Eagle Scout honor student expelled from school after forgetting gun locked in truck

His crime: He went skeet shooting the day before with some friends, safely unloaded and locked up his shotgun in his truck afterward, and then forgot it was there the next day when he drove to school.
Zero sympathy here – ‘forgot’ and ‘guns’ do not go together.

With gun ownership comes responsibility, and part of that responsibility is knowing gun laws, policies, rules, and regulations.

It’s better he learn a hard lesson at a young age.

Let’s hope this will compel him to never ‘forget’ about a gun again.

It is ridiculous what is happening to this guy, and it should be rectified. However, I cannot help but wonder if people would be up in arms if a gang banger were in the same situation.
Oh, yeah. That makes sense, dude. Out of one side of your mouth you talk about the failure of the "justice system" to work and then out the other, you talk about how it works.

Mirandizing a terrorist and this boys situation are slightly different wouldn'tya say?


You just said above that the teacher skirted justice by getting a slap for an offense twice as bad as the boy of the same caliber violation. Then you said justice works. It's doublespeak of the highest order.

Nonsense. I said the judge will exercise discretion. Did the teacher goto court? How she/he was treated by their employer is irrelevant to this boys situation.

And again the teachers overall experience is irrelevant to this child. Stop excusing shit by pointing at other shit.

He made a mistake and maned up about it. That's more than I can say for some of you
Those were the good ol days. I use to arrive at school with guns in the rack all the time.
And I always carried a buck knife at school.

I love Texas. But the lib insanity is spreading,even here.

In ten years the latinos will own your state.

You are the dying dino dude

LOL! In ten years? Have you been to Texas lately?

yeap and in ten years the white kids will have to worry about the laws being unfairly applied on them instead of the other way arround.

I sure hope that is not what will happen but it might.

This idiot will then learn WHY inforcing laws only on people you dont like is wrong.

I hope that the latino population will remember how HORRIBLE and injustice such practices are and NOT be willing to be as horrible a pack of human beings as many white Texans have been the the blacks and latinos of their state.
Mirandizing a terrorist and this boys situation are slightly different wouldn'tya say?


You just said above that the teacher skirted justice by getting a slap for an offense twice as bad as the boy of the same caliber violation. Then you said justice works. It's doublespeak of the highest order.

Nonsense. I said the judge will exercise discretion. Did the teacher goto court? How she/he was treated by their employer is irrelevant to this boys situation. And again the teachers overall experience is irrelevant to this child. Stop excusing shit by pointing at other shit.

He made a mistake and maned up about it. That's more than I can say for some of you

it's extremely relevant. Unless glaring hypocracy is completely ok, and the punshment doesn't have to fit the "crime". But the "employer" called the cops on the student. Yet the teacher got sent home for three days with pay.

That's what is relevant about it. it's a double standard. Very similar to your doublespeak earlier regarding "the justice system".

I hope th estudent learned his lesson. When you make a mistake like that, dont say anything to anyone to correct it. Keep your mouth closed and go about your way. Because trying to resolve a mistake will cost you a lot more than not trying to fix it. it's called "fuckum".
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Why do you keep bringing that up? The law does not excuse bad behavior because someone else did it.

This argument is flawed

Obviously, bad behavior was excused in one case, and responsible behavior was punished in another. What's the reason?

They aren't punishing him for calling his mommie you idiot, they are punishing him for possessing a firearm on school grounds.

If this kid had accidentally crossed the border with even one round of ammunition he'd be getting butt raped in a Mexican prison right now and no one would care. If he accidentally brings a weapon to his place of work in the future, he could be fired and possibly arrested (depending on where he works). This lesson learned experience may be helpful to him later in life.

The firearm was never in his possession on school grounds. It was locked in his car. He was overheard telling his mother to come and get the gun.

You just said above that the teacher skirted justice by getting a slap for an offense twice as bad as the boy of the same caliber violation. Then you said justice works. It's doublespeak of the highest order.

Nonsense. I said the judge will exercise discretion. Did the teacher goto court? How she/he was treated by their employer is irrelevant to this boys situation. And again the teachers overall experience is irrelevant to this child. Stop excusing shit by pointing at other shit.

He made a mistake and maned up about it. That's more than I can say for some of you

it's extremely relevant. Unless glaring hypocracy is completely ok, and the punshment doesn't have to fit the "crime". But the "employer" called the cops on the student. Yet the teacher got sent home for three days with pay.

That's what is relevant about it. it's a double standard. Very similar to your doublespeak earlier regarding "the justice system".

I hope th estudent learned his lesson. When you make a mistake like that, dont say anything to anyone to correct it. Keep your mouth closed and go about your way. Because trying to resolve a mistake will cost you a lot more than not trying to fix it. it's called "fuckum".

