Early Childhood Education bull shit again.


VIP Member
Dec 7, 2014
Yes Arizona ranks amongst the bottom for education, as does ANY repuke, Rethugtarded ugly ass, got nothing piss poor "conservative" state...

Because its a fucking repuke, Rethugtarded, ugly ass, got nothing, piss poor "conservative" state, and their education standards are low, the curriculum is tainted with religious and other mythical bullshit, their teachers are no good, their principals are no good, their work materials are out of date, the information they receive is less complete and less detailed, and easy.
Only minimum classroom testing, no real challenges.

The fact that they don't receive an early childhood education under the age of 5, inside a fake mommy with 50 other kids...has nothing to do with it.
And its already proven that that Early Childhood Education under the age of 5, is unhealthy, and caused behavioral problems and many, many psychological problems, and learning problems later on in school.

Its time America got the FUCK OFF, of this "early childhood education" bullshit... because America is the ONLY country on this stupid ass kick... and its time America got the fuck off of it.
Western, first world countries do not send children under the age 5 to school, because its unhealthy, and they are outscoring the USA.
Yes Arizona ranks amongst the bottom for education, as does ANY repuke, Rethugtarded ugly ass, got nothing piss poor "conservative" state...

Because its a fucking repuke, Rethugtarded, ugly ass, got nothing, piss poor "conservative" state, and their education standards are low, the curriculum is tainted with religious and other mythical bullshit, their teachers are no good, their principals are no good, their work materials are out of date, the information they receive is less complete and less detailed, and easy.
Only minimum classroom testing, no real challenges.

The fact that they don't receive an early childhood education under the age of 5, inside a fake mommy with 50 other kids...has nothing to do with it.
And its already proven that that Early Childhood Education under the age of 5, is unhealthy, and caused behavioral problems and many, many psychological problems, and learning problems later on in school.

Its time America got the FUCK OFF, of this "early childhood education" bullshit... because America is the ONLY country on this stupid ass kick... and its time America got the fuck off of it.
Western, first world countries do not send children under the age 5 to school, because its unhealthy, and they are outscoring the USA.
Was there some substance behind your filthy foul mouthed post? Or are you just angry because your employer relocated to Arizona and fired your ass?
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All four children of this repuke ugly ass had early childhood education. Believe me, each of them are of much more sound mind than yourself.

Brotch. :slap:

And that is because you're a fucking greedy and selfish piece of shit no good parent who really wants out of their child's life, and don't want to be there, or do anything for your kid, that's why you send your kids off, I'm also not going to do a backseat evaluation of your kids by taking your unreliable word for it either.

So fuck you.
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Republican's want more early childhood education? That's a new one. The last person really pushing for that stuff was the Menace to All Ciggy Sellers and noted turner of lesbians Mayor Deblasio.

State Rankings? Arizona is probably closer to around 40 or so, depending on how they're measured. Immigration play a role in these low scores?

NAEP State Comparisons.net

What Blue state heaven do you reside in?
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Republican's want more early childhood education? That's a new one. The last person really pushing for that stuff was the Menace to All Ciggy Sellers and noted turner of lesbians Mayor Deblasio.

Doctors, most of whom are Democrats btw... are against "Early Childhood Education".
Doctors, most of whom are Democrats btw... are against "Early Childhood Education".

Doctors? What kind, like the kind that stick their fingers in your ass or the ones that run the DOE? How does the DOE feel about Early Childhood Education? Surely that Republican led institution would have a opinion on the matter?
Republican's want more early childhood education? That's a new one. The last person really pushing for that stuff was the Menace to All Ciggy Sellers and noted turner of lesbians Mayor Deblasio.

Doctors, most of whom are Democrats btw... are against "Early Childhood Education".
Are you off your meds or always this irrational?
The only one who needs meds is somebody that would send their 2 year old kids off to a daycare center before the gap in their skull is even closed up, before they respond smartly their name, before they know their parents, before they can form complete sentences or say more than a handful of words correctly.
All that stuff is the parents job not a teacher's job.

The teacher is an educator, not the kid's parent.
Doctors, most of whom are Democrats btw... are against "Early Childhood Education".

Doctors? What kind, like the kind that stick their fingers in your ass or the ones that run the DOE? How does the DOE feel about Early Childhood Education? Surely that Republican led institution would have a opinion on the matter?

It doesn't matter what the Department of Education thinks, its the department of Education, not the Department of Health, the Department of Education would want anything that is good for their paychecks... they would want people there as soon as they're born, and they hope you make 50 kids, because that's higher pay for them.
The only one who needs meds is somebody that would send their 2 year old kids off to a daycare center before the gap in their skull is even closed up, before they respond smartly their name, before they know their parents, before they can form complete sentences or say more than a handful of words correctly. All that stuff is the parents job not a teacher's job. The teacher is an educator, not the kid's parent.

I get it now.

All four children of this repuke ugly ass had early childhood education. Believe me, each of them are of much more sound mind than yourself.

Brotch. :slap:

I don't know about that, H. but early childhood ed makes a huge difference. it just does.... it's proven in study after study.

sure it does..

It makes them less connected, over all they get tired of school before they're finished, they're violent, they are more prone to crime.
By the time they're in the middle of elementary school there is no difference in education, and by the time they're in high school those who didn't go to "day care" or "early childhood education" have a better education.
Anyway, I have work today.... I have to go.
I have a life, other than trying to beat facts into the head of a retard.
I don't know about that, H. but early childhood ed makes a huge difference. It does? Is Head Start Working for American Students? it just does Again, really? Can We Be Hard-Headed About Preschool? A Look at Head Start.... it's proven in study after study. Perhaps you can point to some of those studies after studies, I'd actually like to take a look at them? Because, much of the research actually points to the other conclusion; Longer Term Effects of Head Start, Princeton University and it's actually not even close, since the government entity that runs Head Start know's its innefectiveness; Third Grade Follow-up to the Head Start Impact Study

Some links are above following my replies in red.

From the governments own study on Head Start; “No significant impacts were found for math skills, pre-writing, children’s promotion, or teacher report of children’s school accomplishments or abilities in any year,”
Republican's want more early childhood education? That's a new one. The last person really pushing for that stuff was the Menace to All Ciggy Sellers and noted turner of lesbians Mayor Deblasio.

Doctors, most of whom are Democrats btw... are against "Early Childhood Education".
Are you off your meds or always this irrational?
The only one who needs meds is somebody that would send their 2 year old kids off to a daycare center before the gap in their skull is even closed up, before they respond smartly their name, before they know their parents, before they can form complete sentences or say more than a handful of words correctly.
All that stuff is the parents job not a teacher's job.

The teacher is an educator, not the kid's parent.

The criticism of ECE is that there is no proof that the money spent justifies the results or lack thereof.

IIRC your POTUS has pushed for ECE. Those that benefit the most are the economically disadvantaged. Free and Appropriate Public Babysitting. High end day care since the teachers must be licensed just like any other public school teacher. At least that's the way I believe it works.

Your rant in the OP is a fallacy. Try working on closing the gap in your own skull.
All four children of this repuke ugly ass had early childhood education. Believe me, each of them are of much more sound mind than yourself.

Brotch. :slap:

I don't know about that, H. but early childhood ed makes a huge difference. it just does.... it's proven in study after study.
Never mind that study after study shows the opposite.
It isn't that you dont know anything. OK, yes it is that you dont know anyhting.

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