Earth to Democrats: Biden presidency is a dumpster fire. How many warning signs do you need?

It will be so bad that many Fence sitters and previous Democrat Voters Will RUN to the polls to vote GOP
Bullshit. The jury foreperson was a virulent anti Trumper.

The grand jury was a damned farce.
there are four different cases going on, so you would need to specify which one. Also, if there was bias, then defense lawyers have an easy job of defending the case.

In Fulton county, a judge released a redacted grand jury report, which was a mistake. But this only helps Trump.
This meme nails it, and Biden isn't getting any smarter. Everything he touches turns to shit.

Faux Not News lies to their Neo-GOP viewers at every opportunity they get. It's what their viewers want to believe. How many times do they have to be caught lying before the Neo-GOP base wises up?
Dewd <sigh> Everything dimocrap scum control is a dumpster fire. Cities, States, Counties, Towns and Villages.

Everything they get involved in -- Unions, Hollywood, Entertainment, Education, Law ...... Everything.

Know why? Simple -- dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

Accept that simple fact and everything else falls into place.
Faux Not News lies to their Neo-GOP viewers at every opportunity they get. It's what their viewers want to believe. How many times do they have to be caught lying before the Neo-GOP base wises up?
FNC is the least biased "news" source based on science.
Your DNC propaganda outlets lie like rugs all the time. Enjoy your propaganda.

Proving the Neo-GOP love being lied to and think it's a positive thing when they hear them.
Harvard proved which news outlets are fair and balanced, and which are propaganda.
FNC is the least biased, based on science.
All you have is typing lies.

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