There was no doublespeak about the justice system. The teacher wasn't in the justice system. The boy is.

The hypocrisy lies with the school.
If the lad is smart enough to be an Eagle Scout he should be smart enough to not forget his gun was in the truck.

Nobody is perfect. Everyone makes dumb mistakes at some point, including you. It's called being human. Perhaps you ought to think about some of the obviously dumb things you have done in the past before you cast the first stone.
so forgive him but not the black kid who didnt know his dads work gun was in the trunk?

see how you people veiw the world?
Obviously, bad behavior was excused in one case, and responsible behavior was punished in another. What's the reason?

They aren't punishing him for calling his mommie you idiot, they are punishing him for possessing a firearm on school grounds.

If this kid had accidentally crossed the border with even one round of ammunition he'd be getting butt raped in a Mexican prison right now and no one would care. If he accidentally brings a weapon to his place of work in the future, he could be fired and possibly arrested (depending on where he works). This lesson learned experience may be helpful to him later in life.

The firearm was never in his possession on school grounds. It was locked in his car. He was overheard telling his mother to come and get the gun.

why do you forgive this kid but not others?
I thought conservatives were rule and law crazy? Or are you only interested in following rules and laws you agree with? Dude brought a shotgun onto school property, tough tits.

I am all about the rule of law and Justice.

Show me the Justice in this decision. The punishment doesn't fit the crime.

As did the assistant principle who left her loaded gun in her car and gave the keys to the auto shop students who ended up passing her loaded gun around like a toy. She was suspended for 3 days with pay.

At worst he should have been given a 3 day in-school suspension.

Pointing to her stupidity doesn't mitigate his.

His gun was locked up, UNLOADED in his vehicle. Unless someone broke into his truck and found it, no one was in danger. The Assistant Principal, however, left her LOADED pistol in her vehicle and then put the vehicle into the hands of students who had easy access to a concealable weapon.
No, her stupidity doesn't mitigate his carelessness, but her stupidity was profound. It was downright felony stupid. The way her situation was handled kind of sets a precedent and I would argue that she was at least twice as dumbfuck as the boy here. I'd be cool with the boy taking a 1.5 day suspension and no criminal charges, but he doesn't have a municipal union behind him, does he?
so you are saying he should have been above the law that others also had to comply with?

You mean like the compliance shown from the teacher who brought the loaded gun to school and then let it fall into the hands of children? That kind of compliance? What happened to that teacher again, Dullard?

So you're saying that if someone else has gotten away with breaking the law, no one else should be held accountable?

Let's say, in stead of the second instance being a student, a black teacher had left a gun in his vehicle and he was fired and arrested. Where would you be on this then, Poo Poo Doo Doo?
You mean like the compliance shown from the teacher who brought the loaded gun to school and then let it fall into the hands of children? That kind of compliance? What happened to that teacher again, Dullard?

So you're saying that if someone else has gotten away with breaking the law, no one else should be held accountable?

Let's say, in stead of the second instance being a student, a black teacher had left a gun in his vehicle and he was fired and arrested. Where would you be on this then, Poo Poo Doo Doo?

Why should his race matter?
Obviously, bad behavior was excused in one case, and responsible behavior was punished in another. What's the reason?

They aren't punishing him for calling his mommie you idiot, they are punishing him for possessing a firearm on school grounds.

If this kid had accidentally crossed the border with even one round of ammunition he'd be getting butt raped in a Mexican prison right now and no one would care. If he accidentally brings a weapon to his place of work in the future, he could be fired and possibly arrested (depending on where he works). This lesson learned experience may be helpful to him later in life.

The firearm was never in his possession on school grounds. It was locked in his car. He was overheard telling his mother to come and get the gun.

Whose possession was it in, locked in his car?

I'd think in order for the car to be on school grounds with his gun in his car, he would have had to have driven the car onto the school grounds at some point, with his gun in his car with him in his car.

I'm pretty sure if the cops find a bag of dope locked in your car, they will charge you with possession no matter if you were in the car or not, less you can show affirmatively it was somebody else's.

I'm glad, BTW, you don't consider the items in your vehicle to be your possessions. If you ever leave your car unlocked and someone takes the contents, it will save you the trouble of calling the cops.
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I'm (not) surprised no one has actually looked up the law yet. It says:
18 USC § 922 - Unlawful acts | Title 18 - Crimes and Criminal Procedure | U.S. Code | LII / Legal Information Institute
(A) It shall be unlawful for any individual knowingly to possess a firearm that has moved in or that otherwise affects interstate or foreign commerce at a place that the individual knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, is a school zone.

Notice the term "knowingly".

He should get a good defense attorney are argue he did not knowingly possess.

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