Dylan Mulvaney - probably an unpopular opinion…

I think Anheuser-Busch made the cans for Mulvaney and when he made the video, hoped it would stir up interest in order to create mass production. It backfired because their publicity department didn't do more research. When a company, say Aldi, wants to expand to a location, they spend months investigating and if they don't like the results they don't build.
The mistake is the left have some very loud voices which make them look bigger than they really are. Loud mouths do not increase the vote total. One loud mouth only gets one vote. But, they believe the louder the mouths they have the more they can influence other voters.
So, I’m not really intending this post to be confrontational, and I’m not being snide or have any kind of agenda here, I’m just wanting someone to explain it to me, for real, because I don’t understand. Let me explain…

So, Anheuser-Busch sent Dylan a personalized can of beer…from what I understand this was a one off, personalized thing sent to Dylan, they didn’t mass produce this can, so it wasn’t sent out to the country as a whole.

Yeah, some may not agree with Dylan and his lifestyle, but I don’t see what that has to do with anyone else, it’s not like Anheuser-Busch was trying to force this down anyone’s throat by making a big ad campaign about it, they just send one can of beer to Dylan. Someone please explain the outrage there.

As far as the boycott, that’s your right, but honestly, if you are going to boycott every company that has their hands in something you don’t like….you are going to be having a hard time buying anything, as pretty much most companies donate money to leftists/gay/trans corporations, so if you are boycotting because of political reasons…you’re going to be boycotting a lot of companies.

Anheuser-Busch has over 100 brands, including all their Budweiser lines, plus Stella Artois, modelo, and corona, they also own eagle brand that makes snack foods.

The point is, for all of the companies that do something you disagree with, there’s going to be a lot of boycotting.

And lastly…I’m not sure I blame Anheuser-Busch here. I think they are a victim off the woke agenda, which means that companies feel they have to get involved or risk the cancel culture. Kind of like coke…they probably didn’t want to get involved in that, but the left pretty much demanded that they did. I mean, any business doesn’t want to alienate 50% if their market, they prefer everyone buy their products, so, I would imagine that they would just like to remain silent, but wokeism says they can’t.

So anyway..I’m just really trying to understand why the big fuss over this. Unless I’m not seeing something, it just doesn’t seem like this is that big a deal.

Someone help me understand.

Companies have a right to make dumb decisions, and we have a right to mock and scourge them for it. That's all this is.
Nah, I read your post....

There is nothing remotely political about what AB did. Yet you have it here in politics. So you must have thought it was something other than their trying to sell more beer.

Well, then you assumed wrong. Yes, I know there is a big outrage over it, that’s not anything anyone didn’t already know, but my posting this question was not political, it was exactly what you read, on its face. That’s why I started the post with a disclaimer that I wasn’t trying to be confrontational, or snide, etc. At most, maybe I posted it in the wrong forum, but the question was sincere.
Well, then you assumed wrong. Yes, I know there is a big outrage over it, that’s not anything anyone didn’t already know, but my posting this question was not political, it was exactly what you read, on its face. That’s why I started the post with a disclaimer that I wasn’t trying to be confrontational, or snide, etc. At most, maybe I posted it in the wrong forum, but the question was sincere.
But you put it in politics... if you say it was just in the wrong forum...okay...cool. But we both know you're reading more into this than you're leading on.
Isn't that how capitalism is supposed to work? People vote with their wallets. They don't want to give their hard earned money to corporations that don't share their values whether on the left or the right. I don't agree with the Rights values but I understand them boycotting things they find abhorrent. I also find it funny that what they find abhorrent is increasingly just normal, mainstream society.

You are 100% correct, this is capitalism, and I’m not knocking that. I really was just trying to understand the outrage. Honestly, from the articles I read, I didn’t realize that AB was attempting a nationwide campaign and this was just the primer for that. I really did think this is a one off, and for that, I thought the outrage was a bit too much.

I guess im just different than other people like that. I agree, people don’t like things being shoved in their faces, no issues with them voicing their concerns, but, if it’s just a small thing, I don’t get bent out of shape for it. I mean, corporations are always going to do things people don’t like, as long as they are not trying to force it on other people, I don’t care.

Take for example, the Dixie chicks…yeah, what they did was crappy, but, I still like some of their music. Same with Elton John, people don’t like his lifestyle, but I like some of his music. There are many singers and actors who’s politics I disagree with, but, I like their work, so I don’t let it bother me.

I guess as long as the company…or entertainer, isn’t trying to force their lifestyle on me, I don’t care what they do, I’ll consume their product if it’s something I like.

Again, at the outset, I thought AB was just doing a small one off nod to Dylan, and I just didn’t see the issue with it.

But, you are right, everyone is free to do as they choose with their money.
It may have been a one-off deal

But AB paid the man pretending to be a woman a lot of money to represent the company in a national ad

And now the ad is blowing up in AB’s face
That it is. I guess “go woke go broke” really is a thing.
Sent the can to celebrate HIS 365 days of girlhood. So AB believes a man can become a woman.

Any company that believes such weirdness is not trustworthy.

Well, again, how much of this is what they believe, and how much of it is pressure? I mean, I know a lot of companies are introducing all these new “woke” policies, but I question how many of them are REALLY on board, and not just doing them because they know that society demands it.

