Eagle Scout honor student expelled from school after forgetting gun locked in truck

No you aren't. You are opposed to the law being enforced in this case. That means you aren't about the law.

I oppose all "Zero Tolerance" laws as being stupid laws that take the judgment of special circumstances out of the equation.

A young girl here was to be expelled for giving a midol to another girl during lunch. Both were having their periods.

Anyone one with a lick of common sense would know that she wasn't trading drugs, but according to the rules of the school that is was she was charged with and was going to be expelled for. I was one of many parents who showed up and protested the attempt.

Now if this kid had had a history violence, a known member of a violent gang, hand threatened to shoot or kill someone, had brandished the weapon, etc. I could understand the expelling.

But none of that is true in this case. An Honor's student. Eagle Scout. Gun unloaded and locked up.

Hell, if he had done nothing and not called his mother, he could have driven home after school was out and no one would have been the wiser.

But he was attempting to follow policy and get the gun off school property.

The law is one thing. Justice is another.

You are confusing school penalties and his possible pending legal matter. The school did the right thing in this case. Likewise I expect he will receive some type of legal deferment from the judge. If he didn't then I might be upset.

The issue is more complicated IMO. His principal also brought a gun to school, in fact 'lost it' for two weeks, a loaded gun which she and the school cop knew was in her car. They returned it to the car and then the car was taken into the schools auto body shop for work. While there kids in the class discovered the loaded weapon and showed it to their friends.

The principal was given a three day paid suspension for bringing a loaded weapon onto school property, because her argument was it was a mistake. Now this kid is being suspended after leaving a weapon ( unloaded) in his car and immediately realizing his mistake and calling his Mom to come get it. While in the office admin staff overheard the call and then he got in trouble.

The principal is supposed to teach, guide and set an example instead the rules were bent for her mistake and the children probably were not as vigilant about not making the same mistake since she got away with it.
So you're telling me the legislature can't make it a crime to bring a weapon onto private property against the wishes of the property owner? Really? Maybe you think if a sign says "no trespassing" you can go ahead and do that, too? The property owner isn't a legislator, right?
It seems you have a little problem with reading interpretation. I'll try to make it easier for you.

If you own a business and you decide you don't want anyone bringing firearms onto your property, or dogs, or cats, pornographic photos, bottled water, or whatever, and you post a sign to that effect, do you think by doing so you have just legislated a law?

If someone violates your arbitrarily imposed rule all you can do is tell them to leave. If they refuse you may then call the police and accuse them of trespass. That's it.

How's that? Better?
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So you're telling me the legislature can't make it a crime to bring a weapon onto private property against the wishes of the property owner? Really? Maybe you think if a sign says "no trespassing" you can go ahead and do that, too? The property owner isn't a legislator, right?
It seems you have a little problem with reading interpretation. I'll try to make it easier for you.

If you own a business and you decide you don't want anyone bringing firearms onto your property, or dogs, or cats, pornographic photos, bottled water, or whatever, and you post a sign to that effect, do you think by doing so you have just legislated a law?

If someone violates your arbitrarily imposed rule all you can do is tell them to leave. If they refuse you may then call the police and accuse them of trespass. That's it.

How's that? Better?

Does that include snakes that people use to pretend they feel better?
His crime: He went skeet shooting the day before with some friends, safely unloaded and locked up his shotgun in his truck afterward, and then forgot it was there the next day when he drove to school.
Zero sympathy here – ‘forgot’ and ‘guns’ do not go together.

With gun ownership comes responsibility, and part of that responsibility is knowing gun laws, policies, rules, and regulations.

It’s better he learn a hard lesson at a young age.

Let’s hope this will compel him to never ‘forget’ about a gun again.

Reminds me that sympathy and liberals don't go together either. But here we are trying to dehumanize this person, while trying to humanize another kid about this guy's age for killing and maiming people with bombs.

That's a twisted double standard. How do we... er you... reconcile with that?
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His crime: He went skeet shooting the day before with some friends, safely unloaded and locked up his shotgun in his truck afterward, and then forgot it was there the next day when he drove to school.
Zero sympathy here – ‘forgot’ and ‘guns’ do not go together.

With gun ownership comes responsibility, and part of that responsibility is knowing gun laws, policies, rules, and regulations.

It’s better he learn a hard lesson at a young age.

Let’s hope this will compel him to never ‘forget’ about a gun again.

Reminds me that sympathy and liberals don't go together either. But here we are trying to dehumanize this person, while trying to humanize another kid about this guy's age for killing and maiming people with bombs.

That's a twisted double standard. How do we... er you... reconcile with that?

Zero sympathy here – ‘forgot’ and ‘guns’ do not go together.

With gun ownership comes responsibility, and part of that responsibility is knowing gun laws, policies, rules, and regulations.

It’s better he learn a hard lesson at a young age.

Let’s hope this will compel him to never ‘forget’ about a gun again.

Reminds me that sympathy and liberals don't go together either. But here we are trying to dehumanize this person, while trying to humanize another kid about this guy's age for killing and maiming people with bombs.

That's a twisted double standard. How do we... er you... reconcile with that?


What can I say to that? BallsBrunswick has no balls to tackle this conundrum. Instead of an argument, he says I'm crazy. Say, how about you address the comment instead of the commenter, just for once.
His crime: He went skeet shooting the day before with some friends, safely unloaded and locked up his shotgun in his truck afterward, and then forgot it was there the next day when he drove to school.
Zero sympathy here – ‘forgot’ and ‘guns’ do not go together.

