Dutch police fire shots as COVID protests rock Rotterdam


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Do you still believe, it's about your health?
The final goal of the prepared for decades Scamdemic is the completely annihilation of humanity by injecting of the deadly 'jab'
Satanists like Biden, Putin, Macron, Merkel, Kurz, Schwab, Gates, Rothschild, Soros and thousands others want your death, not your will stay healthy.
It's a war, a war against mankind as God's creation, satanists know, either they kill us all or we will sentence them to death through Nuremberg 2.0 for their numerous crimes against humanity.

Dutch police opened fire on protesters and seven people were injured in rioting that erupted in downtown Rotterdam at a demonstration against recently introduced COVID-19 restrictions and government plans to restrict access for unvaccinated people to some venues.

People are getting tired of the BS. Almost 2 years politicians saying do what I tell you and STFU.

It's gonna get worse. The EU went full postal on this crap.
People are getting tired of the BS. Almost 2 years politicians saying do what I tell you and STFU.

It's gonna get worse. The EU went full postal on this crap.

They want to kill humanity in the name of their god Satan.
That's all.

Idiotic humanity let satanists to get the power and to subvert any office or church through the last fifty years
To understand what's going on humans shall know what's satanism.
Simply said the goal of satanists is to eliminate humans from the Earth.
Simply said the goal of satanists is to eliminate humans from the Earth.


the growing M&M stats , and how those stats are collected speak for themselves Baron

mRNA M and M stats. The spike protein in these BS vaccines are doing the same damage as the virus itself.

Our country has the worst stats on planet earth. But we should listen to the CDC
mRNA M and M stats. The spike protein in these BS vaccines are doing the same damage as the virus itself.

Our country has the worst stats on planet earth. But we should listen to the CDC

regardless of one's 'vax stance' , the ONE fact remains that our GubMit refuses to reveal the science behind it all>>>

Acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock, M.D. “This pandemic is dynamic and evolving, with new data about vaccine safety and effectiveness becoming available every day. As we learn more about the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, including the use of a booster dose, we will continue to evaluate the rapidly changing science and keep the public informed.”

The FDA has asked a federal judge to make the public wait until the year 2076 to disclose all of the data and information it relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. That is not a typo. It wants 55 years to produce this information to the public.

regardless of one's 'vax stance' , the ONE fact remains that our GubMit refuses to reveal the science behind it all>>>

Acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock, M.D. “This pandemic is dynamic and evolving, with new data about vaccine safety and effectiveness becoming available every day. As we learn more about the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, including the use of a booster dose, we will continue to evaluate the rapidly changing science and keep the public informed.”

The FDA has asked a federal judge to make the public wait until the year 2076 to disclose all of the data and information it relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. That is not a typo. It wants 55 years to produce this information to the public.


Do you still believe, it's about your health?
The final goal of the prepared for decades Scamdemic is the completely annihilation of humanity by injecting of the deadly 'jab'
Satanists like Biden, Putin, Macron, Merkel, Kurz, Schwab, Gates, Rothschild, Soros and thousands others want your death, not your will stay healthy.
It's a war, a war against mankind as God's creation, satanists know, either they kill us all or we will sentence them to death through Nuremberg 2.0 for their numerous crimes against humanity.

Dutch police opened fire on protesters and seven people were injured in rioting that erupted in downtown Rotterdam at a demonstration against recently introduced COVID-19 restrictions and government plans to restrict access for unvaccinated people to some venues.

Seems the only protesters that the authorities shoot are the ones protesting the authorities.
Rioters get a free reign to burn, loot, and pillage at will....all with police protection.
People are getting tired of the BS. Almost 2 years politicians saying do what I tell you and STFU.

It's gonna get worse. The EU went full postal on this crap.
Germany is getting hit hard and they have done all the Fauci things to stop the virus. Germany has 67% full vaccination. Zimbawbae has done nothing and the virus is barely touching them.
Do you still believe, it's about your health?
The final goal of the prepared for decades Scamdemic is the completely annihilation of humanity by injecting of the deadly 'jab'
Satanists like Biden, Putin, Macron, Merkel, Kurz, Schwab, Gates, Rothschild, Soros and thousands others want your death, not your will stay healthy.
It's a war, a war against mankind as God's creation, satanists know, either they kill us all or we will sentence them to death through Nuremberg 2.0 for their numerous crimes against humanity.

Dutch police opened fire on protesters and seven people were injured in rioting that erupted in downtown Rotterdam at a demonstration against recently introduced COVID-19 restrictions and government plans to restrict access for unvaccinated people to some venues.

you suffer from Republican Insanity Syndrome :p
Do you still believe, it's about your health?
The final goal of the prepared for decades Scamdemic is the completely annihilation of humanity by injecting of the deadly 'jab'
Satanists like Biden, Putin, Macron, Merkel, Kurz, Schwab, Gates, Rothschild, Soros and thousands others want your death, not your will stay healthy.
It's a war, a war against mankind as God's creation, satanists know, either they kill us all or we will sentence them to death through Nuremberg 2.0 for their numerous crimes against humanity.

Dutch police opened fire on protesters and seven people were injured in rioting that erupted in downtown Rotterdam at a demonstration against recently introduced COVID-19 restrictions and government plans to restrict access for unvaccinated people to some venues.

These protests are rather late to the game.
The ones you've mentioned have been working on this for a very long time.
The ONLY reason it has come to this point is the failure of "Good men" to move against it sooner.

"All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing"
Germany is getting hit hard and they have done all the Fauci things to stop the virus. Germany has 67% full vaccination. Zimbawbae has done nothing and the virus is barely touching them.
Natural immunity and not these BS so called vaccines that aren't vaccines.

Sweden didn't shut down and they are flat lined for the most part. They didn't hide from it. They took the hit up front and didn't go FULL NAZI on the virus. The world economically destroyed itself for NOTHING.
Like CNN and MSLSD, your "hit piece" offers nothing.
Explain in rational, logical terms why what has been said is not true.

I see....you can't. Typical.
ok, you want rational and logical? sure thing..

pro-vaccination messaging is based on robust peer-reviewed science.
anti-vaccination messaging is based on irrational fears without any scientific basis at all.

same for the "Big Lie".
the Big Lie is based on irrationality and repetition of provable lies,
the election results were confirmed over and over again, including by a ton of judges, even Trump-appointed judges.

many Republicans now cling to irrationality so staunchly, that i'm starting to call that 'Republican Insanity Syndrome'..

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