Eagle Scout honor student expelled from school after forgetting gun locked in truck

His crime: He went skeet shooting the day before with some friends, safely unloaded and locked up his shotgun in his truck afterward, and then forgot it was there the next day when he drove to school.
Zero sympathy here – ‘forgot’ and ‘guns’ do not go together.

With gun ownership comes responsibility, and part of that responsibility is knowing gun laws, policies, rules, and regulations.

It’s better he learn a hard lesson at a young age.

Let’s hope this will compel him to never ‘forget’ about a gun again.

Horseshit. Intent is always a consideration when it comes to charging anyone with a violation.

This is just another example of the jihad the gun control fanatics are waging against the 2nd amendment. They want to make it understood to students that they are to be burned at the stake if they commit any heresies against the anti-gun religion.

It is? So hate crime legislation makes more sense, doesn't it?
So you're fine with applying justice to certain people and not others? Thats discrimination.

Where did I say I was ok with that? How about instead of putting words in my mouth you address my question.

My take. Yes the kid broke a rule. Does he deserve to be charged with a felony?
I dont think so. Should the principal be charged? Absolutely. He/she placed a loaded weapon in the hands of students. That is negligence.
No one was put in danger by the students actions. In fact he tried to do the right thing and is being punished for it. He now has every reason to distrust authority.
And I wouldnt blame him.
Teachers are now the enemy.

Why are teachers being blamed for an administrative decision?
BTW, guess what his school Senior Project was on?

Gun Safety.

The paranoid gun-haters have so twisted and warped our laws, that one of the best kids in the school, who treated his gun with perfect safety and secured it from any possible interlopers, has been expelled from school and charged with a felony.

It's clear to me who committed a crime here: The people who made the laws to cause him to be punished this way.

And also the school employees who laid the charges. If they heard the call, they knew he was trying to do the right thing and they could have just let him.
His crime: He went skeet shooting the day before with some friends, safely unloaded and locked up his shotgun in his truck afterward, and then forgot it was there the next day when he drove to school.
Zero sympathy here – ‘forgot’ and ‘guns’ do not go together.

With gun ownership comes responsibility, and part of that responsibility is knowing gun laws, policies, rules, and regulations.

It’s better he learn a hard lesson at a young age.

Let’s hope this will compel him to never ‘forget’ about a gun again.

Sure they do. Once the gun is safely locked away (like this one was in the trunk of his car) you can forget about it.

He should have just left it there and no one would have been the wiser. Now the school has taught him to lie by omission whenever possible because to do otherwise can get him into big trouble.
He should have received some form of punishment as a lesson, but expulsion is a bit much. Keeping a gun in his truck when he went to school definitely wasn't a bright idea for a kid who did a Senior Project on gun safety.

Why should he receive punishment? The gun was unloaded and locked in the trunk of his car. If he hadn't called him mom, no one would have been the wiser.
I rode to high school with a buddy who had his rifles hanging on the gun rack in the back window. Principal even commented on how he liked one of the rifles.

Yep, things sure are different today. I'm at the point I think public schools should be outlawed. They've ruined this boys life for no good reason.
A senior at Princeton High School near Raleigh, NC has been permanently expelled from school.

His crime: He went skeet shooting the day before with some friends, safely unloaded and locked up his shotgun in his truck afterward, and then forgot it was there the next day when he drove to school.

Big fucking whoop. I have a friend whose only crime was accidentally crossing into Mexico with a couple of rounds of ammunition, and he spent over a month in a Mexican jail run by the Cartel - was lucky to get out at all but his father was a Texas Ranger and had connections on the other side.

BTW, as a result of this incident, this Eagle Scout has also been charged with a felony.
Last time I checked its a crime to possess a weapon on school grounds. Did that change? Maybe next time a young black kid from the inner city is found to have a handgun in his locker, you'll be fine with it? Or are only Eagle Scouts allowed to break the law?

Okay, a kid purposely brings a gun to school and it's in his locker, vs a kid who forgets that he locked his unloaded gun in the trunk of his car and then calls him mother when he realizes his mistake? You really think those two circumstances are similar?
Why do you keep bringing that up? The law does not excuse bad behavior because someone else did it.

This argument is flawed

No it's not. The principal was not held to the same standard as the student.
THAT is the flaw.
And what the principle did was WAY worse.

Please explain to me how soneone elses offenses mitigate this students.

The argument IS flawed.

What happen to the teacher is utter bullshit but that IS a seperate matter.

It is not flawed. In fact now there are two adults at the same school who brought guns onto campus. One the principal, yet another teacher and of course the resource officer ( employee of the sherriff's department) who not only knew a gun was on school campus but allowed it to be there.

Not one was arrested they all stated it was a mistake, three people all adults suspended for three days or less and then we have a kid who makes an honest mistake tries to rectify it and he is expelled and arrested by the same police department who did not arrest any of the others.

It tells the kids it's okay to make mistakes, given the history at the school, IOW don't worry about being vigilant.

The law is supposed to be clear. ANY PERSON but the teachers and the resource officers were basically excused and they were NEVER charged as Cole was.
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They are over the line in my opinion whoever decided that the boy be expelled. To me he did the right thing by going straight to the office about his problem and getting expelled is what the authority people decide to do to him...after the assistant principal gets a three day suspension for the same issue? Hypocrites!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

God bless you and that boy always!!!

Zero sympathy here – ‘forgot’ and ‘guns’ do not go together.

With gun ownership comes responsibility, and part of that responsibility is knowing gun laws, policies, rules, and regulations.

It’s better he learn a hard lesson at a young age.

Let’s hope this will compel him to never ‘forget’ about a gun again.