With gun ownership comes responsibility, and part of that responsibility is knowing gun laws, policies, rules, and regulations.

It’s better he learn a hard lesson at a young age.

Let’s hope this will compel him to never ‘forget’ about a gun again.

So you're going to ruin his life because he made a minor mistake and tried to make it right?
I'm sure he'll be thinking about his mistake for the rest of his life while working low income jobs.
And when he snaps because of the injustice and kills a few people you can stand up and be proud that you caused it.
If the lad is smart enough to be an Eagle Scout he should be smart enough to not forget his gun was in the truck.

So you've never made a mistake?
The kid was being honest. He could have left the gun in the trunk and never said a word and he would have been fine.
Lesson learned? Lie like a mother fucker.
I rode to high school with a buddy who had his rifles hanging on the gun rack in the back window. Principal even commented on how he liked one of the rifles.

Those were the good ol days. I use to arrive at school with guns in the rack all the time.
And I always carried a buck knife at school.

I love Texas. But the lib insanity is spreading,even here.
I am all about the rule of law and Justice.

No you aren't. You are opposed to the law being enforced in this case. That means you aren't about the law.

I oppose all "Zero Tolerance" laws as being stupid laws that take the judgment of special circumstances out of the equation.

And laws that you oppose shouldn't be enforced, right?

A young girl here was to be expelled for giving a midol to another girl during lunch. Both were having their periods.

Sorry but I don't want other children giving my kid drugs that he should only take after consulting with a physician.
For menstrual cramps:

Adults—400 milligrams (mg) every four hours, as needed.
Children—Use and dose must be determined by your doctor.


You must think that's OK I guess. Where does it stop? Perhaps one kid could give another kid one of his oxycontins because that kid has a headache?
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I thought conservatives were rule and law crazy? Or are you only interested in following rules and laws you agree with? Dude brought a shotgun onto school property, tough tits.

I am all about the rule of law and Justice.

Show me the Justice in this decision. The punishment doesn't fit the crime.

As did the assistant principle who left her loaded gun in her car and gave the keys to the auto shop students who ended up passing her loaded gun around like a toy. She was suspended for 3 days with pay.

At worst he should have been given a 3 day in-school suspension.

Different school district, different rules, different situation. The kid broke the rules and did something retarded. Now he's going to have to wait a few weeks to get his diploma. la-de-da.

And now has a felony on his record. La-de FU-da.......
So you're telling me the legislature can't make it a crime to bring a weapon onto private property against the wishes of the property owner? Really? Maybe you think if a sign says "no trespassing" you can go ahead and do that, too? The property owner isn't a legislator, right?
It seems you have a little problem with reading interpretation. I'll try to make it easier for you.

If you own a business and you decide you don't want anyone bringing firearms onto your property, or dogs, or cats, pornographic photos, bottled water, or whatever, and you post a sign to that effect, do you think by doing so you have just legislated a law?

There is already a law against trespassing.

If someone violates your arbitrarily imposed rule all you can do is tell them to leave. If they refuse you may then call the police and accuse them of trespass. That's it.

Actually if they come onto my property when forbidden to they are already trespassing and have already committed a crime, so I can do more than simply tell them to leave, I can have them arrested. A sign that says "no firearms allowed' pretty clearly states to all but the most idiotic of people that if you have a gun on you, you aren't allowed to enter the property. Entering a property when forbidden is trespassing.
I am all about the rule of law and Justice.

Show me the Justice in this decision. The punishment doesn't fit the crime.

As did the assistant principle who left her loaded gun in her car and gave the keys to the auto shop students who ended up passing her loaded gun around like a toy. She was suspended for 3 days with pay.

At worst he should have been given a 3 day in-school suspension.

Different school district, different rules, different situation. The kid broke the rules and did something retarded. Now he's going to have to wait a few weeks to get his diploma. la-de-da.

And now has a felony on his record. La-de FU-da.......

No he doesn't. He will probably plead out.
He will gradiate this summer if he somehow didn't get enough credits because of this. Otherwise he will just miss the formality of receiving it on a stage.

Small price to pay for bringing a gun to school. He will be fine

Yes, and it makes so much sense considering he could have just said nothing, went about his day adn then went home. His mistake was trying to correct his error. And I'm sure it's also "fine" that the teacher received a slap for bringing the loaded gun which fell in teen hands too. Right.

No big deal?

The kid faces a felony charge for essentially being responsible.
The liberal school was overjoyed to finally have an excuse to expel an Eagle Scout. Now they can talk about how bad the Boy Scouts are, which will all be fixed when they admit gays.
so you are saying he should have been above the law that others also had to comply with?
If a black kid had done this you would not be so mad huh?

You know if he had driven the family car after dad had finished his shift as a gaurd and the dad left his gun locked in the trunk you would have not been so forgiving huh?

You people have no consistant morals
so you are saying he should have been above the law that others also had to comply with?

Gun laws were designed for the urban kids, not fine upstanding scouts. He was being responsible! All responsible gun owners violated federal gun laws!
The liberal school was overjoyed to finally have an excuse to expel an Eagle Scout. Now they can talk about how bad the Boy Scouts are, which will all be fixed when they admit gays.

The school isn't making an issue out of his status as a scout - you are. Apparently scouts are supposed to be exempt from the law - I had no idea!

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