Eagle Scout honor student expelled from school after forgetting gun locked in truck

I thought conservatives were rule and law crazy? Or are you only interested in following rules and laws you agree with? Dude brought a shotgun onto school property, tough tits.

I am all about the rule of law and Justice.

Show me the Justice in this decision. The punishment doesn't fit the crime.

As did the assistant principle who left her loaded gun in her car and gave the keys to the auto shop students who ended up passing her loaded gun around like a toy. She was suspended for 3 days with pay.

At worst he should have been given a 3 day in-school suspension.

Different school district, different rules, different situation. The kid broke the rules and did something retarded. Now he's going to have to wait a few weeks to get his diploma. la-de-da.

No he won't. He was EXPELLED! He was charged with a felony. If he's 18, that means it will be on his record for the rest of his life, limiting his choice in careers and jobs which are already limited because he will NEVER graduate from high-school now. NEVER!

The punishment just doesn't fit the crime.
so you are saying he should have been above the law that others also had to comply with?

The point is NONE of them did. Neither teacher was ever arrested, in fact in one case the principal's her loaded gun ended up in students hands. The school resource officers ( sherrifs department) knew the gun was on school property and allowed it to remain there. And then we have a second teacher from the same school who brought a gun onto campus. NONE were ever charged with anything. Three days suspension and two days suspension. None were charged with a felony.

Why weren't the other's charged since the law states ANY PERSON, not just kids trying to rectify their mistake? Cole was arrested and suspended.
How about having the punishment fit the crime.

How about enforcing the law as its written instead of giving special treatment to people whose stories you like?

He didn't have possession of the shot gun.

Then who did?

The authorities only know about it because they overheard him asking his mother to come get it out of his truck.

"Judge, its not fair! If they hadn't caught me committing the crime, I wouldn't be here!"

Yeah that's a reasonable argument to make.

no one had possession of the shotgun

are you really this retarded? btw....why aren't you saying anything about the VP who brought a loaded gun on campus?
A senior at Princeton High School near Raleigh, NC has been permanently expelled from school.

His crime: He went skeet shooting the day before with some friends, safely unloaded and locked up his shotgun in his truck afterward, and then forgot it was there the next day when he drove to school.

Then he made his BIG mistake. Upon remembering the gun was in his (locked) truck, he knew he couldn't legally leave the school to drive it home and come back. So he quietly called his mother and asked her to come and pick it up.

The mistake? His call was overheard by some zero-tolerance fanatic at the school.

Question: Who did the wrong thing? And who broke the law?

BTW, as a result of this incident, this Eagle Scout has also been charged with a felony.


Honors Student & Eagle Scout Charged with Felony and Expelled After Accidentally Leaving Shotgun in Truck

Honors Student & Eagle Scout Charged with Felony and Expelled After Accidentally Leaving Shotgun in Truck

May 1 2013

According to Todd Starnes of Fox News, Cole Withrow, an Eagle Scout, honors student, and active church member has had his life turned upside down.

The trouble began when Withrow discovered he had accidentally left his shotgun in his truck once he arrived at school. He had been skeet shooting with some friends the day before.

Withrow tried to immediately call his mother to come and pick up the firearm, but he was overheard by a school official.

Withrow told officials the truth about what happened. Then he was arrested and immediately and permanently expelled from school.

According to Fox News,

“He didn’t know what to do,” Boykin, whose son is friends with Withrow, told Fox News. “If you jump in the truck and leave, then they get you for skipping school. Once you are there you have to say.

“I think it’s an injustice for this young man,” she added. “He’s a good guy. He’s loved by his classmates and his teachers. You don’t become an Eagle Scout by being a bad seed.”

She said the school district is sending a very bad message to students.

“You teach your kids if you’re in trouble or if you see you’ve done something wrong, go ahead and admit it,” she said. “Be a man and it’ll be fixed. In this case, that’s what he did and he’s being punished for it. That’s not the lesson we need to teach our kids.”

Withrow was just two weeks away from graduating with honors, but now he may not be able to graduate high school this year at all. He will have to wait 365 days in order to finish his last two weeks of high school. His life will be on pause – for trying to do the right thing.