Horseshit. Intent is always a consideration when it comes to charging anyone with a violation.

This is just another example of the jihad the gun control fanatics are waging against the 2nd amendment. They want to make it understood to students that they are to be burned at the stake if they commit any heresies against the anti-gun religion.

It is? So hate crime legislation makes more sense, doesn't it?

It's only a consideration as to your guilt or innocence, not the penalty for the crime. "hate crimes" are a violation of the First Amendment. They make having certain opinions a crime. "Intent" has to do with whether you knew your actions were criminal.
I guess so... or maybe I don't see the point of getting upset over a kid being disciplined for bringing a fucking shotgun onto school property.

How about having the punishment fit the crime.

The shot gun was unloaded.

The shot gun was in a locked vehicle.

He didn't have possession of the shot gun.

The authorities only know about it because they overheard him asking his mother to come get it out of his truck.

It seems to me that that young man, with only two weeks left until graduation, should not have been expelled.

He will be fine. And hopefully he's learned a valuable lesson

How will he be fine? He won't graduate anymore. He won't finish high-school. A GED is helpful but it doesn't replace graduating from high-school. There are a lot of places who will not take someone with a GED but only a high-school graduate. Plus, he's been charged with a felony and if he's over 18, that's on his record for the rest of his life.
And because the owners posted a no guns sign does not constitute a felony. Those factory owners are not legislators.

So you're telling me the legislature can't make it a crime to bring a weapon onto private property against the wishes of the property owner? Really? Maybe you think if a sign says "no trespassing" you can go ahead and do that, too? The property owner isn't a legislator, right?

Trespassing is a crime. Having a gun safely stored in your vehicle is not in most states. The property owner isn't a legislator, right?
I rode to high school with a buddy who had his rifles hanging on the gun rack in the back window. Principal even commented on how he liked one of the rifles.

Yep, things sure are different today. I'm at the point I think public schools should be outlawed. They've ruined this boys life for no good reason.

Public schools should be abolished. They are the single greatest threat to this country. Home school your kids, if at all possible. It's easily possible. One hour a day of homeschooling is the equivalent of 6 hours of public schooling.
His crime: He went skeet shooting the day before with some friends, safely unloaded and locked up his shotgun in his truck afterward, and then forgot it was there the next day when he drove to school.
Zero sympathy here – ‘forgot’ and ‘guns’ do not go together.

With gun ownership comes responsibility, and part of that responsibility is knowing gun laws, policies, rules, and regulations.

It’s better he learn a hard lesson at a young age.

Let’s hope this will compel him to never ‘forget’ about a gun again.

you are an asshole
He will gradiate this summer if he somehow didn't get enough credits because of this. Otherwise he will just miss the formality of receiving it on a stage.

Small price to pay for bringing a gun to school. He will be fine

He was EXPELLED, that means he can't go back, EVER!
It seems you have a little problem with reading interpretation. I'll try to make it easier for you.

If you own a business and you decide you don't want anyone bringing firearms onto your property, or dogs, or cats, pornographic photos, bottled water, or whatever, and you post a sign to that effect, do you think by doing so you have just legislated a law?

There is already a law against trespassing.

There also is a law against rape. But there are no laws against carrying a (legal) firearm onto a premises (the exceptions being prisons, etc., where the laws are specific and plainly posted.)

So the cop who told that fellow he'd committed a felony for violating someone's arbitrary rule was pulling his chain for unnecessarily announcing he was carrying a gun.

Besides, the sign was posted by a PREVIOUS owner of the property.
A senior at Princeton High School near Raleigh, NC has been permanently expelled from school.

His crime: He went skeet shooting the day before with some friends, safely unloaded and locked up his shotgun in his truck afterward, and then forgot it was there the next day when he drove to school.

Big fucking whoop. I have a friend whose only crime was accidentally crossing into Mexico with a couple of rounds of ammunition, and he spent over a month in a Mexican jail run by the Cartel - was lucky to get out at all but his father was a Texas Ranger and had connections on the other side.

BTW, as a result of this incident, this Eagle Scout has also been charged with a felony.
Last time I checked its a crime to possess a weapon on school grounds. Did that change? Maybe next time a young black kid from the inner city is found to have a handgun in his locker, you'll be fine with it? Or are only Eagle Scouts allowed to break the law?

right...because in a locker and in your truck are the same thing

How about having the punishment fit the crime.

The shot gun was unloaded.

The shot gun was in a locked vehicle.

He didn't have possession of the shot gun.

The authorities only know about it because they overheard him asking his mother to come get it out of his truck.

It seems to me that that young man, with only two weeks left until graduation, should not have been expelled.

He will be fine. And hopefully he's learned a valuable lesson

You think he will be "Fine" when having his graduation held up by a year and this arrest on his record?

What year? He was EXPELLED, not suspended, EXPELLED!

That means he's been kicked out of school and can't come back, EVER!
How about having the punishment fit the crime.

The shot gun was unloaded.

The shot gun was in a locked vehicle.

He didn't have possession of the shot gun.

The authorities only know about it because they overheard him asking his mother to come get it out of his truck.

It seems to me that that young man, with only two weeks left until graduation, should not have been expelled.

I thought conservatives were rule and law crazy? Or are you only interested in following rules and laws you agree with? Dude brought a shotgun onto school property, tough tits.

I am all about the rule of law and Justice.

Show me the Justice in this decision. The punishment doesn't fit the crime.

As did the assistant principle who left her loaded gun in her car and gave the keys to the auto shop students who ended up passing her loaded gun around like a toy. She was suspended for 3 days with pay.

At worst he should have been given a 3 day in-school suspension.


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