I just don’t know if I believe that CEO’s of companies are sitting around thinking, “how can we introduce new policies to benefit x group?”. Rather, maybe it’s that they feel they have to because their bottom line will suffer if they don’t.

I think most CEO’s sit around thinking “how can I improve production and quality to make the company more money, and then I can get a bigger bonus”.

Granted, I’m not a ceo so maybe I don’t know what they think.
LOL! ^^^The guy who's "girlfriend" has a penis is talking about cosplayers!

Since logically and rationally that is something you can not know (also my partner is my wife, not my girlfriend) the only logical conclusion is that you are literally fantasizing about me having a girlfriend with a penis. Feel free to continue to have those fantasies but to anyone with the ability to reason, that's all they are. 😄
Some live by their MORAL VALUES and some (you) can't comprehend that idea.

Understand now?


Nope, I get it, and I’m not disagreeing with those who want to boycott, that’s their right. Again, I’m just trying to understand the outrage because I see things differently here. Apparently all of this is much bigger than I first realized.
Since logically and rationally that is something you can not know (also my partner is my wife, not my girlfriend) the only logical conclusion is that you are literally fantasizing about me having a girlfriend with a penis. Feel free to continue to have those fantasies but to anyone with the ability to reason, that's all they are. 😄

So your "wife" has a penis. Got it.
You are 100% correct, this is capitalism, and I’m not knocking that. I really was just trying to understand the outrage. Honestly, from the articles I read, I didn’t realize that AB was attempting a nationwide campaign and this was just the primer for that. I really did think this is a one off, and for that, I thought the outrage was a bit too much.

I guess im just different than other people like that. I agree, people don’t like things being shoved in their faces, no issues with them voicing their concerns, but, if it’s just a small thing, I don’t get bent out of shape for it. I mean, corporations are always going to do things people don’t like, as long as they are not trying to force it on other people, I don’t care.

Take for example, the Dixie chicks…yeah, what they did was crappy, but, I still like some of their music. Same with Elton John, people don’t like his lifestyle, but I like some of his music. There are many singers and actors who’s politics I disagree with, but, I like their work, so I don’t let it bother me.

I guess as long as the company…or entertainer, isn’t trying to force their lifestyle on me, I don’t care what they do, I’ll consume their product if it’s something I like.

Again, at the outset, I thought AB was just doing a small one off nod to Dylan, and I just didn’t see the issue with it.

But, you are right, everyone is free to do as they choose with their money.
No one is shoving anything in to anyone's face. 😄
But you put it in politics... if you say it was just in the wrong forum...okay...cool. But we both know you're reading more into this than you're leading on.

No, actually, I think you are the one reading more into it, but I can’t convince you of that, so, you’ll just have to believe whatever you want.
Well, if this was supposed to be a primer to a much larger campaign, where they were going to put his face on every can of beer they produced….it kinda was…
That's not shoving it into your face. You control where your face goes no?
jump on the tranny train.

Even sports and movies and tv shows you know the kinds of things where people can escape reality. But you can't even escape reality anymore because corporations are trying to cram reality into everything.
Big Brother Is Watching You Watch Him on TV (Tell a Vision)

What shows show isn't "reality." This is a Matrix injected into our consciousness so we'll accept what we're told is reality instead of what we see outside the media narratives.
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So, I’m not really intending this post to be confrontational, and I’m not being snide or have any kind of agenda here, I’m just wanting someone to explain it to me, for real, because I don’t understand. Let me explain…

So, Anheuser-Busch sent Dylan a personalized can of beer…from what I understand this was a one off, personalized thing sent to Dylan, they didn’t mass produce this can, so it wasn’t sent out to the country as a whole.

Yeah, some may not agree with Dylan and his lifestyle, but I don’t see what that has to do with anyone else, it’s not like Anheuser-Busch was trying to force this down anyone’s throat by making a big ad campaign about it, they just send one can of beer to Dylan. Someone please explain the outrage there.

As far as the boycott, that’s your right, but honestly, if you are going to boycott every company that has their hands in something you don’t like….you are going to be having a hard time buying anything, as pretty much most companies donate money to leftists/gay/trans corporations, so if you are boycotting because of political reasons…you’re going to be boycotting a lot of companies.

Anheuser-Busch has over 100 brands, including all their Budweiser lines, plus Stella Artois, modelo, and corona, they also own eagle brand that makes snack foods.

The point is, for all of the companies that do something you disagree with, there’s going to be a lot of boycotting.

And lastly…I’m not sure I blame Anheuser-Busch here. I think they are a victim off the woke agenda, which means that companies feel they have to get involved or risk the cancel culture. Kind of like coke…they probably didn’t want to get involved in that, but the left pretty much demanded that they did. I mean, any business doesn’t want to alienate 50% if their market, they prefer everyone buy their products, so, I would imagine that they would just like to remain silent, but wokeism says they can’t.

So anyway..I’m just really trying to understand why the big fuss over this. Unless I’m not seeing something, it just doesn’t seem like this is that big a deal.

Someone help me understand.

AB tried the go woke route...it promptly blew up in their face

Quite possibly the worst marketing campaign in history
Sent the can to celebrate HIS 365 days of girlhood. So AB believes a man can become a woman.

Any company that believes such weirdness is not trustworthy.
Sashaying at the Soirée

The Butt-twitcher executives care more about their popularity at brie-and-chablis get-togethers than their company's popularity in the marketplace.

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