Here is the phone number for the school: (919) 936-6431

Here is the phone number for the NC Governor’s office: (919) 733-5811

Follow the conversation on Twitter with the hashtag #freecole

Link to full article on Fox News: Eagle Scout Facing Expulsion over Gun Charge | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

He did the right thing in:

- safely unloading his gun
- placing it in the trunk of his car, and locking it
- calling his mother for assistance

The school should recognise that he at least tried to do the right thing, and should not be expelled. He should be more careful next time, but it doesn't seem that he posed any threat, and that this was a genuine mistake.

How do you know it was a genuine mistake? Have you ever even met the guy?

If it wasn't a mistake, do you think he would have called his mother to come and get it?
He will gradiate this summer if he somehow didn't get enough credits because of this. Otherwise he will just miss the formality of receiving it on a stage.

Small price to pay for bringing a gun to school. He will be fine

He was EXPELLED, that means he can't go back, EVER!

Even if he was are you suggesting that there is only one high school in America?

Geez talk about over reacting. And by the way expulsion isn't permanent. I was expelled twice
He will be fine. And hopefully he's learned a valuable lesson

You think he will be "Fine" when having his graduation held up by a year and this arrest on his record?

Arrests dont follow you convictions on a felony level do. And he will graduate. So yes, he will be fine as well as probably more careful with his weapons. A valuable lesson can be learned from this.....

No he won't be fine. He can never be fine. He wasn't suspended, he was expelled which means he can never finish high-school, ever. He will have to get his GED which will limit his job prospects. Plus, being charged with a felony also limits his prospects, especially if he is convicted.

The only valuable lesson to be learned from this is to keep your mouth shut and be careful about who may be spying on you.
If the shotgun was secured in the trunk of this kid's car, why did he need to call his mother and in effect create this event?

Because it was against the law to have the gun on school property and they wouldn't let him just get in his car and drive off of school property to take the gun home himself.
I am all about the rule of law and Justice.

Show me the Justice in this decision. The punishment doesn't fit the crime.

As did the assistant principle who left her loaded gun in her car and gave the keys to the auto shop students who ended up passing her loaded gun around like a toy. She was suspended for 3 days with pay.

At worst he should have been given a 3 day in-school suspension.

Different school district, different rules, different situation. The kid broke the rules and did something retarded. Now he's going to have to wait a few weeks to get his diploma. la-de-da.

No he won't. He was EXPELLED! He was charged with a felony. If he's 18, that means it will be on his record for the rest of his life, limiting his choice in careers and jobs which are already limited because he will NEVER graduate from high-school now. NEVER!

The punishment just doesn't fit the crime.

"Expelled" doesn't mean he can never go back to school.

It means that he can't go back to that school.
The libs got their way. They turned another gun owner into a criminal felon. Back in the day many of the trucks in our school parking lot had gun racks in the windows with guns in them. Then we got a new superintendent who said we cant have guns. So we just took the guns out of the gun rack & hid them behind the seat while at school. Never had a problem.
How about having the punishment fit the crime.

How about enforcing the law as its written instead of giving special treatment to people whose stories you like?

Then who did?

The authorities only know about it because they overheard him asking his mother to come get it out of his truck.

"Judge, its not fair! If they hadn't caught me committing the crime, I wouldn't be here!"

Yeah that's a reasonable argument to make.

no one had possession of the shotgun

are you really this retarded? btw....why aren't you saying anything about the VP who brought a loaded gun on campus?

Just not the VP now, it's come out there was a second teacher who did the same thing and he was never arrested either.
You think he will be "Fine" when having his graduation held up by a year and this arrest on his record?

Arrests dont follow you convictions on a felony level do. And he will graduate. So yes, he will be fine as well as probably more careful with his weapons. A valuable lesson can be learned from this.....

No he won't be fine. He can never be fine. He wasn't suspended, he was expelled which means he can never finish high-school, ever. He will have to get his GED which will limit his job prospects. Plus, being charged with a felony also limits his prospects, especially if he is convicted.

The only valuable lesson to be learned from this is to keep your mouth shut and be careful about who may be spying on you.

Im not trying to be rude but you have NO IDEA what you're talking about
Different school district, different rules, different situation. The kid broke the rules and did something retarded. Now he's going to have to wait a few weeks to get his diploma. la-de-da.

