Earth quake in Venezuela


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2012
just got an alert on my phone. No news posts yet. But it said Caracas was hit and buildings collapsed.

If true. The political side. How long before lefties begin their call for billions of dollars to be sent there to support the Maduro socialism machine? When we send food and water and toilet paper it will be the only time these people have seen these things in a while. I’m thinking no money at all should be sent there.
You just got an alert, and you're already spinning the political side? I think you need a break from discussing politics. Take up video games for a few months, or something. :dunno:
just got an alert on my phone. No news posts yet. But it said Caracas was hit and buildings collapsed.

If true. The political side. How long before lefties begin their call for billions of dollars to be sent there to support the Maduro socialism machine? When we send food and water and toilet paper it will be the only time these people have seen these things in a while. I’m thinking no money at all should be sent there.

I will never understand the mind of a partisan hack. You get an alert about an earthquake and your first thought is how can you us it to make points on an internet forum.

Just amazing
Just goes to show that both sides aren't immune to politicizing tragedy. Gun violence, or natural disasters in failed socialist states.

Nobody is immune.
yeah , feck'em is my opinion . Already they cause havoc for Brazil and other neighboring countries as they invade Brazil looking for food and clean water to drink . ----------------------- build the WALL President Trump .
probably be ok if they'd start rioting and tearing up 'venezuela' towns and cities and going after the politicians and rulers of 'venezuela' . Most likely though they will beg for USA to help .
just got an alert on my phone. No news posts yet. But it said Caracas was hit and buildings collapsed.

If true. The political side. How long before lefties begin their call for billions of dollars to be sent there to support the Maduro socialism machine? When we send food and water and toilet paper it will be the only time these people have seen these things in a while. I’m thinking no money at all should be sent there.

I will never understand the mind of a partisan hack. You get an alert about an earthquake and your first thought is how can you us it to make points on an internet forum.

Just amazing
Sure it is. Because we will be expected to send relief teams and money. And I’m thinking maybe we should do something different this time other than send Maduro and his thieves our hard earned money.

I see you’re quite ready to send as much as needed. Please do. On your own dime.
probably be ok if they'd start rioting and tearing up 'venezuela' towns and cities and going after the politicians and rulers of 'venezuela' . Most likely though they will beg for USA to help .

What kind of piece of shit are you to see natural disaster as an opportunity to pile on people already suffering? There are plenty of other threads to discuss the political and economic failures of Venezuela. Try acting like a human being once in a while.
probably be ok if they'd start rioting and tearing up 'venezuela' towns and cities and going after the politicians and rulers of 'venezuela' . Most likely though they will beg for USA to help .
------------------------------------------- yep , things in turmoil and it only takes a few guys to take the guns off a 'venzie' / maduro storm trooper and then use those guns to get more guns and just keep repeating . Thats a revolution man .
Wow, you thumpanzees are working overtime to prove what horrible people you are.
Wow, you thumpanzees are working overtime to prove what horrible people you are.
-------------------------------------------------- or send the starving 'venzies' some of these . They are used as GUNS to get a 'maduro' militia mans more efficient Guns . They are 'belly guns' because they are pretty inaccurate so the closer to the militia man the better . Sending a few thousand of these is better than using Americans taxpayer money for food and toilet paper Crepitus . -------------- --- FP-45 Liberator - Wikipedia ---
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Wow, you thumpanzees are working overtime to prove what horrible people you are.
-------------------------------------------------- or send the starving 'venzies' some of these . They are used as GUNS to get a 'maduro' militia mans more efficient Guns . They are 'belly guns' because they are pretty inaccurate so the closer to the militia man the better . Sending a few thousand of these is better than using Americans taxpayer money for food and toilet paper Crepitus . -------------- --- FP-45 Liberator - Wikipedia ---
Is that supposed to prove you're not a weak-ass partisan hack and a sorry excuse for a human being?

Because it isn't working.
not trying to prove anything , just showing you what can be done rather than BEGGING Americans for tax payer bought food and toilet paper Crep .

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