, and the long term mentally ill. I've no idea which covered this guy but insurance is insurance and doesn't give the government the right to decide your life or death even if they are providing the insurance.
Someone wants to commit suicide? They are free to do so. Just don't ask the taxpayers to fund it and the public to facilitate it.
I don't think this was the intent when these laws were first proposed....

Dutch euthanasia law used to kill Mark Langedijk who decided death was the way to escape | Daily Mail Online

The death of Mr Langedijk marks a new departure in Dutch euthanasia practice, which killed more than 5,500 people last year.

The scope of the mercy killing law, introduced 16 years ago to apply only to those in unbearable suffering, has already widened so that those who die include many whose problems include ‘social isolation and loneliness’.

One of those who died was a woman in her 20s who had been a victim of child sex abuse.

Papers released to explain the workings of the euthanasia laws said doctors believed she could not live with her mental suffering and her post-traumatic stress disorder and other conditions were incurable.

These laws were supposed to be about terminally ill people in pain, with no chance of survival or recovery. I know this is The Netherlands, but seriously, this makes me very very nervous.
Socialism at its best… Controlling everybody's thoughts. Lol
The Dutch euthanasia laws seem follow, historically, the same pattern as did Germany's in the 1920s.

1. Recognize and legislate the right to self-determined euthanasia by the individual, with an ever increasing grounds for reasons.

2. Transfer the right from individual to state, the latter having the right to determine 'quality of life' for an individual, and put said person to death if the state board said "do it."

3. The state then broadens the law to include those humans were are 'deleterious to the welfare of the state.'

4. In America, though I will be dead by then, its citizens should expect an effort by many of the millennial and digital generations, as they grow older, to terminate the elders for the welfare of the state and the younger generations.
The Dutch euthanasia laws seem follow, historically, the same pattern as did Germany's in the 1920s.

1. Recognize and legislate the right to self-determined euthanasia by the individual, with an ever increasing grounds for reasons.

2. Transfer the right from individual to state, the latter having the right to determine 'quality of life' for an individual, and put said person to death if the state board said "do it."

3. The state then broadens the law to include those humans were are 'deleterious to the welfare of the state.'

4. In America, though I will be dead by then, its citizens should expect an effort by many of the millennial and digital generations, as they grow older, to terminate the elders for the welfare of the state and the younger generations.
The Dutch state does not have the right to determine quality of life for an individual.
The Dutch euthanasia laws seem follow, historically, the same pattern as did Germany's in the 1920s.

1. Recognize and legislate the right to self-determined euthanasia by the individual, with an ever increasing grounds for reasons.

2. Transfer the right from individual to state, the latter having the right to determine 'quality of life' for an individual, and put said person to death if the state board said "do it."

3. The state then broadens the law to include those humans were are 'deleterious to the welfare of the state.'

4. In America, though I will be dead by then, its citizens should expect an effort by many of the millennial and digital generations, as they grow older, to terminate the elders for the welfare of the state and the younger generations.
The Dutch state does not have the right to determine quality of life for an individual.
That is among the initial steps to state euthanasia. A Medicare government official way up the chain explained to me how this process works.
The Dutch euthanasia laws seem follow, historically, the same pattern as did Germany's in the 1920s.

1. Recognize and legislate the right to self-determined euthanasia by the individual, with an ever increasing grounds for reasons.

2. Transfer the right from individual to state, the latter having the right to determine 'quality of life' for an individual, and put said person to death if the state board said "do it."

3. The state then broadens the law to include those humans were are 'deleterious to the welfare of the state.'

4. In America, though I will be dead by then, its citizens should expect an effort by many of the millennial and digital generations, as they grow older, to terminate the elders for the welfare of the state and the younger generations.

The original Obamacare protests noted specificly that process. Luckily, Obamacare derailed itself before it even got to that point.
The Dutch euthanasia laws seem follow, historically, the same pattern as did Germany's in the 1920s.

1. Recognize and legislate the right to self-determined euthanasia by the individual, with an ever increasing grounds for reasons.

2. Transfer the right from individual to state, the latter having the right to determine 'quality of life' for an individual, and put said person to death if the state board said "do it."

3. The state then broadens the law to include those humans were are 'deleterious to the welfare of the state.'

4. In America, though I will be dead by then, its citizens should expect an effort by many of the millennial and digital generations, as they grow older, to terminate the elders for the welfare of the state and the younger generations.

The original Obamacare protests noted specificly that process. Luckily, Obamacare derailed itself before it even got to that point.
The new program, unfortunately, under the GOP will include the advisory panels on end of death counseling. Watch and see.

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