No he won't. He was EXPELLED! He was charged with a felony. If he's 18, that means it will be on his record for the rest of his life, limiting his choice in careers and jobs which are already limited because he will NEVER graduate from high-school now. NEVER!

The punishment just doesn't fit the crime.

"Expelled" doesn't mean he can never go back to school.

It means that he can't go back to that school.

In some schools it means you cant go back for "that" school year.
No he won't. He was EXPELLED! He was charged with a felony. If he's 18, that means it will be on his record for the rest of his life, limiting his choice in careers and jobs which are already limited because he will NEVER graduate from high-school now. NEVER!

The punishment just doesn't fit the crime.

"Expelled" doesn't mean he can never go back to school.

It means that he can't go back to that school.

In some schools it means you cant go back for "that" school year.

I've heard that as well.

In NYC, if you're expelled from a school, you transfer to another one.
Public schools should be abolished. They are the single greatest threat to this country.
I agree. The chat that's here about that girl getting arrested for her class experiment only makes that even more true. You can't learn anything anymore without the possibility of getting arrested. :( :( :(

God bless you and her always!!!

No you aren't. You are opposed to the law being enforced in this case. That means you aren't about the law.

I oppose all "Zero Tolerance" laws as being stupid laws that take the judgment of special circumstances out of the equation.

And laws that you oppose shouldn't be enforced, right?

A young girl here was to be expelled for giving a midol to another girl during lunch. Both were having their periods.

Sorry but I don't want other children giving my kid drugs that he should only take after consulting with a physician.
For menstrual cramps:

Adults—400 milligrams (mg) every four hours, as needed.
Children—Use and dose must be determined by your doctor.

Midol: Proper Use - DailyStrength

You must think that's OK I guess. Where does it stop? Perhaps one kid could give another kid one of his oxycontins because that kid has a headache?

Again, apples and oranges, now you are comparing over the counter drugs that the girl could have bought herself, with prescription drugs.
So the students of this school see (LEARN) from their School Principal, an additional TEACHER and of course the school resource officer (Sherriff department employee)

Assistant Principal can bring LOADED weapon onto school property and students can get it and pass it around and there are NO consequences except a tiny three days suspension.

School Resource officer knew gun was on the property and allowed it to remain on the property eventually kids found the loaded gun and played with in class. He faced a tiny two day suspension.
Teacher number 2 brought gun onto school property. NEVER arrested and instead of taking any suspension from the school, he went to another school district.

None faced arrest and each student learned that this was not a big issue by their teacher, principal and cops, examples.
If a black kid had done this you would not be so mad huh?

You know if he had driven the family car after dad had finished his shift as a gaurd and the dad left his gun locked in the trunk you would have not been so forgiving huh?

You people have no consistant morals

You know, I don't know what color the kid is, I read the article, but saw no pictures. Why do you need to bring race into this? I don't care what his race is, this was wrong. And yes, I would have been just as forgiving if this was a kid who drove to school in the family car with his father's gun locked in the trunk. Probably even more forgiving because the kid had nothing to do with the gun.
CaféAuLait;7181356 said:
why aren't you saying anything about the VP who brought a loaded gun on campus?

Just not the VP now, it's come out there was a second teacher who did the same thing and he was never arrested either.

Teachers are the government protected pets. Once they get tenure they can do no wrong. If we send them home we still have to keep paying them & they still get their golden parachute pensions.
Different school district, different rules, different situation. The kid broke the rules and did something retarded. Now he's going to have to wait a few weeks to get his diploma. la-de-da.

No he won't. He was EXPELLED! He was charged with a felony. If he's 18, that means it will be on his record for the rest of his life, limiting his choice in careers and jobs which are already limited because he will NEVER graduate from high-school now. NEVER!

The punishment just doesn't fit the crime.

"Expelled" doesn't mean he can never go back to school.

It means that he can't go back to that school.

It sure as hell cuts down on schools that will accept him as a student

ADMIN: So tell me why you left XYZ High School.
STUDENT: I was expelled and convicted of a felony for bringing a gun to school.

Given the Liberal mindset of educators in this country, what do you suppose his chances are of finishing high school with anything but a GED?

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